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To investigate the function of HLA-class Ⅱ genes in the autoimmune response of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(DDM),the HLA-class Ⅱ gene of IDDM patients was introd uced into Ltk^-cells with pSV2-neo plas-mid,using the calcium phosphate precipitation technique.We obtained a stable cell line expressing the HLA-class Ⅱ gene from lymphocytes of IDDM patients.Expression was identified by direct ox erythocyte-CrCl3-HLA DR monoclonal antibody rosetting.  相似文献   

Objective To study mRNA expression of the mediating-related genes in osteoblasts after exposure to Titanium-alloy particles and cytochalasin-D. Methods Human osteoblasts were isolated from trabecular fragments and exposed to 0.01% (v/v) titanium-alloy particles for 8h. Pretreatment of osteoblasts with cytochalasin-D( 5μmol/L ) to prevent phagocytosis prior to the addition of Titanium-alloy particles, mRNA expression of RANKL, OPG, and IL-6 was semi-quantified by RT-PCR. Results Expressions of RANKL, OPG, and IL-6 mRNA at respective levels were found in osteoblasts under normal condition, which did not show significant changes in the samples treated with cytochalasin-D but without particles. Exposure of osteoblasts to particles after being treated with or without cytochalasin-D altered mRNA expression of these genes, however, an increase in the ratio of RANKL/OPG mRNA was only found in samples without cytochalasin-D treatment. Conclusion Changes of expression of RANKL, OPG, and IL-6 mRNA in osteoblasts after exposure to titanium-alloy particles were independent of phagocytosis, whereas phagocytosis has a direct effect on their ability to stimulate osteoclast differentiation and function.  相似文献   

Objective:To understand the mechanism of the hypertherjia and harringtonine in purging of leukemia cells In vitro.telomerase activity of HL-60 cells treated by hyperthermia(42℃ for one hour) and different concentrations of Harringtonine were investigated .Methods Using telomeric Repeats Amplification Protocol(TRAP)and ELISA techniques to analyze the telomerase activity of HL-60 cells,Results:Our results showed that harringtonine inhibited the telomerase activity of HL-60 cells in a dosage related manner,Moreover,the telomerase activity of HL-60 cells was significantly decreased after the hyperthermia treatment as compared with untreated cells.Conclusion:The effect of the hyperthermia and Harringtonine on purging leukemia cellsIn vitro may be mediated by down regulation of telomerase activity of tumor cells.  相似文献   

This paper presented the effects of systemic fluconazole therapy via intravenous (IV) and oral (PO) administrations on the adhesion of Candida albicans (C. albicans) to the huccal epithelial ceils (BEC) from five treated patients with three candidosis, one mucornlycosis and one sporotrichosis and at the same time,an analysis of the cell surface proteins involving candidal adherent receptor in the BEC of the patients in the course of 7 days were exposed to ^3H-leucine radiolabaled C. atbicans for in vitro eandidal adherent assay,and the BEC from first intake day and the last intake day of the patients were extracted by dithiothreitol(DTT)-iodoacetamide treatment for SDS-PAGE. These results indicate that the systemic iluconazole therapy resuks in the inhibitory effect of candldal adhesion to BEC of treated patients to prevent them from oral candidosis for a prolonged time, which is based on the absent surface protein (35KDa) of the BEC.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLungcancerisoneoftheleadingcausesofdeathintheworld.Manyfactors,suchaschemical,physicalfactorsetc.,contributetothe...  相似文献   

R啨sum啨   Objectif Pour啨tudierl effetinhibiteurdesoligod啨soxynucl啨otidesdecontresensdesr啨cepteursd endoth啨lineA (ONDs RETA)surlaprolif啨rationdescellulesdesmuscleslissesvasculaires (CM LV) . M啨thodes LesONDs RETA desens ,decontresensetnonappari啨sont啨t啨synth啨ti…  相似文献   


Animal experiments and clinical researclies showed that multiglycosides of Tripterygium wilfordii (GTW) had male contraceptive effects, At contraceptive doses, GTW did not significantly affect the plasma level of testosterone, but higher doses of GTW did decrease  相似文献   

Mice with ascites type (U_(14)A) carcinomawere treated (i.p.200 mg/kg once only) withextract of Spirobolus bungii Brandt.An increasein cancer cell death ratio of 35% was seen 2hours after treatment.The injured cells pre-sented karyopyknosis,karyoclasis,cytoclasis andvacuolization.Tumor mitosis was immediatelyarrested.Even 24 hours after exposure the ratioof mitosis was below the starting level.Scan-ning electron microscopy also revealed signifi-cant changes:the cancer cell plasma membraneappeared crenate in the form of villus-like pro-jections and the surface of the membrane be-  相似文献   

Gu et al observed the morphological damages and the suppressed secretion of HCG in vitro cultured human placental chorionic tissues caused by tamoxifen (20ug/ml).TarnoxiFeu blood concentrations, during oral administration. 20rag, b.i.d, in early pregnant  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate the Plasmodium falciparum CTL epitope vaccines in HLA class I allele specific human cell lines that have high frequency among Chinese population. Methods. Synthesized oligonucleotides encoding for P.f. CTL epitope genes, constructed eukaryotic expression plasmids, transfected the minigenes into HLA class I allele specific human cell lines and identified endogenous expressing of the minigenes by RT-PCR and HLA stabilization assay. Results. Two mini-genes encoding Plasmedium falciparum CTL epitopes were designed and cloned, respectively, into an eukaryotic expressing vector to form TR26 which was restricted to HLA-B51,SH6 which was restrictedto HLA-A2.1, and TS, which had the two aforementioned mini-genes fused in tandem. All of these CTL epitope genes were transfected and endogenously expressed in respective cell lines containing appropriate HLA molecules.The obviously increased expressions of HLA class I molecules were detected in the transfected cell lines. It was demonstrated that the two discrete Plasmedium falciparum epitope genes were effectively processed and presented, and the close proximity of the two epitope genes in one chain as in mini-gene TS did not interfere with the process-ing and presenting of each epitope gene in corresponding cell line. Conclusion. A successful expression and presentation of multiple CTL epitope mini-gene in MHC class I allele specific human cell lines were demonstrated by an in vitro assay, which could be corresponding to the vaccina-tion of CTL vaccines in people with different MHC I molecules. This work also suggested the possibility of constructing a multiple CI~ epitope plasmodium falciparum DNA vaccine that could cover most of Chinese population.  相似文献   


Objective. To investigate the exact mechanism of melatonin to prohibit the apoptosis of neural cells induced by various kinds of cytotoxic agents. Methods. We used the methods of phase contrast microscopy, MTT assay and hoechst dye staining to check this mechanism in SKNSH and U251 cell lines. Results. Both 2mmol/L H2O2 and 0. 5 μmol/L amyloid β- protein (Aβ) induce these two cell lines die via apoptosis. Either melatonin or glutathione can significantly protect both cell lines. The protective effect of 10 μmol/L melatonin is as same as that of 60μmol/L glutathione. Conclusion. Melatonin can partly inhibit the cytotoxicity of H2O2 and Aβ through its role as a free radical scavenger.  相似文献   

With the infra-red thermography,73tests of the effect of Heat-Toniflcation ma-neuvers on body surface temperature weremade.The experiments showed that applica-tion of Heat-Tonification produced markedelevation of temperature at the site of punc-ture,over the face and the front of the neck.The differences between pre-and post-need-ling temperatures were statistically significant(P<0.02 and P<0.01).Furthermore,44.8%  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONGapjunctionsaresmallaqueouschannelsthatcon-nectneighboringcellsandallowthepassageofmoleculewhosemolecularweightisnotmorethan1000Da.Invertebrates,gapjunctionsareformedbytheconjunctionoftwoconnexons,eachconsistingofahexamerofcon-nexinpr  相似文献   

Since 1987 the authors have treatedcoronary heart disease with massage andobserved its effects on the clinical manifesta-tions, left heart functions,electrocardiograms, blood pressure andblood lipids, as reported in the following.GENERAL DATA50 cases of coronary heart disease were  相似文献   

To identify the role of circulating immune factor(s) in the development of proteinuria, the supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from 15 patients with steriod-responsive nephrotie syndrome, and its effect on the synthesis of sulfated compound by cultured rat glomerular epithelial cell (GEC) were studied by ~(35)S, ~3H-leucine dual-isotope labelling technique. The result showed that the supernatant of PBMC from 9 patients without steroid treat ment increased ~(35)S uptake in GEC (P<0.01), while there was no significant difference in ~(35)S uptake between the 6 patients treated with prednisone (1.5-2.0 mg/kg.d~(-1)) and 6 normal controls.  相似文献   

Cultured porcine endothelial cells (EC) produce and secrete plasminogenactivators (PA). If the serum free media incubated by vascular smooth muscle cells(SMC-CM) were mixed with the same media incubated by endothelial cells (EC-CM),the PA activities of the latter decreased significantly. Cocultivation of EC with SMC alsoresulted in a significant decrease (70.7%) of PA activities produced by EC. Sodiumdodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis of SMC-CMfollowed by reverse fibrin autography demonstrated that the PA inhibitor had a molecularweight of 49000-62000. In this study we also investigated the effect of a Chinese herbalmedicine-Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (RSM) on the inhibitory activity of SMC. The re-sults showed that RSM significantly decreased the inhibitory activity of SMC against thePA secreted by EC.  相似文献   

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