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目的调查分析定边县包虫病的流行病学特征,为制订因地制宜的防控策略和措施提供依据。方法采用《包虫病个案调查表》现场或电话调查定边县2011年1~8月所有网络报告的包虫病病例,同时采集病例静脉血检测包虫IgG抗体。结果定边县2011年1~8月网络报告8例肝包虫病病例,皆为男性、农村居民。本次调查现场访问4例,电话访问1例,失访3例。访问到的5例皆有牧区生活史或与狗接触史,B超/CT检查皆有肝脏囊样病变/阴影,4例有肝区疼痛症状、静脉血包虫IgG抗体实验阳性。结论定边县为人包虫病流行区,具体流行强度有待进一步调查确认。应加强和重视该地区的包虫病防治工作,控制狗等传染源,切断直接或间接接触途径,加强农村居民的健康教育,改善农村环境卫生。  相似文献   

青南地区1997~2001年包虫病资料分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的掌握青海省包虫病的地区分布,流行程度,流行特点及为预防打基础。方法采用回顾性调查方法,收集、整理,分析1997~2001年青海南部包虫病资料。结果包虫病流行区人群血清学调查结果显示阳性率达14.05%(Dot-ELISA),患病率达7.64%(影像学),呈重度流行;绵羊的包虫病感染率为54.38%。结论青南地区是青海省人体包虫病的重要流行区,今后要加强包虫病的防治工作。  相似文献   

1990年11月及1991年8月对新疆福海县科克阿尕什乡居民人体包虫病作了普查。共普查416个家庭,1796例居民,其中男性859例,女性937例,年龄1~84岁。哈克萨族1351例,汉族417例,其它民族28例。同时抽查家犬11只,检查野生狐狸10只。结果:包虫病手术史者15例(0.84%),B超检查阳性者11例(0.61%),点酶联免疫试验阳性者59例(3.29%),滤纸血ELISA试验阳性者98例(5.46%),总阳性率9.08%。年龄组间和民族间阳性率无显著性差异。4只家犬感染棘球绦虫,感染率36.4%。3只狐狸感染棘球绦虫,感染率33.3%。416个家庭中,33%养有家犬,60%养有绵羊及其它牲畜,49%家庭宰杀牲畜,大于5岁的居民几乎全部缺乏有关包虫病方面的科普知识。这些因素可能是导致包虫病流行的重要原因。  相似文献   

1诊断依据 1.1流行病学史①来自疫区或21d内有疫区旅行史;②21d内接触过来自或曾到过疫区的发热者;③21d内接触过患者及其血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物或尸体等;④接触过被感染的动物。  相似文献   

7例布鲁氏菌病流行病学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的及时掌握布鲁氏菌病的流行动态,为今后制定防制措施提供科学依据。方法对7例经临床诊断为布鲁氏菌病的患者进行流行病学个案调查,并对其临床资料进行分析;采用布鲁氏菌病特异性血清学进行抗体水平检测及细菌学培养与分型。结果在报告的7例布病患者中,其中本市户籍2例;外地户籍5例。男性3例;女性4例。分布在20~60岁年龄组。职业分布:实验室检验人员1例,牲畜屠宰、销售3例,其他3例(家庭主妇、商业服务、个体司机)。接触史:在牲畜屠宰、销售过程中或加工进食羊仔和羊胎盘及嗜食路边烧烤牛、羊肉串,与畜及畜产品有直接或间接接触史的占85.71%;实验室工作中不慎感染占14.29%。试管凝集试验:14∶00/2例,18∶00/3例,11∶600/3例。菌种鉴定:布鲁氏杆菌猪4型2例,羊种3型2例,另3例未上送菌种鉴定。7例布鲁氏菌病患者经治疗后痊愈。结论应提高对布鲁氏杆菌病的认识,减少误诊漏诊,在转入慢性期前及时治疗最为理想。  相似文献   

目的 总结南疆地区乌恰县包虫病的流行状况、临床诊断及治疗结果分析.方法 回顾2009~2011年南疆地区乌恰县农牧包虫病患者临床资料.结果 32例包虫病患者无痛性包块21例、腹隐痛不适者10例,食欲不佳、消瘦贫血者12例,伴肝大者14例,发热者9例;皮内过敏试验(Casoins)、B超及X线检查阳性率分别为81.25%、65.63%和25%,有辅助诊断价值;32例包虫病患者均有犬、羊接触史.结论 皮内过敏试验(Casoins)检查有重要诊断意义,手术效果良好.  相似文献   

包虫病是由细粒棘球绦虫的中绦期幼虫棘球蚴感染所引起的一种人兽共患寄生虫病,主要流行于西北畜牧业地区,对人畜均有严重的危害性.包虫病患者的临床表现不但反映感染的时间和程度,而且反映了宿主与寄生虫之间的相互关系.细胞因子和一氧化氮(NO)都是免疫应答和重要介质,它们与宿主的免疫状态有关密切关系.为了阐明包虫病患者血清细胞因子和NO的变化,本文检测了其血清肿瘤坏死固子α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素1β(LI-β)和NO水平,现将结果报告如下. 1 对象和方法 1.1 对象 10例包虫病患者为本院传染科住院或门诊患者,男7例,女3例,年龄20~60岁,均来自四川甘孜州包虫病流行区或在流行区有过生活史,均有临床症状,实验室检查发现包虫皮试阳性,血清抗体ELISA检测阳性,B超肝内有囊肿,X线胸片有密度均匀、边缘清晰的圆形阴影.另外有10例本院健康志愿者作为对照.  相似文献   

目的通过对1例人感染高致病性禽流感病毒(H5N1)的调查分析,为科学防控提供依据。方法采用病例流行病学调查方法,调查病例发病经过、可能的感染来源、传播途径及暴露因素等,医学观察患者的密切接触者,同时对患者进行临床诊治、实验室检测。结果确诊1例人感染高致病性禽流感病毒(H5N1),经救治无效死亡。患者无明确病死禽接触史,有健康禽接触史。实验室检测鼻分泌物和下呼吸道灌洗物均分离出禽流感病毒H5N1,下呼吸道灌洗物禽流感病毒H5N1核酸阳性。患者的密切接触者中均未发现异常临床表现。结论存在感染来源不明的人禽流感病例,需加强不明原因肺炎监测和进一步研究人禽流感有关危险因素。  相似文献   

目的开展防治知识调查,掌握群众对包虫病防治知识的了解情况,为包虫病防治工作提供依据。方法在72个包虫病流行县,每县随机抽取4所学校,对3年级及以上所有学生进行调查,并按分层随机抽样方法抽取16个行政村,每村随机选取20位居民进行包虫病健康行为、基础知识问卷调查。同时按户调查饮用水源、牲畜屠宰情况。结果学生和居民的包虫病健康行为正确率分别为53.72%(129 320/240 735)、48.19%(80 458/166 959),基础知识知晓率分别为56.30%(45 174/80 245)、43.57%(24 250/55 653)。饮用河水、积水的受调查户比例为28.56%,自宰牲畜比例24.88%。结论甘肃省包虫病流行县学生和居民健康行为正确率、基础知识知晓率均很低,包虫病流行危险因素仍然存在。加强对学生和居民的健康教育是今后工作的重点。  相似文献   

目的通过对2例城市人禽流感病例的流行病学调查、分析,探讨无直接病死禽暴露情况下的可能感染来源,为进一步防控禽流感提供科学依据。方法采用现场流行病学、血清学调查的方法;荧光定量PCR、ELISA、RT-PCR和应急监测等方法进行调查、诊断。结果2例感染高致病性禽流感病毒(H5N1)确诊病例未发现有明确病死禽接触史,但发病前到过甚至多次到过农贸市场;密切接触者中没有发生不明原因肺炎病例,未发现人—人传播证据。结论2例人感染高致病性禽流感病例均属城市型感染个案,非人传人病例,感染来源可能与农贸市场环境有关。  相似文献   

目的分析湖北省血吸虫病疫情控制地区达到传播控制标准的风险因素。方法采用回顾性调查、雷达图分析法、多因素分析等相结合方法,分析、评估湖北省疫情控制地区在人群病情、耕牛病情、螺情等方面面临的达标风险。结果 2009-2011年湖北省达标风险村总体呈逐年下降的趋势,人群病情是今后主要的达标风险因素。在疫情控制地区3 459个流行村中,高度达标风险村占1.01%,中度达标风险村占13.70%,低度达标风险村占26.97%。结论湖北省疫情控制地区达标风险处于可控状态,但要确保全省在2013年底达到传播控制标准,必须以1 442个达标风险村为重点,制定并有效实施"一村一策"防治方案。  相似文献   

目的了解分析清新县2006-2010年血吸虫病疫情,为制定防控方案提供科学依据。方法根据《广东省血吸虫病巩固监测方案》,在原疫区对钉螺和传染源进行同步监测,对清新县2006-2010年的监测情况进行统计分析。结果 2006-2010年共查螺13hm2,未查获活钉螺。复查历史病人12人,未发现慢性或晚期病例。低年龄组(中、小学生)监测1122人,血清抗体阳性者10人,未查到血吸虫病人。检查流动人口2456人,抗体阳性者80人,查获血吸虫病慢性病人13例,其中虫卵阳性者2例。检查耕牛1900头,未发现血吸虫感染牛只。结论目前清新县血吸虫病防治成果巩固,今后要重点加强输入性传染源和钉螺的监测。  相似文献   

Background: Echinococcosis is still endemic in many countries, including China, especially in its north-west part, but the world literature which describes the Chinese experience in treating the cerebral hydatid cyst is still lacking. In this report, clinical manifestations, radiological features and surgical outcomes of 97 patients with intracranial hydatid cysts were analyzed and the transmission pattern, preoperative diagnosis, treatment methods and long-term outcome were discussed. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical features ( neurological symptoms and signs), radiological manifestations( X-ray, CT, MRI) and surgical outcome of 97 patients with intracranial hydatid cysts whom received surgical treatment at the neurosurgical department of Xinjiang Medical University between the year 1985 to 2010.We have followed up the patients via sending questionnaire or telephone contact. Clinical outcome was evaluated by using Karnofsky Performance Scale Index (KPSI). Results: Headache and vomiting were the most common initial symptoms in our patients. Neurological deficits caused by the mass effect of the cysts were seen in 82 cases, which include hemiparesis, visual deficit, diplopia and aphasia. Epilepsy was occurred in five patients with hemispheric hydatid cysts. On X-Ray, significant bone erosion was seen in only two cases with epidural hydatid cysts. Round shaped and thin walled homogeneous low-density cystic lesion without surrounding edema and enhancement were the main findings on CT in 95 patients with intraparenchymal hydatid cysts, while two cases with epidural hydatid cysts were manifested as a heterodensity lesions. On MRI, Hydatid cyst was manifested as a round low signal lesion in T1-Weighted images and high signal lesion in T2-weighted images, without enhancement after contrast media injection, while the two cases with epidural cysts were manifested as mixed signal masses. Surgical removal of cyst was performed in all cases. Total removal was achieved in 93 cases without rupturing the cyst wall. Only two cysts ruptured during the dissection, resulted in two surgery related mortality. There was no other additional neurological deficit caused directly by surgery. Patient outcome was 97.2% with Karnofsky Performance Scale score 80 to 90. Conclusion: Intracranial hydatid cyst is still a main cause of increased intracranial pressure among the patients in endemic areas. CT and MRI have been proven to be the best diagnostic modality for diagnosing intracranial hydatid cyst. Surgery is the treatment of choice for intracranial hydatid cyst whenever possible.  相似文献   

Background  Echinococcosis is still endemic in many countries, including China, where it is especially prevalent in the northwest. The aim of this study was to enrich the international literature about the treatment of intracranial hydatid cysts.
Methods  We retrospectively reviewed the clinical features, radiological manifestations, and surgical outcome of 97 patients with intracranial hydatid cysts, who received surgical treatment at the Neurosurgical Department of First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University from 1985 to 2010 and followed up the patient via sending a questionnaire or telephone contact. Clinical outcome was evaluated using the Karnofsky Performance Scale Index.
Results  Headache and vomiting were the most common initial symptoms in our patients. Neurological deficits caused by the mass effect of the cysts were seen in 82 cases. On the X-ray, significant bone erosion was seen in only two cases with epidural hydatid cysts. Round-shaped and thin-walled homogeneous low-density cystic lesions without surrounding edema and enhancement were the main findings on computerized tomography (CT) in 95 patients with intraparenchymal hydatid cysts, while two cases with epidural hydatid cysts presented as a heterodensity lesions. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), hydatid cyst presented as a round-shaped low signal lesion in T1-weighted images and high signal lesion in T2-weighted images, without enhancement after contrast media injection, while the two cases with epidural cysts presented as mixed signal masses. Surgical removal of cyst was performed in all cases. Total removal was achieved in 93 cases without rupturing the cyst wall. Only two cysts ruptured during the dissection, resulting in two surgery-related mortalities. There was no other additional neurological deficit caused directly by surgery. In 97.2% of the patients, the Karnofsky Performance Scale score was 80 to 90 at the last follow-up.
Conclusions  Intracranial hydatid cyst is still a main cause of increased intracranial pressure among the patients in endemic areas for echinococcosis. CT and MRI are the best diagnostic methods and surgery is the treatment of choice for intracranial hydatid cysts.

In 2013,the first dengue fever(DF) outbreak in central China was reported in the central of Henan province,northern temperate regions,although they have been sequentially recorded in Southern China.106 suspected DF cases were reported and 73 patients were confirmed dengue virus type 3(DEN-3) infections.62/392(15.8%) local health persons showed DEN antibodies positive.To this day Henan is the northernmost province in China which has been reported about outbreak of DF and what is important is that it warns us the endemic range of DF has been expanded geographically in China.  相似文献   

Hydatid cyst disease remains a considerable public health problem, especially in pastoral and farming regions. Although the spleen is the third most commonly affected organ after the liver and lungs, splenic hydatid cyst is an uncommon entity even in areas that are endemic for echinococcosis. The recurrence rate after surgical therapy of the liver hydatid cyst is reported as 6.8-22.3 percent. Recurrences most frequently occur in the liver. Extrahepatic recurrences occur in the lung or peritoneum and the serosa of the abdominal organs. Splenic recurrence of liver hydatid cyst has not previously been reported. The most common surgical therapy is splenectomy, and the other option is spleen preserving surgery. We report the first case of recurrent splenic hydatid cyst in the spleen and liver synchronously after surgical therapy for liver hydatid disease. The patient was treated with liver resection and spleen preserving surgery.  相似文献   

目的:对河南省居民期望寿命进行分析,为制定经济社会发展规划和有关政策提供客观准确的依据.方法:收集2005年全国1%人口抽样调查资料中河南省分年龄段、分性别的人口数和死亡数据,编制简略寿命表,计算河南省及各地居民期望寿命.结果:河南省2005年男性期望寿命为73.27岁,女性为76 05岁,合计为74 63岁,与第五次全国人口普查河南省普查结果71.64岁(男性为70.44岁,女性为73.06岁)相比,人群期望寿命有所延长.结论:河南省人群期望寿命已接近发达地区水平,并具有继续增加的趋势.  相似文献   

广东省"九五"期间血吸虫病监测效果评价   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
目的 了解广东省消灭血吸虫病后的疫情动态。方法 建立血吸虫病监测系统,在原疫区对钉螺和传染源进行同步监测。结果 1996~2000年共查螺51018842.36m^2,均未发现活的钉螺。复查历史病人9395人次。检查外来人口2353人,阳性者57人(2.42%)。调查低年龄组的中小学生9073人,皮试阳性者348人(3.84%)。阳性者经粪检复查均没有发现血吸虫病人。解剖野鼠1080只,检查耕牛9257头次,没有发现血吸虫虫卵阳性的老鼠和牛只。但通过被动监测,于1996和2000年分别发现1例和4例输入性急性感染病人。结论 广东省血吸虫病防治成果巩固,但必须加强监测,特别是输入性传染源及钉螺的监测。  相似文献   

Hydatid disease is a problem in those countries where man, grazing animals and dogs live in close association. The adult tapeworm of Echinococcus granulosus causes few, if any, symptoms in the dog and so its presence may be unsuspected. Transmission to man is by ingestion of eggs, which resist desiccation and may be viable for up to one year. Food or water may be directly contaminated or infection acquired by close contact with dogs carrying eggs in their saliva or hair. Though quarantine regulations exist, the introduction of the disease as the tapeworm in dogs or as the hydatid cyst in imported sheep from New Zealand has occurred and its spread is a possibility. The life cycle, clinical manifestations and significance if introduced to rural communities are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 分析河南省围产儿先天性心脏病(CHD)发生情况、变化趋势及影响因素。方法 选择2011~2020年河南省37家国家级出生缺陷监测点统计的孕满28周出生至产后7 d的围产儿1 356 838名为研究对象,比较不同地区、胎儿性别、产妇年龄的围产儿CHD发病率。建立Joinpiont回归模型分析2011~2020年河南省围产儿CHD发病率的时间变化趋势,以年度变化百分比(APC)表示各分段区间内部趋势,平均年度变化百分比(AAPC)表示整体变化趋势;采用Joinpiont平行性检验比较不同地区、母亲年龄及围产儿性别CHD发病率差距的趋势。结果 2011~2020年河南省共检出CHD围产儿19 004例,总发病率为140.06/万,围产儿CHD发病率呈逐年上升趋势(AAPC=43.3%,P<0.05)。2011~2020年河南省城镇围产儿的CHD发病率显著高于农村,男婴围产儿CHD发病率显著高于女婴围产儿,高龄产妇的围产儿CHD发病率显著高于低龄产妇(χ2=7 259.160、5 415.473、499.520,P<0.05)。2011~2020年河南省...  相似文献   

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