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目的 探讨局限于上鼓室区病变的慢性化脓性中耳炎、中耳胆脂瘤行上鼓室径路保留乳突的改良完壁式鼓室成形术的长期临床疗效.方法 诊断慢性化脓性中耳炎、中耳胆脂瘤47例(47耳)患者,结合患者专科检查,依据手术方式不同分A、B两组,A组行上鼓室径路保留乳突的改良完壁式鼓室成形术,B组行完壁式乳突切开+鼓室成形术.术后随访5~7...  相似文献   

完壁式鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎的疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨完壁式鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎的临床效果。方法对胆脂瘤型中耳炎78例行完壁式鼓室成形术,并对手术方法和疗效进行分析。结果经1-5年随访,移植的颞肌筋膜愈合良好,完全成活70例,占89.74%,5耳鼓室腔内胆脂瘤复发致鼓膜穿孔,再次手术痊愈。3耳因移植物供血不良发生穿孔。术后1年纯音听力较术前提高≥30dB的为14例(17.95%),20—29dB的为32例(41.03%),10—19dB的为15例(19.23%),听力无改善者17例(21.79%)。胆脂瘤复发5例(6.41%)。结论完壁式鼓室成形术在清除中耳病灶和重建听力的同时,保存了耳部正常形态,提高了患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

完壁式乳突根治-鼓室成形术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
胆脂瘤型中耳炎是耳科常见病,同时也是治疗上存在问题较多的疾病之一,完壁式乳突根治-鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎,既能彻底清除病灶,同时又能最大限度地保留或改善中耳及外耳道的生理结构和听觉功能,是治疗胆脂瘤型中耳炎的方法,本文介绍了该术式的手术方法、适应症的选择和胆脂瘤复发及处理等问题.  相似文献   

目的介绍完壁式乳突切开鼓室成形术治疗活动期慢性化脓性中耳炎的临床效果。方法回顾分析我院采用完壁式乳突切开鼓室成形术治疗的57例(耳)活动期慢性化脓性中耳炎的临床资料。结果48耳术后鼓膜一期愈合,5耳移植筋膜边缘残留裂隙,2-3周后延期愈合,4耳术后感染鼓膜穿孔未愈合;随访10个月至34个月,无复发病例,57耳的0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0k Hz气导听阈平均值由术前的49.7±9.4d BHL恢复到30.3±8.0 d BHL,气骨导差平均缩小15 d BHL,其中48耳听力有改善。结论采用完壁式乳突切开鼓室成形术治疗活动期慢性化脓性中耳炎,亦可有效清除中耳乳突病灶,重建中耳传导结构,且能保留耳部正常形态,提升患者听力及生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨面神经监测仪在完壁式鼓室成形术中的应用价值。方法在面神经监测下完成完壁式鼓室成形术21例,术中在解剖定位的基础上用面神经监测仪确认面神经的走行,尤其经面隐窝进路开放后鼓室过程中实时监测预防损伤面神经,记录开放前后刺激阈值。结果术中发现面神经前移1例。完成完壁式手术的21例患者中,面隐窝进路开放后鼓室前面神经乳突段刺激阈值为0.380.90m A,平均(0.66±0.16)m A,开放后面神经乳突段刺激阈值为0.160.90m A,平均(0.66±0.16)m A,开放后面神经乳突段刺激阈值为0.160.43m A,平均(0.32±0.09)m A。经配对t检验,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。术中发现面神经骨管缺损4例。术后无一例患者出现即发性或迟发性面瘫。术后半年全部干耳。结论面神经监测仪能在完壁式鼓室成形术中有效识别面神经,有助于扩大面隐窝的开放范围、彻底清除病灶而不增加面神经损伤的机会。  相似文献   

完壁式乳突根治鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤中耳炎   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨完壁式乳突根治鼓室成形术治疗胆脂瘤中耳炎的临床效果和相关的经验教训.方法:对57例胆脂瘤中耳炎患者实施完壁式乳突根治鼓室成形术.结果:随访1~8年,平均3.7年.术后5例感染流脓,其中3例经及时处理得到控制并愈合,2例二次手术处理后愈合;3例术后因胆脂瘤复发行开放式乳突手术获干耳;鼓膜完整但有内陷者29例,其中2级内陷者13例;术后8个月及1年人工听骨脱出各1例.术后言语频率气导听阈降低>10 dB HL为72.2%(39/54),气骨导差<20 dB HL为53.7%(29/54),气骨导差缩小25 dB HL以上占42.6%(23/54).结论:施行完壁式乳突根治鼓室成形术,如果适应证掌握得当,技术条件许可,患者能按时随访.可以有效保留原中耳乳突解剖结构和改善听力,提高患者生活质量,应予优先选择该术式.  相似文献   

目的比较开放式与完壁式鼓室成形伴听骨链重建治疗中耳胆脂瘤的疗效,探讨中耳胆脂瘤手术方式的选择。方法 90耳中耳胆脂瘤分别行开放式鼓室成形伴听骨链重建术与完壁式鼓室成形术伴听骨链重建术。术后均随诊24个月,以术后干耳率、纯音平均听阈、平均气骨导差和听骨链重建成功率为指标进行评价,比较两组的疗效。结果开放式鼓室成形术后干耳率100%,未出现胆脂瘤复发;听力重建成功率62.8%。完壁式鼓室成形术后干耳率81.8%,胆脂瘤复发4耳(10.50%);听力重建成功率68.4%。结论开放式鼓室成形伴听骨链重建术是治疗中耳胆脂瘤安全有效的术式,术后干耳率高,并发症少,复发率低,听力重建效果良好。  相似文献   

完壁式乳突根治—鼓室成形术的临床疗效探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
郑军  程继龙 《耳鼻咽喉》1996,3(4):206-208
自1991年2月至1994年10月,共对26例慢性化脓性中乳突炎患者施行了完工乳突根治-鼓室成形术。听力提高30dB的为15.38%,20dB的46.15%,10dB15.38%,保持原吸力的23.07%,术后经1 ̄4年随访,胆脂瘤复发率为7.7%,本文就手术体会和经验及有关胆脂瘤复发的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的慢性中耳炎是常见的多发病,但治疗上还存在一些问题,本研究采用完壁式乳突根治-鼓膜夹层法修复鼓室成形术,探讨治疗慢性化脓性中耳炎临床疗效。方法选择慢性化脓性中耳炎85例(耳),行完壁式乳突根治-鼓膜夹层法修复鼓室成形术,对手术方法和临床疗效进行分析。SPSS14.0统计软件统计,采用校正的chi-squaretest检验。结果 85例(耳)总有效70例(82.4%,70/85),术前骨导听阈提高与病程长短、胆脂瘤无关(P>0.05),与听骨链中断、固定有相关性(P<0.05),听骨链的破坏吸收、肉芽包绕、固定会造成术前骨导听阈提高,该术式带蒂的"袖状"外耳道、鼓膜上皮瓣覆盖移植膜,具有良好的固位作用,较好地保留了鼓膜自然形态,听阈达到或保持在应用水平63例(74.1%,63/85)。鼓膜一期愈合率为96.47%(82/85)。结论手术适应证的正确选择的基础上,彻底清除病变是手术成功的关键所在,完壁式乳突根治-鼓膜夹层法修复鼓室成形术,最大限度地保留或还原了患者正常的中耳及外耳道的正常生理结构,提高了听力功能。  相似文献   

The postoperative formation of attic retraction pockets following tympanoplasty, with or without mastoidectomy, has often been a significant cause of recurrent disease accompanied by decreased hearing levels. Nasal septal cartilage is recommended as a successful homograft material for attic support. The basis and indications for its use are discussed. Preparation and storage of the homograft materials and surgical technique are described. Long-term results are reported, including a special group in which the status of the homograft material was assessed during revision surgery. Minimal complications have been encountered. Conclusions support the overall advantages of this technique utilizing homograft septal cartilage as an effective means of posterosuperior canal wall support, an aid in preventing retraction pocket formation.  相似文献   

Incidence of retraction pocket and recurrent cholesteatoma in the attic after surgery for middle ear cholesteatoma using the staged intact canal wall technique were investigated in 95 ears of 91 patients, all of which had various degrees of bone defect in the tympanic scutum. Surgical procedures employed in the second stage for prevention of attic retraction were classified into three types: Type I, no scutumplasty; Type II, scutumplasty; Type III, scutumplasty plus mastoid obliteration. In 83 ears followed up for more than 1 year after the second stage, such retraction troubles occurred in 2 of 13 ears (15%) in Type I, 8 of 20 ears (40%) in Type II, and 24 of 50 ears (48%) in Type III. Incidence of retraction troubles was higher in Types II and III, probably because these procedures were indicated in ears with large scutum defects. Dislocation and atrophy of the graft materials, together with bone resorption around the bone defect were the main reasons for failure in scutumplasty. Dysfunction of the eustachian tube and traction of the eardrum by the scar tissue behind it may have also contributed to attic retraction. Mastoid obliteration with small blocks of hydroxyapatite was more effective in prevention of retraction troubles than that with pedicled temporalis muscle flap.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the occurrence of asymptomatic posterior canal wall breakdowns following intact canal wall tympanoplasty (ICWT) with mastoidectomy. Twenty-four ears out of 501 (4.8%) presented with a posterior canal wall atrophy. A partial defect was found in 15 ears (62.5%), while a subtotal or total atrophy occurred in the remaining nine ears (37.5%). Posterior wall atrophy could be considered among ICWT complications during follow-up visits, but, according to our investigation, its incidence remains low.  相似文献   

上鼓室胆脂瘤手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的评估保留完整外耳道后上壁的上鼓室开放术治疗局限性胆脂瘤的临床疗效。方法38耳上鼓室胆脂瘤及内陷袋形成患者,耳内镜检查鼓膜松弛部内陷9耳,鼓膜松弛部穿孔27耳,外耳道胆脂瘤侵入上鼓室2耳。颞骨轴位和冠状位CT检查,病变局限在上鼓室区,天盖无明显破坏或下垂。虚拟耳镜显示听骨链完整13耳,听骨链变形12耳,听小骨不同程度破坏13耳。手术时在颞线下磨开外耳道后上嵴至颧弓后根骨壁,保留菲薄完整的外耳道后上壁和天盖,开放上鼓室经上而下处理胆脂瘤及鳞状上皮,完成听骨链成形术。结果术后外耳道完整,鼓膜松弛部穿孔或内陷袋行鼓膜修补术均一期愈合,术后平均听力较术前平均提高15~25dBHL,随访1.0~4.0年未见胆脂瘤复发。结论保留完整外耳道壁的上鼓室开放技术,在彻底清除上鼓室和听骨链病变的同时,完整保持外耳道和鼓室结构,临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

J J Shea 《The Laryngoscope》1972,82(5):884-890
In chronic otitis media, the external meatus and ear canal are often small and tortuous. Gill reported that a third of_250_ears with. congenital atresia had chronic otitis media, often unsuspected. Bellucci has emphasized the role of the Eustachian tube in determining the extent of chronic otitis media, so it follows that the small and tortuous ear canal are part of the congenital defects in this disease. Farrior and Caparosa have previously mentioned enlarging the ear canal in intact canal wall tympanoplasty. The usual post-aural incision is made and the soft tissue of the canal dissected forward off the bone. A first vertical incision is made through the canal wall skin near the annulus, a second through the concha, and the two are connected by a longitudinal incision. The flaps are shifted apart to enlarge the canal, and an elipse of conchal cartilage is excised. The intact tympanoplasty is completed in the usual fashion, and the defect in the drum and canal is closed with a large tongue-shaped piece of fascia which is brought out over the concha through the second incision. The canal is packed with strips of silk and cotton balls for two weeks. The result is a meatal opening and canal with a trumpet shape and adequate size.  相似文献   

The incidence of cholesteatoma recurrence using intact canal tympanoplasty has been compared in 2 series of operations. The first group represents cases treated with the conventional conservative technique for attic and middle ear surgery. The second group represents cases on which the concept of ‘radical attic and middle ear surgery’ has been applied and an ‘en bloc homograft has been used for reconstruction. A preliminary survey has shown a much lower incidence of cholesteatoma recurrence in ears belonging to the second group. The advantages of this surgical technique are discussed.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the morphological and hearing results obtained from intact canal wall cholesteatoma surgery by removing the malleus, reinforcing the whole tympanic membrane with cartilage, and performing an ossiculoplasty with a hydroxyapatite prosthesis. The results were compared to those obtained in intact canal wall cholesteatoma surgery by preserving the malleus manubrium, partially reinforcing the tympanic membrane with cartilage, and predominantly using an ossicle to perform the ossiculoplasty. One- or two-stage intact canal wall procedures were performed in 390 adult patients (416 ears) who had a nonoperated middle ear cholesteatoma. Recurrent and residual cholesteatoma rates were evaluated. Hearing results were analyzed according to the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium Guidelines of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. There was a statistically significant decrease in the recurrence rate in patients who had total cartilage reinforcement of the tympanic membrane versus patients who had partial tympanic membrane cartilage reinforcement. This technique using a hydroxyapatite prosthesis for ossiculoplasty gave good hearing results.  相似文献   

The condition of the mastoidectomy cavity following intact canal wall tympanoplasty (ICWT) is always of great interest to the otosurgeon. We evaluated the status of postoperative aeration in a stable ear following ICWT for various types of chronic otitis media using high-resolution computed tomography (CT). The mastoidectomy cavity in all the cases of simple suppurative otitis is totally aerated and that in over 60% of the cases of adhesive otitis, attic type cholesteatoma and adhesive type cholesteatoma is obliterated by a soft tissue density mass. The size of aerated spaces in the postoperative middle ear cavity not only depends on the type of chronic otitis media but also tends to correlate with the degree of mastoid pneumatization in the opposite ear. CT is useful for the postoperative assessment of middle ear aeration.  相似文献   

Residual cholesteatoma is the consequence of leaving squamous epithelium in the mastoid and middle ear cleft. It has been demonstrated that the only effective way to reduce the risk of epidermoid cyst neoformation is meticulous and radical removal of cholesteatoma matrix and staging of the operation, regardless of whether a closed or open mastoid cavity tympanoplasty technique has been performed. Recurrent cholesteatoma usually occurs after intact canal wall tympanoplasty secondary to middle ear, attic, and mastoid retraction of the graft, especially in cases with destruction of the scutum or absence of malleus and incus; this is still considered a major problem with this surgical technique. During the last five years we have been performing a procedure we have developed to avoid this retraction. Concave autogenous cartilage from the upper part of the concha auriculae trimmed in three pieces to protect attic, mastoid, and middle ear for graft retraction has been successfully used in 106 surgical procedures. This study describes the surgical technique and analyzes the anatomic and hearing results.  相似文献   

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