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To adapt a magnetization‐prepared spiral imaging technique, termed T1prep, for time‐efficient radiofrequency (RF)‐insensitive prostate T1 quantification at 1.5 T and evaluate signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) limits to voxel‐based versus subregion analysis.

Materials and Methods

A magnetization‐prepared spiral imaging technique was adapted for robust T1 contrast development, multislice imaging within 5 minutes, and data regression to a monoexponential decay. In vitro testing evaluated RF insensitivity of the multislice acquisition plus method accuracy. A pilot study was performed in 15 patients with low or intermediate risk localized prostate cancer.


The multislice design displayed excellent RF insensitivity (<1% error for RF mistunings to ± 20%) and accuracy (within 3% of gold standard for T1 values between 140 and 2100 msec). A clinical pilot study reported significantly reduced T1 from PZ to CG to tumor subregions (PZ: 1421 ± 168 msec, n = 11; CG: 1314 ± 49 msec, n = 13; 1246 ± 68 msec, n = 8). SNR measurements identified an inappropriateness of voxel‐based analysis.


T1prep can quantify prostate T1 as an adjunct measure for quantitative perfusion measurements and longitudinal treatment response monitoring. Intrapatient heterogeneities support T1 assessment within individual patients. SNR calculations will support a transition to voxel‐based analysis in future trials. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The possibility that cerebral tumours may be graded by measuring T1 or T2 with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was studied. A consecutive series of patients with subsequently verified gliomas was enrolled, and studied with MR. Patients who had prior surgical, chemotherapeutic or steroid treatment were excluded. Single slice multiple saturation recovery and multiple spin echo techniques were used to measure T1, T2 and proton density in the tumour. In 33 patients with cerebral gliomas there were 5 grade I, 12 grade II, 7 grade III and 9 grade IV. T1 and T2 values tended to be smaller in grade I gliomas than in grades II, III and IV gliomas. Relaxation parameters overlapped considerably in tumours with different grades. Proton density values did not show much change between different grades of gliomas. Relaxation parameters cannot be used to determine tumour grade reliably. Correspondence to: S. Newman  相似文献   

A promising approach for the simultaneous quantification of relative proton density (M0), T1, and T2 is the inversion‐recovery TrueFISP sequence, consisting of an inversion pulse followed by a series of balanced steady‐state free precession acquisitions. Parameters can then be obtained from a mono‐exponential fit to the series of images. However, a segmented acquisition is usually necessary, which increases the total acquisition time considerably. The goal of this study is to obtain M0, T1, and T2 maps using a single‐shot acquisition, with T1 and T2 measurements in brain that are consistent with the published literature, with a 20‐fold speed improvement over the segmented approach, and at a clinically relevant spatial resolution. To this end, a single‐shot inversion‐recovery TrueFISP sequence was combined with a radial view‐sharing technique. The parameters M0, T1, and T2 were then obtained on a pixel‐wise basis from a three fit parameter to the signal evolution. The accuracy of this method for quantifying these parameters is demonstrated in vivo. In addition, further corrections to the quantification necessary owing to other experimental factors, namely magnetization transfer and imperfect slice profiles, were developed. Including additional scans necessary for these corrections in the measurement protocol, the required scan time is increased from approximately 6 to 18‐28 s per slice. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel procedure is proposed to extract T(1), T(2), and relative spin density from the signal time course sampled with a series of TrueFISP images after spin inversion. Generally, the recovery of the magnetization during continuous TrueFISP imaging can be described in good approximation by a three parameter monoexponential function S(t) = S(stst)(1-INV exp(-t/T(*) (1)). This apparent relaxation time T(*) (1) 相似文献   

Fast high-resolution T1 mapping of the human brain.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sequence for the acquisition of high-resolution T1 maps, based on magnetization-prepared multislice fast low-angle shot (FLASH) imaging, is presented. In contrast to similar methods, no saturation pulses are used, resulting in an increased dynamic range of the relaxation process. Furthermore, it is possible to acquire data during all relaxation delays because only slice-selective radiofrequency (RF) pulses are used for inversion and excitation. This allows for a reduction of the total acquisition time, or scanning with a reduced bandwidth, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The method generates quantitative T1 maps with an in-plane resolution of 1 mm, slice thickness of 4 mm, and whole-brain coverage in a clinically acceptable imaging time of about 19 s per slice. It is shown that the use of off-center RF pulses does not result in imperfect inversion or magnetization transfer (MT) effects. In addition, an improved fitting algorithm based on smoothed flip angle maps is presented and tested successfully.  相似文献   

A new method is presentd for the quantitative determination of regional blood volumes in vivo. It is based on rapid quantitative T1 mapping by Snapshot FLASH MRI combined with the injection of an intravascular MR contrast agent. Regional blood volumes in four different tissues of the rat (skeletal muscle, heart, liver, kidney) were determined in an In vivo experiment.  相似文献   

T1 and T2 can be rapidly determined with a combination of multiangle spoiled gradient recalled echo (SPGR) and steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging. Previously, we demonstrated a simple method for determining the set of SPGR and SSFP angles that provided greater T1 and T2 precision than a set of uniformly spaced angles. In this article a more rigorous approach for determining angles is described. Weighted least-squares is also introduced for T1 and T2 estimation and a novel weighting function described. This new approach, suited for imaging applications where large T1 and T2 ranges are anticipated, provides high and uniform precision over a wide range of T1 and T2 values.  相似文献   

Fast T(1) mapping techniques are a valuable means of quantitatively assessing the distribution and dynamics of intravenously or orally applied paramagnetic contrast agents (CAs) by noninvasive imaging. In this study a fast T(1) mapping technique based on the variable flip angle (VFA) approach was optimized for accurate T(1) quantification in abdominal contrast-enhanced (CE) MRI. Optimization methods were developed to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and ensure effective RF and gradient spoiling, as well as a steady state, for a defined T(1) range of 100-800 ms and a limited acquisition time. We corrected B(1) field inhomogeneities by performing an additional measurement using an optimized fast B(1) mapping technique. High-precision in vitro and abdominal in vivo T(1) maps were successfully generated at a voxel size of 2.8 x 2.8 x 15 mm(3) and a temporal resolution of 2.3 s per T(1) map on 1.5T and 3T MRI systems. The application of the proposed fast T(1) mapping technique in abdominal CE-MRI enables noninvasive quantification of abdominal tissue perfusion and vascular permeability, and offers the possibility of quantitatively assessing dilution, distribution, and mixing processes of labeled solutions or drugs in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

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