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Navigation technology is changing the clinical standards in medical interventions by making existing procedures more accurate, and new procedures possible. Navigation is based on preoperative or intraoperative imaging combined with 3-dimensional position tracking of interventional tools registered to the images. Research of navigation technology in medical interventions requires significant engineering efforts. The difficulty of developing such complex systems has been limiting the clinical translation of new methods and ideas. A key to the future success of this field is to provide researchers with platforms that allow rapid implementation of applications with minimal resources spent on reimplementing existing system features. A number of platforms have been already developed that can share data in real time through standard interfaces. Complete navigation systems can be built using these platforms using a layered software architecture. In this paper, we review the most popular platforms, and show an effective way to take advantage of them through an example surgical navigation application.  相似文献   


Our purpose was to evaluate technological prerequisites and predural principles that enable easy, precise and reproducible magnetic resonance imaging control of interventional procedures, such as biopsy and aspiration of neoplasm or local interstitial drug instillation in adequate time and with the required safety. New MR compatible needles, trocars/cannulae, endoscopes and ancillary equipment were developed or evaluated in collaboration with industry. Sequences, study protocols and the strategies of performing the procedure within the environment of an interventional MRI suite were conceptualized and tested. In 80 patients interventions such as aspiration biopsy, peridural corticoid injection at spinal nerve roots and intratumoural ethanol instillation were performed successfully.  相似文献   

A deformable registration method is described that enables automatic alignment of magnetic resonance (MR) and 3D transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images of the prostate gland. The method employs a novel "model-to-image" registration approach in which a deformable model of the gland surface, derived from an MR image, is registered automatically to a TRUS volume by maximising the likelihood of a particular model shape given a voxel-intensity-based feature that represents an estimate of surface normal vectors at the boundary of the gland. The deformation of the surface model is constrained by a patient-specific statistical model of gland deformation, which is trained using data provided by biomechanical simulations. Each simulation predicts the motion of a volumetric finite element mesh due to the random placement of a TRUS probe in the rectum. The use of biomechanical modelling in this way also allows a dense displacement field to be calculated within the prostate, which is then used to non-rigidly warp the MR image to match the TRUS image. Using data acquired from eight patients, and anatomical landmarks to quantify the registration accuracy, the median final RMS target registration error after performing 100 MR-TRUS registrations for each patient was 2.40 mm.  相似文献   

目的比较超声-CT影像融合导航技术引导下与CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检对肺部周围型病变诊断的临床应用价值。 方法回顾性分析2015年11月至2016年10月在佛山市第一人民医院经胸部CT确诊为肺部周围型病变需行经皮肺穿刺活检术,明确诊断的患者64例,其中经影像融合导航技术引导组32例,经CT引导组32例,采用四格表χ2检验比较两组穿刺成功率和并发症发生率差异。 结果影像融合引导组穿刺成功率93.8%(30/32),CT引导组穿刺成功率100.0%(32/32),两组比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.52,P=0.47)。影像融合引导组气胸、咯血等并发症发生率6.3%(2/32),CT引导组并发症发生率25.0%(8/32),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.27,P=0.04)。 结论经影像融合导航技术引导下经皮肺穿刺活检成功率较高、并发症发生率较低,是引导超声不能显示的肺部周围型病变穿刺活检的重要手段。  相似文献   

Many combinations of anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs have been used to treat patients undergoing a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Among anticoagulants, enoxaparin has some theoretical advantages over unfractionated heparin, but in clinical trials no advantage in outcome has been demonstrated in PCI. Bivalirudin, a direct thrombin inhibitor, has been associated with a lower risk of bleeding than unfractionated heparin. Among antiplatelet drugs, use of clopidogrel plus aspirin has led to a reduction in cardiovascular events; all patients undergoing PCI should receive both. Addition of a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor may lower mortality rates further, particularly in high-risk patients such as diabetics.  相似文献   

Several groups have developed robotic systems for invasive medical procedures. In this article we will focus on selected robotic systems for percutaneous needle-guided interventions using CT or MR imaging. We present six interventional robotic systems designed to work with imaging modalities such as CT, Cone-beam CT and MRI. The details of each system are given along with any phantom, animal, or human trials performed with each particular robot. Although each of these systems has specific features, they are all of great clinical value since they provide very stable needle guidance -- even for angulated approaches, they may allow access to lesions when the width of the CT- or MR- gantry would limit the access for a biopsy needle or other interventional tools such as thermal ablation probes. Then, such a robot may be able to guide the needle into the most promising region of the lesion without the need for a second contrast injection. Thus, more efficacious characterization and treatment, particularly for lesions that are difficult to target, can be anticipated. Although more research and clinical trials are certainly needed, it is, however, our belief that robotic systems will be an important part of future interventions.  相似文献   



This article investigates the current state of the art of the use of auditory display in image-guided medical interventions. Auditory display is a means of conveying information using sound, and we review the use of this approach to support navigated interventions. We discuss the benefits and drawbacks of published systems and outline directions for future investigation.


We undertook a review of scientific articles on the topic of auditory rendering in image-guided intervention. This includes methods for avoidance of risk structures and instrument placement and manipulation. The review did not include auditory display for status monitoring, for instance in anesthesia.


We identified 15 publications in the course of the search. Most of the literature (60%) investigates the use of auditory display to convey distance of a tracked instrument to an object using proximity or safety margins. The remainder discuss continuous guidance for navigated instrument placement. Four of the articles present clinical evaluations, 11 present laboratory evaluations, and 3 present informal evaluation (2 present both laboratory and clinical evaluations).


Auditory display is a growing field that has been largely neglected in research in image-guided intervention. Despite benefits of auditory displays reported in both the reviewed literature and non-medical fields, adoption in medicine has been slow. Future challenges include increasing interdisciplinary cooperation with auditory display investigators to develop more meaningful auditory display designs and comprehensive evaluations which target the benefits and drawbacks of auditory display in image guidance.

In this paper, we investigate the use of 3-D echocardiography (echo) data for respiratory motion correction of roadmaps in image-guided cardiac interventions. This is made possible by tracking and calibrating the echo probe and registering it to the roadmap coordinate system. We compare two techniques. The first uses only echo–echo registration to predict a motion-correction transformation in roadmap coordinates. The second combines echo–echo registration with a model of the respiratory motion of the heart. Using experiments with cardiac MRI and 3-D echo data acquired from eight volunteers, we demonstrate that the second technique is more robust than the first, resulting in motion-correction transformations that were accurate to within 5 mm in 60% of cases, compared to 42% for the echo-only technique, based on subjective visual assessments. Objective validation showed that the model-based technique had an accuracy of 3.3 ± 1.1 mm, compared to 4.1 ± 2.2 mm for the echo only technique. The greater errors of the echo-only technique were mostly found away from the area of echo coverage. The model-based technique was more robust away from this area, and also has significant benefits in terms of computational cost.  相似文献   



Percutaneous needle insertions are increasingly used for diagnosis and treatment of abdominal lesions. The challenging part of computed tomography (CT)-guided punctures is the transfer of the insertion trajectory planned in the CT image to the patient. Conventionally, this often results in several needle repositionings and control CT scans. To address this issue, several navigation systems for percutaneous needle insertions have been presented; however, none of them has thus far become widely accepted in clinical routine. Their benefit for the patient could not exceed the additional higher costs and the increased complexity in terms of bulky tracking systems and specialized markers for registration and tracking.


We present the first markerless and trackerless navigation concept for real-time patient localization and instrument guidance. It has specifically been designed to be integrated smoothly into the clinical workflow and does not require markers or an external tracking system. The main idea is the utilization of a range imaging device that allows for contactless and radiation-free acquisition of both range and color information used for patient localization and instrument guidance.


A first feasibility study in phantom and porcine models yielded a median targeting accuracy of 6.9 and 19.4 mm, respectively.


Although system performance remains to be improved for clinical use, expected advances in camera technology as well as consideration of respiratory motion and automation of the individual steps will make this approach an interesting alternative for guiding percutaneous needle insertions.



Radiofrequency ablation for liver tumors (liver RFA) is widely performed under ultrasound guidance. However, discriminating between the tumor and the needle is often difficult because of cavitation caused by RFA-induced coagulation. An unclear ultrasound image can lead to complications and tumor residue. Therefore, image-guided navigation systems based on fiducial registration have been developed. Fiducial points are usually set on a patient’s skin. But the use of internal fiducial points can improve the accuracy of navigation. In this study, a new device is introduced to use internal fiducial points using 2D US.


3D Slicer as the navigation software, Polaris Vicra as the position sensor, and two target tumors in a 3D abdominal phantom as puncture targets were used. Also, a new device that makes it possible to obtain tracking coordinates in the body was invented. First, two-dimensional reslice images from the CT images using 3D Slicer were built. A virtual needle was displayed on the two-dimensional reslice image, reflecting the movement of the actual needle after fiducial registration. A phantom experiment using three sets of fiducial point configurations: one conventional case using only surface points, and two cases in which the center of the target tumor was selected as a fiducial point was performed. For each configuration, one surgeon punctured each target tumor ten times under guidance from the 3D Slicer display. Finally, a statistical analysis examining the puncture error was performed.


The puncture error for each target tumor decreased significantly when the center of the target tumor was included as one of the fiducial points, compared with when only surface points were used.


This study introduces a new device to use internal fiducial points and suggests that the accuracy of image-guided navigation systems for liver RFA can be improved by using the new device.



In neurosurgery, an image-guided operation is performed to confirm that the surgical instruments reach the exact lesion position. Among the multiple imaging modalities, an X-ray fluoroscope mounted on C- or O-arm is widely used for monitoring the position of surgical instruments and the target position of the patient. However, frequently used fluoroscopy can result in relatively high radiation doses, particularly for complex interventional procedures. The proposed system can reduce radiation exposure and provide the accurate three-dimensional (3D) position information of surgical instruments and the target position.


X-ray and optical stereo vision systems have been proposed for the C- or O-arm. Two subsystems have same optical axis and are calibrated simultaneously. This provides easy augmentation of the camera image and the X-ray image. Further, the 3D measurement of both systems can be defined in a common coordinate space.


The proposed dual stereoscopic imaging system is designed and implemented for mounting on an O-arm. The calibration error of the 3D coordinates of the optical stereo and X-ray stereo is within 0.1 mm in terms of the mean and the standard deviation. Further, image augmentation with the camera image and the X-ray image using an artificial skull phantom is achieved.


As the developed dual stereoscopic imaging system provides 3D coordinates of the point of interest in both optical images and fluoroscopic images, it can be used by surgeons to confirm the position of surgical instruments in a 3D space with minimum radiation exposure and to verify whether the instruments reach the surgical target observed in fluoroscopic images.



X-ray imaging is widely used for guiding minimally invasive surgeries. Despite ongoing efforts in particular toward advanced visualization incorporating mixed reality concepts, correct depth perception from X-ray imaging is still hampered due to its projective nature.


In this paper, we introduce a new concept for predicting depth information from single-view X-ray images. Patient-specific training data for depth and corresponding X-ray attenuation information are constructed using readily available preoperative 3D image information. The corresponding depth model is learned employing a novel label-consistent dictionary learning method incorporating atlas and spatial prior constraints to allow for efficient reconstruction performance.


We have validated our algorithm on patient data acquired for different anatomy focus (abdomen and thorax). Of 100 image pairs per each of 6 experimental instances, 80 images have been used for training and 20 for testing. Depth estimation results have been compared to ground truth depth values.


We have achieved around \(4.40\,\%\,\pm \,2.04\) and \(11.47\,\%\,\pm \,2.27\) mean squared error on abdomen and thorax datasets, respectively, and visual results of our proposed method are very promising. We have therefore presented a new concept for enhancing depth perception for image-guided interventions.


The limited volume covered by intraoperatively acquired CT scans makes the use of navigation systems difficult. Preoperative images cover a larger volume of interest. Hence, reliable registration of high quality preoperative to intraoperative CT will provide the necessary image information required for navigation. This study evaluates two algorithms (Siemens, CAMP) for volume-volume registration for usage during endovascular navigation. Twenty patients treated for abdominal aortic aneurysm were scanned with pre-, intra- and postoperative CT. Six data sets were excluded due to variations in image acquisition parameters and severe artifacts. Fourteen intra- and postoperative datasets were registered ten times with both algorithms, altogether 140 registrations for each program. In all data sets five specified landmarks placed by two radiologists were used to evaluate registration accuracy. The distance between the paired landmarks in the registered intra- and postoperative volumes was measured and the root mean square value calculated. Reference registrations were based on rigid body registration of the five landmarks in the intra- and postoperative volumes. Registration accuracy (mean ± SD) was for Siemens 5.05 ± 4.74 mm, for CAMP 4.02 ± 1.52 mm and for the reference registrations 2.72 ± 1.18 mm. The registration algorithms differed significantly, p < 0.001.  相似文献   

Registration of pre- and intra-interventional data is one of the key technologies for image-guided radiation therapy, radiosurgery, minimally invasive surgery, endoscopy, and interventional radiology. In this paper, we survey those 3D/2D data registration methods that utilize 3D computer tomography or magnetic resonance images as the pre-interventional data and 2D X-ray projection images as the intra-interventional data. The 3D/2D registration methods are reviewed with respect to image modality, image dimensionality, registration basis, geometric transformation, user interaction, optimization procedure, subject, and object of registration.  相似文献   

We describe the first two cases of percutaneous cryoablation under magnetic resonance imaging guidance. To date, this minimally invasive procedure has been used for the treatment of renal cell tumors in patients who cannot tolerate or refuse surgical nephrectomy. The two patients described showed no evidence of recurrence or complications 35 and 36 months after the procedure.  相似文献   

Introduction: The fundamental technique of performing percutaneous cardiovascular (CV) interventions has remained unchanged and requires operators to wear heavy lead aprons to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation. Robotic technology is now being utilized in interventional cardiology partially as a direct result of the increasing appreciation of the long-term occupational hazards of the field. This review was undertaken to report the clinical outcomes of percutaneous robotic coronary and peripheral vascular interventions.

Areas covered: A systematic literature review of percutaneous robotic CV interventions was undertaken. The safety and feasibility of percutaneous robotically-assisted CV interventions has been validated in simple to complex coronary disease, and iliofemoral disease. Studies have shown that robotically-assisted PCI significantly reduces operator exposure to harmful ionizing radiation without compromising procedural success or clinical efficacy. In addition to the operator benefits, robotically-assisted intervention has the potential for patient advantages by allowing more accurate lesion length measurement, precise stent placement and lower patient radiation exposure. However, further investigation is required to fully elucidate these potential benefits.

Expert commentary: Incremental improvement in robotic technology and telecommunications would enable treatment of an even broader patient population, and potentially provide remote robotic PCI.  相似文献   

This paper promotes the concept of active models in image-guided interventions. We outline the limitations of the rigid body assumption in image-guided interventions and describe how intraoperative imaging provides a rich source of information on spatial location of anatomical structures and therapy devices, allowing a preoperative plan to be updated during an intervention. Soft tissue deformation and variation from an atlas to a particular individual can both be determined using non-rigid registration. Established methods using free-form deformations have a very large number of degrees of freedom. Three examples of deformable models--motion models, biomechanical models and statistical shape models--are used to illustrate how prior information can be used to restrict the number of degrees of freedom of the registration algorithm and thus provide active models for image-guided interventions. We provide preliminary results from applications for each type of model.  相似文献   



Conventional navigated surgery relies on placement of a reference marker on the anatomy of interest. However, placement of such a marker is not readily feasible in small anatomic regions such as the scaphoid bone of the wrist. This study aimed to develop an alternative mechanism for patient tracking that could be used to perform navigated percutaneous scaphoid fixation.


A prototype wrist stabilization device was developed to immobilize the scaphoid relative to a reference marker attached to the device. A position measurement system and 3D fluoroscopy were used to study the accuracy and limitations of wrist stabilization during simulated clinical usage with a cadaver specimen. Reference markers mounted on the device were used to measure intra-device motion. Radiometallic beads implanted in the scaphoid were used to measure patient-device motion. Navigated planning and guidance of scaphoid fixation were performed in five cadaver and eight “ideally immobilized” plastic specimens. Postoperative 3D fluoroscopy was used to assess the accuracy of navigated drilling.


The average intra-device motion was 1.9 mm during load application, which was elastically recovered upon release of the load. Scaphoid motion relative to the reference marker was predominately rotational with an average displacement of 1.25 mm and $2.0^{\circ }$ . There was no significant difference in the accuracy of navigated drilling between the cadaver specimens and the ideally immobilized group.


The prototype wrist stabilization device meets the criteria for effective wrist stabilization. This study provides insight concerning proper use of the device to minimize scaphoid displacement and design recommendations to improve immobilization.  相似文献   

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