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We report the case of a 16-year-old adolescent with the onset of a panic disorder with agoraphobia after a first panic attack during marijuana intoxication. There was a good response to standard cognitive behavioural therapy for panic disorder.  相似文献   

Ten (6.9%) of a sample of 144 patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia developed photophobic behaviour in the course of their anxiety disorder. Their illumination ratings were characterized before and after cognitive behaviour therapy and compared to 10 age- and sex-matched normal control subjects. The illumination of a sheet of printed paper by a continuously adjustable reading lamp was rated by the subjects as ‘too dark’, ‘comfortable’ or ‘too bright’. The ratings for comfortable luminance were significantly lower in the photophobic patients than in the controls, and renormalized after cognitive behavioural therapy. No differences were observed in the ratings for ‘too dark’ and ‘too bright’. Photophobia in a subsample of patients with panic disorder is a state-dependent phenomenon that can be influenced by cognitive behavioural therapy. The role of neurotransmitters, conditioning processes and a concomitant neurasthenic syndrome requires further characterization.  相似文献   

To examine the familial liability of panic disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) in a community sample, namely the effect of parental PD and AG on the offspring's risk to develop either or both conditions in adolescence or adulthood. A representative community sample of N=3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14-24 years at baseline was followed up over a period of 10 years in up to four waves. Family information was assessed by either direct interviews with at least one parent or by using subjects' family history information at either wave (N=3,014). Diagnoses and selected symptoms were assessed in both, parents and subjects, by using a standardized diagnostic interview (DSM-IV M-CIDI) with its respective family history module. (1) Parental panic attacks (PA), PD, and AG were all shown to be associated with an increased risk of offspring to also develop PA, PD, and AG. (2) Associations of parental PD were present irrespective of parental AG, whereas parental AG without PD was not associated with an increased offspring risk. (3) Outcome risk was particularly elevated in offspring of parents with PD+AG. (4) Parental PD or AG was not associated with an earlier age of onset of any syndrome in the offspring. We confirmed and expanded previous results from clinical samples that comorbid PD and AG aggregate in families. AG without PD is not familial, but it might enhance the familial transmission of PD.  相似文献   

We compared female and male patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) in terms of characteristics of agoraphobia (AG). Ninety-five patients (73 women and 22 men) with the SCID-based diagnosis of PDA were administered the National Institute of Mental Health Panic Questionnaire (NIMH PQ), and women and men were compared on the items of the NIMH PQ that pertain to AG and symptoms of panic attacks. Male and female patients did not differ significantly with respect to demographic characteristics, age of onset of panic disorder and AG, duration of PDA, and severity and frequency of symptoms experienced during panic attacks. Women avoided more situations than did men, but this difference was not statistically significant. Women avoided buses and being in unfamiliar places alone significantly more often. The only situation that was avoided more often by men, although not significantly, was staying at home alone. Women were significantly more likely to stay at home to avoid agoraphobic situations and significantly less likely to go outside of home alone. When going outside, women required a companion significantly more often. There were significantly more married women than married men who required a spouse as a companion, and significantly more women with children than men with children who required a child as a companion. Women thought that AG had affected the overall quality of their lives significantly more adversely. Whereas the overall “profile” of agoraphobic situations does not seem to distinguish between female and male patients with AG, females may be more impaired and appear more dependent than men in terms of requiring companions to move outside of the home. Cultural and psychological factors may be most likely to account for these findings. Depression and Anxiety 8:8–13, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background: This study is aimed to evaluate the role of two vulnerability factors, health anxiety and fear of fear, in the prediction of the onset of panic disorder/agoraphobia (PDA) relative to a comparison anxiety disorder. Methods: Young women, aged between 18 and 24 years, were investigated at baseline and, 17 months later, using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule‐Lifetime and measures of health anxiety and fear of bodily sensations (subscale disease phobia of the Whiteley Index, and total score of the Body Sensations Questionnaire). First, 22 women with current PDA were compared to 81 women with current social phobia and 1,283 controls. Second, 24 women with an incidence of PDA were compared to 60 women with an incidence of social phobia and 1,036 controls. Results: Multiple logistic regression analyses adjusted for history of physical diseases, somatic symptoms, and other psychological disorders revealed that (a) fear of bodily sensations was elevated for women with PDA vs. controls as well as women with social phobia, and (b) health anxiety (and history of physical diseases) was elevated in women who developed PDA vs. controls and vs. women who developed social phobia. Conclusions: These results suggest that health anxiety, as well as history of physical diseases, may be specific vulnerability factors for the onset of PDA relative to social phobia. Whereas fear of bodily sensations was not found to be a risk factor for the onset of panic disorder/agoraphobia, it was a specific marker of existing PDA relative to social phobia. Depression and Anxiety, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the DSM-IV, a panic disorder (PD) diagnosis includes specification of agoraphobia, which is primarily an index of situational avoidance due to fear of panic. No other anxiety diagnosis requires specification of level of avoidance. This raises the question as to whether agoraphobia provides unique information beyond the core features of PD (i.e., panic attacks and panic-related worry). The incremental validity of agoraphobia, defined using DSM-IV specifiers versus level of situational avoidance, was examined in relation to the expression and treatment of PD (N=146). Analyses indicate that agoraphobia status adds uniquely to the prediction of PD symptoms, impairment, and response to treatment. However, level of situational avoidance, defined either as a continuous or dichotomous variable, appears to have greater utility compared to the DSM-IV method of classifying agoraphobia. In summary, the agoraphobia specifier seems to have clinical utility but this could be improved by focusing on a dimensional assessment of situational avoidance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relations between personality traits using the Big Five model and presence of agoraphobia, clinical severity and short-term outcome in an unbiased clinical sample of never-treated panic disorder patients. METHOD: Panic disorder (PD) patients (n = 103) in the first stages of their illness were evaluated using the Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Five Factor Inventory of Personality (NEO-FFI) and were compared with a sample of healthy subjects. Severity was assessed by the Panic Disorder Severity Scale and the Clinical Global Impression Scales. Patients were evaluated after 8 weeks of naturalistic pharmacologic treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. RESULTS: Panic disorder patients show more neuroticism than healthy subjects. Patients suffering from agoraphobia are more introverted than controls. Extraversion, in addition to gender and distress, during panic attacks allows to correctly classifying 72% of the cases of agoraphobia. CONCLUSION: Low scores in extraversion contribute to explain the presence of agoraphobia in panic disorder. Personality traits are neither related to clinical severity nor to short-term response to pharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

Using cluster analysis of 207 patients with panic disorder (PD), we investigated the relationships between several panic symptoms at the time of panic attacks, which included anticipatory anxiety, agoraphobia, and 13 clinical symptoms based on the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual-III-Revised. Cluster analysis revealed three panic symptom clusters: cluster A (dyspnea, choking, sweating, nausea, flushes/chills); cluster B (dizziness, palpitations, trembling or shaking, depersonalization, agoraphobia, and anticipatory anxiety); and cluster C (fear of dying, fear of going crazy, paresthesias, and chest pain or discomfort). Generally, cluster A was comprised exclusively of physiological symptoms, among which respiratory symptoms were prominent, cluster B included both panic and non-panic symptoms such as agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiety, and cluster C was comprised chiefly of fear symptoms.  相似文献   


1. 1. Phobia and panic are defined by the measures used.

2. 2. Rating scales, diaries, global measures, physiological measures, behavioural assessment.

3. 3. Three fear systems: physiological, cognitive and behavioral

4. 4. Concordance and discordance.

5. 5. Synchrony and desynchrony

6. 6. The Behavioural Approach Test at the Calgary General Hospital.

Author Keywords: agoraphobia; panic disorder; three fear systems; concordance; synchrony; behavioural approach test  相似文献   

The issue of panic disorder resistant to treatment (whether pharmacological or psychological) has attracted little research attention, despite its clinical frequency and importance. The aim of this study was to compare three treatment modalities, namely exposure alone (E), exposure associated with imipramine (EI) and cognitive therapy supplementing exposure (EC), in a sample of 21 patients with DSM-IV panic disorder and agoraphobia, who failed to respond to a first standard course of individual behavioural treatment based on exposure in vivo. Treatments were administered according to a cross-over, controlled design (E-EI-EC, EI-EC-E, EC-E-EI). Twelve of the 21 patients achieved remission (panic-free status) during the trial. In 8 cases this occurred after exposure alone (E) and in two cases each after the other treatments (EI and EC). The results revealed a significant effect of the factor time on a number of variables, and the superiority of exposure alone compared to other treatment modalities with regard to some variables. These findings suggest that long-term behavioural treatment based on exposure may be necessary in some patients, and may induce clinical remission. However, patients who do not respond to exposure show poor tolerance of and compliance with pharmacological treatment, and are unlikely to achieve remission with imipramine or cognitive therapy, even though this may occur in individual cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In earlier reports, we found that perfectionism might be involved in the development and/or maintenance of agoraphobia in panic disorder. The present report extends this work by examining the relationship between perfectionism and comorbidity with personality disorders in panic disorder patients with agoraphobia (PDA) and those without agoraphobia (PD). METHOD: We examined comorbidity of personality disorders by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SCID-II) and assessed perfectionism using multidimensional perfectionism scale in 56 PDA and 42 PD patients. RESULTS: The PDA group met criteria for at least one personality disorder significantly more often than the PD group. With stepwise regression analyses, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders emerged as significant indicators of perfectionism in patients with panic disorder. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that perfectionism in panic disorder patients may be more common in those with comorbid personality disorders, and may be an important target for preventive and therapeutic efforts.  相似文献   

目的:探讨伴与不伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者的防御方式。方法:采用防御方式问卷(DSQ)对21例不伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者、26例伴广场恐怖的惊恐障碍患者和37名健康对照者评估其防御方式。结果:与对照组比较,伴或不伴广场恐怖患者退缩和躯体化及伴无能之全能和交往倾向得分均显著增高,而幽默得分显著降低;伴广场恐怖的惊恐患者投射、分裂得分和不成熟防御方式总分,以及反作用形成、理想化、假性利他等得分及中间型防御方式总分也显著高于对照组,而成熟防御方式总分显著低于对照组。结论:伴与不伴广场恐怖的患者使用不成熟和中间防御方式增多,而使用成熟防御方式减少;伴广场恐怖患者尤其使用防御方式不当,且与其对场所恐怖的严重程度及病程无关。  相似文献   

Patients attending an inpatient phobia treatment program were diagnosed for DSM-III-R Axis I and II disorders, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Disorders, and completed a set of self-report instruments. They were divided into 3 groups: (a) those who met the criteria for panic disorder with agoraphobia (n= 57), (b) those who met the criteria for agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder (n= 21), and (c) those who met criteria for other anxiety disorders, but not for panic/agoraphobia (n= 14). On Axis I, more of the panic with agoraphobia than of the agoraphobia without panic patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder. On Axis II, no significant differences between the agoraphobic patients with and without panic occurred. However, the number of hysterical traits was related to the presence of panic disorder among the agoraphobic patients. Avoidant and dependent traits were related to symptom severity.  相似文献   

Objective: A few case-reports have previously described transient psychotic-like symptoms in non-psychotic patients with panic disorder (PD). We aimed to systematically explore whether PD patients without any current or past psychosis can be differentiated according to the severity of ‘psychoticism’ as a dimension, comprising clinical features such as psychotic-like experiences, increased social alienation, hostility and suspiciousness.

Methods: Sample included 35 (female?=?26) medication-free, non-psychotic patients consecutively referred from our Department’s Outpatient Clinic for acute symptoms of DSM-5 PD with (PDA; N?=?29) or without concurrent agoraphobia. Psychometric measures included the Symptom Checklist–90–Revised (SCL-90-R), Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), and panic attacks during last 21 days PA-21d.

Results: Multiple regression analysis (forward stepwise) revealed that, among all SCL-90-R subscales, the psychoticism-subscale was most significantly associated with panic-related beliefs included in the ACQ, while significant associations emerged between the paranoid ideation-subscale and the ACQ and BSQ measures. Moreover, significant correlations emerged between the SCL-90-R psychoticism-subscale and all three measures of PD symptoms (ACQ, BSQ, PA-21d) and between the SCL-90-R paranoid ideation-subscale and both the ACQ and BSQ.

Conclusions: This significant association between levels of psychoticism and severity of panic symptoms may reflect a more severe subtype of PD.  相似文献   

Two years after completion of a controlled outcome study of treatments for panic disorder with agoraphobia, patients were revisited and interviewed about their complaints. In the initial study, four treatments had been compared: (i) fluvoxamine combined with exposure; (ii) placebo medication plus exposure; (iii) psychological panic management plus exposure; and (iv) exposure alone. Comparison of the results at post-test had revealed superior efficacy of fluvoxamine combined with exposure over the other three treatments in reducing agoraphobic avoidance. The current naturalistic follow-up study investigated the long-term efficacy of the treatments with regard to abatement of complaints and reduced demand for further treatment. In addition, we examined whether patients were able to taper off the study medication without a recurrence of complaints. In total, 71 of the 76 patients of the original trial (93%) were interviewed. Comparison of the mean level of psychopathology at follow-up revealed no difference between the original treatment groups. The effect in the fluvoxamine plus exposure group was maintained, but was no longer superior, due to further improvements in the other treatment groups. Most patients received additional treatment during the follow-up period, usually because the 12 treatment sessions in the controlled study had yielded insufficient improvement. There was a trend for patients who received the fluvoxamine plus exposure treatment to require less aftercare than those who received the other treatments. Finally, almost 50% of the patients who had received medication in the original trial were able to taper off the use of fluvoxamine without a recurrence of complaints.  相似文献   

Although juvenile separation anxiety disorder is maintained to be a predisposing factor to adult panic disorder in DSM-III-R, past research has failed to clarify (a) whether it is separation anxiety per se or school refusal that is the pathogenic risk factor and (b) whether affected youngsters are specifically at risk of developing panic disorder rather than symptoms of general anxiety or phobias in later life. The present study of 74 adults who responded to media publicity found that a measure of early separation anxiety but not a history of school refusal was associated with risk of adult panic disorder according to DSM-III-R criteria. In contrast, separation anxiety scores were not associated with the presence or absence of general anxiety symptoms or phobic-avoidance in adulthood. Subjects with higher separation anxiety scores were more likely to have either a sibling or child with school refusal. Although the present study is limited in its method to mailed survey responses and, in part, to retrospective data, the results do provide additional support for Klein's influential separation anxiety theory of panic disorder.  相似文献   

A case is presented of a patient with severe panic disorder and agoraphobia in whom initial treatment with clomipramine resulted in complete elimination of panic attacks, with no improvement in agoraphobic avoidance. The addition of phenelzine to the pre-existing clomipramine treatment resulted in rapid and complete disappearance of the agoraphobic avoidance. The possible implications of this case for our understanding of the neurobiological relationship between panic attacks and agoraphobia are discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between current or past major depressive disorder (MDD) on comorbid personality disorders in patients with panic disorder, we compared the comorbidity of personality disorders using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R personality disorders (SCID-II) in 34 panic disorder patients with current MDD (current-MD group), 21 with a history of MDD but not current MDD (past-MD group), and 32 without lifetime MDD comorbidity (non-MD group). With regard to personality disorders, patients in the current-MD group met criteria for at least one personality disorder significantly more often than patients in the past-MD group or the non-MD group (82.4% vs. 52.4% and 56.3%, respectively). The current-MD group showed statistically significantly more borderline, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders than the past-MD group or non-MD group. With stepwise regression analyses, number of MDD episodes emerged as an indicator of the comorbidity of cluster C personality disorder and any personality disorders. Future studies should determine whether aggressive treatment of comorbid personality disorders improves the outcome (e.g., lowers the likelihood of comorbid MDD) of patients with panic disorder.  相似文献   

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