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目的:调查分析石家庄市养老护理员的人文关怀能力及工作疲溃状况,为相关管理部门完善和提高养老护理质量提供参考依据。方法:采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,对石家庄市20家养老院99名养老护理员进行问题式访谈,选取10名典型护理员,以Giorgi现象学分析方法进行资料分析与处理。结果:养老护理员人文关怀能力处于中上水平,但多数未经过专业培训,缺乏护理方面的专业知识,对人文关怀能力、护理诊断、护理措施等专业名词理解差;其工作疲溃感会随着对工作的认识接受以及工龄的增加而减少,但由于照顾老人较多,护理员数量较少,工作疲溃感仍处于中等水平。结论:石家庄市养老护理员人文关怀能力较强,工作疲溃感处于中等水平,今后应加强护理专业知识的补充和培训。  相似文献   

曹兆铭  王迎春  张会君 《全科护理》2021,19(23):3278-3281
目的:了解养老院的养老护理员的工作体验及健康需求.方法:采用质性研究中的现象学研究的方法,采用访谈法(面对面访谈或微信视频)收集资料,对17名在养老院、干休所和福利院工作的养老护理员进行一对一的半结构式访谈,运用Cloaizzi 7步分析法进行分析、整理、提炼主题.结果:共提炼出5个主题:工作负荷、心理压力、面临的困难、健康行为和对管理的建议.结论:养老护理员工作强度大,在工作时承受的心理压力大,休息时间和质量得不到保障,养老机构对养老护理员的排班不合理,造成养老护理员身心处于亚健康状态,养老机构应重视对养老护理员实行科学和人性化管理,维护养老护理员身心健康状况,满足其合理的需求,保障护理工作质量.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨养老护理员工作生活体验。[方法]采用现象学研究方法,对南宁市6所养老机构的10名养老护理员进行访谈和观察。[结果]养老护理员工时过长,工作负荷过大,工作环境欠佳,职业发展空间狭小,心理压力大,职业认同度低。[结论]养老护理员工作生活体验整体较差,执业环境有待优化。  相似文献   

[目的]构建浙江省养老护理员培训标准,为浙江省养老护理员培训提供参考依据,推动我国养老护理员培训不断完善。[方法]通过实地考察浙江省养老护理员培训现状,结合文献资料法,组织专家小组会议,通过德尔菲专家咨询法对15位专家进行2轮专家咨询,最终形成浙江省养老护理员培训标准。[结果]2轮专家咨询的问卷有效回收率分别为94%和100%,2轮咨询的专家权威程度分别是0.812和0.867,2轮咨询的总体重要性协调系数是0.201和0.311,总体可操作性协调系数是0.162和0.303,经χ2检验,均P0.01,第2轮专家咨询各指标重要性与可操作性的变异系数为0.00~0.14,最终确定养老护理员培训标准包括11项一级指标、31项二级指标、50项三级指标。[结论]浙江省养老护理员培训标准较科学、全面、实际地反映了浙江省养老护理员培养和办学的条件要求,较符合浙江省养老护理培训的发展趋势,对提高浙江省养老护理员培训质量意义重大。  相似文献   

目的:了解天津市南开区民营养老院养老护理现状,为养老护理教育及研究提供参考,为政府部门提供建议,促进养老护理工作与养老机构的和谐发展。方法:对南开区民营养老院进行单纯随机抽样,抽取8家养老院进行实地考察,并对其中的养老护理员及意识清晰的老年人进行问卷调查。结果:南开区民营养老院养老护理员年龄偏大,学历偏低,职业待遇偏低,养老护理工作的全面化不足,心理护理不到位,养老护理模式存在缺陷。结论:目前养老护理工作需要政府支持,养老护理员整体素质亟待提高,养老护理模式有待改善。  相似文献   

[目的]调查浙江省养老护理队伍的现状和存在的问题,为建设良好的养老护理队伍提供参考。[方法]主要采用问卷调查法,同时辅以访谈调查法和蹲点调查法,对浙江省5个地级市346名养老护理人员进行调查。[结果]养老护理队伍存在以下问题:①数量短缺;性别比例失衡;年龄整体偏大。②学历普遍偏低;专业技能欠缺。③缺乏真正意义上的养老护理员。④工作强度大,工作内容单一。⑤薪资水平低;福利待遇差。⑥培训内容偏重于生活护理,多为"补偿式培训"。[结论]浙江省养老护理员队伍建设有待加强。  相似文献   

目的 深入了解养老机构护理员照顾失能老人的获益体验,为养老机构管理者采取措施维持护理员队伍稳定性提供借鉴。方法 采用现象学研究法,以目的抽样法选取某养老机构照顾失能老人的14名护理员为研究对象,并对其进行半结构式访谈,以Colaizzi 7步分析法分析访谈资料。结果 获取5个获益体验主题,分别是物质获益、能力获益、情感获益、精神获益、成长获益。结论 养老机构护理员能从失能老人的照顾工作中获得丰富的获益体验,管理人员可利用其获益体验,增加护理员正向职业感知,稳定养老护理服务队伍。  相似文献   

[目的]了解深圳市养老服务机构养老护理员的工作内容,为深圳市养老护理队伍合理化建设提供依据。[方法]采用自行设计的问卷对深圳市7所养老服务机构的128名养老护理员的生活照料、心理护理、技术护理和康复护理的实施情况进行问卷调查。[结果]养老护理员的工作内容以生活照料为主,心理护理已经开始受到重视,技术护理工作中急救、健康教育等项目涉及较少,康复护理工作不够充分。[结论]养老机构在合理配备养老护理员的同时,应深入了解养老护理员的工作内容与人们的养老需求是否匹配,并根据需求开展有针对性的养老护理员培训。  相似文献   

目的了解大中专学历养老护理员从事养老机构老年照护服务工作真实心理体验与意愿。方法运用质性研究中的现象学分析法,对12名大中专养老护理员进行深入访谈,运用Cloaizzi七步分析法进行分析、整理,提炼主题。结果本研究共提炼出多重心理体验、自我责任的承担、成就感重拾、专业化学习改变4个主题。结论大中专学历养老护理员从事养老服务工作意愿不强烈,且多受外界影响,其工作应该得到社会各界的重视与认可。为其提供较好的从业环境、实施心理契约、采取榜样教学法等管理举措,有助于养老人才发展逐步专业化、社会化。  相似文献   

[目的]了解养老护理员工作和培训现状,为加强和完善养老护理队伍建设提供依据。[方法]采用自行设计的问卷,对温州市35家养老机构,254名养老护理员的工作与培训及执业现状进行问卷调查。[结果]上岗前有115名(45.3%)参加过培训,工作后有159名(62.6%)参加了培训,参加继续教育培训的有99名(39.0%),城镇组上岗前后参加培训和参加继续教育培训的人数均高于农村组;持有养老护理资格证的有80名(31.5%),城镇组持证上岗率高于农村组(P<0.05)。[结论]养老护理员持证上岗率不高,培训率低,无法满足老年人身心护理以及社会多层次的护理需求。政府及其相关部门应采取措施,加大养老护理员的培训力度,加强养老护理员队伍的建设。  相似文献   

目的 深入了解高职老年保健与管理专业学生在养老机构的顶岗实习体验及感受,为完善养老护理人才培养体系的发展提供参考依据。方法 采用描述性现象学研究法,对8名在养老机构顶岗实习的老年保健与管理专业学生进行半结构式访谈,并使Colaizzi 7步分析法进行资料的分析、归纳和总结。结果 提炼出6个主题:成就感、归属感、理论和临床实践有差距、实习管理模式不合理、具有多重情感体验、职业价值观的改变。结论 职业院校应进一步完善教学课程体系,加强与临床实践的接轨,养老护理人才培养实习基地应加强规范临床实习管理制度,发挥带教榜样作用提升积极体验,合理安排实习轮转计划,创造良好的学习氛围,共同建立实习生支持系统,保障学生实习心理健康。  相似文献   

Anderberg P, Berglund A-L. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16 : 64–68
Elderly persons' experiences of striving to receive care on their own terms in nursing homes
Elderly persons' participation in and decisions about their own care need more attention. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of elderly persons' experiences of care and help, and how their lives change in nursing homes. Fifteen elderly persons living in four nursing homes were interviewed about their experiences of needing care and help in their daily life. The interviews were analysed using van Manen's phenomenological approach. Elderly persons' experiences of care and help were described as: a balance between sorrow and relief, a struggle to maintain control and connectedness, managing to live in the present and yet worrying about the future, and an attempt to hide one's vulnerability in order to be accepted and create an inner calm in an exposed situation. In conclusion, important issues were raised concerning elderly persons' perspectives on care and help in daily life in nursing homes.  相似文献   

FU W., BAO J. & MENG J. (2010) Development of community nursing in Zhejiang Province, China: a report of the driving measures. International Nursing Review 57 , 265–268 Background: Community nursing is playing an important role in health care worldwide. Methods: We reviewed recent developments in community nursing in the Zhejiang province of China and reported that the locally tailored practical guidelines, education programmes and management models are the driving measures for promoting local community nursing. Results: In 2008, Zhejiang had 1200 community primary health‐care service centres, an increase of 56% and 6789 service stations, a twofold increase, compared with 2004. At present, 27 000 community nurses, together with the same number of family doctors, are working in community health‐care service centres and stations. Community nursing in Zhejiang has grown not only by numbers but also by the greatly improved infrastructures and functions of its community primary health care. Conclusion: It is the multi‐pronged approach that has led to the change being successful in a local health‐care system.  相似文献   

目的探讨本科实习护生的心理感受,为制订临床护理教学措施提供理论依据。方法采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法 ,对15名本科护生进行非结构访谈,并用现象学分析法对获得的资料进行分析和整理,提炼出主题。结果采用类属分析法得出4个关于本科护生心理感受的主题:专业认同感低、沮丧的心理、能力有限不能满足患者需求和带教老师无暇顾及影响实习热情。结论护理管理者和带教老师应采取各种方法以提高护生自身素质及理论和技术操作技能,制订合理的带教计划,以改善本科护生的心理健康状态,从而提高护理临床实习质量。  相似文献   

In this paper, Helena Priest describes and justifies a phenomenological research method that may be used to explore complex and nebulous concepts relevant to nursing and health care, for example, the concept of 'caring'. The history and development of Husserlian phenomenology are outlined, followed by an account of the use of phenomenology within nursing research. Tensions inherent in the use of Husserlian phenomenology in nursing research are noted. A phenomenological approach to data analysis, designed to address some of these tensions, is described and compared with several well-established phenomenological analysis strategies. Issues of reliability, validity and generalisability are discussed, as are limitations in the use of the approach, before conclusions relevant to healthcare researchers are drawn.  相似文献   

The proportion of older adults is increasing in Australia, and the proportion of older adults requiring medical care is expected to increase in the future. At the same time, budget restrictions are a reality for Australia's health system. Increasing need and decreasing resources suggest the need to focus on the quality aspect of treatment and care for older adults. Little research has been conducted in the area of perceived nursing needs of elderly patients during hospitalization. This is an important area of research because it is increasingly recognized that elderly patients have specialized needs and are the major consumers of health care. Even less research has compared patient and carer perceptions with those of nursing staff. This article is a literature review and an investigation of the quality of care elderly patients receive, and of patient and nurse perceptions of the importance of various nursing activities. Quality of care is reviewed in terms of perceptions of nursing care priorities and elderly patients' satisfaction with the quality of nursing care they receive. Research examining nurses' perceptions related to why they are unable to consistently provide quality nursing care to all elderly patients is also reviewed. By identifying the nursing needs of elderly patients and educating nursing staff about these needs, professional practice can be guided and improvements in quality of care, patient satisfaction, and patient outcomes may occur.  相似文献   

Providing quality oral health care for the growing elderly population is a major challenge, particularly for those residing in long-term care institutions. The Surgeon General's report on oral health in America (2000) noted that elders are at particularly high risk for oral health problems, and poor oral health in seniors has been linked to general systemic health risks such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, poor nutrition, and respiratory infection. This article outlines the need for greater attention to oral health care for the elderly in both nursing education and practice, and describes opportunities for effective inter-professional collaboration between nursing and oral health professionals. It also provides specific recommendations for fostering such collaboration. Working together, nurses and dental professionals can raise awareness of this issue, promote higher standards for oral care, and improve oral health and quality of life for elderly Americans.  相似文献   

随着老龄化的加速发展,入住养老机构已成为老年人养老的主要选择之一。然而,老年人入住养老机构后,由于所处环境的变化,多伴有一定程度的适应问题,进而影响老年人的生活质量。既往研究中,研究者开发了一些测评工具以评价老年人机构养老的适应性,并多方面探索了老年人机构养老适应性的影响因素,如入住意愿、养老机构质量、家庭和社会支持程度等。该文聚焦老年人机构养老的适应性问题,综述了老年人机构养老适应性的相关研究现状,围绕老年人机构养老适应性的概念、现状、测评工具和影响因素进行分析,并从社会支持系统、养老机构、家庭和个人4个方面提出相应的干预策略,为改善老年人机构养老的适应性问题,提高老年人在养老机构的生活质量提供参考。  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper applied a qualitative and interpretative approach to nursing staff perceptions of the use of restraint with elderly nursing home residents, and into nurses' decision-making on restraint use. The data were collected using unstructured interviews with a purposive sample of 20 trained and untrained nursing staff from two Swiss nursing homes. Data analysis was based on Colaizzi's phenomenological method. Three main themes were extracted from the data: (1) understanding the term restraint, (2) situations in which the decision to apply restraint is considered justified and (3) situations in which nursing staff are uncertain about the use of restraint. The underlying bases with respect to decision-making were: understanding restraint, the rights and responsibilities of both residents and staff, and the duties of staff. Staff members were ambiguous in their understanding of restraint and they showed positive as well as confused attitudes towards its use. Their behaviour was defensive and protective rather than challenging. Further research is required on what is meant by safety in care of the elderly nursing today. In nursing practice, as far as issues of restraint are concerned, greater attention should be devoted to the relationship between elderly residents' self-determination and responsibility for their actions.  相似文献   

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