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Arizona was one of the first few states to implement a comprehensive tobacco control program. The effect of that program is examined using a computer-simulation model (SimSmoke) developed for the purposes of evaluation, planning, and justifying policies. This approach assesses the impact to date of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and generates predictions about the effects of tobacco control policies on past and future smoking prevalence and associated future premature mortality. SimSmoke estimates indicate that tobacco control policies reduced smoking rates in Arizona by about 20 percent over the period 1993-2002. A previous CDC study obtains similar effects, but does not net out the effects of individual policies. SimSmoke attributes much of the reduction, about 61 percent, to price increases and attributes 38 percent of the overall effect to media policies, leaving only a small percentage of the smoking reductions attributed to quitlines, youth access policies, and the weak clean air laws. Tobacco control policies implemented as comprehensive strategies have significantly affected smoking rates in Arizona, which leads to large reductions in deaths attributable to smoking. It will be important to maintain these efforts over time to reduce or keep smoking prevalence down and to minimize smoking-attributable deaths.  相似文献   

Tobacco control policies are examined utilizing a simulation model for California, the state with the longest running comprehensive program. We assess the impact of the California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) and surrounding price changes on smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths. Modeling begins in 1988 and progresses chronologically to 2004, and considers four types of policies (taxes, mass media, clean air laws, and youth access policies) independently and as a package. The model is validated against existing smoking prevalence estimates. The difference in trends between predicted smoking rates from the model and other commonly used estimates of smoking prevalence for the overall period were generally small. The model also predicted some important changes in trend, which occurred with changes in policy. The California SimSmoke model estimates that tobacco control policies reduced smoking rates in California by an additional 25% relative to the level that they would have been if policies were kept at their 1988 level. By 2004, the model attributes 59% of the reduction to price increases, 28% of the overall effect to media policies, 11% to clean air laws, and only a small percent to youth access policies. The model estimates that over 5000 lives will be saved in the year 2010 alone as a result of the CTCP and industry-initiated price increases, and that over 50,000 lives were saved over the period 1988-2010. Tobacco control policies implemented as comprehensive tobacco control strategies have significantly impacted smoking rates. Further tax increases should lead to additional lives saved, and additional policies may result in further impacts on smoking rates, and consequently on smoking-attributable health outcomes in the population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare tobacco control policies independently and as a package through a simulation model to project smoking prevalence and associated future premature mortality in Argentina beginning in 2001. METHODS: A simulation model of tobacco control policies known as SimSmoke was modified using data for Argentina on population, fertility and mortality, smoking prevalence, and tobacco control policies in effect between 2001 and 2004. We used the Argentina Tobacco Policy Simulation model (ATPSM) to consider the effect on smoking prevalence of changes in taxes and prices, clean air laws, media campaigns, cessation programs, and youth access policies on smoking initiation and cessation rates. Smoking prevalence and relative risks of smoking were used to estimate smoking-attributable mortality. The ATPSM was used to project smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths during the period 2001-2034. RESULTS: The largest reductions in smoking prevalence and premature mortality were predicted for a comprehensive tobacco control policy package, but relative reductions of as much as 30% were also predicted for large tax increases. Adding a media campaign along with programs to publicize and enforce clean air laws, advertising bans, and youth access laws would further reduce smoking rates by up to 45% by the year 2034, and would save almost 16 000 lives per year. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco control policies can substantially reduce smoking rates, which can save many lives. Without such policies, deaths from smoking, and associated medical costs, will increase. The ATPSM is expected to provide guidance in filling the most important information gaps pertinent to both modeling and policy-making in Argentina, e.g., the lack of data on initiation and cessation rates, and the need for studies on the impact of policies. Similar models might be developed for other Latin American countries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: While Italy has implemented some tobacco control policies over the last few decades, which resulted in a decreased smoking prevalence, there is still considerable scope to strengthen tobacco control policies consistent with the World Health Organization (WHO) policy guidelines. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of past and project the effect of future tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and associated premature mortality in Italy. METHODS: To assess, individually and in combination, the effect of seven types of policies, we used the SimSmoke simulation model of tobacco control policy. The model uses population, smoking rates and tobacco control policy data for Italy. RESULTS: Significant inroads to reducing smoking prevalence and premature mortality can be achieved through tobacco price increases, high intensity media campaigns, comprehensive cessation treatment program, strong health warnings, stricter smoke-free air regulations and advertising bans, and youth access laws. With a comprehensive approach, the smoking prevalence can be decreased by as much as 12 % soon after the policies are in place, increasing to a 30 % reduction in the next twenty years and a 34 % reduction by 30 years in 2040. Without effective tobacco control policies, a total of almost 300 thousand lives will be prematurely lost due to smoking by the year 2040. CONCLUSION: Besides presenting the benefits of a comprehensive tobacco control strategy, the model helps identify information gaps in surveillance and evaluation schemes that will promote the effectiveness of future tobacco control policy in Italy.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of tobacco control policies in Mexico on smoking prevalence and smoking-related deaths using the Mexico SimSmoke model. The model is based on the previously developed SimSmoke simulation model of tobacco control policy, and uses population size, smoking rates and tobacco control policy data for Mexico. It assesses, individually, and in combination, the effect of six tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and smoking-related deaths. Policies included: cigarette excise taxes, smoke-free laws, anti-smoking public education campaigns, marketing restrictions, access to tobacco cessation treatments and enforcement against tobacco sales youth. The model estimates that, if Mexico were to adopt strong tobacco control policies compared to current policy levels, smoking prevalence could be reduced by 30% in the next decade and by 50% by 2053; an additional 470,000 smoking-related premature deaths could be averted over the next 40 years. The greatest impact on smoking and smoking-related deaths would be achieved by raising excise taxes on cigarettes from 55% to at least 70% of the retail price, followed by strong youth access enforcement and access to cessation treatments. Implementing tobacco control policies in Mexico could reduce smoking prevalence by 50%, and prevent 470,000 smoking-related deaths by 2053.  相似文献   

Ethnic and racial disparities in mental health are driven by social factors such as housing, education, and income. Many of these social factors are different for minorities than they are for whites. Policies that address gaps in these social factors therefore can address mental health status disparities. We analyze three policies and their impact on minorities: the Individuals with Disability Education Act, Section 8 housing vouchers, and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Two of the three policies appear to have been effective in reducing social inequalities between whites and minorities. Expansion of public policies can be the mechanism to eliminate mental health status disparities for minorities.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies of the effect of tobacco control policies on smoking rates with the aim of providing guidance on the importance of different policies. Based on past studies, we estimate the magnitude of effects of major tobacco control policies, how their effects depend on the manner in which the policies are implemented, the relationship between the different policies, and the barriers to implementation. The most successful campaigns have implemented a combination of tobacco control policies. Of those policies, substantial evidence indicates that higher taxes and clean air laws can have a large impact on smoking rates. Evidence also indicates that media campaigns when implemented with other policies are important. Research on greater access to treatment and telephone support hotlines indicates a strong potential to increase quit rates and may be important in affecting heavier smokers. Direct evidence on the effects of advertising bans and health warnings is mixed, but these policies appear to be important in some of the countries that have had success in reducing smoking rates. School education programs and limits on retail sales are not likely to have much impact if implemented alone, but may be more important when combined with other policies.  相似文献   

Upstream healthy public policy: lessons from the battle of tobacco.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many consider public health and politics to be entirely separate worlds. Public health activities are generally well-motivated by public interest, perceived as value-free, scientific, and devoid of partisan preference. Politics, in contrast, can be viewed as a distasteful activity involving self-interested pressure groups, misuse of state power, and influence of money on national decisions. Public health and politics are inappropriate bedfellows if politics is reduced to party politics. Politics, of course, involves more than just party activities; it concerns the structure, distribution, and effects of power in society. Which groups pattern the social order? What are their sources of influence? How do they retain privileged status? What social effects result from the policies these groups shape? Viewed in this broader sense, politics is essential for effective public health and thus is the inescapable context of public health interventions. To disregard sociopolitical determinants of health is to relegate public health to prevention and promotion of individual risk behaviors. If public health is to be more successful in the 21st century, it must comprehend the magnitude of the forces against it and the strategies used to engineer its defeat. Public health interventions in the new millennium must be appropriate to their sociocultural context.  相似文献   

Scutchfield FD  Ireson C  Hall L 《Journal of public health policy》2004,25(2):197-205; discussion 206-10
Community involvement with public health planning and implementation are vital to improving community health. There are a variety of community health models that are available. We describe these four models from the perspective of how they involve the broader community. These models are evaluated from a different perspective about linking the community and politics and agencies, that involves naming issues, framing options, public deliberation and public acting. We suggest ways that these models can be further refined to connect citizens to the processes that we use for community health improvement.  相似文献   

The belief that schools can play a powerful role in preventing tobacco use among adolescents has led to the implementation of various tobacco-related policies and practices. This study examines the association between school policies regarding monitoring student behavior, severity of action taken for infraction of policies, and tobacco use by staff, and student smoking behavior and attitudes. Data on students' smoking behavior and attitudes were obtained from the 1999 and 2000 Monitoring the Future surveys of nationally representative samples of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students. Data on school policies and practices were obtained from administrators in those same schools. Hierarchical analyses using HLM5 were conducted. Strictness of monitoring was significantly negatively associated with daily cigarette use by middle school students. Permitting staff to smoke was significantly positively associated with students' daily cigarette use and negatively with their disapproval of cigarette use. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The ‘new public health’ perspective urges a return to an agenda centred on the modification of the determinants of health, with a special emphasis on public policies. This enthusiasm for strategies focusing on the modification of policies may lead, however, to declining interest in health education interventions. The aim of the present analysis is to reflect on the role of health education in the process leading to the adoption of ‘Healthy Public Policies’ by drawing on theories from political science: Hall's Policy Paradigm approach and Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith's Advocacy Coalition Framework. Rejecting the traditional perspective that political actors’ choices and preferences are exclusively framed by an economic rationality, these two frameworks integrate the influence of ideas and values in the policy process. Applying these analytical frameworks to the case of tobacco control, we found that the policy change process is constrained by the worldview of a broad group of actors from the political and social spheres and that the dominant elite's worldview structures such a process. In addition, policies are derived from the ‘policy learning process’ and from events external to the policy domain. We conclude that health education through its health advocacy role and the sensitization of the public is a critical ingredient of the policy process. However, health educators should take part in the process not only by disseminating technical or scientific arguments but also by bringing forward arguments that take into account the fundamental values defended by the policy-makers and the public.  相似文献   

The Ministry of Health (MOH) in Vietnam is currently drafting the Tobacco Harm Prevention Law. The government requested the MOH to provide evidence on the strategies proposed in the draft law as part of its submission to the National Assembly. This study examines the availability and strength of evidence and its relationship to policy stakeholders' positions towards policy instruments proposed in the law. Several qualitative methods were employed including documentary analysis, key informant interviews, focus group discussion and a key stakeholders' survey. Contradictory findings were identified over the role of evidence. While there is high demand for local evidence, the availability and strength of evidence are not always aligned with stakeholders' positions with respect to different strategies. Stakeholders' positions are shaped by competing interests on the basis of their perceptions of the socioeconomic implications and health consequences of tobacco control. Claims of limited availability of evidence are often used to justify the maintenance of the status quo, a position that is seen to protect the state‐owned tobacco industry and state revenue. Local evidence of the impact of tobacco on population health is argued to be ‘one‐sided’ and evidence of selected interventions discounted. Compelling and comprehensive local evidence, including those addressing economic concerns, is acutely needed in order to proceed with the current legislation process. For evidence to play a critical role, it needs to engage those ministries responsible for the tobacco industry itself and the economic development. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn many countries, health advocates aim to increase public support for tobacco control policies by framing these policies in terms of child protection. We examined whether support for the protection of children is indeed associated with support for tobacco control policies, even among smokers, opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.MethodsWe used a survey on a representative sample of Dutch adults of 18 years and older (n = 1631). The survey measured respondents’ support for banning tobacco displays, raising the age of sale for tobacco to 21 years and limiting tobacco sales to specialized shops. Regression analyses were done to assess the association with respondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco. In further analyses, subgroup interactions were added.ResultsRespondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco with legislation was positively related to support for all three policies. Associations were weaker for smokers (except for raising the age of sale) but similar for opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.ConclusionThis is the first paper to empirically support the idea that emphasizing the need to protect children against tobacco enhances support for tobacco control policies. This ‘child effect’ is effective in all segments of the population, albeit somewhat weaker among smokers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The authors develop a simulation model to predict the effects on quit rates and cost-effectiveness of different smoking treatment policies. METHODS: A decision theoretic model of quit behavior is first developed that incorporates the decision to quit and the choice of treatment. A policy model then examines the effect on quit attempts and quit rates of policies to cover the costs of different combinations of treatments and to require health care providers to conduct brief interventions. The model incorporates substitution between treatments and effects of policies on treatment effectiveness. The cost per quit is also calculated for each policy. RESULTS: The model of quit behavior predicts a 1-year quit rate of 4.5% for the population of smokers. The policy model predicts a 37% increase in quit rates from a policy that combines mandated brief interventions with coverage of all proven tobacco treatments. Smaller effects are predicted from policies that provide more restricted coverage of treatments, especially those limited to behavioral treatment. Payments for brief interventions alone increase quit rates by about 7%. Brief intervention and behavioral therapy policies had lower costs per quit but yield substantially fewer additional quits than policies that cover pharmacotherapy. There is, however, considerable variation around these estimates depending on assumptions about the effects of policy on treatment use, substitution between treatments, and treatment effectiveness. CONCLUSION: Tobacco treatment policies, especially those with broad and flexible coverage, have the potential to substantially increase smoking quit rates. However, further research is needed on the effect of payment policies on the use and effectiveness of tobacco treatments.  相似文献   

The benefits of preventing smoking onset are well known, and even just delaying smoking onset conveys benefits. Tobacco control policies are of critical importance to low-income countries with high smoking rates such as Vietnam where smoking prevalence is greater than 55 % in young men between the ages of 25 and 45. Using a survey of teens and young adults, I conducted duration analyses to explore the impact of tobacco price on smoking onset. The results suggest that tobacco prices in Vietnam have a statistically significant and fairly substantial effect on the onset of smoking. Increases in average tobacco prices, measured by an index of tobacco prices and by the prices of two popular brands, are found to delay smoking onset. Of particular interest is the finding that Vietnamese youth are more sensitive to changes in prices of a popular international brand that has had favourable tax treatment since the late 1990s.  相似文献   

The latest generation of smokeless tobacco products encompasses a wide range of offerings, including what is commonly referred to as dissolvable tobacco. Designed to deliver nicotine upon dissolving or disintegrating in a user's mouth, dissolvable tobacco products currently appear in various United States markets as strips, orbs, sticks, and lozenges. The emergence of these new products poses distinct opportunities and challenges for social and behavioral science and public health research and raises important public policy questions.  相似文献   

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