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目的:调查企业员工工作倦怠者的功能性躯体不适状况,探讨工作倦怠与功能性躯体不适的关系。方法:采用招募方式在广州市共纳入217名企业员工,采用Maslach工作倦怠量表通用版(MBI-GS)和病人健康问卷(PHQ-15)评定工作倦怠以及功能性躯体不适状况。根据M BI-GS总分(总分0~1.49分为无倦怠,1.50~6分为倦怠)将入组对象分为倦怠组与非倦怠组。结果:非倦怠组(n=96)中存在轻度以上功能性躯体不适症状者占35.4%,倦怠组(n=121)占71.0%;倦怠组PHQ-15总分及胃痛、背痛、四肢或关节痛、胸痛、心慌、气短、性生活异常、大便异常、消化系统不适、疲劳感和睡眠困难症状分均高于非倦怠组(均P<0.05);MBI-GS总分及情感衰竭维度分与胃痛、背痛、四肢关节疼痛、胸痛、心慌、气短、大便异常、消化系统不适、疲劳或精力不足和睡眠困难症状分均呈正相关(r=0.13~0.52,P<0.05)。多元线性回归分析显示,情感衰竭(β=0.41,95%CI:0.83~1.51)和女性(β=0.23,95%CI:0.89~2.91)为功能性躯体不适的相关因素(R2=0.22)。结论:工作倦怠者的功能性躯体不适症状严重而广泛,主要表现为疲劳感、疼痛、大便异常和消化系统不适症状。功能性躯体不适症状与情感衰竭维度关系密切。  相似文献   

目的:探讨企业员工人格特质与工作倦怠的关系。方法:选用Maslach工作倦怠量表通用版(MBIGS)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对217名企业员工工作倦怠和人格特质进行测查,并根据MBI-GS得分将研究对象分为倦怠组和非倦怠组。结果:1倦怠组的EPQ精神质分和神经质分显著高于非倦怠组(P0.01),内外向分则显著低于非倦怠组(P0.01);2精神质分与情感耗竭(r=0.158,P0.05)、玩世不恭(r=0.257,P0.01)的因子分有显著正相关关系;内外向分与情感耗竭(r=0.22,P0.01)、玩世不恭(r=0.30,P0.01)及成就感降低(r=0.37,P0.01)的因子分呈显著负相关关系;神经质分与情感耗竭(r=0.50,P0.01)、玩世不恭(r=0.34,P0.01)及成就感降低(r=0.16,P0.05)的因子分呈显著正相关关系;3内外向和神经质是情感耗竭的有效预测因子;精神质、内外向以及神经质均是玩世不恭的有效预测因子;成就感降低由内外向决定。结论:工作倦怠人群的人格特质表现为高神经质、高精神质、低内外向;人格特质是工作倦怠的重要预测因素之一。  相似文献   

目的:考察出勤主义行为影响员工工作倦怠的作用机制。方法:采用出勤主义行为问卷、工作满意度问卷、感情承诺问卷和工作倦怠量表对194名企业员工进行调查。结果:①90.21%的员工在过去6个月内曾出现过不同频率的出勤主义行为;②员工出勤主义行为、工作满意度、感情承诺和工作倦怠两两之间呈现显著性相关(0.18|r|0.42,P0.05);③工作满意度和感情承诺能够部分中介出勤主义行为与员工工作倦怠之间的关系,中介效应占总效应的比例分别为23.33%和18.75%。结论:出勤主义行为是职场中的普遍现象,出勤主义行为既可以直接对员工工作倦怠产生直接影响,也可以通过工作满意度和感情承诺对其产生间接影响。  相似文献   

目的了解外向型企业员工工作倦怠和工作满意度状况。方法采用工作倦怠量表(MB)、工作满意度量表(GJS),对201名外向型企业员工进行调查。结果1工作倦怠在单位类别上存在显著差异,工作满意度在性别、工龄、文化程度和单位类别上存在显著差异;2男性员工在工作倦怠方面低于女性,在工作满意度方面高于女性;3工作2~4年的员工工作满意度显著高于工作2年以内和4~6年的员工;4本科和硕士及以上学历的员工工作满意度显著高于大专和高中及以下学历的员工。结论企业要特别关注女性员工工作倦怠问题,提高工作2年以内和4~6年员工的工作满意度。  相似文献   

目的了解企业员工的工作倦怠状况,探讨社会支持对企业员工工作倦怠的影响并提出组织管理建议。方法以社会支持问卷和MBI-GS问卷对588名企业员工进行调查。结果企业员工的工作倦怠程度并不高,但仍存在.且以情绪耗竭的程度教高;社会支持与工作倦怠及共各构面部分呈显着负相关,社会支持对工作倦怠及其各构面具有显着的预测力,结论社会支持对企业员工工作倦怠有一定的影响.应引起管理者的重视。  相似文献   

目的:以我国警察为被试,探讨工作倦怠及其与工作要求、工作资源和身心健康的关系。方法:用修订后的MBI-HSS以及其他有关问卷对4855名警察进行网上调查。结果:①高工作要求或者缺乏工作资源都会导致个体的情绪衰竭,缺乏工作资源是去人性化和个人成就感降低的主要原因;②工作倦怠会导致个体出现身心健康问题,也会导致个体产生离职想法;③高工作要求和缺少工作资源通过倦怠的某些维度导致个体出现身心健康问题和产生离职想法,同时,高工作要求可直接导致身心的不健康,缺乏工作资源可直接导致个体产生离职想法。结论:工作要求和缺少工作资源引起警察的工作倦怠.而工作倦怠又会导致个体身心健康问题以及离职意向。  相似文献   

正组织公正感、心理资本和职业认同可以预测工作倦怠~([1-3])。组织公正感和心理资本水平高的个体在工作中表现更积极,倦怠程度较低[1-2];个体的职业认同程度越高,工作倦怠情形越少,工作投入越多~([3]);心理资本和职业认同常常在工作资源和工作  相似文献   

工作特征与企业员工工作倦怠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究工作特征对企业员工工作倦怠的影响,并量化工作特征对工作倦怠的预测能力。方法采用工作倦怠问卷和工作特征问卷对648名企业员工进行调查。结果1分层回归分析表明,工作特征对工作倦怠的各个指标具有显著预测作用;2优势分析发现,体能工作要求对情感耗尽的预测力最强,方差贡献率为54.90%;领导支持对讥诮的预测力最强,方差贡献率为39.23%;工作自主度对低职业效能的预测力最强,方差贡献率为45.16%。结论工作特征影响企业员工的工作倦怠;减少工作要求,增加工作资源,有利于工作倦怠的预防。  相似文献   

艾滋病医护人员社会支持对工作倦怠的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解艾滋病医护人员工作倦怠状况,探讨社会支持对其工作倦怠的影响,为进行有效干预提供依据。方法采用中式工作倦怠量表(CMBI)和社会支持问卷(SRRS)对342名河南省艾滋病医护人员进行测试。结果艾滋病医护人员工作倦怠总体检出率达到75.5%,其中.轻度倦怠为35.4%,中度倦怠为32.2%,高度倦怠为7.9%。情感耗竭与主观支持和支持利用度呈极显著负相关;成就感降低与社会支持3个维度均呈极显著负相关;人格解体与社会支持各维度相关不显著。分层回归显示,主观支持对情感耗竭、成就感降低预测作用显著,支持利用度对成就感降低预测作用显著。结论应关注艾滋病医护人员的工作倦怠问题,给予他们更多的支持与关爱。  相似文献   

雷远均 《校园心理》2011,9(1):28-31
通过对我校2009级全体新生共3810份大学生人格问卷的调查与统计,结果发现:全部新生心理健康率为90.4%,心理异常率为9.6%,其中有轻生念头的占总人数的3.2%;感到自己的过去和家庭是不幸的人数占总人数的9%;常常失眠的学生占总人数的10%;对任何事情不感兴趣的学生人数占总人数的6%。同时分析了所有学生中可能存在的心理问题和产生这些问题的主要原因,有效地筛选出需要关注的对象,提出了应对的策略和建议,对需要关注的对象早预防、早发现、早干预,增强学校德育和心理咨询工作的针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

银屑病社会心理学主要研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过对国内外银屑病患者的人格、性格、情绪、生活质量等内容的研究方法介绍和分析,探讨银屑病患者的社会心理特征。方法文献综述法。结果介绍了银屑病患者人格和行为、情绪和情感以及生活质量的测量方法和结果。结论银屑病是心身性皮肤病,不同程度地影响着患者的生活质量。银屑病患者具有特殊的人格及情绪特征,对其社会心理特征的认识和关注有助于身体的康复。  相似文献   

知识型员工工作压力结构探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索性研究中国背景下知识型员工工作压力源的结构,并进一步对压力的作用机制进行深入分析.方法 使用工作压力问卷对上海市的406位知识型员工进行测查.结果 工作压力源的第二次探索性因子分析后4个因子(工作自主性、角色压力、工作负荷、工作决策)的题目之间的一致性程度达0.54、0.55、0.70和0.75.相对男性、女...  相似文献   

The association between disturbed sleep and increased risk of occupational injury has been observed in several cross-sectional and case–control studies, but prospective evidence is lacking. We examined prospectively whether sleep disturbances predicted occupational injuries in a large population of Finnish public sector employees. A total of 48 598 employees working in 10 municipalities and 21 hospitals in various parts of Finland were included. Sleep disturbances were assessed with the four-item Jenkins Sleep Problems Scale. Records of sickness absence due to occupational injury during the year following the survey were obtained from employers' registers. A proportion (9076; 22%) of participants reported disturbed sleep, and 978 (2.4%) had a recorded occupational injury. After adjustment for socio-demographic characteristics, the odds ratio (OR) for occupational injury was 1.38 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02–1.87] times higher for men with experiences of disturbed sleep than for those without sleep disturbances, but not significant for women. Of the sub-dimensions of sleep disturbances, the OR for occupational injury was 1.69 (95% CI 1.26–2.26) for women with difficulties initiating sleep, but not significant for men. These associations remained after additional adjustment for work stress, sleep length, obesity, alcohol use and mental health. This study suggests that sleep disturbances are a significant predictor of occupational injuries even after accounting for a range of covariates.  相似文献   

目的探讨外企员工社会支持与心理健康现状及二者之间的关系。方法随机抽取外企员工545名,采用社会支持量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行调查。结果①社会支持得分女性高于男性,已婚员工高于未婚员工;②依据相关标准,24.2%的外企员工存在一定的心理问题;⑧SCL-90因子中,外企员工强迫症状与常模无差异,人际关系因子分低于常模,其余7个因子分均高于常模;④社会支持各维度与SCL-90各因子负相关,社会支持得分高的员工心理健康状况优于得分低的员工。结论外企员工心理健康水平低于全国常模,心理健康问题较为突出;社会支持对心理健康状况有重要影响。  相似文献   

The present article aims to show the importance of positive work-related experiences within occupational health psychology by examining the relationship between flow at work (i.e., absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation) and job performance. On the basis of the literature, it was hypothesized that (a) motivating job characteristics are positively related to flow at work and (b) conscientiousness moderates the relationship between flow and other ratings of (in-role and out-of-role) performance. The hypotheses were tested on a sample of 113 employees from several occupations. Results of moderated structural equation modeling analyses generally supported the hypotheses. Motivating job characteristics were predictive of flow, and flow predicted in-role and extra-role performance, for only conscientious employees.  相似文献   

To design a vaccination strategy against hepatitis A among hospital employees, we carried out a serological survey of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection in 10 university hospitals in the Paris area. Subjects under 60 years of age were consecutively enrolled by occupational health services and tested for IgG to HAV by ELISA. Of the 1,516 subjects recruited, 926 were health workers (HW), 322 clerks, and 268 cooks or kitchen employees. Among HW and clerks the HAV seroprevalence was 53.8% (95% CI: 44.0-65.6), increasing with age and being higher among employees of African or Caribbean origin than those from Europe (83.6% vs 45.6%, P < .001). Age correlated closely with the duration of hospital work, so only age was taken into account for further analysis. The HAV seroprevalences among HW and clerks originating from Europe were close (46.8% vs 42.6%) and remained so after adjustment for age. HAV seroprevalences in HW caring for adults and those caring for children were also similar (45.2% vs 40.1%). Seroprevalence was higher in assistant nurses than in nurses (51.3% vs. 39.8%, P < .02). Among cooks and kitchen employees, 53.4% were HAV-seropositive. This study shows that hospital employees need not routinely be vaccinated against HAV; the decision should be taken by the occupational physician according to the type of work, but should be routine for cooks and kitchen employees. The need for prevaccinal screening for anti-HAV should be assessed in the light of employees' geographical origin and age.  相似文献   

Contaminated sharps injuries pose a risk of infection to health care workers and represent a major workload for hospital occupational health departments (OHDs). The aim of this study was to review the epidemiology and management of sharps injuries in an Irish tertiary referral centre, which has not been previously described. Occupational health records of sharps injuries occurring between January 1998 and December 2000 inclusive were reviewed from the hospital OHD. A total of 332 sharps injuries were reported to the OHD in this period. More than two-thirds of injuries involved medical or nursing staff. Support staff such as cleaners and porters accounted for 13.5% of injuries. The majority of sharps injury recipients (86%) were immune to hepatitis B. Of those injured, 22% were not wearing gloves at the time of their injury. Eight source patients were hepatitis C antibody positive, two were HIV antibody positive and one was hepatitis B surface antigen positive. No instances of occupational acquisition of blood borne viruses were documented. The results of this study confirm that health care workers need further education to prevent sharps injuries, and that the risk of blood borne virus acquisition through an occupational sharps injury is low but not negligible.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proposals to establish an occupational health service for primary care should be informed by knowledge of the health needs of general practice employees. AIM: To determine the prevalence and occupational correlates of stress, anxiety, and depression among practice managers in two contrasting health authorities in England. METHOD: A postal questionnaire, soliciting information about stress induced by work-related activities, which contained the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), was sent to all 149 practice managers in two health authorities areas of south-east England. RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were returned by 111 (75%) managers; 41/111 (37%) achieved GHQ case status with scores on HADS indicating that 49/111 (44%) classified themselves as anxious and 19/111 (17%) as depressed. The likelihood of being a case was found to be higher in managers from practices with larger numbers of GP partners (P = 0.02) and in managers from practices not in receipt of deprivation payments (P = 0.03). Multiple logistic regression showed that managers' perceived difficulties with general practice administration duties (relative ratio [RR] = 3.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.22-8.75) and dealings with GPs (RR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.03-3.34) were the most powerful predictors of case status. CONCLUSION: The questionnaire uncovered high prevalences of self-reported stress, anxiety, and depression in general practice managers. Although the vast majority of National Health Service (NHS) employees have access to an occupational health service, no such source of support exists for those working in general practice. The NHS needs to establish an occupational health service that caters to the needs of clinical and non-clinical members of primary health care teams.  相似文献   

大学新生心理健康状况及其与人格特征的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解大学新生心理健康状况,探究心理问题与人格的关系,为开展有针对性的心理健康教育和辅导工作提供依据。方法采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和卡特尔16种人格因素测验(16PF)对3938名2007级新生进行心理调查。结果被试的心理问题总检出率为26.23%;被试的6个因子均分高于全国青年常模,躯体化因子均分低于全国青年常模,所有9个因子均分均低于大学生常模;重度心理问题学生SCL-90的9个因子与16PF的多个因子均呈显著相关。结论与大学生整体相比,河北某大学新生的总体心理健康水平较高,但与同龄一般人群的心理健康水平存在一定差距,应当引起有关部门和相关工作者的重视;重度心理问题学生的精神症状与其人格特征关系密切,应把完善人格作为心理教育和辅导的长远目标。  相似文献   

目的探讨计算机专业从业人员职业压力与身体健康、心理健康以及工作满意度之间的相互关系,以缓解职业压力带来的问题。方法采用职业压力指标第二版OSI-2,对计算机专业从业人员进行调查。结果职业压力与工作满意度(r=-0.566,P〈0.01)、身体健康状况(r=-0.612,P〈0.01)以及心理健康状况(r=-0.657,P〈0.01)都呈负相关;而且工作满意度与身体健康(r=0.552,P〈0.05)及心理健康(r=0.684,P〈0.01)都存在正相关,身体健康因素与心理健康因素也成显著正相关(r=0.722,P〈0.01);再通过建立职业压力多元回归方程式,发现身心健康因素进入职业压力回归方程式(adj R^2=0.342,F=12.236,P〈0.001)。结论计算机专业人员从业压力感受越高,身心健康水平越低;相反,身心健康水平下降,职业压力感受也会增大;身心健康因素成为职业压力的预测因素,因此想要调整压力还要从身心等方面综合考虑。  相似文献   

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