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自<中华人民共和国献血法>颁布实施十年时间以来,济南市无偿献血工作逐年快速发展,自2000年起已经实现全市临床用血100%来自无偿献血.根据<血站管理办法>、<血站质量管理规范>、<血站实验室质量管理规范>和<献血者健康检查要求>对无偿献血者的血液进行严格的检测,是保证血液质量、有效杜绝经血传播疾病发生的根本和首要措施.为详细了解我市无偿献血者传染性指标构成情况,并进一步探讨减少血液浪费的对策,我们对近5年来的无偿献血者血液检测结果进行了统计分析,现报告如下.  相似文献   

正自1998年《中华人民共和国献血法》颁布实施10余年来,我国无偿献血事业正以快速而稳健的步伐发展,从方法学和试剂的更新换代,到微机系统化管理和检测仪器的自动化,血站血液检测模式发生了根本性的改变,同时血液安全也日益受到重视。原卫生部颁布的《血站质量管理规范》、《血站实验室质量管理规范》、《中国输血技术操作规程》,对血站实验室各项操作提出了规范性要求,实验室的血液检测质量成为保证临床安  相似文献   

根据<血站管理办法><血站质量管理规范><血站实验室质量管理规范>和<献血者健康检查要求>对无偿献血者所献血液进行严格的血液感染指标检测,是杜绝经血液传播疾病的发生、保证血液质量根本和唯一的方法.本文对黔南州中心血站2006~2010年的血液感染指标检测情况进行统计分析,现报道如下.  相似文献   

梅毒血清学试验是血液质量检测一个必不可少的项目,按照新的《血站管理办法》和《血站实验室质量管理规范》的要求,从2006年3月1日起,献血者的血液采用ELISA和TURST方法同时进行检测,以提高血液的安全性。笔者对郑州地区无偿献血者梅毒两种检测方法的结果进行对比分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   

2006—2008年潍坊市无偿献血者血液感染指标调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据<血站管理办法>、<血站质量管理规范>、<血站实验室质量管理规范>和<献血者健康检查要求>对无偿献血者所献血液进行严格的血液感染指标检测,是杜绝经血液传播疾病的发生,保证血液质量的根本和唯一的方法.我们对潍坊市红十字中心血站实验室2006-2008年的血液感染指标检测情况进行了统计分析,现报告如下.  相似文献   

昆明地区无偿与有偿献血者血液检测结果比较   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
自《中华人民共和国献血法》实施以来,街头流动采血已成为血站血液来源的主要途径之一,为了解非固定采血点无偿献血者血液指标情况,以确保血液质量,更好地促进无偿献血工作的开展,本文对昆明地区1739名非固定献血点无偿献血者与21253名有偿献血者的血液指标检测结果进行分析比较,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

内蒙巴盟地区无偿献血者血清学标志分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
贾勇  甄蔚 《中国输血杂志》2002,15(3):211-211
<献血法>颁布实施以来,巴盟地区无偿献血取得了较快发展,献血人数逐年增多,无偿献血率连续三年保持在94.5%以上.为了确保血液质量,保证临床用血安全,本站严格按照<血站管理办法>和<血站基本标准>的要求开展各项工作,对采集的血液进行初、复检.笔者对1997年9月~2000年9月11876名无偿献血者ALT、HBsAg、抗-HCV、抗-HIV、梅毒五项指标的检测结果进行了统计分析,报告如下.  相似文献   

自1998年《中华人民共和国献血法》颁布实施后,吉安市无偿献血工作稳步发展,2007年以来全市临床用血已实现100%来自无偿献血.为了解本地区无偿献血者的血液传染性指标流行特点,保证供血安全,笔者对2008~2011年吉安地区无偿献血者的血液检测结果进行统计分析,现报告如下.  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实《血站管理办法》、《血站质量管理规范》、《血站实验室质量管理规范》,加强血液质量管理,强化血液安全,保障临床用血的需要和用血安全,笔者对2004/2008年郑州市无偿献血者血液检测结果作了分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   

<正>自1998年颁布实施《中华人民共和国献血法》以来,我国无偿献血事业有了长足发展。随后国家相关部门陆续出台了《血站管理办法》《血站质量管理规范》《血站实验室管理规范》《血站技术操作规程》《成分血及全血质量标准》等一系列法规性文件、国家行业标准。越来越多省、市结合自身情况出台了符合本地实际情况的地方性法规,积极发展无偿献血。同时各级  相似文献   

目的 :加强医院病历质量规范管理,分析输血病历存在的问题,改进和完善输血病历的质量,以提高临床输血的安全性。方法:根据《病历书写基本规范》、《临床输血技术规范》等相关制度要求,制定输血病历质量检查标准,对3年中所有归档的1 856份输血病历进行质量分析,从中总结输血病历中存在的不足,并提出防范的相关对策。结果:输血病历质量符合检查标准的占83.1%(1 543/1 856),不符合检查标准占16.9%(313/1 856),不达标的输血病历在逐年下降;非手术科室输血病历达标率明显高于手术科室,两者比较有统计学差异(P  相似文献   

In the framework of a European Community (EC)-supported project, a survey of practices and attitudes towards quality assurance, inspection and accreditation in Blood Collection Establishments (BCEs) in the EC member states was carried out. Analysis of 352 responses to a structured questionnaire revealed a preference for national standards over international, and an introspective and reactive view to quality management. Four broad categories of operational performance in relation to safety were formed: initial, repeatable, managed and optimising, with the majority of responses (209) being characterized as initial. Although a direct relationship between the size of the BCE and the range and level of quality management practices is apparent in the data, further analysis shows that small BCEs have much higher ratio of personnel per blood unit collected/processed than large BCEs and thus seem to have an inherent potential for improvement. Overall, a clear preference for inspection and accreditation by professional peers at the national level was indicated.  相似文献   

Why do people donate blood? Altruism is the common answer. However, altruism is a complex construct and to answer this question requires a systematic analysis of the insights from the biology, economics and psychology of altruism. I term this the mechanism of altruism (MOA) approach and apply it here for understanding blood donor motivation. The answer also has enormous implications for the type of interventions we choose to adopt as a society. A MOA approach so far shows that blood donors are a mixture of (i) warm‐glow givers (donation is emotionally rewarding) and (ii) reluctant altruists (cooperate rather than defect when free‐riding is high). Donors also show ‘saintly sinning’ with the extra ‘moral currency’ form blood donation allowing them to be less generous in other contexts. The MOA approach suggests why financial incentives, in terms of gifts/lottery tickets, are effective and suggests a number of novel interventions for donor recruitment: ‘voluntary reciprocal altruism’ and ‘charitable incentivisation’. The MOA approach also highlights the need for an intervention developed specifically for recipients to allow them to show their gratitude to donors and for society to celebrate blood donation. It is suggests a ‘Monument to Blood Donors’ will achieve this. The approach suggests a number of novel research questions into (i) donor self‐selection effects, (ii) conditional cooperation and (iii) construct overlap with Theory of Planned Behaviour (e.g. affective attitudes and warm‐glow). The MOA offers a powerful way to understand blood donor motivations around altruism and develop theoretically driven interventions.  相似文献   

In a survey of attitudes towards remuneration for blood donation in Leeds, the following questions were completed by 489 adults (N), of whom 89 were regular donors, 105 were lapsed donors and 295 had never donated: 'If you needed blood, would you be content if the donor had been paid: yes/no'. 'If I were paid enough I would be less/equally/more likely to donate blood '. The majority (67.7%) of potential recipients would be content if the donor had been paid. The prospect of remuneration made 16.4% of respondents more likely and 14.5% less likely to donate. As the difference is less than 2% of N, offering remuneration may not lead to a significant increase in the number of donations. A statistical comparison (chi2 = 45, d.f. = 2, P < 0.001) showed associations between the responses 'more likely to donate if paid' and 'content to receive blood from a paid donor', and between the responses 'less likely to donate if paid' and 'not content to receive blood from a paid donor'. Age distributions are presented for the donor status categories and the responses to the main questions. Of 129 people who stated a minimum, nonzero payment that would persuade them to donate, 103 (80%) suggested pound sterling 10 or less.  相似文献   

A survey of blood donors conducted at the Red Cross Blood Bank, Melbourne, Victoria in May 1989 identified deficits in the knowledge of some donor groups. As a result a new medical form for potential donors was designed and trialled. While there were few differences in responses to questions relating to interviewing, general health, medication or transfusion therapy, responses to questions regarding the eligibility of AIDS/high risk groups to donate showed several statistically significant differences. Although improvements in donor awareness have been demonstrated in some areas, further action is necessary to ensure that effective donor selection contributes to quality control and safety of transfusion products.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that episodes of fainting can deter volunteer blood donors from returning to donate in the future. In contrast, relatively little is known about the effect of significantly more common mild reactions (e.g., faintness, dizziness, lightheadedness) on donor retention. In the present study, 1052 volunteer blood donors completed a standardized measure of subjective physiological reactions immediately after blood donation (Blood Donation Reactions Inventory), and individual scores were used to predict repeat donation behavior during a one-year follow-up. Results of a logistic regression analysis indicated that higher scores on the Blood Donation Reactions Inventory were associated with a significantly lower likelihood of repeat donation, and that novice donors who scored highest on the scale were less than half as likely to have returned to donate in the following year. These findings suggest that the Blood Donation Reactions Inventory is an effective method of assessing reactions that predict donor non-return, and therefore may be a useful addition to future studies aimed at enhancing donor satisfaction and retention.  相似文献   

目的 探究强化质控管理模式对血站一针穿刺成功率及满意度的影响.方法 选取2019年12月至2020年2月苏州市中心血站献血屋565人作为对照组,2020年3月至2020年5月该献血屋1356人作为观察组.对照组实施常规质控管理,观察组实施强化质控管理模式,比较两组献血者一针穿刺成功率、健康教育覆盖率以及献血者满意度.结...  相似文献   

A safe and adequate blood supply depends on healthy, volunteer blood donors. Blood centers have instituted various screening procedures in an effort to determine that donors are free of diseases that can be transmitted to patients by blood transfusion and are able to tolerate the collection procedure without experiencing significant complications. This review focuses on selection criteria intended to minimize the risk to the blood donor. Defining a rational, evidence‐based approach to donor selection is crucial not only to take reasonable precautions to protect the donors' health but also to eliminate practices that lead to the unnecessary deferral of large numbers of people without improving the safety of the donation process. Donor selection criteria, including predonation pulse and blood pressure, donor weight and total blood volume, minimum hemoglobin and donation interval, are considered against the available evidence that support or suggest the need to modify the current approach to protect blood donor health. J. Clin. Apheresis, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 调查某综合医院2011年第1季度血培养标本的送检状况,为规范化措施的制定提供依据.方法 记录1 879份血培养标本的采集时间、上机时间、送检瓶数、采血量以及培养结果等信息进行分析.结果 延迟2 h以上送检的有1 063份血培养标本,延迟送检率高达56.6%.抽查579份血培养标本中,采血量不足的占47.5%.整个病程单瓶送检率高达76.6%,血培养阳性率低,仅为6.7%,占第1位的分离菌是凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌.结论 血培养标本的采集和送检过程极不规范,需对血培养实验前的质量控制进行干预.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the incidence of bruising among blood donors and to analyse their response to the management of this complication. A total of 52 510 donors were bled at 476 consecutive donor sessions held by the Brentwood Centre during a 4-month period. Of these, 344 donors (0.66%) were found to have developed bruises following venepuncture. The incidence of bruising among males was 0. 35% and that among females was 0.98%. All bruised donors were managed by the Centre nursing and medical staff. One hundred and sixty-one donors informed the Centre that they were fully satisfied with the way their bruising was managed. Of 329 bruised donors who remained in the panel, 249 (75.7%) attended subsequent blood donor sessions in response to routine invitations, showing that the majority of bruised donors continued to donate blood. This response was compared with that of a control group of donors who did not develop any complications and there was no significant difference in the return rates between the two groups.  相似文献   

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