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目的报道一组风湿性心脏病二尖瓣置换术后房性心动过速(房速)的机制及射频消融效果。方法共入选22例(男8例)二尖瓣置换术后持续性房速患者,在心动过速状态下采用三维电解剖系统建立右心房或左心房激动标测图和电压图,标出瘢痕区、低电压区及双电位区,并揭示心动过速的机制。根据标测结果选择心动过速的关键峡部或起源点进行消融。结果22例患者共标测33种心动过速,17例次房速起源于右心房(51.5%),16例次房速起源于左心房(48.5%)。符合大折返机制的31例次(93.9%),符合局灶起源机制的2例次(6.1%)。消融术中即时成功率90.9%(20/22)。随访过程中5例患者仍有房速发作,3例再次消融成功。结论二尖瓣置换术后房速机制复杂且个体化,在三维电解剖标测指导下射频消融治疗效果满意。  相似文献   

目的总结分析心脏病外科术后右房起源房性心动过速(简称房速)的标测及射频消融结果。方法共入选27例心脏外科术后持续性右房房速患者,在心动过速状态下采用三维电解剖标测系统建立右房激动标测图和电压图,标示出疤痕区及双电位区,并揭示心动过速的机制。根据标测结果选择心动过速的关键峡部或起源点进行消融。结果心动过速机制分为以下几种类型:单环折返包括右房峡部依赖性心房扑动(15例)和切口折返性房速(5例);双环折返性房速(3例);两种以上机制(包括局灶性)的复杂房速(4例)。术中即时手术成功率100%。随访过程中5例复发房速,3例再次消融成功。结论心脏外科术后右房房速多数与外科手术切口疤痕相关,在三维电解剖标测系统指导下射频消融治疗效果满意。  相似文献   

目的;探讨天先性心脏病外科手术后切口性房性心动过速(房速)三维电磁导管(即Carto)标测特点及射频消融价值。方法:5例切口性房速患者,应用Carto系统标则右心房,实时重建心腔三维电解剖图,标识瘢痕区,观察电热图,传导图,于折返所经过的关键峡部位线性消融,结果:4例房速呈持续性,1例(三房心)术中不能诱发,电势图示低电压区主要分布于右房游离壁,在右房中侧壁下侧壁分别标测到瘢痕区1(S1)和瘢痕区2(S2)。4例持续性房速发生机理与折返有关,折返环位于低电压区,中心解剖障碍区均为中侧壁瘢痕区1,3例折返经过S1-S2,1例经过S1-三尖瓣环之间的关键峡部,于上述关键峡部消融,均获成功,三房心患者(未诱导心动过速)于S1-S及三尖瓣环-下腔静脉之间行线性消融,无并发症,随访2-24个月,其中1例(三房心)于术后1个月出现不典型心房扑动,结论:提示先天性心脏病术后房速的发生机理与折返有关,应用Carto系统标测可清楚地显示折返途径,消融折返所经过的关键峡部可望达到根治目的。  相似文献   

总结5例房性心动过速的电生理特点,探讨提高导管射频消融成功率的标测与消融方法。男1例、女4例,平时心电图正常,心动过速发作时心室率150~220bpm,RP>PR。大头电极在右房内标测到最早的心房激动点,在心动过速时放电。2例在冠状窦口附近、2例在右房侧壁(双大头法标测)消融成功,靶点局部电位较体表心电图的P波提前29ms以上;1例窦房折返性心动过速,消融失败。结果表明:激动标测是最基本的方法,结合拖带或隐匿性拖带、起搏标测、机械阻断等选择靶点的方法可以提高成功率;适当选择双大头法标测能够缩短手术时间。  相似文献   

目的 探讨EnSite NavX系统高密度标测对房性心动过速(房速)射频导管消融的指导作用.方法 17例房速患者,平均年龄(45.9±16.9)岁,男性15例,女性2例.心动过速均呈持续性发作,应用EnSite NavX系统于心房进行高密度标测,建立激动图.对于折返性房速,线性消融关键峡部或传导通道(channel),对于局灶性房速,点消融局部最早心房激动区域.结果 17例患者中,共标测到19种房速,周长为(254±49)ms,平均取点(316±90)个,标测时间为(8.4±2.6)min,建立19种激动图 激动图显示大折返性房速10种,局灶性房速9种 19种房速中,18种即时消融成功 无标测与消融相关并发症发生.随访(3.0±1.6)个月,2例服用胺碘酮可预防发作(1例患者房速复发,1例患者术中有1种房速未消融成功).结论 EnSite NavX系统高密度标测对心动过速机制可作出快速、准确的判断,有助于确定消融靶点,提高消融成功率.  相似文献   

房性心动过速的射频消融治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨房性心动过速 (简称房速 )的电生理机制、标测方法及射频消融结果。 2 3例房速 :右房房速 15例 ;左房房速 8例 ,其中左上肺静脉口房速 3例、右上肺静脉口房速 2例、左下肺静脉口下方房速 1例、右下肺静脉口下方房速 2例。结果 :15例右房房速成功 13例 ,成功率为 87% ;左房房速 8例全部成功 ,成功率为 10 0 % ,总成功率为91.3%。成功消融靶点的A波较体表心电图P′波提前 44± 6ms。随访 2~ 36个月 ,无复发。结论 :射频消融治疗房速 (包括左房非经典部位房速 )是一种安全有效的方法  相似文献   

目的应用Carto系统对心脏外科手术后房性心律失常患者进行三维电解剖标测和射频消融。方法入选心脏外科手术后房性心律失常患者29例,平均年龄(47±13)岁,男性15例,女性14例。在心动过速时,电解剖标测三维重建右心房和/或左心房。根据双极电图电压确定瘢痕区。对于折返性房性心动过速(房速),线性消融关键峡部或瘢痕区与正常解剖障碍区之间或两瘢痕区间,对于局灶性房速,点消融局部最早激动区域。结果29例患者中,共标测39种心动过速,右心房切口性房速13例(45%),右心房峡部心房扑动(房扑)19例(66%),其中单一出现患者11例(38%),伴发出现患者8例(28%),即时消融成功率93%(27/29),无消融术相关并发症发生。随访(26±20)个月,2例复发,1例再次消融成功。结论心脏外科手术后房性心律失常常见为右心房切口性房速和右心房峡部房扑,Carto电解剖标测系统可有效指导射频消融治疗。  相似文献   

器质性心脏病瘢痕相关性室性心动过速(室速)的发生主要是折返机制,目前多采用心脏三维标测系统指引下对耐受性好、血流动力学稳定的室速激动标测消融,对于血流动力学不稳定的室速,窦性心律下基质标测、电压图判断室速的解剖基质,结合起搏标测和拖带标测技术识别室速的折返环,盐水灌注导管消融治疗;近年来不断积累有关临床循证证据、适应证进一步拓展、新的标测消融和辅助技术临床上应用,取得了新的进展。  相似文献   

室性心动过速的射频导管消融治疗   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
较之于心房颤动,室性心动过速(ventricular tachycardia,VT)的射频导管消融治疗在近年似乎处于相对沉寂的时期。  相似文献   

13例房性心动过速(简称房速)腔内电生理检查证实10例为折返性,2例为自律性增高,1例为心房扑动。分布于冠状静脉窦口附近8例、右房侧壁2例、右心耳部1例、左上肺静脉口部1例。房速时标测心房最早激动点A波较体表心电图领先30ms处消融房速终止。心房扑动患者于三尖瓣峡部消融成功。随访3~24个月,1例复发后重复消融再次成功。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate irrigated-tip catheter for ablation of intraatrial reentrant tachycardias late after surgical repair of congenital heart disease. BACKGROUND: In congenital heart disease patients, the right atrium can be markedly enlarged with areas of low blood flow. Radiofrequency (RF) lesion creation may be hampered by insufficient electrode cooling at sites with low blood flow. METHODS: Thirty-six consecutive patients with intraatrial reentrant tachycardia refractory to antiarrhythmic therapy from two centers were included in the study. Entrainment pacing and electroanatomic mapping (CARTO) were used to delineate reentrant circuits and critical isthmus sites. RF ablation was performed using an irrigated-tip catheter (Navistar Thermocool). RESULTS: Fifty-two intraatrial reentrant tachycardia circuits were identified, and 48 were targeted with RF ablation. RF ablation was performed using a mean of 13 +/- 11 irrigated RF applications per tachycardia isthmus with a mean power of 36 +/- 8 W. In a historical control group of congenital heart disease patients managed with conventional catheter ablation, the number of lesions per isthmus was higher (23 +/- 11) and mean power was lower (27 +/- 14 W). Acute success was achieved in 45 intraatrial reentrant tachycardias (94% of targeted tachycardias and 87% of all tachycardias). After a mean follow-up of 17 +/- 7 months, 33 (92%) of 36 patients were free of recurrence. Five patients (14%) developed paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of modern techniques including electroanatomic mapping and catheter irrigation allows safe and highly effective ablation of intraatrial reentrant tachycardia in patients with surgically repaired congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ablation success rates reported for atrial tachycardia (AT) patients with congenital heart disease (CHD) is lower than the rates reported for other varieties of supraventricular tachycardia. Retrospective studies suggest these rates might be increased by the use of irrigated radiofrequency (RF) ablation. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether irrigated RF ablation increases ablation success rates in patients with CHD and AT. METHODS: Patients were studied in a prospective, randomized, nonblinded manner. The operator was limited to use of randomized therapy (standard or irrigated ablation) for the first 6 minutes of RF application to each targeted arrhythmia. Lesion characteristics were recorded, and acute ablation success was ascertained. Structured clinical follow-up was performed over a 6-month period. RESULTS: Forty-seven ATs were targeted in 26 patients; 72% of these ATs were ablated. Within the 6-minute randomization period, no difference in success rates of standard and irrigated catheters was noted. However, crossover from standard to irrigated ablation more likely was successful than vice versa (irrigated: 8 successes/8 attempts vs standard: 1 success/4 attempts, P = .018), and overall success was greater using irrigated catheters (66% vs 33%, P = .019). Mean delivered power was slightly higher in irrigated lesions (32.5 W vs 30.2 W, P = .025), and mean temperature was much lower (33.5 degrees C vs 59.3 degrees C, P < .001). A composite AT intensity score was significantly reduced compared with preablation values at 6-month follow-up of all patients. CONCLUSIONS: Ablation of ATs in patients with CHD results in symptomatic improvement over short-term follow-up. Irrigated ablation may result in higher acute success rates in these patients.  相似文献   

目的分析先天陛心脏病外科手术后心房内折返性心动过速(intra-atrial reentrant tachycar-dia,IART)心电图与消融靶点的关系。方法选择2004年1月至2005年12月在我院因先天性心脏病外科手术后LART行射频消融的24例患者,回顾性分析患者的心电图(F波或P’波)与消融靶点的关系。结果24例患者共诱发出28种IART。17种(17/28,60.7%)IART心电图表现为典型锯齿形F波,其中15种(15/17,88.2%)成功消融靶点在下腔静脉和三尖瓣环(IVC-TA)峡部;另外11种(11/28,39.3%)IART临床心电图表现与典型心房扑动不同,表现为P’波,其中7种(7/11,63.6%)IART成功消融靶点在右心房游离壁瘢痕-下腔静脉,其他分别在IVC-TA、界嵴前方、间隔补片和上腔静脉之间、房间隔补片处消融成功。结论不同部位的IART具有一定的心电图特点,根据这些心电图特点,有助于消融靶点的判定。  相似文献   

We studied exercise performance before and after conversion of atrial tachycardia to sinus rhythm, atrial bradycardia, or junctional rhythm in 10 patients 9-25 years of age 8-20 years after congenital heart disease surgery (complete transposition of the great arteries, seven of 10 patients). The same maximal cycle (five of 10 patients) or treadmill (five of 10 patients) exercise protocol was performed in atrial tachycardia and sinus rhythm 1-232 days after atrial tachycardia (mean, 34 days). Electrocardiogram, heart rate, and pulmonary gas exchange were recorded. Sinus rhythm exercise increased peak VO2 (mean, 28.7 [sinus rhythm] vs. 24.7 [atrial tachycardia], p less than 0.01), exercise time (p less than 0.01), and O2 pulse at rest (p less than 0.01) and at peak exercise (NS). Mean resting heart rate decreased from 109 to 70 beats/min (p less than 0.01). In atrial tachycardia, peak exercise heart rate was low (80-163 beats/min) because of fixed conduction (six of 10 patients) or high as conduction approached 1:1 (176-252 beats/min) (four of 10 patients). In sinus rhythm, rest to peak exercise heart rate increased in six of 10 patients (p less than 0.05). The data show improved exercise performance in sinus rhythm primarily because of improved heart rate adaptation to exercise, by either permitting increased heart rate response or eliminating excessively high heart rate with inadequate diastolic filling.  相似文献   

目的探讨无器质性心脏病儿童房性心动过速(房速)的电生理学机制、靶点标测和射频消融疗效。方法46例房速患儿行心内电生理检查和射频消融术,房速靶点标测采用激动标测方法,4例患儿采用三维电解剖学标测系统(CARTO系统)标测和指导消融。消融采用预设温度50~60℃。结果46例患儿均经电生理检查证实为局灶性房速,分别表现为短阵自限性、阵发持续性和持续无休止性心动过速,其中1例合并房室结折返性心动过速。射频消融成功41例,其中单一源性房速39例(右房27例,左房12例),多源房速2例,成功率为89%。结论无器质性心脏病儿童房速的射频消融成功率较高,是一种安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

Forty-seven catheter ablation procedures for intra-atrial reentry tachycardia were performed in 40 patients with palliated congenital heart disease. The acute success rate was 87% and the recurrence rate was 34% during an average follow-up of 36 months. Of those patients who had recurrence, 88% did so within 1 year of ablation. Of the 23 patients who were free of recurrence 1 year after ablation, 21 (91%) remain free from recurrence at an average of 45 months (median 39; range 15 to 88) after ablation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Assessment of clinical outcomes of catheter ablation of atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardias in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). BACKGROUND: Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardias occur in patients with CHD and may be poorly tolerated. METHODS: Retrospective review of all 105 such ablations in 83 patients performed between 03/90 and 02/02 at one institution. RESULTS: The dominant arrhythmia mechanism was accessory pathway (70 patients, 84%), and the most common indications were drug-refractory tachycardia, life-threatening arrhythmia, and elective presurgical ablation. Congenital heart disease diagnoses were diverse, with one third of patients having Ebstein's anomaly. Twenty patients (24%) had catheter access limited by prior surgeries or occluded vascular access. Of 109 accessory pathways (APs), 74 (68%) were manifestly preexcited, and 71 (65%) were located on the right atrioventricular groove. Fourteen patients (20%) had multiple pathways. There were 2 major complications (1 death, 1 hemorrhage), and 3 minor complications (5.5% of procedures). Acute success rate was 80% per procedure, 82% for left- and 70% for right-sided APs. Acute success rates for patients with Ebstein's anomaly were similar to patients with other CHD diagnoses, but Ebstein's patients were more likely to have recurrence. At 44 +/- 35 months follow-up, successful ablation was achieved in 59% of procedures and 68% of patients, with 19 patients (23%) undergoing one or more repeat ablations. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to patients with normal cardiac anatomy, patients with CHD of all varieties have lower rates of acute and long-term success for ablation for atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardias.  相似文献   

Outcomes after radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial tachycardia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and clinical benefit of radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) in a large series of patients with atrial tachycardia (AT). The determinants of success or failure of RFCA in AT remain unclear. We evaluated the results of radiofrequency ablation in 73 women and 32 men (mean age 48 +/- 19 years) with AT. Mapping techniques were based on identification of the earliest endocardial atrial electrogram recorded during AT. AT originated from the right atrium in 91 patients and from the left atrium in 14. The cardiac ventricles were dilated in 12 patients. AT ablation was successful in 80 patients (77%) regardless of the site of origin. Age, gender, rate of tachycardia, temperature achieved during application, or presence of tachycardiomyopathy were not significant determinants of acute success by univariate analysis. There was a significantly higher acute success rate of ablation in patients with paroxysmal (88%, 45 of 51) and permanent (71%, 30 of 42) forms than in patients with repetitive forms of AT (41%, 5 of 12) (p <0.005). The mean local endocardial electrogram time (relative-to-surface P-wave onset) was -47 +/- 17 ms at successful ablation sites and -29 +/- 21 ms at unsuccessful sites (p <0.03). Ablation was unsuccessful in 25 cases. Thus, RFCA of AT can be performed with a high acute success rate. Patients with repetitive forms and those with multifocal origin had a lower acute success rate. The highest incidence of recurrences was found in anterior right atrial foci.  相似文献   

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