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高原寒区作战卫勤保障的难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高原寒区特殊的地理、气候环境,对部队卫勤保障提出了特殊的要求。本文就高原寒区作战卫勤保障的难点及其对策作一探讨,以供商榷。1 高原寒区作战卫勤保障难点1.1 自然环境恶劣,疾病减员增多,卫生防病任务繁重(1)易发生高原适应不全症:部队进入高原,极易发生急性高原反应、高原肺水肿、高原昏  相似文献   

郭栋  黎檀实  潘菲  贺森  鱼敏 《人民军医》2021,64(1):17-19
战创伤造成的大出血是院前可预防性战时伤员死亡的主要原因,也是战现场急救需解决的关键问题.高原寒区特殊的低氧、低压、低气温环境使战伤止血急救的复杂性进一步增加.该文对高原寒区战伤止血面临的难点问题进行了归纳梳理,并借鉴美军战术战伤救治的勤务理念和实战经验,探讨了加强我军高原寒区作战一线战伤止血能力建设的建议,包括建立高原...  相似文献   

根据调研资料显示,川藏线医院医务人员战伤救治水平普遍较低,严重影响了部队卫勤保障能力[1].为切实加强沿线医疗卫生机构医疗能力,2008年以来,我院按军地联合卫勤分队训练的新模式[2],积极开展和地方医疗机构的联合训练与联合救治,对川藏线医务人员战伤救治技术水平和各种高原疾病救治能力的提高起到了显著成效.新训练模式的建立与实施,有效提高了新时期川藏线军队卫勤保障能力.  相似文献   

高原高寒地区作战卫勤保障难点及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高原高寒地区作战,参战力量多元,地理环境复杂,卫勤保障任务重、范围广、难度大。高原高寒地区,高原病是常见病、多发病,它严重影响战斗力的形成。低氧环境对机体生理、心理、营养物质代谢、机体抵抗力及人的认知能力都有不同程度的影响,造成非战斗减员率上升。认真分析高原高寒地区作战卫勤保障面临的难点问题,研究其对策,对提高卫勤保障能力、提高部队战斗力具有重要的意义。本文对高原高寒地区作战卫勤保障难点进行分析,认为主要面临着战伤救护物资保障困难、医疗后送任务艰巨、伤员救治难度大、卫勤保障协调难度大及卫生防疫形势严峻等难点。针对提高卫勤保障能力,结合难点所采取的措施进行探索。  相似文献   

王林  王谦  周俊奇 《西南军医》2010,12(5):958-959
本文分析了复杂电磁环境对高原寒区野战卫勤保障的影响,指出了我们所面临的通信联络不畅、战场隐蔽困难、仪器易受干扰等困难,并从完善预案、科学部署、健全体制、加强搜救、保护设备、统筹资源、信息防护七个方面阐述了在复杂电磁环境下高原寒区进行野战医疗救护过程中电磁防护的方式方法,切实做到了科学合理,灵活机动,大幅提高了野战救治能力和卫勤保障水平。  相似文献   

青藏高原自然环境恶劣,资源丰富,民族众多,战略地位十分重要。高原部队卫勤保障任务繁重,具有鲜明的高原特色。针对高原卫勤保障的特殊性,加强以高原实战需求为背景、急性高原病防治与高原特殊环境卫勤组织指挥相结合的培训具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代高技术局部战争中眼战伤救治策略初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:初步探讨高技术局部战争中我军实施眼战伤救治的策略。方法:调研二十世纪以来我军和外军重大战争中眼战伤卫勤资料,对“两山”作战和海湾战争中卫勤保障和眼战伤救治情况进行对比分析。结果:认识到现代战争眼战伤具有高发性、严重性、多样性的特点;高技术局部战争卫勤保障强调战区救治机构机动、灵活、靠前配置;与美军相比,我军“两山”作战中眼战伤救治力量配置相对靠后,救治水平不高。结论:我军眼战伤卫勤保障在救治机构优化配置、专科技术力量建设方面尚待提高;眼战伤救治也应倡导“时效救治”,在我军大规模快速后送运力不足的情况下,其实施的核心是眼战伤救治技术力量的前伸。  相似文献   

高原作战与其它地区作战相比较,最大的不同是自然地理环境的差别。高原环境缺氧和寒冷,使卫勤保障需求发生相应变化,山地作战影响伤病员后送速度,增大后送运力压力,机动作战使卫勤保障环境处于不断变化之中。未来战争具有伤员突然大量发生,时空分布交错,夜间伤员增多,以及伤类、伤型和伤势严重复杂等特点。针对高原特殊环境对战伤救治工作的影响特点,本文探讨了未来高原局部战争部队医院的设置及技术力量的投放保障研究构想,现报告如下:  相似文献   

现代高技术局部战争卫勤保障中,战伤一线救治新理论和新技术正在实战中研究和应用,并呈现出突出和明确的发展趋势。战伤一线救治新理论主要包括聚焦后勤与全谱卫勤、一体化卫勤与模块化、卫勤信息化、伤病员分级分类与时效、伤病员立体后送和持续作战能力等。战伤一线救治新技术概述了常见伤情出血、急性失能性组织损伤、疼痛、休克、神经损伤和低体温等救治技术的研究与应用,以及野战卫生装备与信息技术在救治中的运用,并从救治存在的问题与改进和未来发展前景两个方面描述了战伤一线救治的发展趋势。  相似文献   

姜应波  徐牛  林广燕 《人民军医》2021,64(3):219-221
通过针对性训练提高官兵的战伤自救互救能力,对增强部队卫勤保障能力和降低战时伤死率具有重要意义.该文作者总结作为学员参加卫勤集训和作为教练员参加海军部队多层次群众性战伤救治练兵活动的实践,对战伤救治训练的组织、内容、教学方法等方面进行了系统思考,认为战伤救治训练应针对卫生战士、卫生员和军医等不同群体,分别采用针对性的训练...  相似文献   

A theoretical basis for designing tactics which a psychosocial change agent may use in appropriate situations to reduce or eliminate rigid Cold War mind‐sets is presented. The theory is based on a ‘modes of function’ model which the agent uses to guide conduct of situations. Depending on the mode, the agent asks queries which evoke movement from lower to higher modes. When the highest mode—the Synergic Mode—is reached, the party addressed (individual or social unit) acts not only to achieve its own goals, but also to promote the goals of others, with least impedance to anyone.  相似文献   

老山战区战转平后的药材保障初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老山战区自战转平后 ,后勤物质保障发生了一系列的重大变化。同样 ,药材的供应与管理也随之发生了较大的变化。为保证防区内部队官兵用药的及时、安全、经济、有效 ,我们制定了相应的供应与管理措施。经多年的工作实践证明 ,我们的方法取得了较好效果。现报告如下 :1 老山战区的特点与药材保障的要求1 1 老山战区防线面广、点多、线长 ,部队高度分散 ,战转平后 ,供应的标准与战时差别较大。药材供应要点、面俱到 ,全面供应 (供应保障面积×××km2 ,卫勤保障驻点××个 ,仅边境一线就达×××Km、××个驻点 ) ,供应量较大 ,保障难度…  相似文献   

Forms of war     
PURPOSE: Under war conditions, employed weapons can be identified on radiographs obtained in X-ray diagnostic. The analysis of such X-ray films allows concluding that there are additional information about the conditions of transport and treatment; it shall be shown that there are X-ray findings which are typical and characteristic for certain forms of warfare. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The radiograms have been collected during thirty years; they come from hospitals, where war casualties had been treated, and personal collections. RESULTS: The material is selected, because in war X-ray diagnostic will be limited and the interest of the opposing parties influence the access to the material; furthermore the possibilities to publish or to communicate facts and thoughts are different. Citizens of the USA, GB, France, or Israel will have easier access to journals than those of Vietnam, Chad, and Zimbabwe. Under war conditions, poor countries, like North Vietnam may develop own concepts of medical care. There are X-ray findings which are typical or even characteristic for air warfare, guerrilla warfare, gas war, desert warfare, conventional warfare, and annihilation warfare, and city guerrilla warfare/civil war. The examples demonstrate that weapons and the conditions of transport and treatment can be recognized by X-ray findings. The radiogram can be read like a document. CONCLUSION: In War, there are differences between a treatment and imaging diagnostic in countries, which control the air space and in those who do not. Medical care of the poor, i.e. in countries (in general those opposing the western nations) will hardly be published, and poverty has no advocate.  相似文献   

Images of war     
Nigeria, the most populous Black country in the world, though it has contributed to the welfare of other African countries, is plagued by internal conflicts with small arms. Over a million illegal small arms circulate in Nigeria in the hands of militant groups. Over 10,000 may have died in conflicts between these groups and the government. Quality health care is unavailable in much of the country, and small arms injuries often overstretch emergency health care. A national committee has been set up to implement the ECOWAS moratorium on small arms and light weapons, but much remains to be done.  相似文献   

The healing of those hurt by war can take different forms, ranging from violence and vengeance to psychotherapy and humanitarian aid imposed from outside. This healing has been widely and critically discussed in the literature. Instead, the focus here is more on the way communities try to heal themselves long after the outside world has lost interest. In this context, resisting the oppressor becomes less important than recovery, and the past can matter less than the future.  相似文献   

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