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The effect of the immunosuppressive agent rapamycin (RAPA) was assessed in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse which is an autoimmune model of IDDM. RAPA was prepared in a vehicle of 8% cremophor EL/2% ethanol and investigated in two studies. NOD/MrK female mice (six per group, study no. 1; 10 per group, study no. 2) were dosed three times per week p.o. by gavage from 56 to 170 days of age (study no. 1) or from 64 to 176 days of age (study no. 2). Mice treated with RAPA at 0.6 mg/kg, 6 mg/kg, or 12 mg/kg maintained normal plasma glucose through 170 or 176 days of age with 10%, 0%, and 0% incidence of diabetes respectively. In contrast, naive, vehicle-treated, or RAPA 0.06 mg/kg-treated mice exhibited elevated plasma glucose and disease incidence typical for female NOD mice. Mice which became diabetic had elevated levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate, triglycerides and cholesterol. These plasma lipid concentrations were positively correlated with the duration of hyperglycaemia (r = 0.85, 0.87 and 0.84 respectively). Outside of its ability to prevent diabetes, RAPA itself did not affect the lipid profile of the mice. Intervention therapy with RAPA was ineffective at reversing the course of disease after IDDM onset under these experimental conditions. Finally, we report here that prophylactic treatment with RAPA was able to protect against IDDM development in some RAPA-treated mice 41 weeks after cessation of treatment. These data show that orally administered RAPA is effective in preventing onset of disease in the NOD mouse, a relevant model of autoimmune type I diabetes in man.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that Th1 T cells play a pivotal role in the development of autoimmune diabetes. Conversely, promoting a Th2 response inhibits disease progression. However, it has not been determined whether Th2 cells are regulatory T cells that fail at the time of diabetes development in naive non-diabetic NOD mice. Therefore, in order to evaluate cytokine secretion by spleen and islet infiltrating T cells in NOD mice at different stages of the autoimmune process, we developed an ELISPOT assay that detects IL-2, IL-4, and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) secretion in vitro at the single-cell level. We showed that, whatever the age considered, IFN-gamma is predominantly secreted, and that no IL-4-secreting cells are detected in the islets of male and female NOD mice. Spleen cells from 8-week-old female NOD mice, which include regulatory suppressor T cells, do not secrete IL-4, either upon presentation of islet cell antigens in vitro, or after transfer in vivo, but do secrete IFN-gamma. IFN-gamma secretion by T cells from diabetic mice results from CD4 but not CD8 T cells in transfer experiments into NOD/severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) recipients. These results suggest that (i) detection of regulatory CD4 T cells in NOD mice is not paralleled by a Th2 response; (ii) beta cell destruction does not depend on a switch from a Th2 to a Th1-type response; and (iii) CD8 T cells do not participate in induction of diabetes by secreting IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is considered as Th1 cell mediated autoimmune disease and the suppression of Th1 cells or the activation of Th2 cells has been regarded as a plausible immunologic intervention for the prevention of type 1 diabetogenesis in a rodent model. CpG ODN is an immunostimulatory sequence primarily present in bacterial DNA, viral DNA and BCG. CpG ODN is conventionally classified as a Th1 cell activator, which has been clinically applied to cancer, allergy and infectious disease. Recently, there was a promising report of that CpG ODN administration suppressed the development of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice by inducing Th2 cell mediated cytokine. However, the antidiabetogenic effect of CpG ODN on NOD mice is controversial. Thus, two studies were serially undertaken with various kinds of CpG motif to find a more optimal sequence and administration method. In the first study, CpG ODN was vaccinated four times and pancreatic inflammation and the quantity of serum insulin subsequently evaluated. In the second study, the amounts of IFN gamma and IL-4 in sera were measured as representative cytokines of Th1 and Th2 cells, respectively. As a result, vaccination or continuous injection of CpG ODN failed to show a preventive effect on type 1 diabetogenesis in NOD mice. Structural differences of CpG ODN also had no affect on the result. CpG ODN also consistently showed affect on the pancreatic pathology. The productions of IFN gamma and IL-4 were detected only in the K and D type CpG ODN administration groups. Comparison of the two cytokines leads to the conclusion that CpG ODN generated a Th1-weighted response in both study groups. It was assumed that CpG ODN failed to produce Th2-weighted cytokine milieu, which can overcome the genetically determined phenotype of NOD mice. Given these results, it was concluded that the immunotherapeutic application of CpG ODN on Type 1 diabetes had clear limitations.  相似文献   

In susceptible mice, the heavy metal ion mercury is able to induce a strong immune activation, which resembles a T helper 2 (Th2) type of immune response and is characterized by a polyclonal B cell activation, formation of high levels of IgG1 and IgE antibodies, production of autoantibodies of different specificities and development of renal IgG deposits. In the present study, we analysed the in vivo effects of mercury in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, which is believed to develop a spontaneous Th1 cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes similar to type 1 diabetes in humans. Three weeks of treatment with mercury induced a strong Th2 like immune/autoimmune response in NOD mice. This response was characterized by an intensive increase in splenic IgG1 antibody secreting cells, a marked elevation in serum IgE levels, a substantial increase in splenic IL-4 mRNA, but a significant decrease in splenic IFN-gamma mRNA. Mercury-induced IgG1 antibodies were mainly against ssDNA, TNP and thyroglobulin, but not against nucleolar antigen. Moreover, mercury-injected NOD mice developed high titres of IgG1 deposits in the kidney glomeruli. We further tested if the generated Th2 response could interfere with the development of insulitis and diabetes in NOD mice. We found that three weeks of treatment with mercury was also able to significantly suppress the development of insulitis and postpone the onset of diabetes in these mice. Thus, mercury-induced immune activation can counter-regulate the Th1 cell-mediated autoimmune responses and confer a partial protection against autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice.  相似文献   

The NOD mouse has proved to be a relevant model of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, closely resembling the human disease. However, it is unknown whether this strain presents a general biastoward Th1-mediated autoimmunity or remains capable of mounting complete Th2-mediated responses. Here, we show that NOD mice have the capacity to develop a typical Th2-mediated disease, namely experimental allergic asthma. In contrast to what might have been expected, they even developed a stronger Th2-mediated pulmonary inflammatory response than BALB/c mice, a strain that shows a typical Th2 bias in this model. Thus, after allergen sensitization and intra-nasal challenge, the typical features of experimental asthma were exacerbated in NOD mice, including enhanced bronchopulmonary responsiveness, mucus production and eosinophilic inflammation in the lungs as well as specific IgE titers in serum. These hallmarks of allergic asthma were associated with increased IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 and eotaxin production in the lungs, as compared with BALB/c mice. Notwithstanding their quantitative and functional defect in NOD mice, CD1d-dependent NKT cells contribute to aggravate the disease, since in OVA-immunized CD1d(-/-) NOD mice, which are deficient in this particular T cell subset, airway eosinophilia was clearly diminished relative to NOD littermates. This is the first evidence that autoimmune diabetes-prone NOD mice can also give rise to enhanced Th2-mediated responses and might thus provide a useful model for the study of common genetic and cellular components, including NKT cells that contribute to both asthma and type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

Inhibition of diabetes in NOD mice by human pregnancy factor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Clinical symptoms of Th1 mediated autoimmune diseases regress in many patients during pregnancy. A prominent feature of pregnancy is the presence of human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone (hCG) in blood and urine. In this report we tested the effect of clinical grade hCG (c-hCG) on the development of diabetes, a Th1 mediated autoimmune disease, in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. We show that treatment of NOD mice with c-hCG before the onset of clinical symptoms lowered the increased blood glucose levels, reversed the established inflammatory infiltrate of pancreatic tissue, and profoundly inhibited the development of diabetes for prolonged time. c-hCG also induced profound inhibition of the functional activity (i.e. production of IFN-γ) of Th1 cells. Transfer of spleen cells from c-hCG-treated NOD mice into immunocompromised NOD.SCID mice inhibited the development of diabetes in these otherwise nontreated mice. This shows that the treatment of the donor NOD mice induced persistent changes in the immune system. The antidiabetic activity of c-hCG was not caused by heterodimeric hCG or its subunits. Instead, this antidiabetic activity resided in a fraction of c-hCG preparation that contains a 400–2000 Dalton natural (immuno) modulatory pregnancy factor (NMPF).  相似文献   

The low frequency of islet-cell antigen-reactive T cells in type 1 diabetes makes their direct measurement difficult. Commonly used in vitro expansion could alter in vivo frequencies and Th1/Th2 differentiation states. Using IFN-gamma/IL-4 double color ELISPOT, we tested longitudinally the reactivity of PBMC from HLA-matched diabetic patients and healthy controls to GAD65, IA-2, and proinsulin peptides ex vivo and after in vitro culture. The peptide-reactive T cells showed IFN-gamma bias in the patients' PBMC in the primary assay. During in vitro culture, both IFN-gamma- and IL-4-producing cells were induced in controls, suggesting that the precursor cells were uncommitted naive T cells in vivo. In contrast, in diabetic patients, the ex vivo IFN-gamma response was conserved during culture, suggesting their Th1 commitment. Using CFSE-dye-dilution, we demonstrate that naive T cells expand in vitro at a faster rate than memory cells, which might account for the differences in expansion rates between diabetic patients and controls.  相似文献   

CCK-8对KLH免疫小鼠脾细胞Th1/Th2平衡的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的: 探讨八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)对Th1/Th2平衡的调节作用。方法: 给予BALB/c小鼠钥孔戚血蓝蛋白(KLH)免疫同时体内给予不同剂量的CCK-8,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测其脾细胞培养上清中Th1型细胞因子γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)、白细胞介素-2(IL-2)和Th2型细胞因子白细胞介素-4(IL-4)、白细胞介素-5(IL-5)水平,逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)法检测脾细胞中IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4、IL-5 mRNA表达;ELISA法检测血清中Th1型抗KLH抗体IgG2a和Th2型抗KLH抗体IgG1水平。结果: ①KLH免疫使小鼠脾细胞分泌Th1/Th2型细胞因子水平明显增高,mRNA表达增高,KLH免疫同时给予CCK-8可使脾细胞培养上清中IFN-γ、IL-2含量进一步增加和IFN-γ、IL-2mRNA表达增高,而使IL-4、IL-5含量降低,IL-4、IL-5 mRNA表达减低和降低IL-4/IFN-γ比值。②KLH免疫小鼠血清中IgG2a、IgG1发生不同程度增高,CCK-8可使其血清中IgG1水平减低而使IgG2a水平增高。结论: CCK-8可促进KLH免疫小鼠体内Th1反应,使Th2优势反应向Th1方向转变。  相似文献   

The roles of enteric viruses and food antigens as possible triggers in human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and the evidence that mucosal-associated homing receptors are important in both human and experimental diabetes prompted us to undertake an immunohistochemical study of intestinal specimens from patients with IDDM. We studied jejunal morphology and immunohistochemistry in 26 patients with IDDM, 13 of whom had the HLA-DQB1*0201 gene and therefore a higher risk of coeliac disease. The findings were compared with those in specimens from age-matched controls. Villous structure and the density of the intraepithelial lymphocytes were normal in every biopsy specimen. The extent of positivity with anti-DR and -DP antibodies in the villous epithelium was significantly greater in the specimens from patients than in those from controls (P = 0.0002 in both comparisons). The crypts were also more positive: for DR P = 0.0001, and for DP P = 0.002. The densities of T cells, CD4+, CD8+, and T cell receptor alpha/beta+ and gamma/delta+ cells in the epithelium and lamina propria were similar in patients and controls, but the patients had significantly more alpha 4/beta 7 integrin+ cells in the lamina propria (P = 0.006). No difference was seen between HLA-DQB1*0201-positive and -negative patients. These findings reflect a stage of inflammation in the structurally normal intestines of patients with IDDM and suggest secretion of inflammatory Th1-type cytokines in the intestine.  相似文献   

The activated form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D3, and its analogues can prevent type I diabetes in NOD mice. Protection is achieved without signs of systemic immunosuppression and is associated with a restoration of the defective immune regulator system of the NOD mice. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether this restoration of regulator cell function is the only mechanism in the prevention of diabetes by 1,25(OH)2D3. We tested therefore if 1,25(OH)2D3 could prevent cyclophosphamide-induced diabetes, since diabetes occurring after cyclophosphamide injection is believed to be due to an elimination of suppresser cells. NOD mice treated with 1,25(OH)2D3 (5 μg/kg every 2 days) from the time of weaning were clearly protected against diabetes induced by cyclophosphamide (200 mg/kg body wt at 70 days old) (2/12 (17%) versus 36/53 (68%) in control mice, P < 0.005). By co-transfer experiments it was demonstrated that cyclophosphamide had indeed eliminated the suppresser cells present in 1,25(OH)2D3-treated mice. Since cyclophosphamide injection did not break the protection offered by 1,25(OH)2D3, it was clear that diabetogenic effector cells were affected by 1,25(OH)2D3 treatment as well. This was confirmed by the finding that splenocytes from 1,25(OH)2D3-treated mice were less capable of transferring diabetes in young, irradiated NOD mice, and by the demonstration of lower Th1 cytokine levels in the pancreases of 1,25(OH)2D3-treated, cyclophosphamide-injected mice. This better elimination of effector cells in 1,25(OH)2D3-treated mice could be explained by a restoration of the sensitivity to cyclophosphamide-induced apoptosis in both thymocytes and splenocytes, in normally apoptosis-resistant NOD mice. Altogether, these data indicate that the protection against diabetes offered by 1,25(OH)2D3 may be independent of the presence of suppresser cells, and may involve increased apoptosis of Th1 autoimmune effector cells.  相似文献   

Patients with diabetes mellitus are more susceptible to tuberculosis (TB), and the clinical conditions of diabetic TB patients deteriorate faster than non‐diabetic TB patients, but the immunological basis for this phenomenon is not understood clearly. Given the role of cell‐mediated immunity (CMI) in providing protection against TB, we investigated whether CMI responses in diabetic TB patients are compromised. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from diabetic TB patients, non‐diabetic TB patients and Mycobacterium bovis bacilli Calmette–Guérin (BCG)‐vaccinated healthy subjects were cultured in the presence of complex mycobacterial antigens and pools of M. tuberculosis regions of difference (RD)1, RD4, RD6 and RD10 peptides. The PBMC were assessed for antigen‐induced cell proliferation and secretion of T helper 1 (Th1) [interferon (IFN)‐γ, interleukin (IL)‐2, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐β], and Th2 (IL‐4, IL‐5, IL‐10) cytokines as CMI parameters. All the complex mycobacterial antigens and RD1pool stimulated strong proliferation of PBMC of all groups, except moderate responses to RD1pool in healthy subjects. In response to complex mycobacterial antigens, both IFN‐γ and TNF‐β were secreted by PBMC of all groups whereas diabetic TB patients secreted IL‐10 with concentrations higher than the other two groups. Furthermore, in response to RD peptides, IFN‐γ and IL‐10 were secreted by PBMC of diabetic TB patients only. The analyses of data in relation to relative cytokine concentrations showed that diabetic TB patients had lower Th1 : Th2 cytokines ratios, and a higher Th2 bias. The results demonstrate a shift towards Th2 bias in diabetic TB patients which may explain, at least in part, a faster deterioration in their clinical conditions.  相似文献   

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Resistance of NOD thymocytes to apoptosis-inducing signals is restored by 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1alpha,25OH2D3), a therapy preventing diabetes in NOD mice. We studied whether modulation of thymocyte apoptosis is due to direct effects on thymic T lymphocytes or indirect effects via thymic dendritic cells, since both cell types constitute known targets for 1alpha,25OH2D3. METHODS AND RESULTS: Female NOD mice were treated with 1alpha,25OH2D3 (5microg/kg/2d) from 21 to 70 days. Vehicle-treated NOD and NOR mice served as controls. Analysis of thymic T lymphocytes from 1alpha,25OH2D3)-treated mice revealed a decrease in number of apoptosis-resistant CD4+CD8+ and CD4+CD8-HSA(high) T lymphocyte subsets, higher pro-apoptotic IL-2 and FasL, and lower anti-apoptotic Bclx-L mRNA expression levels. Thymic dendritic cells from 1alpha,25OH2D3-treated NOD mice had increased CD8alpha+FasL+ and CD80+/86+ expression compared to control NOD mice. In a syngeneic co-culture system of thymocytes and thymic dendritic cells, apoptosis levels were 20% higher only in co-cultures where both T cell- and dendritic cell-compartments originated from 1alpha,25OH2D3-treated mice. Activation-induced cell death-sensitivity in peripheral T lymphocytes was comparable to levels present in NOR mice, confirming better thymic selection in 1alpha,25OH2D3-treated mice. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: We conclude that 1alpha,25OH2D3 needs both thymic T cell- and dendritic cell-compartments to exert its apoptosis-restorative effects in NOD thymocytes.  相似文献   

Diverse adhesion molecules participate in many important responsesand thus would be implicated in the pathogenesis of variousautoimmune diseases. However, there is little evidence for therole of these molecules in autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus. Here we present several lines of evidence suggestingthat leukocyte function-associated antlgen-1 (LFA-1) and itscounter-receptor intercellular adhesion molecules (ICAM-1),one of the most important pairs among these adhesion molecules,are involved in the development of autoimmune diabetes in thenon-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse. Immunohlstochemlcal study showedthe hyperexpresslon of ICAM-1 on islet-lnflltratlng mononuclearcells and vascular endothellum in NOD pancreas. In vivo administrationof antl-LFA-1 or antl-ICAM-1 mAb from 5 to 30 (or 12) weeksof age exerted a very strong preventatlve effect on the developmentof spontaneous diabetes with a marked reduction of insulitis,whereas both antibodies, even combined to use simultaneously,could not prevent cyclophosphamide-lnduced diabetes. Adoptivetransfer of insulitis and diabetes to young NOD mice followingthe injection of islet-derived mononuclear cells from diabeticdonors was completely blocked by administration of both antibodiesto recipients. The present study, therefore, provides the firstevidence that immunolnterventlon to LFA-1 - ICAM-1 Interactionhas a strong prophylactic effect on autoimmune diabetes in NODmice.  相似文献   

探讨慢性乙肝患者树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)对CD4+Th细胞亚群分化的影响。分离慢性乙肝患者外周血单个核细胞(PBMC),以rhIL-4(50 ng/ml)、rhGM-CSF(10 ng/ml)和rhTNF-α(100 u/ml)诱导培养DC。以流式细胞仪检测DC表面CD1a、CD83、CD80、CD86、HLA-DR分子表达情况。MTT法检测DC刺激同种异体淋巴细胞增殖能力。免疫磁珠分离外周血CD4+T细胞亚群,PMA+Ionomycin刺激后胞内荧光染色,流式细胞仪检测辅助性T细胞(helper T cell,Th)内特征性细胞因子IFN-γ/IL-4以判断Th1/Th2分化。ELISA法检测DC或Th细胞培养上清中IL-6、IL-12、IFN-γ和IL-4的含量。结果:慢性乙肝患者的DC表达CD1a、CD83、CD80、CD86、HLA-DR分子水平明显低于正常人(P<0.01);培养至第7天,慢性乙肝患者DC分泌的IL-12水平低于正常人(P<0.01),而分泌的IL-6水平增高(P<0.05)。与正常人相比,慢性乙肝患者外周血中Th1细胞占CD4+T细胞的百分比较低(P<0.01),其Th细胞培养上清中IFN-γ的量也较低(P<0.01)。患者DC与同种异体的健康人Th细胞共培养,刺激Th1型细胞因子IFN-γ产生的能力低于正常人(P<0.01)。慢性乙肝患者体内DC功能的异常可能导致了外周血Th1细胞分化不足。  相似文献   

Summary Peripheral blood lymphocytes have been investigated in 20 newly diagnosed type-I diabetics and 10 healthy subjects using monoclonal antibodies. Mononuclear cells were marked with anti-T-lymphocytes (Leu2, 3, 4, 12) and anti-Ia-antibodies (K14, L243) using indirect immunofluorescence. The percentage of circulating K14- and L243-positive cells was significantly higher in all diabetics than in normal controls. An increase in the number of K14-bearing cells was found in newly diagnosed patients with duration of less than 7 days (n=10) compared with diabetics of longer duration (1 to 8 months;n=10). Using dual-color immunofluorescence with fluorescein-conjugated anti-T-lymphocytes and rhodamin-conjugated anti-Ia-antibodies it was not possible to identify Ia-antigen bearing cells (Ia cells) as helper or suppressor lymphocytes. In addition, there was no significant difference in the number of Ia cells in diabetics with and without islet cell antibodies. It is concluded that there is evidence of activation of cellular immune response in type I diabetes, particularly in the early days of manifestation. However, previous assumptions that Ia cells represent T-cell activation have to be questioned.Abbreviations IDDM Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus - Ia-antigen Immune-response associated antigen - ICA Islet cell antibodies  相似文献   

The central role of CD4+ T cells and the balance between T helper (Th) subpopulations in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases have been extensively studied. Proteoglycan (aggrecan)-induced arthritis (PGIA) is a murine model for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is characterized by a Th1 dominance at the onset of the disease. In addition to CD4+ T cells, antigen-presenting B cells and autoantibodies seem to play an important role in the development and regulation of PGIA. To identify proteoglycan-specific CD4+ T cell subsets and Th1- and Th2-supported antibody isotypes during the progression of PGIA, spleen cells of proteoglycan-immunized BALB/c mice were harvested at different times of immunization, and at different stages of the disease, and their cytokine production and antigen-specific antibody isotype profiles were determined by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assays. Both Th1 and Th2 cytokine-producing cells, with the predominance of IL-4/IL-5-secreting cells, were detected during the prearthritic stage, and a shift toward a Th1 dominance was observed at the time of onset of arthritis. Tissue homogenates of acutely inflamed joints contained significantly higher levels of interferon-gamma than IL-4. The prearthritic period and both the acute and chronic phases of joint inflammation were characterized by IgG1 dominance in the sera and this correlated with the number of IgG1-secreting B cells in the spleen. However, the ratio of autoreactive IgG1/IgG2a-secreting cells decreased in arthritic animals. These results indicate the activation and possible regulatory roles of both Th1 and Th2 subsets in the autoimmune process, with the necessity of a relative increase of autoreactive Th1 cells for the induction of joint inflammation.  相似文献   

T helper type 17 (Th17) cells have been shown to be pathogenic in autoimmune diseases; however, their role in type 1 diabetes (T1D) remains inconclusive. We have found that Th17 differentiation of CD4+ T cells from BDC2·5 T cell receptor transgenic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice can be driven by interleukin (IL)-23 + IL-6 to produce large amounts of IL-22, and these cells induce T1D in young NOD mice upon adoptive transfer. Conversely, polarizing these cells with transforming growth factor (TGF)-β + IL-6 led to non-diabetogenic regulatory Th17 (Treg17) cells that express high levels of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and IL-10 but produced much reduced levels of IL-22. The diabetogenic potential of these Th17 subsets was assessed by adoptive transfer studies in young NOD mice and not NOD.severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice to prevent possible transdifferentiation of these cells in vivo. Based upon our results, we suggest that both pathogenic Th17 cells and non-pathogenic regulatory Treg17 cells can be generated from CD4+ T cells under appropriate polarization conditions. This may explain the contradictory role of Th17 cells in T1D. The IL-17 producing Treg17 cells offer a novel regulatory T cell population for the modulation of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

He J  Haskins K 《Immunology》2008,123(1):108-117
Autoimmune diabetes is predominated by a T helper 1 (Th1) response at the expense of an impaired Th2 response. Although T cells producing Th2 cytokines are generally thought to counter a Th1 response, there have been reports of Th2 T-cell clones with pathogenic activity, including one previously reported by us in which the Th2 T-cell clone was derived from a T-cell receptor transgenic (TCR-Tg) mouse bearing pathogenic TCR. In this study, our goal was to determine whether Th2 T-cell clones derived from a TCR-Tg in which the autoantigen was absent would be pathogenic and if so, to investigate possible mechanisms by which the Th2 T-cell clone could promote disease. We found that a Th2 T-cell clone derived from the 6.9 TCR-Tg/non-obese diabetic (NOD).C6 mouse in which 6.9 T cells do not encounter autoantigen, produced Th2 cytokines but not interferon-gamma. This Th2 T-cell clone, like the previous one we had isolated from the 2.5 TCR-Tg/NOD mouse, also turned out to be pathogenic. Intracellular staining revealed that these Th2 T-cell clones produce low levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in vitro, and after adoptive transfer, they migrate to the pancreas where they produce TNF-alpha as well as Th2 cytokines (interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10). Induction of disease was prevented by administration of soluble TNF-alpha receptor to recipient mice, suggesting that the diabetogenicity of these Th2 T-cell clones is caused by their low level production of TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

The NOD mouse has been used to explore the many features of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) that is caused by the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. Self-reactive T cells have been considered to mediate IDDM in the NOD mouse, and antigen-presenting cells like DC and macrophages are expected to be involved in the processes from their role in generating regulatory or effector T cells. The present study shows that transfer of IFN-gamma-stimulated DC of the NOD or ICR mouse into the NOD mouse did not accelerate IDDM onset but afforded long-lasting protection against clinical and histological signs of IDDM in the recipient mice. The anti-diabetogenic ability was unique to IFN-gamma-stimulated DC when compared with unstimulated DC. A considerable proportion of the injected IFN-gamma-stimulated DC was demonstrated to migrate into the pancreas and its associated lymphoid tissues, suggesting the DC exert their anti-diabetogenic effects there. These findings suggest that development of autoimmune diabetes in the NOD mouse is under the control of DC, and that IDDM onset could be controlled by appropriately manipulating DC systems in vivo, which may open the gate for the therapeutic application of ex vivo-conditioned DC to human IDDM.  相似文献   

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