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康复护理近几年才纳入护理教学范畴,它是一门实践性很强的学科,一直贯穿于整个临床护理活动中,而临床护理能力在医学人才知识和能力结构中起着举足轻重的作用。现有的传统教学模式存在诸多不足[1—2]:缺乏系统的、先进的、整体的康复理论的教育和实践教学;教学依旧是纯理论  相似文献   

正培养具有较强科研能力的医学人才是培养高素质创新人才和发展研究型医科大学教育事业的关键。本文针对本校五年制医学检验专业本科生的教育特点,探讨通过教学实践将大学本科生科研能力训练和创新能力培养贯穿于理论及实验教学中,通过鼓励学生参与各类创新性实验活动,完善本科生导  相似文献   

《康复功能评定》是康复治疗学教育的一门专业课程,在康复医学课程体系中具有重要地位。《康复功能评定》的教学贯穿于康复医学教学课程的全过程中,治疗师通过康复评定的基本理论、基本技能和临床思维方法,采集、归纳、综合分析客观资料,从而提出符合障碍本质的结论,为预防和治疗功能障碍提出依据,也为临床康复治疗的实施奠定基础。因此,《康复功能评定》的教学直接关系到康复治疗师的实际工作能力。现有的传统教学模式大多采用灌输式课堂教学模式,理论与真实环境的实践相对脱节,尤其是学生在教学过程中缺乏真实病例的接触,教学与实践环节分离,学生缺少在真实环境中获取康复知识的机会;考试采用笔试为主、理论学习情况评价为主的方式,造成学生实践动手能力和创新精神不足,真实病例评定能力缺乏,故培养的学生难以成为高素质的临床应用型人才。针对上述情况,依托在建大学生创新基地,结合我校实际情况,积极进行教学改革探索。  相似文献   

随着健康中国战略的全面深入实施,康复医学作为重要的医学分支,在我国卫生健康事业中发生着日益重要的影响作用.我国的康复医学事业起步于1983年[1-2],通过近四十年的快速发展,基本建立了相对完善的康复医学临床、科研、教学和管理体系.但是,在康复医学人才尤其是康复医师培养方面,相较于发达国家成熟的医学教育制度和医师培训模...  相似文献   

康复治疗学专业办学目标在于培养从事康复医学的临床治疗、教学、科研于一体高素质的康复治疗技术人才[1],是一门实践性很强的专业,要求掌握熟练的康复治疗技术,应用于临床工作中,同时也要求其具备一定的教学能力,尤其对于高等院校本科生,基本教学能力成为其一项相当重要的素质,2008年第二学期的作业治疗实验课采用以学生为主讲的教学法,经过实践,收到较满意的效果。  相似文献   

<正>康复医学是一门新兴应用型学科,对人类生存与生活质量有着重要的促进作用,贯穿于预防﹑保健、治疗和康复的全过程中。当前,我国康复医学事业尚在起步阶段,康复事业受到康复人才匮乏因素的严重制约。因而在医学院校中,康复医学教学成为学科专业教育发展的重中之重。经过多年的建设与发展,康复医学教学突飞猛进,在课程体系、课程内容、教学方法、教材编写及师资水平等方面取得了骄人的成绩,培养了大批医学人才。但是长期以来,在应试教育环境下的一些传统考核方  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变,现代康复医学发展迅速。但国内开展康复医学教育和康复工作与发达国家相比,起步较晚,对康复医学的性质和内容仍存在一些模糊认识,不少院校康复教育的教学较为薄弱。我科作为国内开展康复工作最早的单位之一,在康复医学教育和康复工作中取得了一定的经验。近年来参加了各不同层次的康复医学教学工作,总结出一些体会,介绍如下。1 制定合理的教学目标是保证教学成功的关键(1)使学生理解在医学生中进行康复教育的必要性和重要性。学生们认为他们毕业后主要从事临床诊疗工作,康复过门课学不学无所谓。因此教学中我们…  相似文献   

康复医学教学在我国尚属起步阶段。由于没有统一的教学大纲和正式的统编教材,许多医学院校把康复医学课列为选修课,各地教师从事的专业也不尽相同,所以康复医学教学中存在许多问题或不足,譬如:课程设置的比例、重点讲授的内容、教学与实践等。现就我院康复医学教学的思路和方法作一介绍,以利总结经验。1康复医学教学的核心是强化学生的康复意识我院从SO年代中期开始设置医科大学本科生的康复医学课程,起初讲授的内容主要为理疗和体疗,以后逐步增加了一些康复医学知识。1994年开始按照南登昆、缓鸿石主编的《康复医学》为主要讲授内…  相似文献   

正本刊收集并整理了"中华医学会物理医学与康复学分会"网页中"康复评述"栏2016年1~12期所刊文献,在报道的疾病、主题、方法及所发表的杂志几方面做了分类、计数及整理,期望对广大同仁的工作、教学、科研、写作提供一些启发和思路。"康复评述"是Rehab in Review的中文版,Rehab in Review是由美国物理医学与康复专业的医师们所编办的网络电子刊(http://rehabinreview.org)。是从100多份康复医学和康复医学相关专业的杂志上近2、3个月刊载的文章中,摘录精华刊登。Rehab  相似文献   

寓情感教育于临床康复医学教学之中   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学模式的转变和现代康复医学的发展,康复医学教学已成为整个医学教学体系中不可缺少的组成部分。康复医学是医学的重要分支,是促进病、伤、残者康复的医学学科,与保健、预防、临床并称四大医学,没有康复的医学不能算是完整的医学。临床康复医学教学的理论性和实践性都很强,既要让学生牢牢地掌握书本的理论知识,又要把学到的理论知识很好地应用于实践。为了达到这个目的,必须充分调动学生的情感因素,寓情感教育于临床康复医学教学之中。在以往的教学实践中,教师往往关注学生的专业课学习,忽视学生的情感教育,没有把素质教育有计划地融于专业教育之中,造成素质教育和专业教育分离。在教育与世界接轨、旧的医学模式向新的生物一心理一社会医学模式转型的时代背景下,教师如何在教学中开展情感教育,如何运用现代化的教学手段培养出知识全面,具有良好的智商、情商、财商的医学人材是每一位医学教育工作者都应思考的问题l_1]。情感是人们对客观世界的一种特殊的反映形式,是人对客观事物是否符合自己需要而产生的一种体验。教学是一种特殊的情知相伴的认识过程,师生之间的情感可以相互影响,相互转化,对教学效果有着明显的影响。教师在授课时情绪饱满,对学生充满热情,学生就会受老师的情绪感染而产生积极的心理活动,如思维活跃、反应灵敏、接受知识快,从而产生良好的教学效果,否则就会背道而驰。那么,怎样把自己的情感渗透于教学之中呢?  相似文献   

Purpose.?The principles of rehabilitation medicine will become ever more important across many medical and surgical specialties in view of the rising prevalence of chronic and disabling conditions. Yet rehabilitation medicine has traditionally been unpopular with medical students. This article aims to review the existing evidence of problems in teaching medical undergraduates in rehabilitation medicine and provide published recommendations and practical approaches from our own experience.

Method.?A literature review was carried out to search for publications relating to teaching rehabilitation medicine to undergraduates in order to identify problems that potentially affect undergraduate education in rehabilitation medicine and its future as a medical speciality.

Conclusion.?The lack of consistent undergraduate curriculum, knowledge of rehabilitation medicine and academic opportunities contribute to the inadequate perception of the speciality to the undergraduates. The attitude of medical students towards rehabilitation medicine is important for its future development as a specialty. Further standardisation of teaching rehabilitation medicine at a national level, promoting research activity in this area and increasing the profile of rehabilitation medicine are warranted.  相似文献   

康复治疗专业教育是现代康复医学教育的重要内容和任务,康复治疗技术专业课程设置不能满足培养需要。湖北医药学院力求从课程设置、教材建设、教学方法、教学内容等方面进行的改革与创新,以培养出具有现代理念的康复治疗师。  相似文献   

为加强医学生的康复医学观念,改善康复医学教育现状,提高康复医学教学效果,作者总结了多年的康复医学教学经验,提出了关于康复医学教育的几点思考。  相似文献   

目的康复医学起步晚发展快,涉及知识面广且对操作技能要求高,目前针对其课程教学方法的研究较为缺乏。本研究回顾了教育目标分类理论的发展和演变,采用我国新课程目标教学的三维目标教学模式,初步探讨了其在康复医学课程中的效果。方法选定首都医科大学2005级康复治疗学本科生作为受试对象,采用问卷调查和期末考试成绩分析,对三维目标教学模式在《康复医学》课程教学的应用效果进行评估。结果 绝大部分学生认为三维目标教学模式有助于提高学习兴趣、自主学习能力和临床实践操作水平。结论三维目标教学模式适用于康复医学教学,应用后将有助于教师选择教学策略,可提高学生的学习效率和操作技能。  相似文献   

Described as the balance of values on either side of a moral dilemma, ethics and ethical issues are of increasing importance in the changing practice of rehabilitation medicine. Because the substance of ethics and true ethical issues can be difficult to identify, the education of rehabilitation residents in ethics can similarly be challenging. This article discusses topics pertinent to an understanding of clinical ethics in rehabilitation medicine and provides a method of teaching residents through an algorithm of ethical issues, learning objectives, and illustrative cases.  相似文献   

本文介绍了INTERNET上的康复信息资源种类及对康复医学的影响,认为它对促进康复医学医教研工作很有价值,针对目前INTERNET信息资源利用上存在的主要问题,指出开发网上康复医学资源的措施。  相似文献   

The health care delivery system of the Veterans Administration (VA) represents the largest single group of physicians practicing physical medicine and rehabilitation. The long-term needs of the aged, often disabled, and poor veterans of America's wars suggest that rehabilitation should be a high priority within the VA system. Yet, Max Cleland, former VA Administrator, and a VA Task Force on Rehabilitation have indicated that operational performance falls short of promises and that programs are fragmented and uncoordinated, with minimal research production. The results are reported of a 17-page questionnaire sent to the 273 full- and part-time physicians in Rehabilitation Medicine Services (RMS) in an attempt to determine the state of rehabilitation medicine in clinical practice, teaching, education, publishing and research.  相似文献   

Qualitative research methodology focuses on individuals' lived experiences as they are presented in thoughts, ideas, feelings, attitudes and perceptions. In addition, the research approach emphasizes human behaviour and social interaction. It explores the quality of a phenomenon, not the quantity. This article outlines the major characteristics of qualitative research methodology and gives applications and examples. The aim of qualitative methodology is to develop new knowledge based on participants' own beliefs and experiences, not on pre-defined, testable hypotheses. It is inductive rather than deductive, and it is interpretative rather than predictive. The design is flexible, iterative and emergent and therefore requires of the researcher an ability to change and adapt the research process in accordance with emerging results. Qualitative research is thus different from quantitative research as it allows for flexibility throughout the research process. Several data collection methods can be used, such as individual interviews, focus group discussions or participant observations, in order to gain a deeper understanding of health, illness and rehabilitation. It can be used in combination with quantitative studies, but also as a research method of its own. In health research, the qualitative methodology has gained increasing credibility during the last decade. However, it is not yet frequently used in rehabilitation research. As rehabilitation outcomes are dependent on people's attitudes, thoughts and motivation regarding the rehabilitation process, and as the rehabilitation process in itself builds on social interaction, studies with a qualitative design could become useful tools in the development and improvement of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

21世纪康复工作的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去的 2 0年里中国在康复医学的发展上已有很大的进步 ,诸如努力预防残疾和残障 ,传授对付残疾的新方法 ,提高公众对残疾和康复的认识。在短短的时间里就看到有这么多的转变 ,使人深深地感到康复实在是一个令人振奋的工作领域。然而 ,康复其最完整的内涵远远超过医学范畴 ,它涉及许多领域 ,涉及各个年龄和各种人。康复不仅帮助残疾人 ,而且也帮助慢性病者 ,尤其是老年人。我们每个人都能够而且必须发挥自己的作用去保证不仅有效地接近这些需要我们给予特殊服务的人 ,而且还要进一步做到使他们在社区里能过高素质的生活 ,而这也正是基本人…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Despite recent developments in global communication networks in medicine, researchers whose first language is not English are confronted by a dilemma; international demand to publish their works in English as the de facto common language and domestic needs to maintain a high level of research activity. To facilitate more contributions by non-English speaking researchers we reviewed rehabilitation research in China and Japan. DESIGN AND METHODS: The review was conducted by investigating 4 Chinese journals and the Japanese journal on rehabilitation medicine (1997/1999-2001), financial information from the proceedings of the Annual Congress of the Chinese Society (2000-02) and government grants given for research in Japan (1998-2000). RESULTS: In China, half of the articles focused on the effects of physical modality and therapeutic exercise on normal subjects. Most funds came from a Natural Science Foundation run by the central government. The Japanese journal contained a small number of clinical trials and many experimental studies. The number of applications for government grants increased. CONCLUSION: Though rehabilitation research is a relatively young branch of medical science, research in both China and Japan has been increasing. In the future we should organize clinical research to satisfy the needs of specific socioeconomic backgrounds and overcome the dilemma between global and domestic activities.  相似文献   

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