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听觉事件相关电位同侧与对侧记录的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较同侧与对侧听觉事件相关电位(auditory event-related potential,AWRP)的反应特性,探讨AERP在二侧听皮层发源上的神经电生理特点和机制及其临床意义。方法 选择正常青年人,采用同侧与对侧导联同时记录的方法记录AERP,分析二种记录条件下AERP各波潜伏期,幅值和波形的特性。结果 同侧与对侧记录的AERP在潜伏期和幅值上无显著性差异,但同侧记录的AERP波形明显优于对侧记录的曲线,表现为波形曲线光滑,波峰明显易辨,杂波成份少。结论 AERP在二侧听皮层的神经发源基本上是对称的,但同侧的反应怀明显优于对侧,可能与AERP的发源有部分皮层下成份的参与,听觉神经通路的双侧传导以及内侧橄榄耳蜗系统的对侧抑制效应有关,临床应用时应考虑到AERP发源部位和成份多元化的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的:比较不同强度非靶刺激声诱发的听觉事件相关电位(auditory event -related potential , AERP)P300波潜伏期和幅值,探讨相同频率刺激声条件下诱导典型P300波形所需的靶刺激和非靶刺激声强度。方法对20例健康青年志愿者,均采用相同的短纯音靶刺激声(1 kHz ,60 dB nHL)和三种不同强度(50、65、70dBnHL,1kHz)的非靶刺激声(短纯音)进行3次AERP测试,比较其P300的潜伏期和幅值。结果每例受试者均能诱发出P300,70、65、50dBnH L非靶刺激声强度下,P300潜伏期分别为316.25±21.16、320.83±22.64、318.44±25.82ms,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);幅值分别为5.02±2.04、7.42±2.58、3.54±2.23μV,65dBnHL所诱发的P300幅值显著大于70和50 dB n H L所诱发的幅值,差异有统计学意义( P<0.01),70和50 dB n H L所诱发的P300幅值差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。结论改变非靶刺激声强度对P300波潜伏期无明显影响,但能显著改变幅值;相同频率刺激声条件下,靶刺激和非靶刺激声强度分别为60 dBnHL和65dBnHL时能诱发出典型的P300波形。  相似文献   

事件相关电位(event—related potential,ERP)是一种当人们注意某客体并进行认知加工时在头皮上记录到的电位,有人称之为认知电位。听觉事件相关电位(auditory of event—related potential,AERP)是受试者在对具有特定意义的声刺激信号进行感觉、认知、记忆和判断等意识过程中由皮层产生的一种脑电反应,属于听觉认知电位,由Sutton等1965年首次报道,标志着神经电生理发展的一个飞跃。  相似文献   

目的本研究采用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术探讨前庭刺激对人脑加工功能的影响。方法选取15名健康男子进行实验。实验中受试者坐于转椅上,在下述条件下完成视觉操作任务:(1)实验测试,(2)对照测试,同时记录原始脑电资料。结果前庭刺激后,结果显示CPZ和PZ位置得到的差异波振幅均可见有显著性的改变,在前庭刺激后均明显减小。结论前庭刺激对人体的其他功能产生了明显影响,受试者在对视觉信号的感知时,特别是对需要选择的信号,明显产生了抑制现象。  相似文献   

乙醇毒性对胚胎大鼠听觉事件相关电位的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of embryonic alcoholism, with an animal model of auditory event-related potential (AERP) recorded in the conditions of various alcohol dosages administrated during the auditory center nervous system development, on the perceptive functions in young Sprague-Dawley rats. METHODS: Normal female rats were divided into 3 groups. From the days 8.5 to 14 after mating, pregnant rats were fed 75% analytical reagent alcohol via stomach tube with 2.0, 1.0 and 0.1 g.kg-1.d-1 respectively. On the days 30-40 after birth, AERP was recorded in young rats with passive mode under anesthesia. Normal young rats with parallel age were chosen as the normal group. RESULTS: AERP was not affected after administration of the low dosage alcohol. Nevertheless, AERP was affected after administration of the middle and high dosages, manifesting the incidence rate lowing or response disappearing, latency delaying, amplitude reducing and waveform distorting, especially shorter waves of AERP. CONCLUSION: The alcoholism would produce apparent effects with dosage-effect relationship on the responsibility of auditory center during development in fetal rats, which reflected that there was a direct tie between the responsibility of AERP and the function of auditory center.  相似文献   

目的比较汉语发展性阅读障碍(development dyslexia,DD)儿童和正常对照组儿童失匹配负波(mismatch negativity,MMN)、P1-N1c-N2的差异,探讨发展性阅读障碍儿童不同听觉刺激模式下事件相关电位的特征。方法在标准刺激(纯音,上升时间15 ms,强度75 dB SPL,持续时间200 ms,P=0.85)的基础上,分别调整刺激声的上升时间、强度和持续时间形成三种偏差刺激(P=0.15),采用被动Oddball范式对22例汉语DD儿童(DD组)和31例正常对照儿童(对照组)进行脑电图(EEG)采集,比较DD组和对照组MMN与P1-N1c-N2成分的差异。结果 FCz电极点的分析:①DD组上升时间偏差刺激(P=0.026<0.05)和持续时间偏差刺激下(P=0.037<0.05)MMN波幅均小于对照组;②DD组中上升时间偏差刺激P1潜伏期较标准刺激延迟(P=0.011<0.05),而对照组中差异不显著;③DD组上升时间偏差刺激N2波幅小于标准刺激(P=0.002<0.01),而对照组差异不显著;④DD组持续时间偏差刺激N2波幅小于标准刺激(P<0.001),而对照组差异不显著。FT7和FT8电极N1c波幅存在差异,DD组持续时间偏差刺激N1c波幅小于标准刺激(P=0.009<0.05),而对照组差异不显著,其他交互作用不显著。结论发展性阅读障碍儿童的听觉分辨能力较正常儿童差,上升时间偏差刺激和持续时间偏差刺激下MMN和P1-N1c-N2潜伏期延长、波幅降低,发展性阅读障碍儿童可能存在听觉感知障碍。  相似文献   

听觉事件相关电位各亚成分的起源及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1965年Sutton首次报道了事件相关电位(e-vent-related potential,ERP)就是当人对客体进行认知加工(如注意、记忆、思维)时,通过叠加平均在从头颅表面记录到的大脑电位.反映认知过程中大脑的神经电生理改变,又称其为"认知电位".  相似文献   

听觉主要是指人体有意识地接受言语声音刺激信号.对接收到的信息进行一系列的分析、统合、定位、理解的过程。听力是指个体对声音的感知能力,是先天性的.主要依靠于机体的听觉感知器官。听力与听觉密不可分,没有听力就不可能有听觉能力,听力越好,获得的声刺激信号越多.听觉能力发展越快。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗和助听器同时使用的听觉事件相关电位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨人工耳蜗和助听器同时使用者的听觉事件相关电位(ERP)的变化,对人工耳蜗和助听器同时使用所产生的2耳听效果进行客观评价。方法分别在同时使用人工耳蜗和助听器(CI&HA)及单独使用人工耳蜗(CI)两种状态下测定ERP的主要成分P300、N200和N100的潜伏期及P300振幅。结果CI&HA时P300的平均潜伏期为(388.96±62.61)ms,N200为(267.00±45.43)ms,N100为(94.58±9.10)ms,P300平均振幅为(13.69±3.26)μV;CI时P300的平均潜伏期为(412.08±54.32)ms,N200为(289.21±37.40)ms,N100为(99.38±13.15)ms,P300平均振幅为(12.23±2.97)μV。P300平均潜伏期和N200平均潜伏期在CI&HA时较CI时缩短,差异有统计学意义。结论2耳同时使用声音处理方式完全不同的人工耳蜗和助听器,中枢处理过程并不拮抗,能够得到2耳听效果。  相似文献   

听觉事件相关电位P300简介   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
事件相关电位P300是脑诱发电位领域中一个崭新的课题。它的发现虽有三十年的历史,但其发展却只有十几年的时间。目前,公认P300是测定包括选择注意、记忆、判断、思维、认知、感觉、推理等高级心理活动的客观指标,是“窥视”心理活动的一个“窗口”。并认为P300是脑研究的一种新型手段,可能是一把打开人脑之迹的金钥匙,所以国际上掀起P300研究热。为了解并研究P300,本对听觉P300作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate auditory event-related potentials, and related long latency components, in children with auditory processing disorders, and to compare these results with a normal group matched for age, intelligence, and gender. Results showed a significant latency increase for the N1, P2, and P3 components in the processing disordered group. Furthermore, the interpeak latency interval P2-P3 was significantly longer in the clinical group. In terms of amplitude measures, only P3 amplitude differed significantly between groups. These results suggest that the long latency potentials may be useful in the assessment of children with processing disorders.  相似文献   

目的:比较不同刺激声(包括纯音、实意字、双音节词和数字)诱发的听觉事件相关电位(auditory e-vent-related potentials,AERP)反应特性,探讨汉语言语声刺激测试中国人AERP的可行性,进一步探讨AERP的产生机制和临床意义。方法:采用纯音和3种不同的汉语言语作为声刺激对37例(70耳)正常青年人进行AERP测试,对波形进行量化评分,比较各种刺激声诱发的AERP潜伏期、幅值及波形评分。结果:汉语言语和纯音均可以记录到典型的AERP波形,其中以刺激声为双音节词最容易记录到,各种刺激声对P3的引出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=0.046,P<0.05)。56耳在各种言语及纯音刺激时均能记录到AERP的波形表明,P3波形量化评分及N2-P3振幅在不同刺激声之间的差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),但字和双音节词诱发的AERP波形较数字和纯音平滑,杂波少。数字诱发的P3潜伏期较其他组长,且差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05),而其他组间的P3潜伏期相比较则差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论:除纯音和字外,汉语言语的其他形式,如双音节词、数字也符合AERP测试刺激声的要求,可以得到满意的AERP波形,同样适用于中国国民的AERP测试,为言语测试AERP在临床上的进一步推广提供了一种更适合中国国民的测试方法。  相似文献   

The perception of complex acoustic signals such as speech and music depends on the interaction between peripheral and central auditory processing. As information travels from the cochlea to primary and associative auditory cortices, the incoming sound is subjected to increasingly more detailed and refined analysis. These various levels of analyses are thought to include low-level automatic processes that detect, discriminate and group sounds that are similar in physical attributes such as frequency, intensity, and location as well as higher-level schema-driven processes that reflect listeners' experience and knowledge of the auditory environment. In this review, we describe studies that have used event-related brain potentials in investigating the processing of complex acoustic signals (e.g., speech, music). In particular, we examine the role of hearing loss on the neural representation of sound and how cognitive factors and learning can help compensate for perceptual difficulties. The notion of auditory scene analysis is used as a conceptual framework for interpreting and studying the perception of sound.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of increasing acoustic-phonetic difficulty in children with cochlear implants (CI) by means of auditory event-related potentials (AERPs). DESIGN: AERPs were recorded from a group of ten 9- to 14-year-old prelingually deafened children who exhibited open-set speech recognition, using the Nucleus 22 CI for at least 5 years. AERPs were recorded in sound field while children were performing oddball discrimination tasks with increasing acoustic-phonetic demand. The tasks consisted pairs of naturally produced stimuli that differed by one phonetic feature: vowel place (/ki/ versus/ku/), vowel height (/ki/ versus /ke/), voicing (/ka/ versus /ga/), and place of articulation (/ka/ versus /ta/). Using a repeated measure design, the effect of increasing acoustic-phonetic difficulty on P3 latency, amplitude, and scalp distribution as well as on the simultaneously obtained behavioral measures, performance accuracy, and reaction time was evaluated. RESULTS: AERPs elicited in the range of 350 msec poststimulus onset were contaminated by the CI stimulus artifact, thus enabling reliable identification of the P3 component only. Increasing acoustic-phonetic difficulty was manifested in all measures in a hierarchical manner: P3 latency and reaction time increased, whereas P3 amplitude and performance accuracy decreased. The correlations, however, between behavioral and electrophysiological measures were not significant. Further support for P3 sensitivity to increasing acoustic-phonetic demand was its absence in four of the 10 children, but only in the most difficult place of articulation task. P3 amplitude was maximal at the midline parietal cite, with equal amplitudes over the right and left scalp regardless of side of implant. CONCLUSIONS: The results underscore the significant value of the P3 potential as a sensitive neural index of speech-sound processing in children with CI. The similar hierarchy of acoustic-phonetic demand manifested in both behavioral and electrophysiological measures suggests that speech perception performance relates to neurophysiologic responses at cortical levels of the auditory system. Thus, recording the P3 potential to distinct phonetic contrasts may be useful for studying accessibility and neural encoding at the cortical level in CI recipients.  相似文献   

Auditory event-related potentials (ERP, P3 components) were recorded from normal young adult subjects (17 to 37 yr) during two sessions scheduled 1 to 2 weeks apart. The test-retest intrasubject variability and the intersubject variability of the latency and amplitude values of components N1, P2, and P3 were investigated and analyzed. Between subjects, there was no evidence of systematic age-related changes of component latencies and amplitudes: the latency of P2 came closest to exhibit such an effect. Within subjects, there were no statistically significant changes of component latencies and amplitudes between test and retest, although ERP component latencies tended to be reduced on retest, especially the latency of P3.  相似文献   

Syntactic processing was explored in individuals who stutter (IWS). Grammaticality judgments and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were obtained while participants read sentences, half containing verb-agreement violations. Grammaticality judgments for an offline verb-agreement task did not differ between IWS and normal speakers (NS). However, judgment accuracy of IWS for the online task was lower than that of NS, particularly for verb-agreement violations that occurred in longer and more syntactically complex sentences. Further, while NS exhibited a classic P600 ERP response to verb-agreement violations, the P600s of IWS were reduced in amplitude and distribution. The behavioral and ERP results are consistent with the hypothesis that underlying mechanisms mediating language processing, including those related to postlexical syntactic reanalysis, may operate atypically in IWS even in the absence of speech production demands.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: 1) To determine whether the N1-P2 acoustic change complex is elicited by a change of periodicity in the middle of an ongoing stimulus, in the absence of changes of spectral envelope or rms intensity. 2) To compare the N1-P2 acoustic change complex with the mismatch negativity elicited by the same stimuli in terms of amplitude and signal to noise ratio. DESIGN: The signals used in this study were a tonal complex and a band of noise having the same spectral envelope and rms intensity. For elicitation of the acoustic change complex, the signals were concatenated to produce two stimuli that changed in the middle (noise-tone, tone-noise). Two control stimuli were created by concatenating two copies of the noise and two copies of the tone (noise-only, tone-only). The stimuli were presented using an onset-to-onset interstimulus interval of 3 sec. For elicitation of the mismatch negativity, the tonal complex and noise band stimuli were presented using an oddball paradigm (deviant probability = 0.14) with an onset-to-onset interstimulus interval of 600 msec. The stimuli were presented via headphones at 80 dB SPL to 10 adults with normal hearing. Subjects watched a silent video during testing. RESULTS: The responses to the noise-only and tone-only stimuli showed a clear N1-P2 complex to the onset of stimulation followed by a sustained potential that continued until the offset of stimulation. The noise-tone and tone-noise stimuli elicited an additional N1-P2 acoustic change complex in response to the change in periodicity occurring in the middle. The acoustic change complex was larger for the tone-noise stimulus than for the noise-tone stimulus. A clear mismatch negativity was elicited by both the noise band and tonal complex stimuli. In contrast to the acoustic change complex, there was no significant difference in amplitude across the two stimuli. The acoustic change complex was a more sensitive index of peripheral discrimination capacity than the mismatch negativity, primarily because its average amplitude was 2.5 times as large. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that both the acoustic change complex and the mismatch negativity are sensitive indexes of the neural processing of changes in periodicity, though the acoustic change complex has an advantage in terms of amplitude. The results support the possible utility of the acoustic change complex as a clinical tool in the assessment of peripheral speech perception capacity.  相似文献   

According to Hallam's habituation theory of tinnitus, most of the suffering caused by tinnitus is due to difficulties in habituation to the perceived tinnitus sound. Thus tinnitus complainers are assumed to display a less pronounced habituation as compared to tinnitus non-complainers. In the present study, an experimental test of this theory was undertaken using event-related potentials (ERPs) as indicators of habituation to exogenously administered tone pips. In 22 patients (10 tinnitus complainers and 12 tinnitus non-complainers) and 10 healthy controls, the habituation of ERPs to series of auditory stimuli across four consecutive trials was studied. Diminuition of the N(1) and P(2) amplitudes of the ERPs was taken to measure the habituation process across the trials. Tinnitus complainers showed a less distinct habituation of the N(1)-P(2) amplitude difference (vertex potential) compared to tinnitus non-complainers. The results are in accordance with Hallam's theory and support the notion that patients with a severe tinnitus fail to properly habituate to auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Objective: The objectives were to investigate the function of central auditory pathways and of the medial efferent olivocochlear system (MOCS).

Design: Event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded following the delivery of the stimulus /da/ in quiet and in ipsilateral, contralateral, and binaural noise conditions and correlated to the results of the auditory processing disorders (APD) diagnostic test battery. MOCS function was investigated by adding ipsilateral, contralateral, and binaural noise to transient evoked otoacoustic emission recordings. Auditory brainstem responses and pure tone audiogram were also evaluated.

Study Sample: Nineteen children (7 to 12?years old) with APD were compared with 24 age-matched controls.

Results: Otoacoustic emissions and ABR characteristics did not differ between groups, whereas ERP latencies were significantly longer and of higher amplitudes in APD children than in controls, in both quiet and noise conditions. The MOCS suppression was higher in APD children.

Conclusions: Findings indicate that children with APD present with neural deficiencies in both challenging and nonchallenging environments with an increase in the timing of several central auditory processes correlated to their behavioural performances. Meanwhile, their modulation of the auditory periphery under noisy conditions differs from control children with higher suppression.  相似文献   

IntroductionLong-latency auditory evoked potentials represent the cortical activity related to attention, memory, and auditory discrimination skills. Acoustic signal processing occurs differently between verbal and nonverbal stimuli, influencing the latency and amplitude patterns.ObjectiveTo describe the latencies of the cortical potentials P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3, as well as P3 amplitude, with different speech stimuli and tone bursts, and to classify them in the presence and absence of these data.MethodsA total of 30 subjects with normal hearing were assessed, aged 18–32 years old, matched by gender. Nonverbal stimuli were used (tone burst; 1000 Hz – frequent and 4000 Hz – rare); and verbal (/ba/ – frequent; /ga/, /da/, and /di/ – rare).ResultsConsidering the component N2 for tone burst, the lowest latency found was 217.45 ms for the BA/DI stimulus; the highest latency found was 256.5 ms. For the P3 component, the shortest latency with tone burst stimuli was 298.7 with BA/GA stimuli, the highest, was 340 ms. For the P3 amplitude, there was no statistically significant difference among the different stimuli. For latencies of components P1, N1, P2, N2, P3, there were no statistical differences among them, regardless of the stimuli used.ConclusionThere was a difference in the latency of potentials N2 and P3 among the stimuli employed but no difference was observed for the P3 amplitude.  相似文献   

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