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108 cases of restless legs syndrome were treated , out of which, 56 cases withacupuncture, 52 cases with ear acupuncture. The therapeutical effects of acupuncture are superior tothat of ear acupuncture.  相似文献   

Thetrigeminalnervebranchesofftheoph-thalmic,mandibularandmaxillarybranchesfromthesemilunarganglion,whicharemainsensorynerveslnnervatingtheheadandtheface.Ifanyonebranchoftheminthedistribu-tionregionsofthetrigeminalnerveisaffectedbywind-cold,pressureorinflammatorystimulation,etc.,abnormalsensationorpainwillbeinducedinthecorrespondinginnervatedregion.Clinical-ly,patholOgicchangeoftheophthalmicbranchismorecommonandmaycausepainoftheorbitandtheforehead,andlacrimation;Patientswithpainofthemaxillarybr…  相似文献   

In the present experiments,68 cases of chronic superficial gastritis with insufficieney of Spleen Yang were randomly divided into electrical heat acupuncture group(EHAG,n=32),filiform needling group(FNG,n=19)and medication group(MG,n=17).Bilateral Zusanli(ST 36),Neiguan(PC 6),Sanyinjiao(SP 6)and Hegu(LI 4)were selected for both EHAG andFNG.The needles applied at Zusanli and Neiguan in EHAG were connected to a DR 2-1 electricalheat acupuncture apparatus.The main drug administered in MG was Weimeisu.Thirty treatmentsmade a course,and the treatment was given once daily.The therapeutic effects were evaluated after 3courses of treatment.The results were as follows:The total effective rate was 90.63% in EHAG,63.16% in FNG and 29.41% in MG.There was a remarkable difference in therapeutic effects amongthe three groups(X~2=19.20,P<0.01).  相似文献   

Postoperativeseverepain,uroschesis,con-stipation,bleedingaremajorpostoperativecom-plicationofanalandintestinaldiseases.Theau-thorshavetreated2o6casesbyacupunctureonmainpointChengshanwithsatisfactoryresults,asreportedinthefollowing.CLINlCALDATAOfthe2o6casesl1O2weremaleand1o4werefemale.Theyoungestwasl7yearsandtheoldestwas74years.74casessufferedpain,23casesuroschesis,76casesconstipationand33casesbleeding.Theyallwereattacked1-3daysafteroperation.THERAPEUTICMETHODS1.PointsSelectedMain…  相似文献   

Auditoryhallucinationisoneofcommonsymptomsofpsychosis,anditisalsoamaincauseforwhichpsychoticsharmthesociety,familyandthemselves.Fordozensofyears,theauthorshaveadoptedacupunctureatTinggongpoint(SI19)fortreatmentofauditoryhaIlucina-tion,withconsiderablesati…  相似文献   

Headacheisafrequentlyencountereddisease,itmostlyhappensaroundforehead,vertex,temporalandocciput.Inclinicalpractice,wefindscalpacupuncturewithmovementnotonlyhasanobviousinstanttherapeuticeffectbutalsohasagoodlongtermeffect.Theconceptofscalpacupuncturewit…  相似文献   

Of 282 cases with pain treated by acupuncture at Xi points,207 cases were curedaccounting for 73.4%,among which 107 cases were cured after one treatment,36 cases after twosessions and 64 cases after over 3 sessions.75 cases improved.The total effective rate was100%.  相似文献   

Insufficient blood supply of cerebral arteries is a commonly seen and frequently occurred disease among the middle-aged and senile people. In recent years, the author of this paper treated 68 cases of insufficient blood supply of cerebral arteries by acupuncture with satisfactory results. It is reported as follows.  相似文献   

Apoplexyisoftenreferredtoacutecere-brovasculardiseasesinmodernmedicine.Atpre-sent,itisoneoffourseverediseasesthreateninghumanhealth-Itischaracterisedbyacuteonset,severesymptomsandhighdeathrate.Treatmentintimecanavoiddeath,butmostpatientshavesequelaesuchas…  相似文献   

运用针刺治疗20例苏联小儿支气管哮喘患儿,取定喘、膻中、肺俞为主穴,以宣肺理气、化痰降逆平喘,且随症变化。显效16例,占80%;有效3例,占15%;无效1例,占5%;总有效率95%。疗程5d者15例,10d者4例,15d者1例。  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the clinical therapeutic effects on the syndrome of L3 transverse process between thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture. Methods: One hundred and twenty cases of the syndrome of L3 transverse process were randomized into observation group and the control, 60 cases for each one. Thick silver warming needling was applied in observation group and electric acupuncture in the control. Results: The curative rate was 81.7% In observation group and 58.3% in the control, indicating significant difference (P<0.01). The significant difference in the therapeutic effects between two groups had not been discovered yet for the cases within 3 months of sickness ( P>0.05), but, the therapeutic effect in observation group was superior to that in the control for the cases over 3 months of sickness ( P<0.01).Conclusion: The therapeutic effects of thick silver warming needling and electric acupuncture were quite advantageous on the syndrome of L3 transverse process, but that of thick silver warming needling was superior to electric acupuncture.  相似文献   

76 patients of impotence were randomly divided into two groups.Of 28 cases inacupuncture group,18 were cured,5 effective and 5 ineffective.Of 48 cases in acupuncture plus acu-point-injection group,41 were cured,5 effective and 2 ineffective.The curative effect in the acupunc-ture plus acupoint-injeetion group was superior to that in the acupuncture group(P<0.01).  相似文献   

<正> Since March 1980,the CDM Type-V Acupuncture Anesthesia Apparatus(AAA) with analysing parameters (hereafter called Type-V in this paper)was used by the authors in tooth extractions in 161 cases,which yieldedgood effects. The main data were compared to those obtained by using theCDM Type-Ⅱ AAA in 298 cases on tooth extractions and analysed as fol-lows: (Ⅰ)THE CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPE-V The apparatus has recording and parameter analysing functions by theelectric multi-stimuli in the practices of acupuncture and acupuncture ane-  相似文献   

升血和中汤防治乳腺癌术后化疗毒副反应临床观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :观察自拟升血和中汤对乳腺癌术后化疗毒副反应的影响。方法 :80例患者分成两组 ,观察组40例 ,在常规化疗同时采用升血和中汤治疗 ;对照组40例 ,采用常规防治化疗毒副反应的西药治疗。两组均在第4个疗程化疗结束后进行临床症状、血象及化疗按时完成率的比较。结果 :观察组患者白细胞、血红蛋白高于对照组 (P<0.01) ;消化道反应少于对照组 (P<0.01) ;化疗按时完成率高于对照组 (P<0 .01)。结论 :升血和中汤对防治乳腺癌术后化疗毒副反应有较好疗效。  相似文献   

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