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The authors report the case of a 13-year-old girl in whom the diagnosis of intradural hydatid cyst was suspected on CT scan and MRI and confirmed at surgery. The interest of this case is related to the extremely rare location and its severe prognostic. CT scan and MRI can easily make an anatomic and topographic diagnosis of the intradural hydatid cyst.  相似文献   

Hydatid disease, an infestation of gastrointestinal origin, is essentially localized in the two principal filters of the body, the liver and the lung (80% of localizations); 20% correspond to a random distribution (brain, bones, kidneys, etc.). The observation of a new case of rare renal infestation (1 to 5% of all hydatid cysts) constitutes an occasion to review the role of various radiological investigations in this disease. Computed tomography has a role in the diagnosis which is complementary to that of plan abdominal x-rays and ultrasonography. Intravenous pyelography may be performed subsequently. It has an essential role in the systematic investigation of other localizations.  相似文献   

Primary hydatid cyst of the mediastinum is rare. We report a patient with a primary mediastinal hydatid cyst which ruptured into the aorta, resulting in bilateral popliteal embolism. The contrast-enhanced computed tomographic features represent a pathognomonic sign of a communicating rupture of an echinococcal cyst into the aorta. Comparison is made with ultrasonography and aortography.  相似文献   

Hydatidosis is a parasitic disease that is still prevalent in regions that rear farm animals, notably along the Mediterranean coast. The liver and lungs are most commonly involved. Cardiac hydatidosis has been reported infrequently even in countries in which hydatid disease is endemic. This entity must be known because when undiagnosed and untreated, the risk of fatal complications increases. We report 2 cases of cardiac echinococcal cysts in young men. The first case is an incidentaloma in a patient admitted for pancreatitis. The second case is about a patient admitted for dyspnea. CT scan and MRI were performed showing intraventrucular cystic mass with a calcified wall which was very suggestive of a hydatid cyst diagnosis. We would like to emphasize the relevance of imaging in this context and shade some light on imaging diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

患者男,49岁,有牧区生活史.体检发现左肺部包块收入院.平时无胸痛、胸闷,无心悸、气短,偶有咳嗽并有白痰.体检:左肺语颤减弱,左肺呼吸音低.心脏彩超示:心包囊性占位,左心室顺应性减低,右侧法氏窦膨出.X线胸片示:左肺上叶囊性占位,考虑囊性肺包虫.实验窜检查:包虫间接血清凝集试验阳性.  相似文献   

Hydatid cyst (cystic echinococcosis) is a chronic parasitic infection by the larval stage of the cestode that is called Echinococcus granulosus (E. granulosus) resulting in the development of cystic lesions in animals and humans. In this report, we describe a rare phenotype of hydatid cyst in the breast of a 23-year-old female presented with breast mass in the left upper outer quadrant for 3 months with palpable left axillary lymph nodes. Both US and mammography provided a picture of complex suspicious cystosolid lesion with amorphous micro-calcification (BIRAD-4A). Surgical consultation was performed and Tru-Cut biopsy was recommended. Histopathology results revealed multiple viable protoscolices of E. granulosus and suggested the final diagnosis of breast hydatid cyst. The patient returned with ruptured and infected hydatid cyst of the breast and started treatment with Albendazole 400 mg twice daily in addition to antibiotics. Following-up after two months of Albendazole treatment showed a dramatic shrinkage in the size of the cystic lesion. In conclusion, hydatid cyst should be considered as a differential diagnosis of any cystic or cystosolid lesion in the breast and any organ in the body from head to toe apart from the hair and nails. Radiologists should be aware to the benign lesions that may mimic breast cancer to avoid misdiagnosis and unnecessary invasive procedures and consequent complications.  相似文献   

Hydatidosis is a worldwide infectious disease caused by the larval form of a parasitic tapeworm of helminths affecting mainly the liver and lungs in cattle- and sheep-raising regions. Muscle localization remains extremely rare and its diagnosis is sometimes challenging. We report the case of a 45-year-old man presenting with a swelling of the left thigh gradually increasing in size. Clinical examination was non-specific, sonographic evaluation suggested the diagnosis, and the patient underwent successful surgical treatment. Intramuscular hydatid cyst is an uncommon disease even in endemic countries, usually confused with other lesions which is a source of delayed treatment and fatal complications. MRI is the gold standard allowing diagnosis and providing the characteristic aspects which are of major importance for optimal management.Key words: Muscle hydatid cyst, Diagnosis, MRI  相似文献   

The hydatid disease is an anthropozoonose caused in humans by a larval form of Echinococcus granulosus. Adrenal gland is a rare and unsymptomatic site. We illustrate the case of a 46-year-old patient, admitted for left hypochondrial pain with back radiation. The CT reveals a multiloculated, cystic mass on the left adrenal gland, which contains septae and a calcified wall.  相似文献   

We present a patient with symptoms of abdominal pain and frequent urination due to a huge mass in the retrovesical region. All imaging modalities revealed a cystic mass containing small daughter cysts located between the urinary bladder and rectum. Its characteristics led us to suspect the presence of a hydatid cyst, and an indirect hemagglutination test for Echinococcus granulosus was found positive. No other involvement of hydatid cystic disease was detected. The primary site for the hydatid disease was therefore regarded as the pelvis, on which only a few cases have been reported previously. The patient started albendazole therapy, but refused operation. Hydatid cyst should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominopelvic masses in endemic regions of the world.  相似文献   

郑久荣 《医学影像学杂志》2007,17(10):1023-1023
患者女,40岁。左上腹部疼痛7年余,近2年加重。患者近几年有与羊狗接触史,无外伤史,亦无胰腺炎史。体检:脾大,约于肋缘下三指。一般情况良好,胸片示心肺膈未见异常。实验室检查:包虫皮肤试验阳性,其它未见异常。入院前彩色多普勒超声示:脾实质内囊性肿块(多房性),临床初步诊断为  相似文献   

Retrovesical hydatid cyst is rare, even in endemic regions. From a presentation of three cases, the authors will review the clinical findings and illustrate the imaging features of this pathology and relate diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties.  相似文献   

Paragangliomas are extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas that derive from chromaffin cells and arise along the sympathetic paraganglia in the body. In the majority of cases, they are secretory tumors and most commonly present with palpitations. Plasma metanephrines are the standard screening tests for making the diagnosis which is confirmed by pathology. Imaging plays a very important role in establishing the diagnosis. However, there is no specific feature on imaging for paragangliomas; the vascularity of the tumor should show as hyper-enhancing lesions but this is not always the case. The diagnostic value of PET is yet a matter of debate. We present a very rare case of a paraganglioma arising at the renal hilum, splaying the renal artery and vein and causing vascular compromise to the left kidney. The patient presented with an atypical presentation of unrelenting fever that was followed by acute colicky pain. Based on imaging and blood metanephrine levels, the diagnosis of paraganglioma was made. Resection of the tumor was achieved and the patient is now asymptomatic.  相似文献   

The hydatid cyst of the liver is the most common location of hydatid disease. Complications in this form are dominated by superinfection of the cyst and rupture into the bile ducts or the peritoneal cavity. We report the case of a 54-year-old female patient with a hydatid cyst of the liver complicated by a rupture in the gallbladder revealed by urinary symptoms.  相似文献   

Hydatid disease of the skull base is extremely rare, and intracranial extension of hydatid cysts through the skull base is even rarer. We report an interesting case of a 42-year-old man who presented with features of right vocal cord palsy. The diagnosis of hydatid cyst was made based on his history and on pre-operative MRI and was confirmed by surgery and histopathological examination.Hydatid disease is caused by infestation of the larval stage of tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus. Multiple echinococcal species produce hydatid disease, the most common causative species being Echinococcus granulosus. Echinococcus multilocularis is less commonly described but is more invasive, mimicking a malignancy [13]. Liver and lung involvement are most common, whereas bone and soft tissue involvement are rare [15]. Only a few cases of skull base involvement have been reported in the literature [4, 6, 7]. Our case is an unusual location of hydatidosis (i.e. hydatid disease of the skull base with intracranial extension). Usually, hydatid cyst of the head and neck region presents with local swelling and non-specific symptoms. Our patient presented with progressive hoarseness of voice. Compression of the vagus nerve by an intracranial or extracranial hydatid cyst is rare [4].  相似文献   

We report a gastric duplication cyst in an undernourished 5-month-old child suffering from anorexia, vomiting, and melena. Clinical presentation was consistent with a Meckel's diverticulum, which, however, was not found at laparotomy. Scintigraphy and ultrasound, performed 4 months later, suggested gastric duplication, which was confirmed by surgery. Correspondence to: L. Cruz  相似文献   

患者女性,35岁。发现盆腔肿物5个月,近一年有便秘史。肛诊:直肠左后壁可触及一肿物,质韧,无压痛,不能推动,无波动感。B超:宫颈后方偏左侧囊性包块,可见包膜,边界清,内部见点状弱回声及强回声,CDFI:内部未探及明显血流信号,考虑来自后腹膜囊性肿物。盆腔CT示:骶尾骨左前方10cm×  相似文献   

患者女,18岁.主因左侧腕关节不适来就诊,体检一般状况良好,实验室检查未见异常.(两年前左腕部受伤史,但未就诊).X线片示:左侧舟骨见与舟骨长轴平行的囊状阴影,囊内密度均匀无钙化,骨壁明显变薄.CT片示:左侧舟骨体积明显大于右侧,舟骨呈膨胀性囊状改变,囊壁光滑整齐,囊内密度均匀.  相似文献   

Because of the extreme rarity of intradiploic arachnoid cysts, their pathogenesis is unknown; congenital or traumatic origins are suggested. We report an intradiploic arachnoid cyst in a 57-year-old woman, without a history of trauma, in whom a forgotten injury might play a significant role.  相似文献   

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