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Consumer perceptions of food hazards and how the associated risks are managed are likely to be an important determinant of consumer confidence in food safety. While there is a body of research that examines public perceptions of various types of food hazards, less attention has been directed to understanding how the public perceives food risk management practices. Utilizing elements of the repertory grid approach in focus group discussions, this research explored public attitudes regarding the effectiveness of current food risk management practices in four European countries (Denmark, Germany, Greece and the UK). While the issue of food safety did not emerge as a key factor in everyday food choice, participants were concerned about health aspects of food. There were three main factors that participants considered to be evidence of ‘good’ food risk management: the existence of identifiable control systems that respond quickly to contain a risk, the instigation of preventive measures and the availability of information that offers individuals the ability to exercise informed choice. These evaluations were similar in each of the countries under consideration and were linked to ideas regarding the controllability of risks and to questions of who is responsible for managing the risks.  相似文献   

目的分析我国2013年经媒体报道食品安全事件的发生特点及趋势,为食品安全监管提供参考。方法通过平面媒体、各大门户网站、新闻网站及政府舆情专报收集、整理并分析我国2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日期间经媒体报道的食品安全事件,研究其发生特点及趋势。结果2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日,我国累计报道食品安全事件740件,其中报道数最多的省份为广东,占17.6%,其次为山东、浙江和江苏;各月份报道的食品安全事件数未有相对明显的趋势;涉及畜禽肉及其制品的报道事件最多(22.2%),其次为零食类休闲食品(7.2%);食品生产加工环节占近2/3,初级农产品的生产占13.9%,流通销售和餐饮消费分别占10.2%和8.0%;致病性微生物、农药残留、兽药残留和重金属超标的比例占22.2%,其次为采用非食品原料生产或添加非食品用化学物;媒体报道食品安全事件所致危害或潜在危害中31.8%为食品添加剂和非法添加物。结论肉及肉制品、零食等休闲食品的安全问题相对高发;生产加工和流通环节为食品安全高危环节;致病性微生物、农/兽药残留、重金属超标和违反食品添加剂管理规定等问题相对突出;化学危害是报道食品安全事件的主要危害。  相似文献   

Risk perception and risk communication about food safety issues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The increasing public concern about risks associated with food, and ever more complex information about appropriate nutrition, both indicate how necessary it is to communicate effectively to consumers about risk. This paper discusses the different psychological factors that influence public perceptions of risk, and how individuals between and within different countries and groups respond to, and process, information about food and nutrition.  相似文献   

Consumer perceptions of food safety risk, control and responsibility   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Redmond EC  Griffith CJ 《Appetite》2004,43(3):309-313
Consumer perceptions of risk, control and responsibility related to microbial food safety in domestic food preparation have been investigated. Results showed that consumers demonstrated judgements of 'optimistic-bias' and the 'illusion of control', as well as notions of perceived invulnerability to food poisoning from self-prepared foods. Statistical associations between perceptions of personal risk, control and responsibility and risk and control attributed to 'other people' have been identified. Findings may have negative implications for the effectiveness of consumer food safety education initiatives. It is suggested that consideration of such judgements and associations during the development of future consumer food safety risk communication strategies may increase their effectiveness.  相似文献   

除酒类以外的食物渴求或成瘾是近些年来国外心理、行为医学领域十分关注的公共卫生问题,也是颇多争议的问题。尽管有研究认为含咖啡因食物不会导致渴求或成瘾,但大量的人群问卷调查、戒断症状研究表明,长期饮用这类饮料将出现对它的渴求甚至成瘾,尤其在青少年中,咖啡因导致的渴求或成瘾更值得关注,学者对有关巧克力、糖类渴求成瘾的文献进行分析后认为,在一定的社会、文化、个体情况影响下,可出现对这些物质的渴求。本文介绍了国外开发的一些物质渴求、成瘾量表(问卷)及开发过程,提出了基于国家、民族的社会、文化背景,利用先进的研究方法展开对我国特有食品、嗜好品渴求与成瘾研究的思路。  相似文献   

Consumer responses to communication about food risk management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent emphasis within policy circles has been on transparent communication with consumers about food risk management decisions and practices. As a consequence, it is important to develop best practice regarding communication with the public about how food risks are managed. In the current study, the provision of information about regulatory enforcement, proactive risk management, scientific uncertainty and risk variability were manipulated in an experiment designed to examine their impact on consumer perceptions of food risk management quality. In order to compare consumer reactions across different cases, three food hazards were selected (mycotoxins on organically grown food, pesticide residues, and a genetically modified potato). Data were collected from representative samples of consumers in Germany, Greece, Norway and the UK. Scores on the "perceived food risk management quality" scale were subjected to a repeated-measures mixed linear model. Analysis points to a number of important findings, including the existence of cultural variation regarding the impact of risk communication strategies-something which has obvious implications for pan-European risk communication approaches. For example, while communication of uncertainty had a positive impact in Germany, it had a negative impact in the UK and Norway. Results also indicate that food risk managers should inform the public about enforcement of safety laws when communicating scientific uncertainty associated with risks. This has implications for the coordination of risk communication strategies between risk assessment and risk management organizations.  相似文献   

Crises in food risk management have often been attributed to disconnection between the stakeholders involved, as when consumers do not believe risk communications or dispute risk managers' priorities. Before this problem of disconnection can be resolved, however, there is a need to clarify the nature and extent of perceptual discrepancies between stakeholders and to establish whether mutual understanding is attainable. Our recent research has identified that food risk experts and consumers do have different interpretations of what it means for risk management to be effective. Here we describe a study that used telephone interviews to present food risk experts and consumers in four different European countries with statements (derived from our previous work) indicating the different expert and consumer perspectives on food risk management, in order to assess the participants' reactions to these. We found that, though there were areas of agreement between the experts and consumers (for example, they agreed that consumers lack relevant knowledge, that food safety is a shared responsibility and that scientific uncertainty cannot be completely avoided), there were other areas where disagreement remained (for example, on the acceptability of economic interests in food risk management and the role and quality of media reporting). These results indicate the key areas where mutual understanding and appreciation are lacking between significant stakeholders, and hence the areas that should form the target for the activities of organizations like the European Food Safety Authority in order to improve the effective implementation of food risk management practices.  相似文献   

目的分析佳木斯市生肉食品卫生安全状况,了解主要致病菌污染水平和趋势,为相关部门采取防控措施提供依据。方法利用"全国食品微生物风险监测数据汇总系统平台"获取有关数据,利用Excel 2010及SPSS 20.0对数据进行分析。结果佳木斯市2014—2017年共监测110份生肉样本,阳性样本53份,检出率为48.18%。2016年致病菌检出率(90.00%)高于其他年份,差异有统计学意义(χ2=19.52,P<0.01),鸡肉致病菌检出率(67.74%)比其他种类生肉高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=13.69,P<0.01),6种致病菌中弯曲菌检出率最高(38.00%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=30.44,P<0.01),农贸市场致病菌检出率(53.33%)高于超市(42.00%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.95,P<0.01)。结论佳木斯市生肉食品食源性致病菌污染状况较为普遍,存在安全隐患。应加强对重点场所(农贸市场)以及重点生肉食品(鸡肉、鸭肉等)的食品安全监测与监管,全面提...  相似文献   

International research demonstrates diminishing trust in the food supply associated with food scares which undermine trust in expert advice. Even though Australia has not experienced major food scares, there is evidence of diminishing trust in the food supply. Interviews were conducted with 47 South Australian food shoppers from high (n = 17) and low (n = 16) socio-economic regions of Adelaide and from rural South Australia (n = 14) about food governance and trust in the Australian food supply. Participants display a high level of trust in the food supply associated with a perception that Australian food is safe; a lack of exposure to food risks; and trust in personal food safety practices. The media was the only factor which created distrust in the food system. Other participants express confidence in the food supply where confidence is understood as a lack of reflection. Contrary to concepts of reflexive modernisation which presume an increasing awareness of risk and placement of trust as a means of reducing uncertainly, participants adopt an ‘innocent until proven guilty’ approach displaying little knowledge or interest in knowing about food regulation relying instead on routine food safety practices as a means of managing uncertainty.  相似文献   

尤良 《中国医学装备》2014,(10):101-104
目的:全面分析医学装备质量安全风险管理,避免和减少医学装备临床使用安全风险。方法:医学装备的设计、制造、管理和使用者均需从系统安全性的角度来认识其在诊疗过程中可能会出现的安全性问题,从风险分类、评估和形成原因等多方面进行分析及制定预防措施。结果:通过对医学装备的质量与安全风险进行管理,采取相应的措施预防安全风险的发生,避免和减少了安全风险形成因素的影响。结论:医学装备质量与安全风险问题涉及到许多复杂因素,必须对医学装备存在的质量与安全风险全面分析、认真评估并加强管控。  相似文献   

Safe food handling in ready-to-eat food establishments is a basic element in the reduction of foodborne illness. The aim of this research was to investigate (using a questionnaire), knowledge and attitudes about food safety held by management and staff in ready-to-eat food establishments. Fieldwork was conducted in 2002 in Wellington City, New Zealand. Managers rated 'staff with good food safety knowledge' the most important aspect of ensuring safe food. Half of these managers were prepared to pay higher wages to staff holding a current food safety certificate. Although respondents considered that closure of the establishment was the most serious business consequence of a breakdown in safe food handling, less than half (49%) were prepared to pay an additional insurance premium to cover this risk. All food handling workers should be encouraged to obtain and maintain a current food safety certificate. Environmental health officers who inspect ready-to-eat food establishments play an important role in guiding and assisting owners and staff in improving food handling standards.  相似文献   

近年来,源于食品添加剂滥用或非法添加化学物的食品安全事件不断出现,引起了广大人群对食品安全的担忧。应当在正确认识食品添加剂的基础上,采取积极对策,包括开展食品安全风险监测和风险评估、建立统一的食品安全标准体系、加强事前防范、强化源头管理、规范新闻媒体报道等。  相似文献   

目的:改善中国食品安全管理体系,保障居民饮食安全和社会稳定。方法:比照美国食品安全管理体系,结合中国食品安全管理体系现状进行分析。结果:美国食品安全管理体系具有监管部门合作有力、法律保障制度较为完善、生产标准与技术规范严格、拥有问题食品召回和自动扣留制度、舆论监督和举报制度、问责和惩罚制度等特点。结论:借鉴美国食品安全管理体系中的优点,中国应改革监管机构、完善法律体系和技术规范以及构建电话反馈系统和网络交流平台。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVESThe increased consumers’ interests in health and food safety have increased the demand for organic foods. Many studies have been performed on consumers’ purchase intentions for organic foods and their influencing factors, and various studies have shown that the prices of organic foods and the consumers’ willingness to pay are important influencing factors. This study examined the payment value of organic foods and agrifood consumer competency index according to the food-related lifestyles in South Korean consumers.SUBJECTS/METHODSA cross-sectional analysis was performed using the 2019 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food. A total of 6,176 participants aged 19 to 74 years (male: 2,783, female: 3,393) were included in the analysis.RESULTSThree factors were extracted by factor analysis (rational consumption-seeking type, convenience-seeking type, and health, and safety-seeking type) to explain the consumers’ food-related lifestyles. The results of cluster analysis suggested that consumers were classified into 3 food-related lifestyles as the ‘exploratory consumers’ (n = 2,485), ‘safety-seeking consumers’ (n = 1,544), and ‘passive consumers’ (n = 2,147). Exploratory consumers showed a significantly higher willingness to pay for imported organic foods (P < 0.05). Safety-seeking consumers had a significantly higher willingness to pay for domestic organic foods (P < 0.05). For the agrifood consumer competency index, exploratory consumers had the highest score, followed in order by safety-seeking consumers and passive consumers.CONCLUSIONSThese results provide basic data in understanding consumption tendency for organic foods and agrifoods based on food-related lifestyles of South Korean consumers.  相似文献   

Objective : Hazardous materials (HAZMAT) incidents, including the deliberate release of toxic chemicals, can cause a significant drain on resources as well as heightened anxiety in the community. Recent high‐profile incidents, including the 2018 illegal waste storage fire in Victoria, Australia, have highlighted the complexity but also the value of multidisciplinary approaches to HAZMAT events. This brief report examines issues from a public health perspective and reflects on the experience of such events in South Australia. Methods : The type, location and time of HAZMAT incidents for the period 2001 to 2018 (inclusive) in South Australia were compiled and classified from a database of the state Technical Advice Coordinator. Results : The profile of HAZMAT events was diverse, including fires, spills, unknown chemicals, sabotage and suicides. Incidents frequently occurred around transportation corridors and storage facilities. Public health agency involvement was most evident for known or suspected biological agents (toxins) and chemical toxicants with persistent exposures. Conclusion and implications for public health : Public health agencies are likely to have a greater future role in HAZMAT management as the complexity of incidents increases (e.g. mass casualty events and events involving vulnerable subpopulations). There is a need for a national HAZMAT surveillance database to coordinate agency responses on a national level. A unified approach to risk communication for vulnerable communities is also critical.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Ankara Province of Turkey to determine the attitudes of adult consumers toward food consumption and purchasing activities. The data were collected by conducting face-to-face interviews with 700 adults working in ministries (government office) to fill in a questionnaire prepared especially for this purpose. The responses to the questionnaire were evaluated by assigning points for the “food-consumption-and-purchasing attitudes” of each respondent based on their replies. These food-consumption-and-purchasing attitude points have been then analyzed in terms of the gender, age, and educational level of the adults involved. The results showed that women, the 30–39 age group, and university graduates have a higher score of food-consumption-and-purchasing attitude points than do men, the age group comprising respondents < 30 and ≥ 40 years of age, and those with lower education levels, respectively. A statistically significantly relation was observed between food-consumption-and-purchasing attitude points and age.  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市餐饮业量化分级管理实施效果,确定不同类型餐饮单位食品安全的关键环节,为监管重点提供依据。方法 选取2009、2010年北京市所有餐饮单位,分别有15 391和19 138家为研究对象,采用秩和检验和参照单位分析比较组间量化等级分布差异,有序多分类logistic回归分析差异的影响因素。结果 2010年北京市餐饮单位食品安全规范(42.9%)和基本合格(51.2%)的单位比例较高,与2009年评定结果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);餐馆规模越大,量化评定等级越高(P<0.001);学校食堂量化等级明显高于其他类型食堂(P<0.001);多因素分析结果表明,冷藏存储、盥洗及通风设施、留样要求等7个指标影响餐馆等级分布(OR=1.471~2.284);交叉污染、内外环境、面积等7个指标影响食堂等级分布(OR=1.461~2.812),其中食品安全制度、洗手设施、食物保存要求和摆台要求4项指标相同。结论 北京市餐饮业食品安全情况较好,不同类型单位监管重点有所不同。  相似文献   

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