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Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology - Objectives. To study the clinical and electroencephalographic characteristics of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (EIEE) type 14, due to mutations...  相似文献   

Two unrelated mildly retarded males with inversions of the X chromosome and non-specific mental retardation (MRX) are described. Case 1 has a pericentric inversion 46,Y,inv(X) (p11.1q13.1) and case 2 a paracentric inversion 46,Y,inv(X) (q13.1q28). Both male patients have severe learning difficulties. The same chromosomal abnormalities were found in their mothers who are intellectually normal. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation mapping showed a common area of breakage of each of the inverted chromosomes in Xq13.1 near DXS131 and DXS162. A detailed long range restriction map of the breakpoint region was constructed using YAC, PAC, and cosmid clones. We show that the two inverted chromosomes break within a short 250 kb region. Moreover, a group of ESTs corresponding to an as yet uncharacterised gene was mapped to the same critical interval. We hypothesise that the common inversion breakpoint region of the two cases in Xq13.1 may contain a new MRX gene.  相似文献   

Meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W-135 was diagnosed in a 14-year-old girl with a history of neonatal septicemia and meningitis caused by group B streptococci type III. C2 deficiency type I was found in the patient and her healthy sister. Both sisters were vaccinated with tetravalent meningococcal vaccine and a conjugate Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. Three main points emerged from the analysis. First, vaccination resulted in serum bactericidal responses demonstrating anticapsular antibody-mediated recruitment of the alternative pathway. Second, addition of C2 to prevaccination sera produced bactericidal activity in the absence of anticapsular antibodies, which suggested that the bactericidal action of antibodies to subcapsular antigens detected in the sera might strictly depend on the classical pathway. A third point concerned a previously unrecognized type of blocking activity. Thus, postvaccination sera of the healthy sister contained IgG that inhibited killing of serogroup W-135 in C2-deficient serum, and the deposition of C3 on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay plates coated with purified W-135 polysaccharide. Our findings suggested blocking to be serogroup-specific and dependent on early classical pathway components. Retained opsonic activity probably supported postvaccination immunity despite blocking of the bactericidal activity. The demonstration of functional vaccination responses with recruitment of alternative pathway-mediated defense should encourage further trial of capsular vaccines in classical pathway deficiency states.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS), an inflammatory and demyelinating autoimmune disease of CNS has both, a genetic and an environmental predisposition. Among all the genetic factors associated with MS susceptibility, HLA class II haplotypes such as DR2/DQ6, DR3/DQ2, and DR4/DQ8 show the strongest association. Although a direct role of HLA-DR alleles in MS have been confirmed, it has been difficult to understand the contribution of HLA-DQ alleles in disease pathogenesis, due to strong linkage disequilibrium. Population studies have indicated that DQ alleles may play a modulatory role in the progression of MS. To better understand the mechanism by which HLA-DR and -DQ genes contribute to susceptibility and resistance to MS, we utilized single and double transgenic mice expressing HLA class II gene(s) lacking endogenous mouse class II genes. HLA class II transgenic mice have helped us in identifying immunodominant epitopes of PLP in context of various HLA-DR and -DQ molecules. We have shown that HLA-DR3 transgenic mice were susceptible to PLP91–110 induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), while DQ6 (DQB1*0601) and DQ8 (DQB1*0302) transgenic mice were resistant. Surprisingly DQ6/DR3 double transgenic mice were resistant while DQ8/DR3 mice showed higher disease incidence and severity than DR3 mice. The protective effect of DQ6 in DQ6/DR3 mice was mediated by IFNγ, while the disease exacerbating effect of DQ8 molecule was mediated by IL-17. Further, we have observed that myelin-specific antibodies play an important role in PLP91–110 induced EAE in HLA-DR3DQ8 transgenic mice. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that epistatic interaction between HLA-DR and -DQ genes play an important role in predisposition to MS and our HLA transgenic mouse model provides a novel tool to study the effect of linkage disequilibrium in MS.  相似文献   

The HER2 oncogene shows expression or amplification, or both, in approximately 15% to 20% of breast cancers and has been associated with poor prognosis and a response to trastuzumab therapy. HER2 gene status determines the eligibility of breast cancer patients for trastuzumab therapy and a large fraction (41-56%) of these patients respond to targeted therapy. Several studies have related the increased expression of HER2 to an increased copy number of chromosome 17, rather than amplification of the HER2 gene. We compared the results of immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization in both invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinomas, to determine the frequency of chromosome 17 aneuploidy associated with discordant results. In total, 390 invasive ductal carcinomas and 180 invasive lobular carcinomas diagnosed from January 2000 to December 2005 were included in the study only if results were available for immunohistochemistry (HercepTest; DAKO, Carpinteria, California) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (PathVysion HER2 DNA Probe Kit; Abbott Laboratories, Des Plaines, Illinois). Tumors classified as invasive ductal carcinomas were graded according to the Bloom-Richardson grading system. Correlation between the results of immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed for all categories. Among invasive ductal carcinomas, 29% (115/390) showed chromosome 17 aneuploidy, mostly associated with grade 3/HER2 2+ (45%) or grade 2/HER2 3+ (55%) that were not amplified. Also, 34% (12/35) of invasive lobular carcinomas showed chromosome 17 aneuploidy; approximately one-third of these cases were HER2 2+ (33%) and HER2 3+ (37%) that were not amplified. Discordance between the results of immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization in both ductal and lobular carcinomas is largely associated with chromosome 17 aneuploidy.  相似文献   

This review is divided in several items. A brief introduction on the characterization of the growth processes is made; the ways of assessing fetal development and well-being, the factors acting on fetal growth and birth weight, the causes and post-natal consequences of prematurity and intrauterine growth retardation are discussed in the first part. The following items deal mainly with: the normal pattern of growth from birth to puberty according to sex, race, and nutritional status, with special mention to pubertal changes; methods for predicting adult height from skeletal age; the effect of hormones during pre- and post-natal life; and the genetics of adult stature. The remainder of this review deals with genetic causes of growth abnormalities. Constitutional delay of growth, familial short stature, hypothalamic-pituitary dwarfism, skeletal dysplasias and many genetic syndromes presenting intrauterine growth retardation are listed. Aneuploidy effects on human growth are extensively reviewed, and usual growth patterns in Down and Ullrich-Turner syndrome patients as well as other sex aneuploid individuals and mosaics are fully described. The influences of X and Y chromosomes on growth and maturation are also discussed. Finally, some remarks are made about overgrowth syndromes.  相似文献   

目的:探讨补体在异种大动物猪-猴心脏移植排斥反应中的作用。方法:选用猪-新生猴腹腔心脏异位模型,通过异种胸腺修饰加^60C o γ照射途径。结果:预处理组移植前补体水平较空白组无明显变化,但随着IgM、IgG水平的上升,排斥时C3、CD46水平显著降低。在照射+胸腺注射组中,猕猴特异性抗猪抗体IgM及IgG的上升速度均较照射组和空白组明显延缓,且存活期较空白组明显延长。MLR检测在照射+胸腺注射组接受脾细胞胸腺内注射后第3周,其刺激效应较空白组、照射组下降明显(P〈0.01)。结论:补体通过经典途径参与超急性及延迟性异种排异反应的发生,补体本身并不直接损伤内皮细胞,而需要有抗体的参与。通过异种胸腺注射联合照射预处理在抑制T细胞免疫及体液免疫方面有重要作用,但尚无法起到抑制异种排异反应中补体激活的作用。  相似文献   

《Journal of neurogenetics》2013,27(4):378-394
Social deprivation is known to trigger a variety of behavioral and physiological modifications in animal species, but the underlying genetic and cellular mechanisms are not fully understood. As we described previously, adult female flies reared in isolation show increased frequency of aggressive behaviors than those reared in a group. Here, we report that isolated rearing also caused significantly altered nerve and muscle excitability and enhanced synaptic transmission at larval neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). We found that mutations of two genes, Hyperkinetic (Hk) and glutathione S-transferase-S1 (gsts1), alter the response to social isolation in Drosophila. Hk and gsts1 mutations increased adult female aggression and larval neuromuscular hyperexcitability, even when reared in a group. Unlike wild type, these behavioral and electrophysiological phenotypes were not further enhanced in these mutants by isolated rearing. Products of these two genes have been implicated in reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism. We previously reported in these mutants increased signals from an ROS probe at larval NMJs, and this study revealed distinct effects of isolation rearing on these mutants, compared to the control larvae in ROS-probe signals. Our data further demonstrated modified nerve and muscle excitability by a reducing agent, dithiothreitol. Our results suggest that altered cellular ROS regulation can exert pleiotropic effects on nerve, synapse, and muscle functions and may involve different redox mechanisms in different cell types to modify behavioral expressions. Therefore, ROS regulation may take part in the cellular responses to social isolation stress, underlying an important form of neural and behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

The small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N (SNRPN) gene is regarded as one of the candidates for Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). We describe two sibs with typical PWS presenting deletion of SNRPN detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Neither a cytogenetically detectable 15q12 deletion nor a deletion for the D15S11, D15S10, and GABRB3 cosmid probes were found in either patient. This implies a smaller deletion limited to the PWS critical region. FISH with a SNRPN probe will permit analysis of PWS patients with limited deletions not detectable with other probes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Precision and accuracy in determining rates of Down syndrome at livebirth are indispensible to algorithms which determine eligibility for prenatal cytogenetic diagnostic services. We derived Down syndrome rates by single year of maternal age which we propose as a revised rate schedule for background risk. Data on European-origin populations were obtained from 5 sources judged most likely to have complete ascertainment of cases. A “constant plus exponent” regression model and variants extending the analysis to higher powers of maternal age were applied to several ranges of maternal age. Confidence intervals about the rates were calculated. This analysis results in rates significantly higher than those in widespread use though the confidence intervals show a need for caution in assuming precision. Sources of variation in rates are also considered. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The expression of nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase/nm23 has been reported to be inversely related to metastasizing potential of experimental cells and human breast cancer. In the present study, levels of NDP kinase/nm23 gene product in curatively resected human pancreatic adenocarcinomas were examined immunohistochemically using anti-NDP kinase antibody. Immunoreactivity for NDP kinase varied between tumors. Of 31 pancreatic tumors examined, 17 (55%; positive staining group) showed strong immunoreactivity for the NDP kinase, while 14 (45%; negative staining group) showed low or no immunoreactivity. Positive staining was associated with higher incidence of lymph node metastasis (13/17; 77%) and perineural invasion (13/17; 77%) than negative staining (5/14, 36%, P < 0.03; 4/14, 29%, P < 0.01, respectively). Positive staining was also associated with shorter overall survival and relapse-free survival than negative staining (P < 0.01, P < 0.01, respectively). No significant difference in age, sex, size, location of tumor, serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level, or histological type was found between the two groups. These results showed that, in contrast to the reports on breast cancer, NDP kinase/nm23 expression in human pancreatic cancer is positively associated with lymph node metastasis or perineural invasion and with poor prognosis. These, together with other previous reports, suggest that NDP kinase may play an important role in cancer progression or aggressiveness by altering its expression in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

HLA-E shares several peptide sequences with HLA-class Ia molecules. Therefore, anti-HLA-E antibodies that recognize the shared sequences may bind to HLA-class Ia alleles. This hypothesis was validated with a murine anti-HLA-E monoclonal antibody (mAb) MEM-E/02, which reacted with microbeads coated with several HLA-B and HLA-C antigens. In this report, the hypothesis was reexamined with another mAb 3D12, considered to be specific for HLA-E. The antibody binding is evaluated by measuring mean fluorescence index [MFI] with Luminex Multiplex Flow-Cytometric technology. The peptide-inhibition experiments are carried out with synthetic shared peptides, most prevalent to HLA-E and HLA-Ia alleles. The results showed that mAb 3D12 simulated MEM-E/02 in recognizing several HLA-B and HLA-C antigens. Both 3D12 and MEM-E/02 did not bind to HLA-A, HLA-F and HLA-G molecules. As observed with MEM-E/02, binding of 3D12 to HLA-E is inhibited by the peptides sequences 115QFAYDGKDY123 and 137DTAAQI142. Decrease in binding of mAb 3D12 to HLA class Ia, after heat treatment of antigen coated microbeads, supports the contention that the epitope may be located at the outside of the “thermodynamically stable” α-helix conformations of HLA-E. Several sequence and structure-based web-tools were employed to validate the discontinuous epitopes recognized by the mAbs. The scores obtained by these web-tools distinguished the shared peptide sequences that inhibited the mAb binding to HLA-E. Furthermore, ElliPro web tool points out that both mAbs recognize the conformational discontinuous epitopes (the shared inhibitory peptide sequences) in the secondary structure of the HLA-E molecule. The study favors the contention that the domain of the shared inhibitory peptide sequences may be the most immunogenic site of HLA-E molecule. It also postulates and clarifies that amino acid substitution on or near the binding domains may account for the lack of cross reactivity of 3D12 and MEM-E/02 with HLA-A, HLA-F and HLA-G molecules.  相似文献   

Although the treatment of aspergillosis has been studied for years, the optimal nonsurgical treatment of chronic cavitary pulmonary aspergillosis (CCPA) remains unsatisfactory, especially in lung cancer. We report two advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients who recovered from CCPA following instillation of Amphotericin B (AmB) by bronchoscopy combined with systemic voriconazole. The first patient was diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma after right upper lobe resection and was treated with anaplastic lymphoma kinase-targeted therapy. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed a right pulmonary cavity containing solid materials. The second patient was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and received immunotherapy following surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Chest CT tomography revealed a mass in the right lung cavity. Both patients' cultures and next-generation sequencing of their bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples revealed presence of Aspergillus fumigatus. In addition, the galactomannan test of both patients BAL samples was positive. Systemic voriconazole was prescribed based on in vitro susceptibility testing. The chest images and clinical symptoms of both patients did not improve after one month of voriconazole therapy within the therapeutic blood concentration. Considering the low local concentrations of antifungals against CCPA, AmB instillation by bronchoscopy combined with systemic voriconazole was utilized. The chest CT images and clinical symptoms of both patients markedly improved in the following third month. Instillation of AmB combined with systemic voriconazole may be a promising treatment option for NSCLC patients with CCPA who fail voriconazole monotherapy.  相似文献   

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