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本文调查了56例妊高征孕妇、108例正常孕妇的膳食摄入水平及血清甘油三酯、胆固醇、总蛋白、白蛋白、葡萄糖、维生素A、E和全血TPP%和AC值的含量。其结果为妊高征孕妇与正常孕妇比较,总热量和各种营养素的摄入量,妊高征患者均较低,除碳水化物外,均有显著性差别(P<0.05)。血清总蛋白、白蛋白也低于正常孕妇,(P<0.05)。血清甘油三酯,葡萄糖则高于正常孕妇(P<0.05)。血清维生素E低于正常孕如(P<0.05)。 文中讨论了有关营养与妊高征的关系。  相似文献   

The incidence of obesity, increased weight gain and the popularity of high-fat / high-sugar diets are seriously impacting upon the global population. Billions of individuals are affected, and although diet and lifestyle are of paramount importance to the development of adult obesity, compelling evidence is emerging which suggests that maternal obesity and related disorders may be passed on to the next generation by non-genetic means. The processes acting within the uteri of obese mothers may permanently predispose offspring to a diverse plethora of diseases ranging from obesity and diabetes to psychiatric disorders. This review aims to summarise some of the molecular mechanisms and active processes currently known about maternal obesity and its effect on foetal and neonatal physiology and metabolism. Complex and multifactorial networks of molecules are intertwined and culminate in a pathologically synergistic manner to cause disruption and disorganisation of foetal physiology. This altered phenotype may potentiate the cycle of intergenerational transmission of obesity and related disorders.Key Words: Maternal obesity, Epigenetics, Reactive oxygen species  相似文献   

目的分析妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)患者血清脂肪因子及一般生化指标水平的异常变化,研究其联合监测对GDM的临床意义。方法纳入该院GDM孕妇50例,正常孕妇50例,正常健康对照组50例,对孕妇组进行孕中期和孕晚期空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素(insulin,ins)、血清胆固醇(cholesterol,CHOL)、三酰甘油(triglyceride,TG)、高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)、低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL)、甘丙肽(galanin,GAL)、脂联素(adiponectin,APN)的水平监测,同时监测正常对照组相关指标。结果孕中期,正常对照组GAL水平低于正常孕妇组,GDM组的空腹血糖、HOMA-IR、TG和GAL水平显著高于正常对照组。孕晚期,正常对照组血清HDL、LDL、GAL水平显著低于正常孕妇组,APN水平高于正常孕妇组,GDM组空腹INS、HOMA-IR、HDL和GAL水平显著高于正常对照组,APN水平明显低于正常对照组。孕中期GDM组空腹血糖、HOMA-IR、TG和GAL水平显著高于正常孕妇组,孕晚期空腹血糖和GAL水平差异具有统计学意义。孕中期GAL与空腹血糖、空腹ins、HOMA-IR、TG呈正相关,孕中期APN与空腹血糖、空腹ins、HOMA-IR、TG和LDL呈负相关。孕晚期GAL与空腹血糖、空腹ins、HOMA-IR、TG、LDL呈正相关,孕晚期APN与空腹血糖、空腹ins、HOMA-IR和LDL呈负相关。结论 GDM与血清脂肪因子水平呈密切相关,血清脂肪因子联合一般生化指标监测对GDM的发生和发展的预测和评估具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to determine whether Raman spectroscopy (RS), an optical method that probes the vibrational modes of tissue components, can be used in vivo to study changes in the mouse cervix during pregnancy. If successful, such a tool could be used to detect cervical changes due to pregnancy, both normal and abnormal, in animal models and humans. For this study, Raman spectra were acquired before, during and after a 19-day mouse gestational period. In some cases, after Raman data was obtained, cervices were excised for structural testing and histological staining for collagen and smooth muscle. Various peaks of the Raman spectra, such as the areas corresponding to fatty acid content and collagen organization, changed as the cervix became softer in preparation for labor and delivery. These findings correspond to the increase in compliance of the tissue and the collagen disorganization visualized with the histological staining. The results of this study suggest that non-invasive RS can be used to study cervical changes during pregnancy, labor and delivery and can possibly predict preterm delivery before overt clinical manifestations, potentially lead to more effective preventive and therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

近2年国内研制成功的多功能生化纤维已通过国家科委和纺织部的鉴定,并取得了中国专利。目前已制成系列保健用品。为探讨该生化纤维制品对微循环的影响,我们使用该生化纤维制成的内衣进行临床微循环测试。现报告如下。  相似文献   

The effects of several antihypertensive drugs on bone mineral density (BMD) and micro-architectural changes in ovariectomized (OVX) mice were investigated. Eight-week-old female C57/BL6 mice were used for this study. Three days after ovariectomy, mice were treated intraperitoneally with nifedipine (15 mg/kg), telmisartan (5 mg/kg), enalapril (20 mg/kg), propranolol (1 mg/kg) or hydrochlorothiazide (12.5 mg/kg) for 35 consecutive days. Uterine atrophy of all mice was confirmed to evaluate estrogen deficiency state. BMD and micro-architectural analyses were performed on tibial proximal ends by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). When OVX mice with uterine atrophy were compared with mice without atrophy, BMD decreased (P < 0.001). There were significant differences in BMD loss between different antihypertensive drugs (P = 0.005). Enalapril and propranolol increased BMD loss in mice with atrophied uteri compared with control mice. By contrast, thiazide increased BMD in mice with uterine atrophy compared with vehicle-treated mice (P = 0.048). Thiazide (P = 0.032) and telmisartan (P = 0.051) reduced bone loss and bone fraction in mice with uterine atrophy compared with the control. Thiazide affects BMD in OVX mice positively. The reduction in bone loss by thiazide and telmisartan suggest that these drugs may benefit menopausal women with hypertension and osteoporosis.  相似文献   

目的对比研究妊娠足月羊水过少和羊水偏少的分娩及围生儿结局。方法回顾性分析2008年5月-2011年5月我院妊娠足月48例羊水过少、57例羊水偏少孕妇,并随机抽取同期B超检查羊水量正常、无明显高危因素经阴道试产的足月孕妇50例作为对照组,比较三组的分娩方式和围生儿结局。结果羊水过少组急诊剖宫产率显著高于羊水偏少及对照组(P0.01),但羊水偏少组急诊剖宫产率与对照组比较无显著差异(P0.05);羊水过少组中胎儿窘迫、羊水污染、新生儿窒息率均高于对照组(P0.05)及羊水偏少组,但羊水偏少组与对照组比较无显著差异(P0.05)。结论羊水过少对围产儿的影响大,须加强监护,选择适时合理的分娩方式终止妊娠;羊水偏少孕妇应动态监测羊水变化,可在严密监护下行阴道试产。  相似文献   

观察药物对吸烟者血浆β-内啡肽和皮质醇水平的变化,探讨它们之间的相互关系,应用放射免疫分析法进行检测,吸烟组的血浆皮质醇及β-内啡肽明显高于对照组;自然戒断烟后,戒烟组的血浆皮质醇明显升高,而血浆β-内啡肽明显降低;治疗后,吸烟组的血浆β-内啡肽和皮质醇达到平衡,用药物戒烟可能是通过改善内源性阿片肽及下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的功能而达到戒烟的效果。  相似文献   

心理治疗过程中药物的应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
早在五十年代中期,美国精神病学和其它心理卫生专业人员对药物治疗单用或结合心理治疗就存在分歧[1]。随着心理治疗和药物治疗经验的积累,另有一种逐渐增加的倾向则是主张心理治疗和药物治疗的结合[2]。本文就心理治疗过程中药物使用的有关问题作一综述,总结药物治疗对心理治疗可能的影响,哪些情况需要用药、用药可能出现的心理动力意义等。1 药物对心理治疗的可能副作用(1)药物导致症状减轻,病人寻求心理治疗的动机减弱。大多数精神药物能有效地缓解病人的精神烦燥,神经症性焦虑,或其它症状,这样病人对心理治疗的动力将会大大减弱[1]。根…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice is a model of inflammatory polyarthritis that has many features similar to human rheumatoid arthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy leads to amelioration of the disease while exacerbation develops after delivery. We used the CIA model to elucidate the role of pregnancy on disease and vice versa. The onset of arthritis in pregnant mice was delayed in the B10.RIII strains immunized with native porcine type II collagen 7–12 days prior to syngeneic [B10.RIII (susceptible to CIA) × B10.RIII] and allogeneic (B10.RIII female × B10.K male that are CIA resistant) pregnancy. In contrast, when mice were immunized on days 1–6 of pregnancy, the onset of arthritis was earlier as compared with controls. In addition, once the mice developed CIA after delivery, the disease showed markedly rapid progression as compared to the control immunized group. Humoral immune responses to type II collagen showed significantly decreased levels on day 14 (at late stage of pregnancy) both in syngeneic and allogeneic postmating immunized pregnant mice. The same effect was also seen in allogeneic premating immunized pregnant mice on day 21 (at mid-stage of pregnancy). The levels of these antibodies increased after delivery. Subclasses of IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies to type II collagen were suppressed during pregnancy. In the pseudopregnant group, these antibodies showed decreased levels on day 14, but did not differ from the control groups on day 21 and 28. Some immunoregulatory changes may play a role in these alterations in pregnant arthritic mice. In comparison to the effects of syngeneic (susceptible × susceptible) pregnancy on CIA, allogeneic (susceptible female × resistant male) pregnancy seemed to be beneficial for the affected individuals. Litter size and mean birth weight were not affected by immunization of type II collagen. After onset of CIA, both syngeneic and allogeneic matings failed to produce offspring in arthritic female mice. The estrus cyclicity was highly disturbed in arthritic female mice and gonadotropin stimulation in arthritic mice induced significantly less ova in oviducts and maturing follicles as compared to nonarthritic controls. Immunological factors yet to be elucidated may be involved in this ovarian dysfunction.  相似文献   

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