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Although Japan has implemented a universal health care system that is universal in terms of free access to health care services, it is managed by fragmented and financially insecure insurance societies that have cumulative deficits even with government subsidies. In terms of insurance premiums, the system is regressive to low-income and unstable workers, and the social benefit scheme only captures 1.6% of this population. The Japanese government is continuously instituting new health care policies to reduce growing health care expenditures. Recent health care reforms may improve economic efficiency, but the changes remain limited to controlling access to health services and pricing measures.  相似文献   

From the early twentieth century until recently, the Japanese health insurance system consistently expanded its coverage and benefits. In 1961, Japan achieved universal coverage for health insurance. In the 1970s, however, the insurance system began to experience severe fiscal problems, as total medical expenditures rose faster than national income, as medical costs for the elderly increased rapidly, and as enormous budget deficits accumulated in several insurance schemes. Controlling the increase in medical care expenditures became the top priority of the 1980s for the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The paper presents recent government policies and efforts to contain medical expenditures and establish a firm financial basis for Japan's social security system. The government began with regulating the demand side of medical care but is also introducing planning measures for supply factors. Possible government interventions to contain medical expenditures are proposed for both demand and supply approaches. Measures for cost containment, however, need to be balanced with efforts to improve people's health and maintain equity in the health insurance system.  相似文献   

Comparative effectiveness research (CER) is thought to identify what works and does not work in health care. We interpret CER as infusing evidence on product quality into markets, shifting the relative demand for products in CER studies. We analyze how shifts in demand affect health and health care spending and demonstrate that CER may raise or lower overall health when treatments have heterogeneous effects, but payers respond with product-specific coverage policies. Among patients with schizophrenia, we calibrate that subsidy policies based on the clinical trial CATIE may have reduced overall health by inducing some patients to switch away from schizophrenia treatments that were effective for them towards winners of the CER.  相似文献   

Evidence-based approaches are prominent on the national and international agendas for health policy and health research. It is unclear what the implications of this approach are for the production and distribution of health in populations, given the notion of multiple determinants in health. It is equally unclear what kind of barriers there are to the adoption of evidence-based approaches in health care practice. This paper sketches some developments in the way in which health policy is informed by the results from health research. It summarises evidence-based approaches in health at three impact levels: intersectoral assessment, national health care policy, and evidence-based medicine in everyday practice. Consensus is growing on the role of broad and specific health determinants, including health care, as well as on priority setting based on the burden of diseases. In spite of methodological constraints, there is a demand for intersectoral assessments, especially in health sector reform. Initiators of policy changes in other sectors may be held responsible for providing the evidence related to health. There are limited possibilities for priority setting at the national health care policy level. Hence, there is a decentralisation of responsibilities for resource use. Health care providers are encouraged to assume agency roles for both patients and society and asked to promote and deliver effective and efficient health care. Governments will have to design a national framework to facilitate their organisation and legal framework to enhance evidence-based health policy. Treatment guidelines supported by evidence on effectiveness and efficiency will be one essential element in this process. With the increasing number of advocates for the enhancement of population health in the policy arenas, evidence-based approaches provide the information and some of the tools to help with priority setting.  相似文献   

Private health insurance can play a significant role in the financing and delivery of health services in relatively undeveloped health systems which suffer from limited public expenditures, resource shortages, and quality of care problems. Research results, however, indicate that private health insurance in Greece has not yet assumed that role. The rapid increase of private health insurance was the result of underfinancing by the public sector and restrictive policies for the private sector. The private sector, however, largely financed by private health insurance, found alternative investment and profit opportunities, which, unfortunately, did not improve health system microeconomic efficiency. In this paper we propose that a way of cooperation could exist between the public sector and private health insurance, which would improve public health services provision and the overall technical, allocative and dynamic efficiency of the health system.  相似文献   

In recent years the private sector has played a more important role in the funding and provision of Australian hospital care as a consequence of federal government policies aimed at increasing participation in private health insurance (health funds). These policies include tax incentives, a 30% rebate on premiums and lifetime community rating (premiums set by age). While these policies have improved the short-term profitability of the private sector, its long-term success is not certain. This is because negotiations between health funds and private hospitals are often myopic, the nature of the insurance product may be inefficient, and there is a general lack of academic research on the private sector. This paper highlights the importance of the relationship between health funds and private hospitals in ensuring the long-term viability of the industry. It uses a simple overlapping generations model to demonstrate that it is not only the price that health funds pay that impacts on the capital value of hospitals, but also it is important how they structure their policies and attract individuals. The model demonstrates the potential benefits of implementing health insurance based on intertemporal transfers of funds rather than the current cross-subsidization. Such a policy would see health funds become an important store of capital. Also highlighted are the difficulties of discussing fundamental changes to the health care system. While recent health care reforms have been described as driven by ideology rather than evidence, in the Australian context there is little evidence on which to base policy. Researchers need to be more proactive in their consideration and evaluation of alternative health care policies. Through quality research on the private sector, academics can better guide policy makers at the national and institutional level.  相似文献   

Inequality and access to health care.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Health services research has laid the groundwork for ongoing policy debates over the shortcomings of the American health care system and the need for the expansion of health insurance protection. In the early 1970s, studies of inequality in access to medical care provided the basis for proposals for national health insurance. The examination of the impact of Medicare and Medicaid demonstrated the critical role of these governmental efforts in reducing inequalities in access to care. By the 1980s the focus of investigation turned to the impact of policies designed to contain the cost of health care on access to medical services by vulnerable populations. Documentation of the negative health outcomes that followed from restrictions on access to care has set the stage for a renewed debate over universal health insurance.  相似文献   

The authors explore the utility of applying social survey data (a) to evaluate the impact of existing health programs and (b) to rank-order priorities concerning future health care policies. Based on national survey data from 1963, 1970, and 1976, they concluded that although Medicare and Medicaid have enabled more people to see a physician than ever before, a large proportion of the population still registers dissatisfaction with the health care they received--particularly with respect to their out-of-pocket costs for obtaining it. However, national health insurance options favored by the majority of the population--particularly those who can best afford the cost of care--suggest preferences for programs that incorporate some mix of existing modes of financing rather than those that provide for substantial restructuring of the current system.  相似文献   

International agencies such as the World Bank have widely advocated the use of health insurance as a way of improving health sector efficiency and equity in developing countries. However, in developing countries with well-established, multiple-player health insurance markets, such as South Africa, extension of insurance coverage is now inhibited by problems of moral hazard, and associated cost escalation and fragmentation of insurer risk-pools. Virtually no research has been done on the problem of risk selection in health insurance outside developed countries. This paper provides a brief overview of the problem of risk fragmentation as it has been studied in developed countries, and attempts to apply this to middle-income country settings, particularly that of South Africa. A number of possible remedial measures are discussed, with risk-equalization funds being given the most attention. An overview is given of the risk-equalization approach, common misconceptions regarding its working and the processes that might be required to assess its suitability in different national settings. Where there is widespread public support for social risk pooling in health care, and government is willing and able to assume a regulatory role to achieve this, risk-equalization approaches may achieve significant efficiency and equity gains without destroying the positive features of private health care financing, such as revenue generation, competition and free choice of insurer.  相似文献   

The authors examine the role and nature of the market for voluntary health insurance in the European Union and review the impact of public policy, at both the national and E.U. levels, on the development of this market in recent years. The conceptual framework, based on a model of industrial analysis, allows a wide range of policy questions regarding market structure, conduct, and performance. By analyzing these three aspects of the market for voluntary health insurance, the authors are also able to raise questions about the equity and efficiency of voluntary health insurance as a means of funding health care in the European Union. The analysis suggests that the market for voluntary health insurance in the European Union suffers from significant information failures that seriously limit its potential for competition or efficiency and also reduce equity. Substantial deregulation of the E.U. market for voluntary health insurance has stripped regulatory bodies of their power to protect consumers and poses interesting challenges for national regulators, particularly if the market is to expand in the future. In a deregulated environment, it is questionable whether this method of funding health care will encourage a more efficient and equitable allocation of resources.  相似文献   

马强 《中国卫生资源》2008,11(6):251-252
认为以提高“人”的健康为目标,尽早确定一个符合卫生规律和我国国情的方向性医改基本方案,是当前贯彻科学发展观的最核心体现。提出了尽快采用世界卫生组织的评价指标,围绕提高“人”的健康,公平地分配和使用卫生资源,按照“基本、区域、梯度”原则制定“就地医疗”为核心的基本医疗保障制度等三个建议。  相似文献   

Private health insurance plays a large and increasing role around the world. This paper reviews international experiences and shows that private health insurance is significant in countries with widely different income levels and health system structures. It contrasts trends in private health insurance expansion across regions and highlights countries with particularly important experiences of private coverage. It then discusses the regulatory approaches and policies that can structure private health insurance markets in ways that mobilize resources for health care, promote financial risk protection, protect consumers and reduce inequities. The paper argues that policy makers need to confront the role that private health insurance will play in their health systems and regulate the sector appropriately so that it serves public goals of universal coverage and equity.  相似文献   

As part of the thrust by Health and Welfare, Canada, to strengthen community health services, the National Health Research and Development Program commissioned a series of literature reviews. I undertook to review organizational models for community-based services, but said that this would be done in the context of the developing organization of the national health insurance program. With the help of colleagues I examined the literature from a number of different viewpoints. This article will present our findings on the development of policy and will trace the difficulties in making a shift towards providing more care in the community. We found that organization theories were helpful for explaining developments in the health service as a whole and the place of community-based services within it. We were able to use these theories to analyse efforts at restructuring. They provide explanations for the concurrent existence of policies of rationalization and cutbacks with policies of expansion in the area of health promotion.  相似文献   

The more health care is socialized, the more cost-effectiveness is an appropriate criterion for expenditure. Utility-maximizing individuals, facing divisibility of health care purchases and declining marginal health gains, and complete information about probable health improvements, should buy health care according to its cost-effectiveness. Absent these features, individual health spending will not be cost-effective; and in any case, differences in personal utilities and risk aversion will not lead to the same ranking of health care interventions for everyone. Private insurance frees consumers from concern for cost, which undermines cost-effectiveness, but lets them emphasize effectiveness, which favors value for money. This is most important for costly and cost-effective interventions, especially for poor people. Cost-effectiveness is more appropriate and easier to achieve under second-party insurance. More complete socialization of health care, via public finance, can yield greater efficiency by making insurance compulsory. Cost-effectiveness is also more attractive when taxpayers subsidize others' care: needs (effectiveness) take precedence over wants (utility). The gain in effectiveness may be greater, and the welfare loss from Pareto non-optimality smaller, in poor countries than in rich ones.  相似文献   

The previous two sessions of this Symposium have dealt with incentives for cost-effective provider behaviour. Although incentive-reimbursement, which rewards the providers for delivery medical care in a cost-effective way, can be an important step towards a cost-effective health care system, it is not rewards the providers for delivering medical care in a cost-effective way, can be an important step towards a cost-effective health care system, it is not sufficient. As long as the insured consumers have both comprehensive health insurance coverage and freedom of choice of provider, providers will have great difficulty in resisting consumers' demand for ever more costly medical care, and politicians or other decision-makers will have great difficulty in restricting capacity and in preventing overcapacity. Fear of losing patients or voters might dominate. Therefore, in this session we shall focus on the key role of health insurance in a cost-effective health care system and on consumer incentives and insurer behaviour. If the consumers have a choice between several provider-insurer organizations. Although market forces do play an important role in a competitive health-care system, competition should not be confused with a "free market". Besides financial arrangements to protect the poor, pro-competitive regulation is needed to guarantee a "fair competition". Currently there is much consensus that the present Dutch health insurance system, in which 60% of the population is publicly insured and 40% is privately insured, should be replaced by a national health insurance scheme, which uniformly applies to the entire population. A few years ago, I made a proposal for such a scheme, which was based largely on the ideas of Ellwood, McClure, and Enthoven on competition between alternative delivery systems. The main features of this proposal will be discussed. In my opinion, the long-term prospects for regulated competition in the Dutch medical market seem rather favourable.  相似文献   

The financing and/or provision of health insurance by government has a theoretical basis: it stems from market failure in the private health insurance market; and, from externalities in the consumption of health care by the poor. Government health insurance, or national health insurance (NHI) may be analysed by using five criteria: who are the beneficiaries?; efficiency effects; the equity of financing; the level of administrative costs; and, political acceptability. In the last five years, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Nigeria have each considered proposals for NHI. However, each proposal shows design flaws, when analysed in the light of the five criteria above. This article first considers types of health insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa, and why NHI, with cost recovery as an essential component, might be desirable. A following section present an outline of the NHI proposals in Ghana, Zimbabwe and Nigeria and points out the design flaws. A final section builds upon the theoretically-good aspects of the three proposals, and considers some alternate approaches to NHI that these three countries and other countries in the Sub-Sahara might want to consider.  相似文献   

Building capacity in health research in the developing world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strong national health research systems are needed to improve health systems and attain better health. For developing countries to indigenize health research systems, it is essential to build research capacity. We review the positive features and weaknesses of various approaches to capacity building, emphasizing that complementary approaches to human resource development work best in the context of a systems and long-term perspective. As a key element of capacity building, countries must also address issues related to the enabling environment, in particular: leadership, career structure, critical mass, infrastructure, information access and interfaces between research producers and users. The success of efforts to build capacity in developing countries will ultimately depend on political will and credibility, adequate financing, and a responsive capacity-building plan that is based on a thorough situational analysis of the resources needed for health research and the inequities and gaps in health care. Greater national and international investment in capacity building in developing countries has the greatest potential for securing dynamic and agile knowledge systems that can deliver better health and equity, now and in the future.  相似文献   

There has been growing international attention to migrant health, reflecting recognition of the need for health systems to adapt to increasingly diverse populations. However, reports from health policy experts in 25 European countries suggest that by 2009 only eleven countries had established national policies to improve migrant health that go beyond migrants' statutory or legal entitlement to care. The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast the content of these policies and analyse their strengths and limitations. The analysis suggests that most of the national policies target either migrants or more established ethnic minorities. Countries should address the diverse needs of both groups and could learn from "intercultural" health care policies in Ireland and, in the past, the Netherlands. Policies in several countries prioritise specific diseases or conditions, but these differ and it is not clear whether they accurately reflect real differences in need among countries. Policy initiatives typically involve training health workers, providing interpreter services and/or 'cultural mediators', adapting organizational culture, improving data collection and providing information to migrants on health problems and services. A few countries stand out for their quest to increase migrants' health literacy and their participation in the development and implementation of policy. Progressive migrant health policies are not always sustainable as they can be undermined or even reversed when political contexts change. The analysis of migrant health policies in Europe is still in its infancy and there is an urgent need to monitor the implementation and evaluate the effectiveness of these diverse policies.  相似文献   

张芳 《卫生软科学》2007,21(6):478-480
目前我国医疗保险、医疗卫生和医药行业未能同步协调发展影响了我国社会医疗保险制度的顺利实施。文章分析了我国社会医疗保险制度的相关配套医药卫生政策方面存在的问题及改进对策。  相似文献   

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