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ED response to the increased incidence of tuberculosis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The article presents findings from the Austrian research center (Hall/the Tyrol) participating in the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study of Suicidal Behaviour compared to the other participating European countries. Between October 1997 and March 1999 a total number of 137 interviews were conducted (70 interviews from the defined catchment area, the city and county of Innsbruck, 67 interviews from other parts of the Tyrol) with psychiatric inpatients admitted due to a parasuicidal act (a non-habitual deliberate self-harm episode). Comparison with the total number of psychiatrically treated parasuicides in Tyrol during the same period of time showed the interviewed sample to be representative of the whole clinical population. It was found that the Austrian sample revealed significantly higher proportions of "hard methods" than the pooled sample from the other participating European centres. A relatively high proportion of deliberate self-harm episodes was found in males. The repetition rate of parasuicides within the first 6 months after the initial parasuicide was very high (14% of the interviewed persons) compared to similar studies. An analysis of psychiatric diagnoses according to ICD-10 showed that more than 50% concerned either affective disorders or psychiatric disorders associated with substance abuse and dependence. The results indicate that the sample constitutes a high risk group for completed suicide.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether frequency of avalanche accidents corresponds with the danger assessment given in avalanche hazard tables and with topographic factors of the avalanche origin. METHODS: A retrospective review of official avalanche surveillance data and of medical reports from helicopter-based emergency medical systems was conducted. RESULTS: Most victims involved in avalanche accidents are ski tourers and off-piste skiers, about 90% are male, and age ranges from 10 to more than 70 years. Sixty-seven percent of accidents occurred when moderate and considerable danger was forecast. In 94.0% of accidents avalanches were triggered by victims themselves or by nearby recreationists; 32.6% of avalanche slides occurred on extremely steep slopes at gradients exceeding 40 degrees . Overall incidence of accidents before noon was 25.0%. Professional stand-by avalanche parties significantly contributed to rescuing avalanche victims, but the chance of survival is diminished when arrival was delayed. All patients who were able to free themselves from avalanche burial survived. Of those rescued by companions, 78.0% survived compared with only 10.0% of those rescued by organized rescue teams (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Frequency of avalanche emergencies associated with outdoor leisure activities does not correspond with the danger forecast in avalanche hazard bulletins. There is need of a modified and regionally adjusted grading that makes allowance for experience and individual behavior of recreationists going in for backcountry leisure activities.  相似文献   

马丽萍 《临床荟萃》2003,18(16):920-922
目的 分析传染性肺结核患者家庭中密切接触者结核感染和发病情况,探讨预防结核发病的有效方案。方法 对与传染性肺结核患者密切接触者进行X线胸透及结核茵素试验;对结核菌素强阳性者给予预防性治疗。结果 与传染性肺结核患者密切接触者的感染率:儿童为88.2%,成人为90.0%。儿童规则预防治疗组、不规则预防治疗组和不接受预防治疗组的患病率分别为:8.3‰、47.6‰、58.8‰;成人规则预防治疗组、不规则预防治疗组和不接受预防治疗组的患病率分别为:0.0‰、15.9‰、16.9‰。结论 与传染性肺结棱患者密切接触者属于高危人群,给予预防性治疗可减少发病。  相似文献   

Forms of collaborative knowledge production, such as community-academic partnerships (CAP), have been increasingly used in health care. However, instructions on how to deliver such processes are lacking. We aim to identify practice ingredients for one element within a CAP, a 6-month co-design process, during which 26 community- and 13 research-partners collaboratively designed an intervention programme for children whose parent have a mental illness. Using 22 published facilitating and hindering factors for CAP as the analytical framework, eight community-partners reflected on the activities which took place during the co-design process. From a qualitative content analysis of the data, we distilled essential practices for each CAP factor. Ten community- and eight research-partners revised the results and co-authored this article. We identified 36 practices across the 22 CAP facilitating or hindering factors. Most practices address more than one factor. Many practices relate to workshop design, facilitation methods, and relationship building. Most practices were identified for facilitating ‘trust among partners’, ‘shared visions, goals and/or missions’, ‘effective/frequent communication’, and ‘well-structured meetings’. Fewer practices were observed for ‘effective conflict resolution’, ‘positive community impact’ and for avoiding ‘excessive funding pressure/control struggles’ and ‘high burden of activities’. Co-designing a programme for mental healthcare is a challenging process that requires skills in process management and communication. We provide practice steps for delivering co-design activities. However, practitioners may have to adapt them to different cultural contexts. Further research is needed to analyse whether co-writing with community-partners results in a better research output and benefits for participants.  相似文献   

目的 探讨时间序列模型预测传染性疾病发病率的可行性,应用时间序列求和自回归移动平均(ARIMA)模型对江西省结核病发病率进行预测,为制定结核病防治策略提供依据。 方法 利用ARIMA乘积季节模型(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)s对2006-2011年江西省结核病分月发病数据进行ARIMA模型的建立与分析,并对预测效果进行评价。 结果 江西省2006-2011年结核病分月发病数即含有长期递减趋势又含有以年为周期的季节效应,拟合的相对最佳模型为ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)12。 结论 ARIMA乘积季节模型能有效的预测江西省结核病发病率的短期变化趋势。  相似文献   

目的调查南宁市儿童 1型糖尿病( IDDM)的发病率. 方法依据 WHO DiaMond计划,采用捕获-再捕获方法,对 1997~ 1999年间 15岁以内新诊断为 1型糖尿病的儿童进行回顾性登记. 结果 1997~ 1999年间南宁市 15岁以内儿童发生 IDDM 19例,年平均发病率男性为 0.89/10万,女性 0.86/10万,总发病率为 0.75/10万.城市为 1.71/10万,乡村为 0.43/10万,汉族为 1.38/10万,壮族为 0.51/10万.南宁城市与乡村间 IDDM发病率有显著性差异( P< 0.001),汉族与壮族间有明显差异( P< 0.05). 结论南宁市 1997~ 1999年儿童 IDDM发病率有上升的趋势,遗传因素与 IDDM发病率存在密切关系.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis A virus was measured by solid-phase radioimmunoassay in sera of 651 persons from Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Carinthia and Burgenland. On subdivision of the subjects according to age groups, a curve resulted which showed a steep rise in persons between 20 and 40 years. In the age groups over 40 more than 80% of the test-persons possessed the specific antibody. In all age groups the population of Vienna showed a higher incidence of hepatitis A antibody than the people from rural areas.  相似文献   

Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is limited by the availability of suitable HLA-matched donors and the risk of graft versus host disease (GvHD). In an attempt to overcome these limitations umbilical cord blood (UCB), has become a further alternative. UCB transplantations in Austria were started in 1991. As of September 31, 1998, six patients have been transplanted. Diagnoses were severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) (n = 2), acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) (n = 1), familial hemophagocytic syndrome (FHL) (n = 2) and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) (n = 1). Three patients received UCB grafts from HLA-identical siblings and three patients from unrelated donors, of whom two were disparate at two HLA loci (A/B) and one mismatched at one locus (C). Five patients were engrafted with complete donor hematopoiesis, with a median time of 26.5 days (range 14 to 39 days) to an ANC count of > or = 0.5 x 10(9)/L and a median time of 42.5 days (range 24 to 67 days) to a platelet count of > or = 20 x 10(9)/L. One patient with FHL had partial engraftment and died due to reactivation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and CMV pneumonia on day +25. Of the five patients surviving the post-transplant period, one with CMML had a relapse on day +128 and died after a HLA-matched bone marrow transplantation from the same sibling donor in the second relapse. Another patient with ALL relapsed on day +200 but is still alive under palliative treatment; one patient with SAA showed graft rejection and autologous hematopoietic reconstitution and later had a successful CD34(+)-selected allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplant from a C-locus mismatched unrelated donor. Two patients (one with SAA and one with FHL) are alive with complete remission of the underlying disease. This report reflects the experience and results of UCB transplantation in Austria and discusses the position of UCB transplantation in the context of the other stem cell alternatives available today.  相似文献   

In an 8-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial we studied the efficacy of fluoxetine (FLX) in 53 Austrian patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) diagnosed according to DSM-III-R. The dosage of FLX was fixed at either 20, 40, or 60 mg per day. Response was prospectively defined as an at least 25% reduction on the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and an improvement on Clinical Global Impression (CGI) rating to at least "much improved" at the endpoint. Patients treated with at least 40 mg FLX per day showed significantly higher response rates than did those receiving either placebo or FLX 20 mg/day. Compulsions were more reduced than obsessions and we also observed a strong placebo effect which is largely attributable to an improvement in the Y-BOCS compulsion subscore.  相似文献   

Within our framework of "comprehensive and permanent" rehabilitation, the follow-up neurological rehabilitation service is an important element. Based on the findings of an anterospective computerized documentation, a ten year survey is given concerning more than 600 patients and over 15,000 home visits. Aside general epidemiologic data, such as age, gender distribution, etc., our findings above all show that improvements in rehabilitation profiles can be achieved even after prolonged periods of time (i.e., 12 months and over) after onset. This, for one thing, may help in countering a widespread rehabilitation pessimism and, for another, serve in motivating the responsible cost-carrying agencies to pay increased attention to the field of neuro-rehabilitation. Literature concerning systematic assessment of long-term rehabilitation outcomes is sparse and fragmental. Available data to a large extent are in line with our findings. Further accompanying rehabilitation research into these respects is urgently needed. A number of important service delivery/organizational aspects have in addition been traced, which we are already trying to implement within our Vorarlberg rehabilitation model.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Assessing updated incidence of type 1 diabetes in 0- to 14-year-old children in Liguria, a Northwest region of Italy. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Incident cases were recorded prospectively from 1989 to 1998. Incidence rates (IRs) were standardized to the 1999 world population using the direct method. The independent effect of sex, age, residence, and calendar year was estimated with Poisson regression model. The degree of ascertainment was calculated in accordance to capture/recapture method. RESULTS: During 10 full calendar years, 219 new cases of type 1 diabetes in children were diagnosed in Liguria. The standardized IR over the 10-year period was 12.56 cases per 100,000 per year (95% CI 11.0-14.3). The sex-specific IR among men and women was 14.15 and 10.88, respectively. The age-specific IR was higher in the 10- to 14-year-old age-group (15.01/100,000) than in 0- to 4-year-old age-group (9.01/100,000) and in the 5- to 9-year-old age-group (13.03/100,000). CONCLUSIONS: The IR of type 1 diabetes in Liguria is among the highest in Southern Europe and approaches IRs of Northern European countries. In particular it is much higher than those reported in the surrounding Italian regions except for Sardinia. Therefore, the geographical distribution of type 1 diabetes does not seem to reflect the simple North-South gradient reported in several previous works.  相似文献   

卢娟  杨春梅  宫占威  王辉 《疾病监测》2012,27(7):573-575
目的 探索某部队肺结核发病规律,利用预测模型对其发病率进行预测,为部队相关部门制定针对性的防控措施提供参考依据。 方法 根据某部队2001-2010年的肺结核发病率,应用灰色预测系统,建立肺结核的发病率预测模型,并进行中长期的预测。 结果 预测模型为:X(1)(k+1)=-179.369 574e-0.049 677k+190.669 574。检验表明,该模型精度为2级,能较好地对肺结核发病进行中长期预测。预测结果显示,2011-2013年该部队肺结核发病率分别为5.559/万、5.290/万、5.033/万。 结论 模型适用于某部队肺结核发病率预测,并且肺结核发病率以每年4.82%的幅度缓慢下降。  相似文献   

胡斌  卢浩  刘星言  李继贞  王永斌  邢莹莹 《疾病监测》2022,37(10):1349-1355
目的 探索基于状态空间的误差–趋势–季节(ETSBSS)模型在河南省肺结核(TB)发病预测中的应用。方法 采用时间序列分解法解析2006—2019年河南省TB的趋势和季节组分。将数据分为训练(2006—2018年)和测试集(2019年),然后使用ETSBSS模型进行拟合和预测,并将模型性能与季节性求和自回归滑动平均混合(SARIMA)模型进行比较。结果 ETSBSS(A,MD,M)和SARIMA(1,0,0)(0,1,0)12模型被选择为预测河南省TB发病的最优模型。两种模型在训练集上拟合的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)依次为ETSBSS模型(5.65%)相似文献   

The present study provides evidence and documentation of the first case of infection with the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus acquired in the federal state of Vorarlberg (Austria). The area in which the viral infection was discovered lies in the vicinity of Ludesch in the Illvalley (Bludenz district). In order to investigate the current state of immunity to TBE in the Vorarlberg community, a total of 218 representative sera samples taken from donors resident in the districts of this state were investigated for antibody titers (IgG) of TBE. 38% of the samples had antibody titers representative of sufficient patient immunity, with the highest immunity (63%) in persons aged 20-40 years. Donors living in urban areas had a higher percentage of immunity (43%) than those living in rural areas (33%). Further, men were more immune to infection (43%) than women (33%). The lowest level of immunity (18%) to TBE was found in the Bregenzerwald communities. Based on this report, wider criteria for administering TBE vaccines to patients from the Illvalley should be applied, in particular among the elderly and those living in rural areas.  相似文献   

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