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All Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolates characterized to date have one or a combination of several major outer surface proteins (Osps). Mutants of B. burgdorferi lacking Osps were selected with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies at a frequency of 10(-6) to 10(-5). One mutant that lacked OspA, -B, -C, and -D was further characterized. It was distinguished from the OspA+B+ cells by its (i) autoaggregation and slower growth rate, (ii) decreased plating efficiency on solid medium, (iii) serum and complement sensitivity, and (iv) diminished capacity to adhere to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The Osp-less mutant was unable to evoke a detectable immune response after intradermal live cell immunization even though mutant survived in mouse skin for the same duration as wild-type cells. Polyclonal mouse serum raised against Osp-less cells inhibited growth of the mutant but not of wild-type cells, an indication that other antigens are present on the surface of the Osp-less mutant. Two types of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) with growth-inhibiting properties for mutant cells were identified. The first type bound to a 13-kDa surface protein of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and of B. afzelii. The MIC of the Fab fragment of one MAb of this type was 0.2 micrograms/ml. The second type of MAb to the Osp-less mutant did not bind to B. burgdorferi components by Western blotting (immunoblotting) but did not bind to unfixed, viable cells in immunofluorescence and growth inhibition assays. These studies revealed possible functions Osp proteins in borrelias, specifically serum resistance, and indicated that in the absence of Osp proteins, other antigens are expressed or become accessible at the cell surface.  相似文献   

The ability of naturally infected and cured mice to resist reinfection with tick-transmitted Borrelia burgdorferi was tested over a 1-year period. All of the mice were resistant to reinfection when they were challenged at 1.5 months after cure. The majority of animals were resistant to reinfection for up to 10.5 months after cure, but this resistance was lost at 1 year after cure. Both protected and unprotected animals showed a diverse array of antibodies on Western immunoblots. Protection was not associated with the killing of spirochetes in ticks, and naturally infected mice produced no antibodies to outer surface protein A (OSP A). The titers to whole Borrelia sonicate and OSP C, however, remained high throughout the 1-year study period. The levels of borreliacidal antibodies were highest in the 1.5 month-after-cure group. Natural immunity to reinfection with B. burgdorferi is limited in time, is complex, and may involve both humoral and cellular components.  相似文献   

When immunocompetent mice are inoculated with Borrelia burgdorferi, they develop acute arthritis and carditis that undergo spontaneous regression despite the persistence of infection. Specific T- and/or B-cell immunity appears to be necessary for resolution of disease manifestations. Humoral immune responses to B. burgdorferi are also important in prevention of B. burgdorferi infection, in that passive transfer of immune sera or protective monoclonal antibodies prevents the spirochete from establishing infection. It has previously been suggested that complement is necessary for effective antibody-mediated host responses against B. burgdorferi. To investigate the role of complement in the pathogenesis and prevention of Lyme disease, we compared the responses to B. burgdorferi challenge inoculation of mice genetically deficient in the fifth component of complement (C5) with those of C5-sufficient mice. All C5-deficient strains tested were susceptible to B. burgdorferi infection, and disease manifestations underwent regression in a similar time-course to those of complement-sufficient mice. Moreover, passive immunization of C5-deficient mice with either immune rabbit sera or neutralizing monoclonal antibody protected them from challenge infection. These results demonstrate that the expression of Lyme disease is not altered in mice deficient in C5 and that C5-mediated complement activation is not necessary for antibody-mediated protection from infection.  相似文献   

Myositis in mice inoculated with Borrelia burgdorferi.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The authors describe the appearance of myositis in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice after subcutaneous inoculation with Borrelia burgdorferi by histology and immunohistology. Experimental infection of mice 1) causes inflammation of striated but not smooth muscles, 2) affects the entire musculoskeletal system, and 3) is characterized by perivascular and interfacicular infiltration of mononuclear leukocytes in the striated muscle leading to necrosis as well as disruption of muscle fibers. The lesions found in striated muscle specimens were most pronounced in immunodeficient (SCID), less severe in T-cell-deficient nu/nu (BALB/c, C57BL/6) and marginal to moderate or almost not present in immunocompetent AKR/N and C.B-17 mice, respectively.  相似文献   

Infectivity of Borrelia burgdorferi strain 297 in normal outbred ddY mice was examined. Strain 297 was inoculated intraperitoneally in 3-week-old outbred ddY mice. B. burgdorferi was routinely cultured from the heart and urinary bladder 5 to 84 days postinoculation. The combined isolation rate from both heart and urinary bladder was significantly higher than the rate from spleen, kidney, liver, urine, and blood samples. Three- and 10-week-old mice were infected with inocula of 10(4) and 10(5) or more, respectively. Passive transfer of undiluted and 10-fold-diluted anti-297 rabbit serum and active immunization of 50 to 100 micrograms of lyophilized whole cells completely protected mice from infection with B. burgdorferi. These results suggest that the outbred mouse is a convenient model for experimental infection with B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

Host mice (Peromyscus leucopus and Peromyscus maniculatus) were sampled throughout the state of Pennsylvania to determine the geographical and ecological distribution of the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. All 67 counties of the state were sampled. A total of 1,619 mice were captured from a total of 157 sites during the period 1990 to 1993 for an overall capture rate of 29.69%. A total of 112 (6.92%) isolations of B. burgdorferi were made. The distribution of isolations revealed the reason for the correlated distribution of human cases of Lyme disease in the state. Significantly more mice were captured and significantly more isolations were made from hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) habitat than from deciduous species forest. Nevertheless, high isolation rates from counties of the southeastern corner of the state illustrate well that hemlock habitat is not essential. Evidence suggests that in some areas, transmission between mice is occurring in some way other than through ticks as vectors. Host mice proved useful for determining the geographical and ecological distribution of B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   


The recognition of Borrelia species represents a complex process in which multiple components of the immune system are involved. In this review, we summarize the interplay between the host innate system and Borrelia spp., from the recognition by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to the induction of a complex network of proinflammatory mediators. Several PRR families are crucial for recognition of Borrelia spp., including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and Nucleotide Oligomerization Domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs). TLR-2 is crucial for the recognition of outer surface protein (Osp)A from Borrelia spp. and together with TLR8 mediates phagocytosis of the microorganism and production of type I interferons. Intracellular receptors such as TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9 on the one hand and the NLR receptor NOD2 on the other hand, represent the second major recognition system of Borrelia. PRR-dependent signals induce the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1 and T-helper-derived cytokines, which are thought to mediate the inflammation during Lyme disease. Understanding the regulation of host defense mechanisms against Borrelia has the potential to lead to the discovery of novel immunotherapeutic targets to improve the therapy against Lyme disease.  相似文献   

The Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, is an extracellular microbe that causes persistent infection despite the development of strong immune responses against the bacterium. B. burgdorferi expresses several ligand-binding lipoproteins, including the decorin-binding proteins (Dbps) A and B, which may mediate attachment to decorin, a major component of the host extracellular matrix during murine infection. We show that B. burgdorferi was better protected in the joints and skin, two tissues with a higher decorin expression, than in the urinary bladder and heart, two tissues with a lower decorin expression, during chronic infection of wild-type mice. Targeted disruption of decorin alone completely abolished the protective niche in chronically infected decorin-deficient mice but did not affect the spirochete burden during early infection. The nature of protection appeared to be specific because the spirochetes with higher outer surface protein C expression were not protected while the protective niche seemed to favor the spirochetes with a higher dbpA expression during chronic infection. These data suggest that spirochetal DbpA may interact with host decorin during infection and such interactions could be a mechanism that B. burgdorferi uses to evade humoral immunity and establish chronic infection.  相似文献   

Outer surface protein A (OspA), which is abundantly expressed in cultured Borrelia burgdorferi, appears to be down-regulated or masked following low-dose infection, and OspA immunization did not prevent infection, dissemination, or disease development with host-adapted spirochetes. Seroconversion of mice to B. burgdorferi OspA depended on dose and viability of inoculated spirochetes. Mice inoculated with > 10(4) live spirochetes and > 10(7) heat-killed spirochetes seroconverted to OspA, but mice inoculated with fewer spirochetes did not seroconvert to OspA at 2 weeks after inoculation. Growth temperature of spirochetes was not a factor for infectious dose or seroconversion to OspA. Spirochetes grown at 30, 34, or 38 degrees C had the same median infectious dose. Growth temperature did not influence infectious dose when mice were inoculated intraperitoneally or intradermally and did not influence dose-related immunologic recognition of OspA. Mice hyperimmunized with recombinant OspA-glutathione S-transferase (GT) fusion protein or GT (controls) were challenged by syringe inoculation with 10(3) spirochetes or by transplantation of infected skin from syngenic mice infected for 2 or 8 weeks. OspA-GT-immunized mice resisted syringe challenge but developed disseminated infections following transplantation of infected skin. Identical results were obtained in mice passively immunized with hyperimmune serum to OspA-GT or GT and then challenged by syringe or infected skin transplant. The number of spirochetes in infected skin, determined by quantitative PCR directed toward both plasmid and genomic targets, was less than the syringe challenge dose.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the outer surface lipoprotein A (Osp A) of Borrelia burgdorferi confer protection to SCID mice against subsequent tick-borne or experimental infection. However, Osp A-specific antibodies are hardly detectable in naturally infected humans, dogs, hamsters and mice. This is most probably due to limited expression of Osp A on spirochetes transmitted from the vector to the host. Here we have tested whether T cell priming of mice would lead to the induction of protective Osp A-specific antibodies upon infection. It is shown that AKR/N mice, previously immunized with either a single T helper cell peptide of Osp A, or a mixture of 27 peptides spanning the entire molecule, develop Osp A-specific IgM or IgG antibodies, including those to a prominent protective B cell epitope of Osp A, LA-2, within 7 days of infection with low doses (103) of culture-derived spirochetes. In marked contrast, the same groups of pre-sensitized mice failed to generate any detectable Osp A-specific antibodies after tick-borne infection for more than 40 days after infection. All mice, irrespective of their state of T cell immunity to OspA or the mode of infection, produced similar levels of Osp C-specific IgM and IgG antibodies as early as day 14 after infection. None of the mice previously immunized with Osp A peptides were protected against experimental infection, in spite of the appearance of protective antibodies. It is clear from these data that, in contrast to culture-derived spirochetes, the naturally transmitted pathogen fails to express Osp A within the mammalian host at levels sufficient for induction of B cell responses, even in the presence of pre-activated T helper cells. Together with the fact that Osp A-specific antibodies are mainly operative by eliminating spirochetes from the vector during infestation, the data suggest that Osp A-vaccination for T helper cell immunity alone is not sufficient to prevent Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Scott JD 《Journal of medical entomology》2012,49(2):237; author reply 237

Zones of beta-hemolysis occurred around colonies of Borrelia burgdorferi grown on Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium containing agarose and horse blood. Blood plates were inoculated with either the infective strain Sh-2-82 or noninfective strain B-31 in an overlay and incubated in a candle jar. Both strains of B. burgdorferi displayed beta-hemolysis after 1 to 2 weeks of incubation. The hemolytic activity diffused out from the borrelial colonies, eventually resulting in lysis of the entire blood plate. Hemolysis was most pronounced with horse blood and was less intense with bovine, sheep, and rabbit blood. Hemolysis was enhanced by hot-cold incubation, which is typical of phospholipase-like activities in other bacteria. Further characterization of the borrelial hemolysin by using a spectrophotometric assay revealed its presence in the supernatant fluids of stationary-phase cultures. Detection of the borrelial hemolytic activity was dependent on activation of the hemolysin by the reducing agent cysteine. This study provides the first evidence of hemolytic activity associated with B. burgdorferi.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that production of IFN-gamma and IL-10, but not IL-4 is specifically induced in the lymph nodes of C3H/HeJ (disease susceptible) and C57BL/6J (disease resistant) mice 1 week after infection with Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes. The present study was conducted to determine the phenotypes of ex vivo lymph node cells obtained from infected mice of both strains at this time point. The percentages of CD3(+), CD4(+), CD8(+), TCRalpha/beta (+) and TCRgamma/delta (+) cells decreased in both strains of mice compared to LN from naive mice. In contrast, there was a threefold increase in the proportion of CD19(+) cells. In view of this expansion of the B cell proportion, we examined the ability of purified CD19(+) cells and CD43(+) cells to produce both IL-10 and IFN-gamma when the cells were restimulated in vitro with B. burgdorferi freeze-thawed spirochetes. As expected, CD43(+) cells were able to produce both cytokines, but not IL-4. Surprisingly, CD19(+) (B) cells also were able to produce IFN-gamma in comparable amounts, in addition to IL-10. Intracellular staining of CD19(+) cells with anti-IFN-gamma antibody confirmed this finding. We discuss this novel phenomenon in terms of its possible underlying mechanisms and its relevance, both in the context of the immunology of Lyme disease and that of other infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Mice were actively immunized by intradermal inoculation with 10(4) cloned Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria and then cured of the B. burgdorferi infection with an antibiotic after 90 days. They were resistant to intradermal 10(2)- or 10(4)-bacterium challenge infection with either the original cloned B. burgdorferi or B. burgdorferi isolated from each punch biopsies at 90 days of infection (prior to antibiotic treatment), including autologous B. burgdorferi isolates. In contrast, sham-infected (nonimmune) mice were susceptible to challenge infection with both early and late B. burgdorferi isolates. Since there was a potential for in vitro modification of the spirochetes during the 2-week culture period which would obscure results, an alternate means of challenge infection, using tissue transplants, was implemented. By using the same approach, mice were immunized by infection, treated with antibiotics, but challenged by subcutaneous transplantation of ear skin pieces biopsied and frozen prior to antibiotic treatment. Mice were infected for 15, 90, or 180 days before biopsy and antibiotic treatment and then transplant challenged with autologous infected tissue. Sham-immunized mice received infected tissue, and immune mice received uninfected tissue as controls. Mice infected for only 15 days, but not mice infected for 90 or 180 days, could be reinfected by autografts, whereas nonimmune mice became infected with tissues collected at each of these intervals and immune mice transplanted with normal skin were uninfected. These results indicate that immunity to B. burgdorferi is effective against the original inoculum, late isolates of the spirochete, or infected tissues collected at intervals of up to 180 days, suggesting that there is no significant antigenic change in B. burgdorferi during chronic infection.  相似文献   

A single injection of serum from C3H mice at 90 days after intradermal inoculation with 10(4) Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes protected naive mice when administered subcutaneously at -18 h relative to intradermal challenge inoculation with 10(4) B. burgdorferi spirochetes. When immune serum was given at intervals (-18, 0, +24, +48, and +96 h) relative to intradermal challenge with 10(4) B. burgdorferi spirochetes, it was protective if given before or at the time of challenge but not at later times. Protection with 90-day serum given at -18 h was effective at dilutions up to 1:32, but not 1:64, on the basis of culture or disease at either 5 or 15 days after challenge. Passive immunizing activity was also present in sera from mice at 21 days after intradermal challenge with 10(4), 10(2), or 10(1) spirochetes, indicating that the immunizing component was not dose dependent and probably not related to antibody to outer surface protein A. Passive immunizing titers of sera from mice at days 1, 15, 30, 90, 180, and 360 after intradermal B. burgdorferi inoculation appeared as early as day 15, were highest on day 30, and then declined progressively on days 90, 180, and 360. Immunizing titers of sera from mice at 360 days after intradermal B. burgdorferi inoculation were identical in passively immunized mice challenged with the original inoculum or with B. burgdorferi isolated at 360 days after inoculation, suggesting that there was no antigenic discrimination between the original inoculum and late isolates. These results suggest that protective antibody is produced early in the course of B. burgdorferi infection and is unrelated to antibody to outer surface protein A. In addition, the decline of protective serum titers over time despite persistent infection suggests that the antigens eliciting the protective response are either modified or suppressed, but antigenic modification could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Persistent infection with Borrelia burgdorferi in the presence of a vigorous host immune response has been demonstrated in humans and in animal models of Lyme disease. Long-term persistence of B. burgdorferi was documented recently in our studies of BALB/c and C3H mice infected with cloned and uncloned strains of B. burgdorferi. From mice inoculated with the cloned strain, 11 isolates were recovered from the skin, bladder, and blood after 1 year of infection. Analysis of the genes encoding the major outer surface proteins (OspA and OspB) by restriction digestion and DNA sequencing showed no evidence of point mutations or other small genetic alterations after 1 year. Genomic macrorestriction analysis of whole B. burgdorferi showed no loss or gross alterations of the plasmids encoding OspA, OspB, or OspC. However, in two isolates, loss of a 38-kb plasmid encoding outer surface protein D was noted. Our studies suggest that loss or alteration of the genes encoding OspA and OspB is not a common occurrence during persistent spirochetal infection and that other possible mechanisms, including invasion of immunologically privileged sites, should be actively explored.  相似文献   

A mutant of virulent Borrelia burgdorferi 297 was apparently selected for by long-term storage at 5 degrees C. This mutant was found to lack the plasmid which encodes outer surface protein A (OspA) and OspB. In addition to the loss of the OspA and OspB proteins, the mutant lacked two lipoproteins, of 20 and 7.5 kDa, that were observed in the wild type. Since the mutant was not recovered from the tissues or blood of hamsters injected with the mutant, the mutant was determined to be noninfectious. Hamsters vaccinated with noninfectious mutant 297 were protected completely from challenge with virulent wild-type 297 spirochetes. Prechallenge sera from hamsters vaccinated with mutant 297 lacked antibodies to OspA and OspB, while those from hamsters vaccinated with virulent wild-type 297 or avirulent 297 exhibited antibodies to these proteins. Hamsters vaccinated with virulent wild-type 297 or mutant 297 elicited antibodies to OspC and a 39-kDa protein (P39), whereas hamsters vaccinated with avirulent 297 lacked these antibodies. These results suggest that OspC and/or P39 are important for the development of a protective immune response. Study of this mutant may elucidate factors important to the development of a Lyme disease vaccine.  相似文献   

Colony formation and morphology in Borrelia burgdorferi.   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Two strains of Borrelia burgdorferi, B31 and 297, formed colonies when plated onto Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium solidified with agarose (1.3%) and incubated in a candle jar at 34 degrees C. Colonies differing in morphology were observed in both strains after 2 to 3 weeks of incubation. Strain B31 colonies were either compact, round (mean diameter, 0.43 mm), and restricted to the surface of the agarose medium or diffuse (mean diameter, 1.80 mm) and penetrating into the solid medium. Strain 297 colonies (mean diameter, 1.43 mm) either showed a raised center surrounded by a diffuse ring of spirochetes or consisted of numerous small spirochetal aggregates. Both colony types expanded into the agarose medium. Scanning electron and light microscopy confirmed that the colonies were formed by spirochetes. Twisted tangles of intertwined spirochetes were visible on the surface, with numerous spherical bodies among them, especially in the central regions. At the periphery, the borreliae were more loosely packed, and individual coils were discernible.  相似文献   

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