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Summary The critical power (CP) of a muscle group or individual may represent the highest rate of work which can be performed for an extended period. We investigated this concept in young (n = 13, 24.5 years) and elderly (n = 12, 70.7 years) active men by first determining CP and then comparing responses elicited by 24 min of cycle exercise at power outputs () corresponding to CP. Values from the final 2 min of the 24-min ride were expressed relative to maximal values established in a ramp test. CP for the elderly was only 65% that for the young, but on a relative basis, it was significantly higher both in terms of (67 vs 62% of max) and oxygen consumption ( ) (91.5 vs 85.2% of maximum oxygen consumption). There were no group differences in relative values for ventilation ( ), heart rate or respiratory exchange ratio (R). During the 24-min ride, andR achieved a plateau in both groups, while , blood lactate and arterialPCO2 continued to change in the young. It was concluded that CP can be determined in active elderly men, but that CP may not represent a true non-fatiguing work rate in either young or elderly men.  相似文献   

Summary Ground reaction forces and mechanical power were investigated when the subjects walked normally, while they were racing or running at four speeds, and when they performed the running long jump take-off. In addition, the apparent spring constants of the support leg in eccentric and concentric phases were investigated at the four running speeds, during the running long jump take-off, and in the triple jump. Six club level track and field athletes, four national level long jumpers, and six national level triple jumpers took part in the study. Cinematographic technique and a mathematical model of hopping (Alexander and Vernon 1975) were employed in the analysis. Force and power values were found to vary in the following order (from highest to lowest): long jump take-off, maximal running speed, submaximal running (80, 60, and 40% of maximum speed), racing gait, and normal gait. The data disclosed that the measured parameters had the highest values in the long jump take-off performed by the long jump athletes. Their peak values were: resultant ground reaction force 3270±74 N and mechanical power 160.1±10.5 J×kg–1×s–1. For the track and field athletes the values were 2010±80 N and 126.0±12.6 J ×kg–1×s–1. The apparent spring constant values of the support leg in the national level jumper group were in eccentric phase 30.54±8.38 N×mm–1 ×kg–1 and in concentric phase 0.129±0.012 N×mm–1×kg–1. In the track and field athletes the values were 13.97±1.01 N×mm–1×kg–1 and 0.093±0.003 N×mm–1×kg–1, respectively. In general, the increase in force and mechanical power output was related to the value of the apparent spring constant of the support leg in the eccentric phase. The spring constant in the eccentric phase increased with the velocity of motion in running, the long jump take-off and the triple jump. This suggests that it may be possible to use this parameter as a measure of mechanical performance, as it may reflect the combined elasticity of muscles, tendons, and bones.  相似文献   

Elderly people (age 75 years; n=48 males and 34 females) were studied in order to elucidate gender differences in elderly subjects on the determinants of muscle power (force and velocity) during a stretch-shortening cycle. All subjects performed three maximal counter-movement vertical jumps using both legs, on a force platform (Kistler 9281 B). The eccentric (Ep) and concentric (Cp) phases of the jumps were analyzed. The Ep was further divided into an acceleration phase (Epacc: from the start of the downward movement to the maximal negative velocity) and deceleration phase (Epdec: from the maximal negative velocity to the end of the downward movement). Jump height for the men was higher than for the women (P < 0.001). During both Epacc and Epdec no significant differences were observed between males and females in force and power generation. However, the men had a higher peak muscle power during the Cp, which may be explained exclusively by the velocity determinant (P < 0.001). No specific gender-related strategy appeared to influence the motor pattern of the movement. The comparable eccentric force generation of the leg extensors in both genders suggests a similar ability to cope with eccentric muscle actions during everyday activities. In contrast, the marked lower capacity for concentric contractions in women may result in an impaired performance, especially in activities where intense and rapid movements are essential, for example when reversing a forward fall. This may be one reason why elderly women are more prone to falls than are elderly men. Accepted: 19 September 2000  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to compare the deoxygenation patterns of the vastus lateralis (VL) and the lateral head of gastrocnemius (GL) and examine the relationship between the muscle oxygenation level and pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO2) during graded treadmill exercise. Changes in oxygenation in each muscle were measured using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Eight healthy male subjects participated in this study. Two NIRS probes were placed on VL and GL, and thereafter the leg arteries were occluded in all subjects to enable normalization of the NIR signals. The subjects then walked at 4 km·h–1 and 6 km·h–1, and then ran continuously at speeds ranging from 8 km·h–1 to 16 km·h–1. The muscle oxygenation level was defined as being 100% at rest and 0% at its lowest value during occlusion. Pulmonary VO2 was measured using indirect calorimetry. After the subjects had started walking, the muscle oxygenation in VL increased and exceeded the level at rest. Thereafter, the muscle oxygenation in both muscles decreased in relation to the increase in speed (P<0.001). A significant difference in the level of muscle oxygenation between VL and GL was found at speeds of 10 km·h–1 and 12 km·h–1 (P<0.05). The muscle oxygenation level at 16 km·h–1 was [mean (SEM)] 51.9 (4.6)% in VL and 52.8 (3.6)% in GL. There was a negative relationship between pulmonary VO2 and the muscle oxygenation level (VL: r=–0.803 to –0.986; GL: r=–0.848 to –0.963, P<0.05). We concluded that the pattern of deoxygenation between VL and GL was somewhat different and that the muscle oxygenation level was associated with pulmonary VO2. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Aim: The recruitment patterns of the intrafusal and extrafusal fibres in the soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of rats were investigated during brief‐intensity exercise by assaying their glycogen content histochemically. Methods: Six adult male rats were assigned to each of four groups that ran up a 6° incline on a motor‐driven treadmill, at 40 m min?1 for either 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 min. Six adult male rats in the control group did not run. Extrafusal and intrafusal fibres were classified by myosin ATPase staining. Optical densities for glycogen content were evaluated in serial periodic acid Schiff (PAS) stained‐sections from the B and C regions of intrafusal fibres. Results: The glycogen content of type IIA fibres in the SOL and EDL muscles decreased significantly in the early phase of exercise whereas the glycogen content of type I fibres in these muscles decreased later than that of type IIA fibres. The glycogen content of bag2 fibres decreased after 1 min of exercise in the SOL muscle and after 2 min of exercise in the EDL muscle. On the other hand, the glycogen content of bag1 and chain fibres decreased significantly after 2 min in the SOL muscle but not in the EDL muscle. Conclusion: The results suggest that during brief‐intensity exercise, as the glycogen content of type IIA fibres is reduced earlier than that of type I fibres, bag2 fibres are most important early in this type of exercise.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the difference in mechanical efficiency and user power generation between traditional manual wheelchairs and a pushrim activated power assisted wheelchair (PAPAW). Ten manual wheelchair users were evaluated in a repeated measures design trial with and without the PAPAW for propulsion efficiency. Subjects propelled a Quickie GP equipped with the PAPAW and their own chair on a computer controlled wheelchair dynamometer at five different resistance levels. Power output, user power with the PAPAW hubs, subjects' oxygen consumption per minute and mechanical efficiency were analyzed. Metabolic energy and user power were significantly lower (p<0.05), and mechanical efficiency significantly higher with the PAPAW than with subjects' own chairs. Subjects needed to generate on average 3.65 times more power when propelling their own wheelchairs as compared to PAPAW. Mean mechanical efficiency over all trials was 80.33% higher with the power assisted hubs. PAPAW provides on average 73% of the total power when subjects propel with power assistance. Significantly increased efficiency and reduced requirement of user power is achieved using the PAPAW. With use, the PAPAW may contribute to delaying secondary injuries of manual wheelchair users. In addition, it may be suitable for people who have (or at risk for) upper extremity joint degeneration, reduced exercise capacity, low strength or endurance who currently use electric powered wheelchairs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relevance of introducing the maximal power ( P m) into a critical-power model. The aims were to compare the P m with the instantaneous maximal power ( P max) and to determine how the P m affected other model parameters: the critical power ( P c) and a constant amount of work performed over P c ( W ). Twelve subjects [22.9 (1.6) years, 179 (7) cm, 74.1 (8.9) kg, 49.4 (3.6) ml/min/kg] completed one 15 W/min ramp test to assess their ventilatory threshold (VT), five or six constant-power to exhaustion tests with one to measure the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD), and six 5-s all-out friction-loaded tests to measure P max at 75 rpm, which was the pedaling frequency during tests. The power and time to exhaustion values were fitted to a 2-parameter hyperbolic model (NLin-2), a 3-parameter hyperbolic model (NLin-3) and a 3-parameter exponential model (EXP). The P m values from NLin-3 [760 (702) W] and EXP [431 (106) W] were not significantly correlated with the P max at 75 rpm [876 (82) W]. The P c value estimated from NLin-3 [186 (47) W] was not significantly correlated with the power at VT [225 (32) W], contrary to other models ( P <0.001). The W from NLin-2 [25.7 (5.7) kJ] was greater than the MAOD [14.3 (2.7) kJ, P <0.001] with a significant correlation between them ( R =0.76, P <0.01). For NLin-3, computation of W P >P c, the amount of work done over P C, yielded results similar to the W value from NLin-2: 27.8 (7.4) kJ, which correlated significantly with the MAOD ( R =0.72, P <0.01). In conclusion, the P m was not related to the maximal instantaneous power and did not improve the correlations between other model parameters and physiological variables.  相似文献   

Lower limb explosive power, which is more predictive of functional difficulties than strength per se with women being more at risk than men for disability, has been previously compared between young and older women using systems with fixed inertia. Individuals may have been obliged to use a percentage of their maximum strength that is not ideal for performing the movement at the optimum speed for maximum power output. This study was designed to compare explosive power output and its two determinants, optimal force and optimal speed, during a leg-press action between young and older women after optimising the load for maximum power production. The experiments were carried out on 20 women in good physical condition: 10 older, aged between 65 and 74 years and 10 young, aged between 18 and 30. Explosive power output was measured by setting the initial load at different percentages of maximum isometric strength and measuring the corresponding speed of movement during a leg-press action of the dominant leg. Maximum peak power, which was obtained at 60% of maximum isometric strength in both young and older women, was 61% lower in the older women (P<0.0001). This was due to a 52% lower optimal force (P<0.0001) and 21% lower optimal speed (P<0.01). The ratio of peak power to maximum isometric strength was 22.1% lower in the older women (P<0.01). After optimising the load, both lower speed of movement and lower strength determine the lower levels of power in older women. Power is more affected by ageing than isometric strength.  相似文献   

The time to fatigue (t) in response to high-intensity constant-load exercise decreases hyperbolically with increasing power (), at least in active and younger individuals [i.e. (−θF)t=W′, where θF is the critical power asymptote and W′ is the curvature constant]. Little is known, however, about the combined effects of age and sedetarity on these parameters. We therefore evaluated 17 non-trained males (9 aged 60–75 years and 8 aged below 30 years) who underwent ramp-incremental cycle ergometry and, on different days, 4 high-intensity constant-load tests to t. Compared to their younger counterparts, the older subjects presented significantly lower maximum oxygen uptake (i.e. the maximum value of oxygen uptake attained at the end of a progressive exercise with the subject exerting a presumably maximal effort, μO2), estimated lactate threshold (O2θL), O2θF, and W′ (P < 0.05). Interestingly, however, both O2θL and O2θF, when expressed as a percentage of μO2, were higher in older than in younger men [61.8 (6.2)% versus 45.4 (4.6)% and 87.8 (7.3)% versus 79.0 (8.2)%, P < 0.05, respectively]. Therefore, age was associated with an increase in the relative magnitude of the “moderate”, sub-θL exercise-intensity domain (+30.4%), mainly at the expense of the “very-heavy”, supra-θF domain (−56%). Our results demonstrate that age and sedentarity are associated with: (1) marked reductions in both the aerobic (θF) and anaerobic (W′) determinants of the /t relationship, and (2) changes in either the absolute or relative magnitudes of the exercise-intensity domains. These findings are consistent with the notion that endurance-related parameters are less diminished with ageing than the maximal capacity, thereby mitigating the deleterious effects of senescence in the functional capacity. Accepted: 5 April 2000  相似文献   

The bilateral limb deficit (BLD) describes the difference in maximal or near maximal force generating capacity of muscles when they are contracted alone or in combination with the contralateral muscles. A deficit occurs when the summed unilateral force is greater than the bilateral force. This study examined the presence of the BLD during submaximal (25, 50, 75% of MVC) and maximal (100% MVC) isometric knee extensions in a group of young, athletic males (n = 6, mean age of 22 ± 3 years, mean height = 177.7 ± 6.4 cm, mean weight = 72.4 ± 5.2 kg). Torque and myoelectric signal (MES) data were collected from three superficial muscles of the quadriceps (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and rectus femoris) during submaximal and maximal isometric knee extensions and it was found that a similar BLD exists using either torque or MES data. MES data showed that there were differences between bilateral and the total unilateral isometric knee extension regardless of percent contraction. This suggests that the BLD may be due to neural mechanisms and that future studies should examine the relationship between torque and the corresponding MES activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the ageing process on the time and frequency domain properties of the surface electrical and mechanical activity of muscle. In 20 healthy elderly subjects (10 men and 10 women, age range 65–78 years) and in 20 young controls, during isometric contractions of the elbow flexors in the 20%–100% range of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), estimations were made of the root mean square (rms) and the mean frequency (MF) of the power density spectrum distribution, from the surface electromyogram (EMG) and sound myogram (0SMG) signals, detected at the belly of the biceps brachii muscle. Compared to the young controls, the MVC was lower in the elderly subjects (P < 0.05); at the same %MVC the rms and the MF of EMG and SMG were lower (P < 0.05) in elderly subjects; the rms and MF of the two signals increased as a function of the effort level in all groups. Only in the 80%–100% MVC range did the EMG-MF level off and the SMG-rms decrease; in contrast the young controls, at 80% MVC the high frequency peak in the SMG power spectrum density distribution was not present in the elderly subjects. The results for MVC and %MVC can be related to the reduction in the numbers of muscle fibres in aged subjects. In particular, the lack of fast twitch fibre motor units (MU), attaining high firing rates, might also explain the result at 80% MVC. In 80%–100% MVC range the two signals rms and MF behaviour may have been related to the end of the recruitment of larger MU with high conduction velocity, and to the further increment of MU firing rate in the biceps brachii muscle beyond 80% MVC, respectively. Thus, the coupled analysis of the EMG and SMG with force suggests that in the elderly subjects the reduction of the number of muscle fibres may have co-existed with a MU activation pattern similar to that of the young subjects.  相似文献   

There have been many studies on the effects of isokinetic exercise on muscle performance in training and rehabilitative programmes. On the other hand, the cardiovascular and metabolic responses elicited by this type of exercise have been poorly investigated. This study was specifically designed to describe the relationships, if any, between metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses and power output during maximal intermittent knee isokinetic exercise when a steady state is reached. A group of 18 healthy subjects (10 men and 8 women, age range 25–30 years) were requested to perform at maximal concentric isokinetic knee extensions/flexions 60° · s−1 and 180° · s−1 for 5 min, with a 5-s pause interposed between consecutive repetitions. The power output () was calculated; before and during the tasks heart rate (f c) and arterial blood pressure (APa) were continuously monitored. Pulmonary ventilation ( E) and oxygen uptake (O2) were measured at the 4th and at the 5th min of exercise and blood lactate concentration at rest and at the 3rd min of recovery. From the 4th to the 5th min only a slight decrease in was observed, both at 60° · s−1 and 180° · s−1. The O2, E, f c and APa showed similar values in the last 2 min of exercise, suggesting that a steady state had been reached. The O2 increased linearly as a function of , showing a significantly steeper slope at 60° · s−1 than at 180° · s−1. The f c, in spite of a large interindividual variation, was linearly related to metabolic demand, and was not affected by angular velocity. Systolic and diastolic APa were not related either to O2 or to angular velocity. In conclusion it would appear that the metabolic response to maximal intermittent knee isokinetic exercise resembles that of dynamic exercise. Conversely, the cardiocirculatory responses would seem to reflect a relevant role of the isometric postural component, the importance of which should be carefully evaluated in each subject. Accepted: 21 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary The present study was undertaken to compare the effects of maximal treadmill and bicycle exercise on maximum oxygen uptake and blood flow in the lower extremity. Mean maximum oxygen uptake in maximal treadmill exercise was higher than that in bicycle exercise (p<0.001). Mean values and standard errors of blood flow measured immediately after maximal treadmill and bicycle exercise in the thigh were 39.1±4.0 and 44.2±2.8 ml/100 ml·min, the difference not being significant. However, a significant difference in blood flow in the calf measured immediately after both types of exercise was observed (p< 0.001). Blood flow in the thigh immediately after bicycle exercise was significantly higher than that in the calf (p<0.001), whereas the difference between thigh and calf in treadmill exercise was small and statistically not significant. Leg blood flow, the average value of blood flow of the thigh and calf added together, was used as an index of blood flow in the lower extremity. It was found that the leg blood flow was significantly higher on the treadmill than with bicycle exercise (p<0.05). From these results, it is suggested that the lower maximum oxygen uptake observed during bicycle exercise as compared with treadmill exercise seems to be due to a lower blood flow in the lower limb.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in total mechanical work, its partitioning into different energy states, mechanical power, force-time characteristics, force impulses of body segments and mass center's pathway characteristics during long jump take-off were investigated on four national and six ordinary level athletes. Both cinematographic and force-platform techniques were used. The data showed that the national level jumpers had higher run-up and higher take-off (release) velocities in horizontal and vertical directions. In addition, they were able to utilize efficiently the elastic energy stored in the leg extensor muscles at take-off impact. This was seen in high support leg eccentric and concentric forces, which were produced in short contact times. The ordinary level athletes had greater variability in the investigated attributes, and they reached their maximum length of jumps in many different ways. Cinematically the greatest difference between the subject groups was observed in the timing of the various body segment movements. In better athletes all the body parts (arms, trunk, and legs) had decelerating horizontal impulses, but in all ordinary level athletes the horizontal impulse of the swing leg was accelerating during take-off.  相似文献   

Recently, new treadmill ergometers have been designed to measure the ground reaction forces during numerous successive steps. From ground reaction forces measured in track running, it has been shown to be possible to compute external mechanical work (Wext) and leg stiffness (k) of a bouncing spring-mass system. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is still no study reporting the inter-stride coefficient of variation (CoV) of Wext or k parameters calculated from many successive steps. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the intra-and inter-individual variations of Wext and k while running at different speeds on a treadmill ergometer. Thirteen healthy runners ran at 12, 14, 16 and 18 km h–1 during 3 min. Ground reaction forces were measured and recorded during the last 20 s of each exercise (50–62 steps). From these forces, average values and CoV of Wext and k were calculated. Wext significantly increased while k decreased with speed (both P<0.001). The mean values of these parameters were in agreement with data already reported and the CoV was less than 6% for all the parameters, showing almost no variation with speed. Therefore, this method of calculation, based on the extensive measurements of ground reaction forces, can be used to extensively study the mechanical parameters of treadmill running, and especially the inter-stride variability.  相似文献   

An evaluation of mechanical power during walking and running in humans was undertaken after developing a specially designed running ergometer (RE) in which the subjects gripped the handlebar in front of them keeping both arms straight and in a horizontal position. Ten subjects participated in comparisons of the mean horizontal pushing force (MF am) on the handlebar with the mean horizontal ground reaction force (MF fp) recorded by force platform under the RE during five different constant speeds of walking or running and sprint running with maximal effort. Mechanical power developed during sprint running on the RE was compared with a 50 m sprint. Mean linear velocity (Mv) of the RE belt was recorded by the rotary encoder attached to the axis of the belt. Mean mechanical power calculated from the handlebar setting (MP am=MF am × Mv) was compared to that calculated from force platform recordings (MP fp=MF fp × Mv). A high test-retest reproducibility was observed for both MF fp (r=0.889) and MF am (r=0.783). Larger values for the coefficient of variation for MF am (11.3%–15.8%) were observed than for MF fp (3.3%–8.2%). The MP am, which were obtained from five different constant speeds of walking, running and sprint running were closely correlated to those of MP fp (y=0.98x − 19.10,r=0.982, P < 0.001). In sprint running, MP am was 521.7 W (7.67 W · kg−1) and was correlated to the 50 m sprint time (r=−0.683, P < 0.01). It is concluded that the newly developed RE was useful in the estimation of mechanical power output during human locomotion such as when walking, jogging and sprinting. Accepted: 10 October 2000  相似文献   

There is a decrease in the percentage contribution of a heavy density fraction of red blood cells to whole blood with increasing age. The aim of this study was to investigate in the young and elderly the interaction between monocytes and different erythrocyte suspensions: senescent red blood cells, erythrocytes stored with or without serum, and desialylated red blood cells. The results obtained with senescent red blood cells and erythrocytes stored with serum show the involvement of autologous IgG in the selective removal of erythrocytes. These values were higher in elderly individuals, indicating that this process increases with age. Our observation suggest that desialylation is not involved in the increased removal of erythrocytes observed in elderly individuals. Received: 3 October 2002 / Accepted: 11 December 2002 Correspondence to C. Biondi  相似文献   

The stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) is a combination of eccentric and concentric muscle actions. The purpose of the study was to compare the SSC of four different groups comprising a total of 29 women and 30 men, divided according to sex and age (i.e. 20–40 years and 70–85 years). A KIN-COM dynamometer was used for strength measurements of the plantar flexion of the right foot. An electromyogram (EMG) from the gastroenemius muscle was recorded simultaneously. Maximal voluntary concentric muscle actions at 120° · s–1 and 240° · s–1 with and without prior eccentric muscle actions were performed. Average torque values of the range of motion between 90° and 99° of the ankle joint were extracted. All four groups were significantly stronger at 120° · s–1 than at 240° · s–1 for pure concentric actions. The average torque values of the concentric phases in the SSC movement were significantly higher than the torque values for pure concentric actions in all four groups and at both velocities. The EMG was significantly lower or unchanged in the SSC movement compared to a pure concentric action in all groups. A larger percentage increase in torque with prior eccentric action was found in young women compared to young men at both velocities. Our results suggested that the enhanced performance was even more marked when a concentric action was preceded by an eccentric action in the young women than in the young men, probably due to better utilization of elastic forces, but we could not demonstrate any age-related differences in enhanced performance with SSC.  相似文献   

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