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断层皮片切削法在巨痣治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
洪帆  黄岩  汪丽玲  修志夫 《中国美容医学》2010,19(10):1417-1419
目的:探讨断层皮片切削法治疗巨痣的临床疗效。方法:采用滚轴式取皮刀切削巨痣达真皮浅层,创面不需植皮,待其自行愈合后配合预防瘢痕增生治疗。结果:6例患儿取得满意效果,3例患儿有少部分色素残留。所有患儿术前术后毛发无明显改变。平均治疗时间为18天。结论:断层皮片切削法治疗巨痣临床效果明显:术后恢复快,色素残留少,皮肤无明显瘢痕形成,可明显改善患者外观。  相似文献   

特殊类型先天性巨痣的手术诊治   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的:探讨特殊形态先天性巨痣的诊断和治疗。方法:对四例特殊形态先天性巨痣患者从病史、症状、术中发现、病理检查进行分析,对不同患者的病情分别采用部分或全部切除,自体皮片或自体病变皮片游离移植的方法进行巨痣切除后的整复。结果:四例巨痣患者经手术治疗疗效良好,严重影响患者生活质量的病变组织得以切除,正常皮片和病变组织皮片均全部成活。结论:先天性巨痣不但范围巨大,而且形态多样,须仔细鉴别,并根据不同病情采用不同的切除和修复方法。  相似文献   

目的:应用刃厚皮片联合微型真皮下血管网全厚皮片修复截瘫褥疮。方法:对6例截瘫褥疮,增强全身支持治疗,彻底清除褥疮的炎性肉芽组织及坏死组织后,采用刃厚皮片联合微型真皮下血管网全厚皮片修复.结果:5例Ⅰ期愈合,1例Ⅱ期愈合。结论:本法操作简单,愈合较快,具有一定的耐磨性,为进一步皮瓣修复奠定了基础,是修复难治性截瘫褥疮较理想的方法.  相似文献   

颜面部先天性巨痣的修复治疗   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
张茂红  杜庆安  宗逊 《中国美容医学》2006,15(10):1171-1172,I0007
先天性巨痣是黑色素细胞痣的一种,为较少见的一种先天性皮肤良性肿瘤,其特点是范围广泛,手术切除后的组织缺损往往不能为邻近的局部组织所修复[1],尤其是位于颜面部的巨痣,因影响外貌美给患者带来严重的心理障碍。我科近几年来收治了3例颜面部先天性巨痣,均采用全厚皮片整块移植法治疗,取得了改善外观和保持正常功能的满意疗效。1典型病例病例1男,9岁,患者自出生时就发现左侧眼、面部大片皮肤如墨染,并随年龄增长面积逐渐扩大。入院检查;见左侧头面部、眼睑及面颊部成片的黑色素痣,并延伸至左侧半边头皮发际内,痣表面色素深浅较均匀、粗糙,…  相似文献   

目的:观察应用皮肤切削术治疗胸背部巨痣的临床效果,探讨治疗巨痣较为有效的方式。方法:于巨痣部位以切削方式削除黑色素痣病变组织,继发创面以愈邦(纳米银抗菌医用敷料)覆盖,术后逐层揭去外层敷料,直至创面愈合,愈后综合抗瘢痕治疗。结果:胸背部巨痣可一次性手术完成,创面均Ⅰ期愈合,愈后无明显瘢痕增生或挛缩,皮肤色泽及弹性可。结论:应用皮肤切削术治疗胸背部巨痣手术次数少,无需植皮。  相似文献   

全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣的效果及优势。方法:2002年9月~2006年8月,利用耳后或上臂内侧全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣6例,男性2例,女性4例,年龄12~28岁;黑痣直径3~6cm。结果:6例患者,2例行耳后皮片移植,4例行上臂内侧皮片移植。所有患者分裂痣完全切除,植皮全部成活。随访3个月~4年,形态、功能良好,无并发症发生,效果满意。结论:全厚皮片游离移植矫治大面积眼睑分裂痣简单易行、适应证广、疗效可靠,是治疗此类疾病比较理想的术式。  相似文献   

目的:评估利用病变区域有活力的上皮组织,回植修复化脓性汗腺炎病变组织切除后大面积皮肤缺损的临床效果。方法:将笔者科室2002年1月-2019年3月的7例顽固性Ⅲ期化脓性汗腺炎患者作为研究对象,以滚轴刀削取病变区较完整的表皮及真皮浅层皮片,清洗干净后回植到病变切除后的创面上,剩余创面以头皮刃厚皮片覆盖,加压包扎,创面规律换药,观察皮片成活情况。结果:本组共7例患者,创面植皮成活率高,创面经规律换药治疗后愈合良好。结论:利用病变区域刃厚皮片回植治疗顽固性化脓性汗腺炎切除后创面,减少了正常皮肤供皮区取皮量,可以一次性切除较大面积病变组织,有利于缩短治疗大面积顽固性化脓性汗腺炎的疗程,减少手术次数,值得临床上广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的探索应用削除或磨削法治疗成人体表先天性巨痣的操作与效果。方法综合先期进行的病理学检查结果、病变具体位置及患者的治疗心理预期等相关因素后,使用滚轴取皮刀切取刃厚或中厚皮片,或者使用高速的“西瓜”磨头磨削肿物浅层病变的方法治疗巨痣,治疗区保持在湿润状态下愈合,治疗按部位分1~2次进行,共治疗10例。结果10例中5例患者取得较为理想的效果,肤色接近正常,病理学检查未发现痣细胞明显残留,4例明显改善,1例有所复发,多数治疗效果均达到患者的心理预期。结论削除或磨削法对曾用其他方法治疗效果不佳或须付出较大代价的体表先天性巨痣有明显的实用效果,特别是由于综合考虑了多种相关因素,有利于在治疗效果与治疗代价之间取得较好的平衡,值得在临床上加以推广。  相似文献   

头颈部巨大色素痣简称巨痣,严重影响患者面容及身心健康,因牵涉五官,给治疗带来较大困难。色素痣切除后继发缺损的修复是困绕整形美容外科医师的难题。方法主要有皮片移植法、皮肤软组织扩张术法、邻位皮瓣转移法等,但对于巨痣,大面积皮片移植仍是最有效的方法。2007年5月~2008年6月,我院共收治6例头颈部巨痣,采用大张皮片移植术治疗,效果满意。现报道如下。  相似文献   

巨型先天性黑色素细胞痣电(giant congenital melano cyticnevus)是一种较少见的皮肤良性肿瘤,主要表现为分布广泛、范围巨大的色素沉着病灶,其中极少数病例除表现为巨痣的一般特征外,还伴有严重的病变组织增生,其症状极易与神经纤维瘤病混淆。最近我科收治此类病患1名,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Giant congenital naevi (GCN) are hamartomas of neuroectodermal origin evident from birth. The definition of a GCN has varied, however involvement of 20% of the body surface is usually an accepted qualification. This produces a cosmetic defect and there is a risk of malignant transformation. Curettage of these lesions in the first few weeks after birth provides excellent cosmetic results with minimal scarring. Dermaplaning of the periphery of the lesion either at the primary procedure or at a secondary procedure deals with the other area which is not treated by curettage. Received: 7 May 1997 / Accepted: 21 August 1997  相似文献   

目的探讨胸科钢丝内固定联合皮片移植修复胸背部巨痣切除术后缺损的临床疗效。方法 2007年6月-2010年10月,收治17例胸背部巨痣患儿。男7例,女10例;年龄3岁6个月~15岁,平均8岁。巨痣范围为20 cm×12 cm~60 cm×50 cm。2例曾行激光治疗,余15例均未治疗。巨痣表面皮肤破溃及渗出2例,坚硬3例,毛发生长7例,5例皮肤质地与周围正常皮肤一致;5例皮肤瘙痒明显。手术切除巨痣后,于创缘以胸科钢丝内固定缩小创面,再取大腿中厚皮片移植修复创面。术后综合抗瘢痕治疗。结果巨痣切除后创面面积为(2 110.74±725.69)cm2,胸科钢丝缩创后面积为(1 624.94±560.57)cm2,缩创前后创面面积比较差异有统计学意义(t=9.006,P=0.001)。术后植皮均顺利成活,切口及供皮区创面均Ⅰ期愈合。患者术后均获随访,随访时间为6个月~2年,平均13个月。植皮区、供皮区无明显瘢痕增生或挛缩,皮肤色泽及弹性与创周正常皮肤相似,乳头、肚脐等局部器官与术前比较无牵拉移位。结论胸背部巨痣切除后,胸科钢丝内固定联合皮片移植修复继发创面,可减少取皮量,术后瘢痕轻微,外观满意。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present the results of non-vascularized fibular graft for reconstruction of bone defects after en block resection of giant aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) of the extremities. Between 1998 and 2006, three patients, aged 6, 8 and 23 years, with giant aneurysmal bone cysts were treated. The cysts were located in the humerus, proximal femur and metatarsal. All patients were given en bloc resection of the cyst followed by non-vascularized fibular bone graft, with the graft length ranging from 6 to 18 cm. All patients needed supplementary fixation with a single Kirschner wire or plate and screws. At the final follow-up, bony union was achieved in each case, and there was no recurrence, limitation of range of motion or disability. In addition, complete regeneration of the fibula at the donor site was seen in the two children. We propose a criterion for giant ABC, when the transverse diameter of the cyst is up to three times or more of the transverse diameter of the nearby bone, it is then called a giant ABC. Non-vascularized fibular graft is an optimal and valuable method for the reconstruction of bone defects after resection of giant ABC in the extremities.  相似文献   

Whereas inguinal hernias are commonly encountered in the neonatal population, giant hernias containing the entire small bowel and with complete inguinal floor disruption are significantly less common. These cases present clinical and technical challenges with the obliteration of normal anatomy and an attenuation of the expected abdominal domain. There is a scant literature available describing these hernias or their management in neonates. In this case report, we describe a neonate who presented with a giant unilateral inguinal scrotal hernia complicated by in utero perforation. This was managed by open herniorrhaphy, orchidopexy, and diagnostic laparoscopy.  相似文献   

Giant omphaloceles are associated with a considerable loss of abdominal domain. Early primary repair of the fascia is either not possible or poorly tolerated by the infant. Current surgical options result in a ventral hernia requiring future surgery or involve the chronic use of prosthetic patches with or without tissue expanders. This case presentation describes an alternative surgical approach that results in early fascial closure using an interposition graft of Alloderm.  相似文献   

Summary Two patients with giant cell tumour of the lateral tibial condyle underwent en bloc resection and reconstruction by pedicled vascularized fibular graft. Both had good functional results and rapid solid bony union. This procedure preserved the lateral stabilizing structures of the knee, allowed relatively early mobilization and provided some cartilagionous surface for articulation with the lateral femoral condyle. The procedure was technically simple compared with homograft reconstruction, prosthetic replacement or free vascularized bone grafts, and could be performed in less sophisticated centres. The operation also provided additional bone stock for subsequent fusion if necessary.
Résumé Les auteurs rapportent le cas de deux patients présentant une tumeur à cellules géantes du condyle externe du tibia qui ont subi une résection et une reconstruction par une greffe de péroné vascularisée. Les deux malades ont eu un bon résultat fonctionnel et une fusion osseuse rapide et solide. Ce procédé préserve les sructures externes stabilisatrices du genou et permet une mobilisation relativement précoce. De plus, il apporte une surface cartilagineuse au condyle externe du fémur. Le procédé est techniquement simple, comparativement à la reconstruction par homogreffe, au remplacement par prothèse ou par greffes osseuses libres vascularisées. Cette technique peut donc être facilement exécutée dans des centres hospitaliers moins sophistiqués. Cette opération apporte également une quantité d'os supplémentaire pour le cas où une arthrodèse s'avérerait nécessaire.

Summary We present our experience in the surgical management of giant congenital nevocellular nevi (GCNN's). From 1983 to 1992, 13 cases were treated of which 11 were children and 2 were adults. The size of the lesions ranged between 3 and 60% of the body surface. All these patients underwent excision and skin grafting. In 6 cases, skin expansion was used. The patients were seen subsequently every 6 months with a 12 months minimum follow-up. In 2 pediatric patients, malignant degeneration of the lesion occurred: in the first case, a highly invasive nodular melanoma, in the second case, a lesion corresponding to minimal deviation melanoma. Our personal experience has shifted our attitude to the treatment of GCNN to a more aggressive approach. Early and radical excision of all the lesion is currently our first priority; esthetic refinements by means of skin expansion or other techniques are now delayed to subsequent procedures.  相似文献   

目的 观察桡骨远端巨细胞瘤切除后取自体腓骨头移植重建的远期疗效.方法 对1994年3月至2004年11月31例桡骨远端巨细胞瘤患者行肿瘤大段切除,取自体腓骨上段移植重建.其中男性12例,女性19例;年龄19~48岁,平均31岁.Campanacci分期Ⅲ期24例,Ⅱ期7例.采用吻合血管的腓骨移植6例,其余25例行单纯腓骨移植.对本组患者进行临床及影像学评估,测量患者腕关节活动度、前臂旋前及旋后的活动度,测量患肢的握力.分别以MSTS评分及Mayo腕关节评分系统评价上肢及腕关节功能.结果 随访时间41~169个月,平均86.3个月.吻合血管的腓骨移植骨愈合时间为3~9个月,平均5.1个月.单纯腓骨移植患者骨愈合时间为7~15个月,平均10.3个月.1例单纯腓骨移植患者术后出现骨不愈合.1例患者术后出现肿瘤局部复发,复发率为3.2%.5例患者术后出现桡腕关节脱位.患者术后腕关节活动度为背伸(67.3±9.4)°、掌屈(31.2±5.1)°、桡偏(14.1±4.7)°、尺偏(19.4±3.9)°、前臂旋前(33.8±6.6)°、前臂旋后(15.3±4.0)°.对桡腕关节成型的28例患者进行握力测量为15.5~52.1 kg,平均33.1 kg,占健侧握力的73%.MSTS评分为23~29分,平均25.5分,Mayo腕关节功能评分40~65分,平均56分.结论 取自体腓骨上端移植重建是治疗桡骨远端巨细胞瘤的有效方法,术后患者腕关节功能恢复理想.腕关节囊的重建对于维持桡腕关节的术后稳定具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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