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浅谈导管室护士所面临的职业危害及其防护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
90年代中期以来 ,血管介入诊断和治疗在国内广泛深入地开展 ,由此导管室护士所承受的工作及精神压力明显增大 ,所面临的射线、化学物质和感染等机会明显增加。导管室具有应急性、快速性、连续性、无规律性等特点。因此 ,只要采取积极有效的措施 ,加强自身防护 ,才能减少危害因素的侵扰。1 危害因素1.1  X射线的危害X射线是一种看不见 ,摸不着而对人体组织、器官和腺体伤害较大的放射性物质 ,长期过量的 X线会使人产生疲乏无力、头昏头痛、记忆力减退、睡眠障碍、食欲下降和恶心等症状。严重时可引起内分泌紊乱和造血功能损害 ,甚至致癌…  相似文献   

<正>《献血法》颁布实施以后,血站的采血模式是先采血后检测,献血者中乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎、艾滋病、梅毒等感染均占有一定比例。艾滋病的流行也已经进入快速增长期。枣庄血站每年采约3万人次,其中98%在流动采血车上完成,空间的狭小,采血车环境秩序的混乱,工作人员的急躁情绪很空易使之刺伤手指而造成血液污染[1,2]。为  相似文献   

The First World Conference on the Pharmacology of Natural and Traditional Medicines, sponsored by the Section on Pharmacology of Natural Products of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) and the Chinese PharmacologicalSociety (CNPHARS), will be held from September 9thto? 12th, 2009, in Hangzhou, China. The theme of the conference is "  相似文献   

医生面临的社会心理挑战   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前国内的医疗改革正在不断深入进行中,医生面临着更多的职业风险。许多医生面对突然加大的心理压力感到不能适应,其结果常常就是自身健康受到威胁和工作质量下降。因此,了解如何促进医生的心理健康,采取积极的态度面对压力和挑战是非常重要和必要的。  相似文献   

李璐瑒 《首都医药》2010,17(5):21-22
当前谈到就医,百姓言必称“看病难,看病贵”,这已经是个备受关注的问题,甚至同教育、住房一起被称为新的“三座大山”。而在去年“两会”前,就有数位医药卫生界的专家发出了不同声音:  相似文献   

赵振基 《中国药店》2013,(21):24-24
面对健康服务业的巨大市场潜力,复星医药近段时间以来大动作频频,而且出击的方向均生生切中了热点。  相似文献   

侍茹 《家庭用药》2011,(2):36-37
知道上海魏氏伤科盛名,久矣。曾在报刊上读到有关魏氏伤科李国衡先生的种种传奇传说。他曾为国家名誉主席宋庆龄诊病,也曾为泰国国王疗疾。最为传奇的是他的歧黄妙术:  相似文献   

有人帮你打蚊子,拍了你一下;有人与你打架,给了你一巴掌。在用力相同的情况下,你会觉得后者更疼。  相似文献   

赵默 《自我药疗》2014,(7):40-41
常州是江苏的一颗明珠.像一卷史诗、一帧古画,留给我们的是无尽的怀古情结和想象空间。常州,你若只是与她浅浅而谈,是很难体会她内在的娟秀与丰富的人文内涵的,即便是生长于此的人们,也未免能把她那灿若星辰的风物了如指掌。  相似文献   

吸睛、刺激购买欲、上扬药店人气……小小陈列不仅是药店的门面,更是一个门店必须做扎实的重要基本功之一!然而目前的陈列中,仍旧存在一些问题,而其中的一些则属于“陈列禁区”,是绝对不允许出现的状况.那么就让我们一起来看一看,什么样的陈列,绝对会被领导、被顾客亮起“红灯”吧!陈列的“底线”,你触到了吗?  相似文献   

In Argentina, the prevailing drug policy is based on a ‘drug free society’ approach. It is worth pointing out that since the 1970s there has been an important influence by USA drug policy on drug policy in Argentina. We find a high incidence of HIV transmission among injecting drug users and high levels of social exclusion. In the Argentinean context NGOs can play a fundamental role in reversing the trend of segregation and discrimination towards drug users. Nowadays, to promote harm reduction as an HIV/AIDS preventive policy more than as a drug use policy is a better strategy, considering the climate of abstinence. We are a better condition than a few years ago to reinforce its application in Argentina because of the following factors: (1) UNAIDS support; (2) the regional impact of the International Summit ‘Large Urban Cities and their Drug Plans’ (Medellin, October 1997), and the IX International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm (São Paulo, March 1998); (3) the increasing diffusion about international harm reduction experiences in the mass media; (4) discussions with university research teams; and (5) the creation of the Latin-American Harm Reduction Network.  相似文献   

Harm reduction: Come as you are   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to describe what harm reduction is, how it developed, how it works, and why it is becoming a major approach in the addictive behaviors field. Based on principles of public health, harm reduction offers a pragmatic yet compassionate set of strategies designed to reduce the harmful consequences of addictive behavior for both drug consumers and the communities in which they live. To illustrate how harm reduction has been applied to both the prevention and treatment of addiction problems, highlights of a national conference on harm reduction are presented. The historical roots of harm reduction programs in Europe (Netherlands and the United Kingdom) are described. The paper concludes with a discussion of four basic assumptions central to harm reduction: (a) harm reduction is a public health alternative to the moral/criminal and disease models of drug use and addiction; (b) it recognizes abstinence as an ideal outcome but accepts alternatives that reduce harm; (c) it has emerged primarily as a “bottom-up” approach based on addict advocacy, rather than a “topdown” policy established by addiction professionals; and (d) it promotes low threshold access to services as an alternative to traditional high threshold approaches.  相似文献   

Harm reduction in the developing world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines harm reduction from the perspective of poor countries. In considering which elements of the broad approach are suitable for adaptation and adoption by poor countries, there is a need to examine critically the arguments put forth in support of it and which, if any, of these are supported by evidence. There are also significant indirect influences that the approach is likely to have on how drug use is understood and interpreted by wider society. The likely impact of these on areas other than simply services directed to drug users needs to be assessed. There are some features regarding harm caused by alcohol and other drug use that are specific to poor countries. Most important among these is that levels of use which are not deemed to be harmful in rich societies cause grave harm through diverting meagre resources away from survival needs in the poor world. Alcohol, as well as other drugs, tends in deprived settings to cause dependence and other problems much earlier in people's drinking careers and at much lower levels of consumption than in rich countries.  相似文献   

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