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我院医患关系影响因素调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,随着我国卫生事业改革不断深入发展,医疗市场竞争日趋激烈,而医疗的“生物医学模式”向“社会心理模式”的转变,引发了医院从“以医疗为中心”到“以病人为中心”的服务模式改变,从而日益突显良好医患关系建设的重要性。此次通过对医患关系影响因素的调查,力图发现影响医患关系的主要原因,从而有助于我院更好地针对原因展开医患关系调整工作。  相似文献   

论以人为本构建和谐医患关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的为和谐医患关系,促进医院发展。方法从当前医患关系的现状及危害入手,分析产生医患关系紧张的原因。结果指出医患之间缺乏理解、信任与沟通。结论医院要坚持“以人为本”,加强医忠沟通,构建起和谐的医患关系。  相似文献   

上海市某区域医疗服务供需双方对医患关系的认知调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,医患矛盾比较突出,医疗纠纷逐渐增多,医患关系的不融洽日益受到社会及政府各方面的重视。本研究通过对医生、病人和社区居民的调查,了解医疗服务供需双方对当前医患关系、医患矛盾成因影响程度和持续性的认知与评价,分析双方认知上的差异和医患矛盾的影响因素,旨在为医院和政府行政管理部门改善医患关系、促进社会和谐,提供决策依据。  相似文献   

医院信访工作是加强医患沟通,构建良好医患关系的重要工作。通过对医院信访工作动态的分析,以实践者、管理者的视角发现当前医患关系中的现状,浅析影响医患关系的主要因素,把握当前医患关系的整体趋势。  相似文献   

引发医患矛盾的因素众多,医患沟通不充分是其重要因素之一。我院从2003年下半年开始,在全院推行了“医患沟通制”。一年多的实践表明,“医患沟通制”在密切医患关系的同时,也有效地提高了医务人员的整体素质,极大程度地提高了医院两个文明建设水平。  相似文献   

以医院文化的相关理论作为切入点,对当前山东省医院文化、医患关系的现状进行透视和分析。通过对样本医院医护人员的问卷调查,构建医院文化与医患关系的作用路径,分析在医院文化中影响医患关系的主要因素为行为文化,其次为医院精神文化,进而提出和谐医患关系视角下医院文化建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

医院管理者在构建和谐医患关系中发挥着重要作用,是组织架构的优化者、环境变化的调适者、决策执行的督导者、和谐人际的引领者。本文通过对医院管理者角色定位、履职影响因素的分析,提出管理者应做好“五个关注”,推动医患关系趋于和谐稳定。  相似文献   

我国现阶段的医患关系正处于前所未有的社会转型期,医患关系之所以能成为过去数十年来一个越来越聚集和被高度关注的社会焦点问题,说明它已经成为一个系统性的问题,受多种复杂的社会制度、体制、机制等众多因素的影响。为了深度剖析当前的医患关系,本刊采访了“构建和谐医患关系的管理实践与政策选择”课题组的负责人、哈尔滨医科大学卫生管理学院副院长吴群红教授。据悉,该课题受国家卫生计生委信息统计中心的委托,从医护人员与患者视角出发对医患关系的认知情况,对医院发生的暴力情况、发生原因进行了现场调查,对当前复杂多样的医患关系进行了分析解读。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响医患关系的因素,并提出相应对策。方法通过对四川医科大学附属第一医院的医务人员及患者进行问卷调查,采用Excel软件对数据进行处理。结果当前不和谐医患关系紧张的主要因素是医患沟通缺乏、医疗体制不健全及医德缺失;改善医患关系的重要措施是健全医疗体制、提升医护人员的专业技术及工作态度;医德医风缺失的主要问题是医疗队伍素质整体下降等。患者就医意向主要是医疗费用,其次是医疗水平,再次是就医方便;患者对处理医疗纠纷的途径了解较少。结论和谐医患关系即需要“医”与“患”,还有社会及外界的共同努力,只有彼此之间  相似文献   

构建和谐医患关系是医院文化建设的关键   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医院文化是以医患关系为主要特征的文化。医患关系如何,大体上能衡量一个医院的文化水平,包括管理文化水平。如今,患者选医院、选医生的格局已经形成,绝大多数患者对医院的评价是满意和比较满意的,但医患关系也出现了一些不协调、不平衡以至于紧张的局面。打造“和谐医院”,减少医疗纠纷,是医院管理者们终生为之奋斗的方向、目标和任务。加强医患关系文化建设,用文化的力量确保医患关系的和谐统一性,是打造“和谐医院”的必由之路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relations between satisfaction levels and life-style in daily life for older people. A questionnaire, based on 7 factors of life satisfaction level and 13 factors of life-style chosen after considering theoretical validity, was administered to 1,320 healthy people aged 60 or more in the community (665 males and 655 females). Remarkable gender and grade differences were confirmed in the "physical health" satisfaction level. Satisfaction level for "personal relations" related to the number of friends for both sexes and to volunteer activities for males. The influence of the life-style factor on satisfaction level was highest in physical health. The influence of the number of friends was high for each satisfaction level. It was inferred that there are many aspects of life-style backgrounds contributing to the satisfaction level of older people in the community, and individual satisfaction with daily life is affected by different life-style factors.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中年教师心身健康影响因素,为相关的干预研究提供科学依据。方法:采用回顾性调查,自制调查问卷,对河北省高校370名中年教师心身健康影响因素进行统计分析。结果:男教师心身健康主要受健康教育、锻炼态度、睡眠质量、年龄、自我保健、成就感、生活环境、疼痛、人际关系和吸烟因素的影响,女教师心身健康受健康教育、心理环境、疼痛、年龄、睡眠质量、锻炼态度、压力和生活满意度的影响。结论:男女教师心身健康状况存在不同特点,应采取针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

This research has tested a social disintegration model in conjunction with risk and protection factors that have the power to differentiate relative, weighted interactions among variables in different socially disintegrated groups. The model was tested in a cross-sectional sample of 1082 at-risk youth in Switzerland. Structural equation analyses show significant differences between the social disintegration (low, moderate, high) groups and gender, indicating that the model works differently for groups and for gender. For the highly disintegrated adolescents results clearly show that the risk factors (negative mood, peer network, delinquency) are more important than the protective factors (family relations, secure sense of self). Family relations lose all protective value against negative peer influence, but personal variables, such as secure self, gain protective power.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of elderly Puerto Rican women living in Boston explored the influence of cultural meanings on patterns of social interaction and support. Women's roles and social relations were found to reflect the importance of motherhood and domestic responsibilities. With aging, women expect and value respect from their children and younger persons and regard this as even more important than affection. These cultural factors affect friendship selection, family interdependence and exchanges as well as relations with the formal health care system.  相似文献   

《Women & health》2013,53(3-4):239-252
This ethnographic study of elderly Puerto Rican women living in Boston explored the influence of cultural meanings on patterns of social interaction and support. Women's roles and social relations were found to reflect the importance of motherhood and domestic responsibilities. With aging, women expect and value respect from their children and younger persons and regard this as even more important than affection. These cultural factors affect friendship selection, family interdependence and exchanges as well as relations with the formal health care system.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examines links among adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms, the prenatal environment (e.g., nicotine exposure) and pre/perinatal maternal health, and cardiovascular risk factors. Girls (N = 262) ages 11–17 reported internalizing and externalizing behaviors and mothers reported about the prenatal environment and maternal health during pregnancy and 3 months post-pregnancy. Adolescent cardiovascular risk included adiposity, smoking, blood pressure, and salivary C-reactive protein. Internalizing symptoms mediated relations between prenatal exposures/maternal health and adiposity; externalizing symptoms mediated relations between prenatal exposures and adolescent smoking. Health care providers who attend to internalizing and externalizing symptoms in girls may ultimately influence cardiovascular health, especially among those with pre/perinatal risk factors.  相似文献   

Statistical evidence suggests that social cohesion provides the link between income inequality and health, but it is not clear how it might do so. The vagueness of the concept of cohesion and the difficulty of seeing how something so apparently ephemeral could exert a major influence on health has led to skepticism about its role in the relation between income distribution and mortality. The author suggests that social cohesion is indicative of underlying psychosocial risk factors that are known to be closely associated with health. Attention is drawn to the strong inverse relationships between measures of social inequality and measures of the quality of social relations in numerous different data sets. Given that social status and social affiliations, in terms of population-attributable risks, are among the most powerful influences on population health in the developed world, this is a potentially potent mixture for health. An antipathy between hierarchical relations across inequalities of power, income, and status on the one hand, and supportive social relations between equals on the other, is likely to exert a powerful influence on health.  相似文献   

卫勤分队布局优化研究是通过对布局影响因素的研究,确定战时机动卫勤分队展开布局的优化方案。文章阐述了影响布局的多种因素及多种因素的相互关系和合成方法,并尝试通过现代管理和系统工程的思想和方法解决问题。  相似文献   

王媛  郭剑  王伟 《中国学校卫生》2007,28(8):694-695
目的了解医学生心理健康状况,探讨医学生心理健康的影响因素及其潜变量之间的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样的方法,对某医科大学818名医学生心理健康状况的一般情况进行描述性分析,并拟合结构方程模型。结果经结构方程模型的拟合,抑郁、焦虑、人际关系、精神病性和强迫症状的回归系数较高。ξ2对心理卫生的影响最大,ξ6和ξ3次之。影响医学生心理健康的主要因素为身体状况、生活规律、与他人交流情况等。结论结构方程模型不仅能提示各个因素对医学生心理健康存在的影响,而且对各影响因素与心理健康之间的作用机制有了深入的、数理角度上的证实和理解。  相似文献   

本文灰色模型分析医院业务收入、专业设备、业务用户、职工人数之间的相互关系及对医院发展的影响。结果表明,业务收入增长与业务用户面积最密切,专业设备和职工人数对业务收入增长有阻碍作用,应协调各因素的关系,为医院发展计划服务。  相似文献   

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