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Ciliated vacuoles and intraepithelial cysts have been observed in oviductal and endocervical epithelia of rabbits. In this study, rabbits under various hormonal conditions were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy and tissue culture in an attempt to determine their distribution and origin. Ciliated vacuoles most frequently lay in the basal cytoplasm, below or beside the nucleus, and very close to the basal lamina. A few were apically located. Their average diameter was 8.8 by 5.1 μm. Cilia and microvilli projected into the vacuolar lumen. These vacuoles were located intracellularly as evidenced first by the degeneration of both their cilia and microvilli and the moderately dense matrix that often filled the vacuolar lumen, as observed by electron microscopy. Secondly, phase microscopy of the living endocervical epithelium allowed us to observe the beating of the cilia within the vacuoles, not on the surface of such cells. Thirdly, ruthenium red stained the surface glycocalyx of the ciliated and secretory cells, but not that of the cilia and microvilli within the vacuoles. The intraepithelial cysts were not observed in all tissue blocks. The largest numbers were found in ovariectomized animals treated for 3 and 5 days with estradiol. More were seen in the isthmus and cervix than in the fimbria and ampulla. The cysts were located most often within the epithelium along the sides of, and at the bases of, the mucosal folds. They were lined by flattened epithelium of various combinations of secretory and ciliated cells. An unusual cell type was associated with some of the cysts and ciliated vacuoles. Its cytoplasm contained aggregates of mitochondria and vesicles whose contents varied in density. Although the genesis of the ciliated vacuoles is not certain, our results indicate that they may arise from aberrant positioning of proliferating procentrioles or from a defect in targeting or transporting the centrioles to the apical plasma membrane to serve as basal bodies. Fusion of adjacent ciliated vacuoles with lumina lined by secretory cells having deep apical invaginations appeared to contribute to the formation of cysts.  相似文献   

Endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the stomachless teleostean fish, Notemigonus crysoleucas, were studied using electron microscopy. Located between the absorptive cells of the intestinal epithelium, the enteroendocrine cells were very few in number. While some of the cells had their secretory granules located basally and a long narrow part extending toward the lumen, many appeared rounder and the plane of the section did not indicate that they extended to the lumen. Based upon size and shape of secretory granules, there appear to be several different types of cells: those with the smallest granules distributed throughout the intestine, those with intermediate sized granules more commonly found in the middle and distal segments and a few with large granules seen most often in the distal intestine.  相似文献   

Calcium-deprivation of three weeks duration causes marked degenerative changes in the shell gland mucosa of the laying hen. The height of the columnar epithelium decreases, but the secretory granules in the columnar epithelial cells and the cilia on the apical cells of the columnar epithelium are preserved. The tubular glands decrease in size and number. The microvilli surrounding the tubular gland lumen disappear. The cytoplasm of the tubular gland cell contains autophagic vacuoles (cytolysomes) and large pigment accumulations, presumably lipofuscin. The changes are due to dietary calcium deficiency, apparently mediated by decreased sex steroid secretion and decreased stimulation of the oviduct. These changes are totally reversible, since the fine structure of the shell gland mucosa of calcium-deprived hens returned to a normal laying diet does not show any signs of degeneration and is identical with the fine structure of the shell gland mucosa of the laying control birds.  相似文献   

Brunner's glands in the platypus form a lobulated, glandular collar confined to the submucosa of the most distal portion of the stomach. The glands end immediately proximal to the gastrointestinal junction and excretory ducts empty in the region where the stratified squamous epithelium lining the stomach changes abruptly to the intestinal lining epithelium of the duodenum. An individual gland of Brunner is composed of several elongate lobules drained by intralobular ducts which often join to form a single excretory duct. Light and electron microscopic studies have shown the secretory tubules to be comprised of large, pyramidal cells limited basally by a delicate basal lamina. The ergastoplasm, cisternae of which are dilated and contain amorphous material, is associated with numerous ribosomes. In basal and perinuclear regions intercisternal granules and smooth surfaced vesicles are found. Numerous small vesicles found in supranuclear areas apparently form from the smooth membrane portions of ergastoplasm located adjacent to Golgi complexes. Membrane-bound amorphous granules of varying electron density occupy the apical cytoplasm and show a tendency to coalesce before emptying their contents into the adjacent lumen. The intralobular duct system is lined initially by a columnar epithelium which changes to a simple squamous form before the ducts combine to form a short excretory duct lined by stratified squamous epithelium. The epithelium lining the duct system contains relatively few organelles but appears to be engaged in a limited amount of synthesis and release of secretory material. Histochemical studies indicate that both the secretory tubules and the duct system elaborate a neutral mucopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

The immunocytochemical localization of an oviductal glycoprotein associated with ovulated eggs was investigated. Using a monoclonal antibody, we studied three regions of epithelium in the golden hamster oviduct. The monoclonal antibody reacted with the oviductal epithelium throughout the fimbriae and isthmus. Intense binding was observed in the ampulla and isthmus, especially in the caudal isthmus. In addition, reactive materials were present in the ovarian bursal sac and lumen of the ampulla. At the ultrastructural level, the monoclonal antibody reacted specifically with putative secretory granules and Golgi apparatus of nonciliated cells in the oviductal epithelium. Other cellular organelles did not react. Quantitative data indicated that the immunolabelings were intense in the ampullar and isthmic cells but weak in the fimbrial cells. Lipid droplet-like granules of the fimbriae and lysosome-like vesicles of the isthmus did not react with the monoclonal antibody. In all cases, ciliated cells did not react with the monoclonal antibody. These results suggest that the glycoprotein is primarily produced and secreted by ampullar and isthmic secretory cells and is then accumulated in the ovarian bursal sac. These findings may provide insight into regional and cellular differences in secretion of the golden hamster oviduct.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the ultrastructure of secretory cells in the various regions of the goat oviduct during the follicular and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. During the follicular phase in the fimbriae, the secretory cells contained small secretory granules with electron-dense matrices. In the luteal phase, the secretory granules disappeared and cytoplasmic protrusions, extending beyond the luminal border of the ciliated cells and often containing the nucleus, were predominant. During the follicular phase in ampullary secretory cells, numerous secretory granules with moderately electron-dense matrices were present in the supranuclear cytoplasm and exocytosis of secretory granules was observed. The number of secretory granules was dramatically reduced in the ampullary secretory cells at the luteal phase. Conspicuous cytoplasmic protrusions of secretory cells were observed similar to those of the fimbrial epithelium. Isthmic cells were almost free of secretory granules and lysosome-like bodies were found both at the follicular and luteal phases. In conclusion, our ultrastructural observations of goat oviduct revealed marked cyclic changes in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells and the ultrastructural features and the numbers of secretory granules were distinctive for each particular segment.  相似文献   

The non-ciliated (NC) cells of the bovine oviduct epithelium, have been shown to release embryotrophic substances to the oviduct lumen. The aim of the present study was to investigate the ultrastructure, focusing on aspects of the secretory machinery, of NC cells in different segments of the oviduct during and after transoviduct migration of zygotes and embryos. Dairy heifers (n=8) were superovulated with an ECG/cloprostenol regimen, and the time of ovulation was estimated by ultrasound scanning. Samples from the infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus and uterotubal-junction of the oviduct were surgically collected from animals at 19–96 h and 7 1/2; –8 1/2 days after ovulation and processed for transmission electron microscopy, following standard procedures. The NC cells contained characteristic membrane-bound secretory granules composed of a lamellar cortex encaging an amorphous medulla. The two components could still be recognized during extrusion of the granule content into the oviduct lumen by exocytosis. During granulogenesis, small maturing granules without the lamellar structure were observed, but distinct condensing vacuoles were absent. An abundance of granules was found in the early versus the late group. In both groups the uterotubual junction was almost free of granules. This segment, on the contrary, was characterized by the presence of primary and secondary lysosome-like bodies. In the early group the intracellular location of the granules varied between oviduct segments. In the infundibulum they were placed in the supranuclear cytoplasm, in the isthmus they were found in the most apical part of the cells, while in the ampulla an intermediate granule position was noticed. In both groups the uterotubal junction was almost free of granules. This segment, on the contrary, was characterized by the presence of primary and secondary lysosome-like bodies. Cytoplasmic protrusions, often containing nuclei, were more frequent in the late than in the early group. This phenomenon may represent epithelial renewal. In conclusion, the NC cell of the bovine oviduct epithelium possesses an extensive capacity for protein synthesis and secretion. The numbers and location of secretory granules show cyclic and segmental variations. Most granules are present in the infundibulum and ampulla during the period of transoviduct migration of zygote and embryo.  相似文献   

Three different types of lingual papilla were observed by scanning electron microscopy on the dorsal lingual epithelium of the lizard Gekko japonicus. Dome-shaped lingual papillae were located at the apex. Flat, fan-shaped lingual papillae were seen in the widest area of the lingual body. Long, scale-like lingual papillae were arranged on the latero-posterior dorsal surface. At higher magnification, microvilli and microridges were seen to be widely distributed over the surface of the papillae. By light microscopy, the epithelium of the dome-shaped papillae was composed of single, columnar epithelial cells filled with secretory granules. The tip of the epithelium of the fan-shaped and scale-like papillae was composed of stratified squamous epithelial cells without granules. The major part of the epithelium of these two types of papilla, except the tip area, was also composed of single, columnar epithelial cells with secretory granules. By transmission electron microscopy, a nucleus without a defined shape was seen to be located in the basal part of each of the single, columnar epithelial cells. Rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus were well developed around the nucleus. The other, major part of the cytoplasm was filled with the spherical secretory granules, a large number of which had very electron-dense cores and moderately electron-dense peripheral regions. In the stratified squamous epithelium, a nucleus, which tended to be condensed on the free-surface side, was located in the center of each cell. Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and vesicles were observed in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The normal ventral and dorsal prostatic lobes of the young adult Syrian hamster were examined at the light and electron microscopic levels. Each lobe is composed of branched tubular secretory units separated from each other by loose interacinar connective tissue and draining into the urethra. The lumen of each acinus is lined by a simple epithelium composed of columnar secretory cells with occasional small basal cells. The epithelial layer, with the thin underlying lamina propria, forms a mucosa that is often highly folded. The whole acinus is bounded by a thick muscular stroma. In each of the ventral lobes, there are three main ducts, each one formed of tubular branched tributary secretory units. The walls of the secretory acini are moderately folded. Microvilli dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory epithelial cells. The Golgi complex is very extensive and shows dilated cisternae and secretory vesicles and vacuoles of various sizes. Membrane-bounded secretory granules populate the Golgi and apical areas and are released into the acinar lumen by exocytosis. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, except in the region of the Golgi apparatus. In each of the dorsal lobes, there are several main tubular ducts that open into the urethra. Both proximal (ductal) and distal portions of the glandular tree are secretory in nature. Microvilli and cytoplasmic bulges and blebs dominate the lumenal surface of the secretory cells. The cells are also characterized by highly dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The secretory cells show heterogeneity in the degree of dilation and distribution of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and this heterogeneity may reflect location in the glandular tree. Large dilated cisternae with irregular outlines are common in the basal portion of some cells, mainly those of the distended proximal (ductal) portions of the acini. The more highly folded distal portions of acini show smaller regular cisternae distributed throughout the cytoplasm. The Golgi complex is poorly to moderately developed, and membrane-bounded secretory granules are absent or sparse. Apocrine secretion predominates in the dorsal lobe.  相似文献   

Kress A  Morson G 《Journal of anatomy》2007,211(4):503-517
The Monodelphis oviduct can be divided into four anatomical segments: preampulla (comprising fimbriae and infundibulum), ampulla, isthmus with crypts and uterotubal junction. Ovaries are enclosed in a periovarial sac, the bursa, and in some specimens tubules of an epoophoron could be identified. In both structures non-ciliated cells develop small translucent vesicles, which accumulate in the cell apices and presumably produce fluid as often seen in the bursa and in the tubules of the epooophoron. These vesicles do not stain with Alcian blue or PAS. The same applies also to the non-ciliated cells of the fimbriae. The oviducal epithelium of ampulla and the surface epithelium of the isthmus consisting of ciliated and non-ciliated, secretory cells undergo considerable changes during the estrous cycle. Proestrus shows low numbers of ciliated cells, some are in the process of neo-ciliogenesis, non-ciliated cells carry solitary cilia and few remnant secretory granules from the previous cycle may be found. At estrus the amount of ciliated cells in ampulla and isthmus has increased, most non-cililated cells lost the solitary cilia, developed longer microvilli and formed numerous secretory granules in their cell apices. At postestrus secretory products, often surrounded by membranes, are extruded into the oviducal lumen and contribute towards egg coat formation. First signs of deciliation processes are apparent. Solitary cilia reappear. At metestrus only few secretory cells are left with some secretory material. The lumen is often filled with shed cilia and cell apices. Proliferation of basal bodies within non-secretory cells indicate the formation of new ciliated cells. The non-ciliated epithelial cells of the isthmic crypts form no secretory granules but accumulate a great number of translucent vesicles, which in contrast to the secretory granules do not stain with Alcian blue or PAS.  相似文献   

The parotid gland of the olive baboon, Papio anubis, was examined by electron microscopy. The acini are all serous in nature, and consist of pyramidal cells with abundant secretory granules of varying size. These granules consist of a dense matrix in which a denser spherule or lenticular body is present. Granules linked by a short isthmus are observed in the apical cytoplasm, and granules in the process of discharging their contents to the acinar lumen may be connected to the luminal plasma membrane by a neck-like protrusion. Intercalated duct cells contain granules reminiscent of those found in the rat submandibular acinar cells. The striated ducts consist of tall cells interloked in a complex fashion near their bases, with numerous vertically-oriented mitochondria lodged in their basal crenulations. Small vesicles whose contents vary in density are present in the apical cytoplasm as are large deposits of lipofuscin. The striated duct cells display a proclivity for ballooning into the duct lumen. Excretory ducts consist of simple to pseudostratified columnar epithelium, and lack basal striations or apical blebs.  相似文献   

Isthmic and ampullary oviductal epithelia sampled from Merino ewes at days -1, 1, 3, and 10 of the estrous cycle (estrus = day 0) were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy after fixation by vascular perfusion. Secretory cells, ciliated cells, and lymphocytelike basal cells were observed in both isthmic and ampullary epithelium at all stages of the estrous cycle studied and their ultrastructural features were analyzed. Synthesis of lamellated secretory granules occurred in the ampullary secretory cells during the follicular and early luteal phases, and their contents were released by exocytosis into the oviductal lumen during the luteal phase. Granule release was associated with nucleated apical protrusion of these cells into the oviductal lumen. No such secretory activity was displayed by isthmic secretory cells even though a few cells contained nonlamellated granules. Apocrine release of apical vesicles and accompanying cytoplasmic material from apical protrusions of ciliated cells occurred in the isthmus around estrus but not in the ampulla. This unexpected feature has not previously been reported in any other mammal. Dendritic basal cells were distinguished in the lower part of the epithelium by their heterochromatic nuclei, electron-lucent cytoplasm, and lack of attachment zones. No migration of basal cells was observed, and their ultrastructural features were similar in the ampulla and isthmus and at all stages of the estrous cycle examined. The function of these lymphocytelike cells in the epithelium is uncertain, but the presence of phagocytic bodies and lysosomes in 20% of them may indicate a phagocytic role.  相似文献   

The duodenal glands of the species examined (Alces alces, Ovis canadensis, Cervus canadensis, Oreamnos americanus, Bison bison, Antilocapra americana, Odocoileus virginianas, Odocoileus heminous) are confined primarily to the submucosa of the small intestine. In one species, the moose, a significant population of secretory tubules also is observed in the mucosa. The ducts of the duodenal glands pierce the overlying muscularis mucosae to empty most often independently into the intestinal lumen. Those of the bison, unlike the other species examined, drain into intestinal glands. The duodenal glands consist primarily of a simple columnar epithelium, the cells of which contain basally positioned round or oval nuclei. The lumina of scattered duodenal glands in the pronghorn and to some extent those of the moose, white-tailed deer, and mule deer may be extremely dilated, and the surrounding epithelium thin and attenuated. Component cells of the duodenal glands of all the species examined show remarkably similar ultrastructural features. They exhibit scattered profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum, dilated cisternae of which contain an electrondense, amorphous material. Numberous well-developed Golgi complexes occupy the supranuclear region together with transport vesicles and forming secretory granules. Electron-dense, membrane-bound secretory granules generally are concentrated in the apical cytoplasm immediately subjacent to the cell membrane. The apical cell membrane exhibits short, scattered microvilli; and the basal cell membrane is smooth without apparent specialization. Histochemically, the duodenal glands of most species examined in this study consist of a heterogeneous population. The majority of the glands of the moose, elk, mountain goat, bison, pronghorn, and white-tailed deer elaborate a neutral mucin, whereas scattered individual glands, tubules or cells also produce acid mucins. Cells near the terminations of the ducts of the bighorn sheep are the only elements to produce acid mucins in the duodenal glands of this species. The duodenal glands of the bison are unusual in that only the peripheral portions of individual glands produce acid mucins. The remainder of the glands elaborate neutral mucins. Morphological differences between the two regions were not observed. The duodenal glands of the mule deer secrete both acid and neutral mucins. The structural and histochemical observations appear unrelated to the diet of individual species.  相似文献   

The control of the secretory cell cycle by estradiol and progesterone in the oviduct of the cat was studied using light and electron microscopy. The epithelium in ovariectomized animals was cuboidal with no evidence of secretory activity. Estradiol treatment induced hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and the differentiation of both secretory and ciliated cells. Differentiation of the secretory cell included the development of an extensive area of basal rough endoplasmic reticulum and a large supranuclear Golgi region. Apical secretory granules were already present after 3 days of estradiol treatment, and after 4 to 5 days maximum hypertrophy and differentiation had occurred. Most cells contained several apical electron-dense granules; however, no large accumulation of granules in any one cell was ever observed. Occasional release of secretory product by exocytosis occurred during chronic treatment with estradiol. Rapid elevation of the serum levels of estradiol or progesterone by means of IV injection did not enhance exocytosis or result in any ultrastructural alterations. The chronic administration of progesterone to estradiol-primed animals resulted in rapid cell atrophy, dedifferentiation, and death (apoptosis) within the epithelium of the oviduct. Secretory granules were no longer observed after 2 days of estradiol and progesterone treatment, and after 7 days the epithelium was approximately the same height as that measured in ovariectomized animals. These data illustrate that estradiol induces the differentiation and maintains the mature state of the secretory cell within the oviductal epithelium of the cat, and that progesterone has an immediate antiestrogenic effect on these cells. This study also suggests that the secretory product is released gradually, as the granules form and mature during chronic estradiol administration.  相似文献   

Summary The Harderian gland of the North American opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is large and well developed, despite the absence of a nictitating membrane in the adult of this species. The elongate glands are surrounded by a delicate connective tissue capsule from which thin septae extend, subdividing the gland into numerous lobules. The secretory units of the opossum Harderian gland are drained by a well defined but not extensive intralobular and interlobular duct system. Most of the secretory end pieces consist of tubuloalveolar units with widely dilated lumina filled with secretory product. Numerous intact lipid vesicles suspended within an amorphous material constitute the luminal contents. Cells lining the tubuloalveolar secretory endpieces are usually columnar in shape, and characterized by numerous lipid-containing secretory vesicles and aggregations of polytubular complexes 40–60 nm in diameter. In addition, these cells contain numerous large irregularly shaped mitochondria, whose matrix is of considerable electron density. Intralobular and interlobular ducts are lined by electron-lucent epithelial cells that lack both the lipid-containing vesicles and the large mitochondria, although typical smaller mitochondria are found scattered within the cytoplasm. Both secretory endpieces and ductal elements are invested by an abundance of myoepithelial cells. A second, smaller serous type of secretory unit may occur near the centre of some Harderian gland lobules. In these units secretory tubules and acini are compactly arranged surrounding a narrow lumen. Serous cells are pyramidal in shape and the cytoplasm is characterized by numerous electron-dense secretory granules and scattered profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Basolateral cell membranes show extensive infoldings and intercellular canaliculi are present. The overall size of cells forming the serous secretory units is much less than that comprising the tubuloalveolar secretory endpieces.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic lumina (ICL) are rarely described in tumors of the central nervous system. The morphogenesis of ICL remains incompletely characterized. Ultrastructural features of ICL in six ependymomas (one from lateral ventricle, three from fourth ventricle, and two from spinal cord) and three myxopapillary ependymomas of the filum terminale were analyzed. Two types of ICL were identified: ICL with both microvilli and cilia, and ICL with only microvilli. Some ICL also contained granulofibrillary or condensed material. Ciliated ICL were common in ependymomas of the ventricles, whereas nonciliated ICL were frequently seen in the myxopapillary variant. Various stages of formation and development were observed in ciliated ICL. They seemed to originate from distended periciliary cisterns, to enlarge by fusion with cytoplasmic vesicles or other ICL, and subsequently to open into the intercellular space. The last process may be the mechanism by which the intercellular microrosettes are formed. Ciliated ICL have not been described in other neoplasms. They may represent a characteristic ultrastructural feature of ependymomas. The morphogenesis of nonciliated ICL remains unknown. They may represent a degenerative form of ciliated ICL or pseudolumina resulting from invagination of the extracellular space within the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic lumina (ICL) are rarely described in tumors of the central nervous system. The morphogenesis of ICL remains incompletely characterized. Ultrastructural features of ICL in six ependymomas (one from lateral ventricle, three from fourth ventricle, and two from spinal cord) and three myxopapillary ependymomas of the filum terminale were analyzed. Two types of ICL were identified: ICL with both microvilli and cilia, and ICL with only microvilli. Some ICL also contained granulofibrillary or condensed material. Ciliated ICL were common in ependymomas of the ventricles, whereas nonciliated ICL were frequently seen in the myxopapillary variant. Various stages of formation and development were observed in ciliated ICL. They seemed to originate from distended periciliary cisterns, to enlarge by fusion with cytoplasmic vesicles or other ICL, and subsequently to open into the intercellular space. The last process may be the mechanism by which the intercellular microrosettes are formed. Ciliated ICL have not been described in other neoplasms. They may represent a characteristic ultrastructural feature of ependymomas. The morphogenesis of nonciliated ICL remains unknown. They may represent a degenerative form of ciliated ICL or pseudolumina resulting from invagination of the extracellular space within the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

To study the structural features of fetal rat duodenal mucosa associated with histogenesis of villi, duodena from 15- to 19-day fetuses were examined by light and electron microscopy. The duodenal epithelium of 15-to 18-day fetuses was stratified. Distinctive junctional complexes associated with membrane-bounded vesicles and cilia-like structures were seen in the deeper epithelial layers at 15 and 16 days. Small lumina, designated “secondary lumina,” lined with a variable number of microvilli developed between epithelial cells at these junctional complexes during the sixteenth through eighteenth days. Degenerative changes and exfoliation of superficial epithelial cells were obvious in 17- and 18-day fetuses. In 18-day fetuses, aggregates of mesenchyme had invaginated the basal aspect of the stratified epithelium. Concomitantly, the number of epithelial layers overlying these mesenchymal projections was decreased. In 19-day fetuses, well formed, short duodenal villi lined by a simple columnar epithelium which included goblet and endocrine cells were evident. Injection of ferritin into the main duodenal lumen of 17-day fetuses failed to reveal continuity between the main lumen and the secondary lumina. However, continuity between many secondary lumina and the main lumen was demonstrated in 18-day fetuses. Thus, major morphological features associated with villus formation in fetal rat duodenum include: (1) formation of many secondary lumina in primitive stratified epithelium, (2) eventual fusion of these lumina with the main duodenal lumen, by their continued growth coupled with exfoliation of degenerating superficial layers and (3) upward growth of mesenchyme towards the lumen as cell exfoliation and expansion of secondary lumina take place.  相似文献   

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is a chemoreceptive structure that has not been extensively studied in the Xenarthran order. Tissue samples from the VNO of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus were prepared for light and electron microscopy. The VNO is located in the anterior part of the base of the nasal septum. It is tubular in shape, ~ 18 mm in length and opens in the rostral region of the nasal cavity and with a blind caudal end. Its lumen is lined by sensory (SE) and nonsensory (NSE) epithelium. The SE shows sensory, supporting and basal cells whereas the NSE contains ciliated and nonciliated secretory cells and basal cells. At the ultrastructural level, the sensory cells appear as bipolar neurons with conspicuous microvilli on their free surface. The supporting cells of the SE contain numerous membrane-bound vesicles in their apical regions. A peculiar feature not found in other mammals, is the presence of concentric whorls of RER cisterns frequently observed in their basal expansions. Infiltrating plasma cells can be detected in the SE basal region close to the dorsal junctional area. This region also exhibits an unusual type of basal cell, probably responsible for the generation of new vomeronasal receptor neurons. The ciliated NSE cells exhibit numerous ovoids or irregularly shaped membranous protrusions projecting from the plasma membrane of the cilia. As far as we know, this is the first study reporting the presence of this feature in ciliated NSE cells. The nonciliated cells are characterised by scarce large secretory granules and apical microvilli. The vomeronasal glands are compound-branched tubuloacinar glands with serous acinar cells. Four types of secretory granules are present. The ducts of these glands reach the lumen in the dorsolateral region between the NSE and SE. Hypolemmal nerve terminals were observed contacting secretory cells. Fenestrated and nonfenestrated capillaries constitute the vascular supply to these glands. Plasma cells, intimately associated with acinar cells, were frequently observed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies were undertaken with special reference to the apical secretion in the ependymal cells of the subcommissural organ in the domestic chicken. Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) and acid phosphatase (AcPae) were used as cytochemical markers for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes, respectively. Periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PA-TCH-SP) cytochemistry was employed to detect glycoconjugates. Most dense bodies were negative with AcPase staining. Dilated cisternal of ER were reacted with G6Pase cytochemistry. Golgi saccules and several kinds of spherical bodies were stained with PA-TCH-SP cytochemistry. Our results suggest that: 1) most dense bodies in the apical cytoplasm belong to the secretory granules discharged into the ventricular cavity, 2) dilated cisternae of the ER serve as the storage site of the substance which eventually becomes the secretory product, however, contents of the ER are not directly released into the ventricular cavity. Findings of this studies lead us to speculate that there are two intracellular transportation via different compartments: one is a transport via small vesicles from the perinuclear ER to the Golgi apparatus and the other is a transport bypassing the Golgi apparatus via cisternae of ER from the perinuclear ER to the supra-Golgi region. The substances in these two structures seem to be intermingled with each other and matured into secretory granules. This granules may be discharged into the ventricular cavity by exocytosis.  相似文献   

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