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Polycystin-1 is a protein mutated in the majority of cases of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), but its role in the molecular pathway of tubulogenesis and cystogenesis is not understood. To define the role of polycystin-1 during dynamic changes in formation of intercellular contacts and cell polarity accompanying epithelial morphogenesis, we have utilized a 3D MDCK in vitro model of tubulogenesis and cystogenesis. Here we demonstrate that polycystin-1 is a novel component of desmosomal junctions of epithelial cells. A striking downregulation of polycystin-1 mRNA was detected in cysts as compared to tubules, leading to altered protein expression and localization. While polycystin-1 is localized to basolateral membranes of MDCK tubules, it is only detected in cytoplasmic pools in cystic cells. Furthermore, the expression of polycystin-1 is modulated during distinct stages of HGF-induced tubulogenesis from MDCK cysts. Thus, polycystin-1 is not detected in intercellular contacts at early steps of tubulogenesis, but assumes its basolateral localization at the time of cell polarization and lumen formation. An important role of polycystin-1 is further demonstrated using the pancreatic ductal epithelial cell line SU.86.86 which undergoes in vitro differentiation resulting in the formation of domes. Dome formation is thought to parallel tubular differentiation and morphogenesis in vivo. Our data reveal significant upregulation of polycystin-1 mRNA and protein levels in domes. Collectively, our results demonstrate a critical importance of controlled level of polycystin-1 expression for proper tubular differentiation and maturation. We suggest that the loss of polycystin-1 from its basolateral location in tubular epithelium may alter critical pathways controlling normal tubulogenesis leading to cystic transformation.  相似文献   

To analyze NF-kappa B activity in the testis, we used murine transgenic lines carrying a LacZ reporter gene under the control of a NF-kappa B-responsive promoter (Schmidt-Ullrich et al. [1996] Dev 122:2117-2128). We constructed three independent lines containing the promoter of the gene encoding p105, the precursor of the p50 subunit. This promoter contains three NF-kappa B-binding sites in its proximal part. Our results show that in adult mice, the beta-galactosidase activity which reflects nuclear NF-kappa B activity, is first detected in spermatocytes at the pachytene stage and remains activated in the following steps of germ cell differentiation and maturation. Using transgenic mice carrying a p105nlslacZ construct with the 3 NF-kappa B sites mutated in the p105 promoter, we found a significant reduction in the transgene activity, confirming the important role of NF-kappa B in the activation of the transgene. To confirm the stage of induction during spermatogenesis, we analysed the beta-galactosidase activity in the testes from prepuberal mice in which cells synchrouneously enter meiosis. We detected the transgene activity at 18 days after birth, corresponding to the pachytene stage in spermatocytes. In nuclear extracts prepared from prepuberal mice, we found a peak of NF-kappa B DNA-binding activity made of p50 and p65 subunits at day 18 after birth, which remains high in the later stages. Further analysis showed that I kappa B alpha and beta, but not epsilon are expressed in the testes. Altogether, these data suggest that NF-kappa B factors are stage specifically controlled and may play a role during the development of sperm cells.  相似文献   

Uniparental inheritance of the chloroplast genome has been observed in a wide variety of green plants. In Chlamydomonas this phenomenon, which can be selectively inhibited by UV irradiation of mt + gametes, has been shown cytologically to be due to the preferential degradation of mt -derived chloroplast nucleoids in young zygotes. The zygote-specific pair of zys1 genes, zys1A and zys1B, is expressed earliest among five genes isolated from a “10-min” zygote library. We report here that the ZYS1 protein, which is encoded by the invertedly duplicated zys1 gene, accumulates in zygotes and is localized in nuclei. In addition, when mt + gametes (but not mt gametes) are UV-irradiated before mating, only very limited accumulation of ZYS1 protein can be detected in the resulting zygotes. Received: 29 July 1998 / 30 April 1999  相似文献   

The Golgi complex is the major cell organelle responsible for protein glycosylation and secretion. In this article, we show that GoPro49 is a new gene expressed specifically in mesenchymal and cartilaginous tissues during development. The corresponding human homologue was identified in our previous Golgi proteomics study and was shown to localize to the Golgi complex as an EGFP-fusion protein. Furthermore, we show using in situ hybridization that GoPro49 expression pattern is both restricted and developmentally regulated. It is specific in vertebrae, ribs, and limbs, and in the craniofacial area in nasal septum and dental follicle. In the trunk, GoPro49 expression decreases before final chondrocyte differentiation, while in the craniofacial area expression is still observed in postnatal tissues. This is the first time a Golgi membrane protein is shown to be expressed in a developmentally regulated manner during mesenchymal and cartilage development in mammals.  相似文献   

Bartlett JD  Ryu OH  Xue J  Simmer JP  Margolis HC 《Connective tissue research》1998,39(1-3):101-9; discussion 141-9
Previously, a cDNA encoding a novel matrix metalloproteinase (enamelysin) was isolated from a porcine enamel organ-specific cDNA library. The cloned mRNA is tooth-specific and contains an open reading frame encoding a protein composed of 483 amino acids (Gene, 183:(1-2), p123-128, 1996). Here, we show that: 1) The expression of enamelysin mRNA is not limited to the enamel organ as previously reported. The enamelysin message is also expressed at very low levels in the pulp organ. 2) Northern analysis reveals that the enamelysin mRNA displays a developmentally defined pattern of expression in the enamel organ. The message is expressed at relatively high levels during the presecretory and early transition stages of development. However, during late maturation, the quantity of enamelysin mRNA is greatly reduced. Conversely, the low message levels in the pulp organ remain relatively constant throughout these developmental stages. 3) The enamelysin cDNA was ligated into a prokaryotic expression vector and recombinant enamelysin containing a His tag was purified from E. coli. Zymographic analysis utilizing recombinant murine amelogenin as the substrate, reveals that the purified enamelysin degrades amelogenin. Since enamelysin is developmentally regulated and is capable of degrading amelogenin, it is likely to play a significant role during enamel biomineralization.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, produces RevA protein during the early stages of mammalian infection. B. burgdorferi apparently uses temperature as a cue to its location, producing proteins required for infection of warm-blooded animals at temperatures corresponding to host body temperature, but does not produce such virulence factors at cooler, ambient temperatures. We have observed that B. burgdorferi regulates expression of RevA in response to temperature, with the protein being synthesized by bacteria cultivated at 34 degrees C but not by those grown at 23 degrees C. Tissues encountered by B. burgdorferi during its infectious cycle vary in their pH values, and the level of RevA expression was also found to be dependent upon pH of the culture medium. The cellular localization of RevA was also analyzed. Borrelial inner and outer membranes were purified by isopycnic centrifugation, and membrane fractions were conclusively identified by immunoblot analysis using antibodies raised against the integral inner membrane protein MotB and outer membrane-associated Erp lipoproteins. Immunoblot analyses indicated that RevA is located in the B. burgdorferi outer membrane. These analyses also demonstrated that an earlier report (H. A. Bledsoe et al., Infect. Immun. 176:7447-7455, 1994) had misidentified such B. burgdorferi membrane fractions. RevA was further demonstrated to be exposed to the external environment, where it could facilitate interactions with host tissues.  相似文献   

The chicken limb deformity (ld) mutation affects morphogenesis of both limbs and kidneys and is one of few murine mutations for which the affected gene has been isolated. Analysis of the chicken homolog reveals evolutionary conservation of large parts of the encoded ld gene products. This is the first study of these proteins, their intracellular localization, and their temporal and spatial distribution during embryogenesis. A major 180-kD protein is expressed in chicken embryos and certain adult tissues. The proteins are localized in the nuclei of different embryonic cell types in a characteristic punctate pattern. In the developing chicken limb bud, they are expressed in the newly differentiated apical ectodermal ridge and the mesenchymal compartment, where an unequal distribution along the anteroposterior and, subsequently, the dorsoventral axes, is observed. During kidney morphogenesis, expression is initially restricted to the epithelial compartment of the pronephros and mesonephros. These results correlate well with the previous analysis of the murine ld phenotype and imply determinative roles for ld gene products during the morphogenesis of limbs and kidneys. Unexpected expression in the notochord, floor plate, and ventral horns suggests an involvement of the ld gene products in establishment of the dorsoventral polarity of the neural tube.  相似文献   

CD21, the C3d/CD23/Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), receptor is expressed at low density on cells of the T lineage. Immature thymocytes express CD21 with high density. In the present study, we have analyzed the expression of CD21 during intrathymic maturation of T cells. An intense staining for CD21 was observed at the double-negative stage and at the stage of early acquisition of CD4. CD21 expression was decreased at the double-positive and single-positive stages, to then reach levels similar to those of peripheral blood T cells. Staining of thymus sections showed a bright fluorescent signal on thymocytes entering the thymus in the cortical region. Taking advantage of the immature phenotype of cells expressing high amounts of CD21 (CD21(++)), we depleted thymocyte suspensions in CD3(+) and CD8(+) cells to study the properties of CD21 on this cell subset. Triggering of CD21 with its ligands iC3b, CD23 and anti-CD21 mAb did not alter the proliferative response of thymocytes to IL-7, and did not induce the differentiation of early cells into CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes. Immunoprecipitation did not reveal any molecule associated with CD21 that could play a signaling role in thymocytes. Finally, EBV induced a down-regulation of CD21 and an up-regulation of CD1 in CD21(++) thymocytes. Taken together, our observations demonstrate a regulated expression of CD21 on human thymocytes and suggest that the CD21(++) subset may be a target for EBV. We further suggest that CD21 on early thymocytes acts as a ligand for CD23-expressing cells in the thymus.  相似文献   

The 5′ leader (Ω) of tobacco mosaic viral RNA functions as a translational enhancer. Sequence analysis of a 102-kD protein, identified previously as a specific Ω RNA-binding protein, revealed homology to the HSP101/HSP104/ClpB family of heat shock proteins and its expression in yeast complemented a thermotolerance defect caused by a deletion of the HSP104 gene. Up to a 50-fold increase in the translation of Ω-luc, but not luc mRNA was observed in yeast expressing the tobacco HSP101 whereas Ω failed to enhance translation in the absence of HSP101. Therefore, HSP101 and Ω comprise a two-component translational regulatory mechanism that can be recapitulated in yeast. Analysis of HSP101 function in yeast translation mutants suggested that the initiation factor (eIF) 3 and specifically one (TIF4632) of the two eIF4G proteins were required for the HSP101-mediated enhancement. The RNA-binding and translational regulatory activities of HSP101 were inactive in respiring cells or in cells subject to nutrient limitation, but its thermotolerance function remained unaffected. This is the first identification of a protein required for specific translational enhancement of capped mRNAs, the first report of a translational regulatory function for any heat-shock protein, and the first functional distinction between the two eIF4G proteins present in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Cdc7, a protein kinase required for the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication, is activated by a regulatory subunit, Dbf4. A second activator of Cdc7 called Drf1 exists in vertebrates, but its function is unknown. Here, we report that in Xenopus egg extracts, Cdc7-Drf1 is far more abundant than Cdc7-Dbf4, and removal of Drf1 but not Dbf4 severely inhibits phosphorylation of Mcm4 and DNA replication. After gastrulation, when the cell cycle acquires somatic characteristics, Drf1 levels decline sharply and Cdc7-Dbf4 becomes the more abundant kinase. These results identify Drf1 as a developmentally regulated, essential activator of Cdc7 in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells differentiating into embryoid bodies (EBs) have been shown to mimic events of very early development and have become a convenient system in which to identify and study early epithelial specific genes. We describe here the primary structure of a mouse epithelial-specific tight junction gene and its expression patterns in differentiating ES cell-derived EBs in vitro. Sequencing of a clone identified by differential display of 4- vs. 6-day-old EB cells revealed it to overlap exactly with a larger cDNA clone (20M24) that had been isolated, but not characterised, in a screen of an ectodermal library. Complete sequencing and analysis of 20M24 revealed an open reading frame for a 219-amino acid protein with structural features of a transmembrane protein. In cell-free reticulocyte lysates, a 20M24 cDNA corresponding to the open reading frame (660 bp) directed the synthesis of a approximately 23-kDa protein that was localized to cell membranes at cell-cell junctions in transfected HEK-293 cells. Database searches indicated that the cDNA was identical to a recently identified member of the Claudin tight junction family, namely Claudin-6. ES cell cultures were used to further examine the expression pattern of Claudin-6 by whole mount in situ hybridisation during aggregation-induced commitment to epithelial differentiation in vitro. The results indicate that Claudin-6 is one of the earliest molecules to be expressed in ES cells committed to the epithelial fate, and the onset of its expression coincides with the expression of the early epithelial marker, keratin 8 (K8). The initiation of expression of Claudin-6 in vitro is dependent upon plating density as well as serum components. In addition, it was found that Claudin-6 expression is inhibited by Noggin, the Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP)-signalling pathway inhibitor, suggesting that BMPs may be involved in Claudin-6 expression and epithelialization. These studies establish Claudin-6 as a very early marker of epithelialization and provide evidence that the BMP signalling pathway may be one of the ways that its expression is regulated. These studies also support the power of in vitro ES cell technology to identify and screen novel molecules involved in the early epithelialization of the mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Myostatin inhibits myogenesis and there is reduced abundance of the mature protein in skeletal muscles of adult male compared with female mice. This reduction probably occurs after translation, which suggests that it is a regulated mechanism to reduce the availability of myostatin in males. Reduced myostatin may, thereby, contribute to the development of sexually dimorphic growth of skeletal muscle. Our first objective was to determine if the decrease in mature myostatin protein occurs before the linear growth phase to aid growth, or afterwards to maintain the mass of adult muscle. Mice were killed from 2 to 32 weeks and the gastrocnemius muscle was excised. Myostatin mRNA increased from 2 to 32 weeks and was higher in males than females ( P < 0.001). In contrast, mature protein decreased in males after 6 weeks ( P < 0.001). Our second objective was to determine if growth hormone (GH) induces the decrease in mature myostatin protein. GH increased myostatin mRNA and decreased the abundance of mature protein in hypophysectomised mice ( P < 0.05). Our final objective was to determine if the decrease in mature protein occurs in skeletal muscles of male Stat5b −/− mice (Stat5b mediates the actions of GH). As expected, mature myostatin protein was not reduced in Stat5b −/− males compared with females. However, myostatin mRNA remained higher in males than females irrespective of genotype. These data suggest that: (1) the decrease in mature myostatin protein is developmentally regulated, (2) GH acting via Stat5b regulates the abundance of mature myostatin and (3) GH acts via a non-Stat5b pathway to regulate myostatin mRNA.  相似文献   

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