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Twenty-nine patients on hemodialysis (HD) and 29 patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) were studied. Serum calcium and phosphorous levels were similar in the 2 groups. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels were determined by 4 different methods. Mid-molecule PTH levels were higher in HD (1099.5 +/- 876.8 pmol/L) than in CAPD patients (541.0 +/- 138.8 pmol/L), p less than 0.001, while intact PTH levels were similar. The ratio MM-PTH/Intact PTH was higher in HD (55.2 +/- 29.0) than in CAPD patients (39.0 +/- 20.0), where p less than 0.01. In patients with similar C-PTH, those on CAPD had higher levels of intact PTH (46.0 +/- 27.0 pmol/L) than those in HD (29.3 +/- 29.0 pmol/L), p less than 0.01. The ratio C-PTH/intact PTH was higher in HD (104.9 +/- 39.6) than in CAPD patients (59.3 +/- 32.3), p less than 0.001. The Peritoneal Saturation Index (PSI) of MM-PTH was 23.4 +/- 12%, and it showed a hyperbolic correlation in respect to MM-PTH serum levels. We concluded that CAPD can modify the plasma C-PTH and MM-PTH serum levels by peritoneal losses of these fragments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare QT dispersion (QTd) and signal-averaged electrocardiogram (SA-ECG) parameters that may predict risk of malignant arrhythmias in patients on hemodialysis (HD), on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), and in controls. SETTING: Controlled cross-sectional study in a tertiary-care setting. PATIENTS: 28 HD (M/F 18/10; mean age 32 +/- 9 years), 29 CAPD (M/F 17/12; mean age 34 +/- 10 years), and 29 healthy controls (M/F 17/12; mean age 32 +/- 8 years) were included. INTERVENTIONS: On ECG, minimum (QTmin) and maximum (QTmax) QT duration and their difference (QTd) were measured. In SA-ECG, duration of filtered QRS, HFLA signals less than 40 microV, and RMS voltage (40 ms) were also measured. RESULTS: Higher serum Ca2+ and lower K+ levels were found in CAPD compared to HD. All QT parameters were increased in HD and CAPD compared to controls. QT dispersion was significantly prolonged in HD compared to CAPD. In HD, QTd was correlated with left ventricular (LV) mass index (r = 0.53, p = 0.004), but not in CAPD (r = -0.09, p = 0.63). QT dispersion was significantly prolonged in patients with LV hypertrophy compared to patients without hypertrophy on HD (68 +/- 18 ms vs 49 +/- 18 ms, p = 0.008). In the analysis of SA-ECG, 3 of the 28 (11%) HD and 2 of the 29 (7%) CAPD patients had abnormal late potentials. Patients on HD and CAPD had significantly higher filtered-QRS duration compared to controls (105 +/- 15 ms and 104 +/- 12 ms vs 95 +/- 5 ms, respectively, p = 0.04). Patients with LV hypertrophy had higher filtered-QRS duration compared to patients without hypertrophy (109 +/- 12 ms vs 95 +/- 8 ms, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Dialysis patients had prolonged QTd and increased filtered-QRS duration in SA-ECG compared to controls. Patients on HD had longer QTd than patients on CAPD. QTd has been correlated to LV mass index in HD, but not in CAPD. This difference might be due to the effect of different dialysis modalities on electrolytes, especially the higher serum Ca2+ levels.  相似文献   

目的 观察维持性血液透析(MHD)患者发生骨折与患者预后的关系以及骨代谢指标监测对临床的指导意义。方法 采用前瞻队列研究,从2010~2012年对中国中医科学院广安门医院血液净化中心行MHD的158例患者进行随访,记录患者干体质量变化,陈旧及新发生骨折例数,新发骨折对患者生存以及心血管事件发生情况的影响,定期监测患者血钙、磷、碱性磷酸酶、全段甲状旁腺素(iPTH)、总维生素D(总VitD)、Ⅰ型胶原交联C末端肽,骨钙素,降钙素,比较新发生骨折者与未发生骨折者上述指标以及预后的差异。结果 研究开始时已存在陈旧骨折者27例,随访期内新发骨折21例,平均骨折发生率为:4.43/100个患者年,均为脆性骨折。与未发现骨折者比较,新发生骨折患者年龄更大,ALP水平较高,女性所占比例较高,体质指数较低,干体质量呈下降者更多(P〈0.05),规律使用骨化三醇或阿发骨化醇者比例较低(42.86%比72.26%,P〈0.05),随访期内死亡及心血管事件发生率较高,分别为:66.67%比18.98%和52.38%比10.95%(P〈0.05),2组患者其余矿物质及骨代谢相关指标均未见明显差异。发生骨折后未接受骨科固定治疗者1年内死亡率明显高于接受治疗者(70.59%比25.00%),寿命表生存分析显示新发骨折使MHD患者累计生存率较未骨折组明显降低(中位生存月15.75比36.00)。Logistic回归表明干体质量下降、女性是MHD患者发生骨折的独立危险因素,OR值分别为42.94(95%CI:9.31,196.34)和3.47(95%CI:1.11,10.84)。结论 老龄、女性、干体重下降、血ALP水平增高、未规律补充维生素D治疗可能与MHD者骨折风险增高有关;除ALP外,其余骨代谢指标对预测骨折风险意义有限。骨折与MHD患者死亡及心血管事件风险明显增高有?  相似文献   

狼疮肾炎尿毒症治疗中两种透析法的疗效比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨在腹膜透析(腹透)或血液透析(血透)辅助治疗下激素和细胞毒性药物(环磷酰胺)对狼疮肾炎(LN)尿毒症的逆转作用。方法:观察LN尿毒症患者腹透组(37例)与血透组(15例)在透析治疗尿毒症症状消失后,予以相同剂量和用法的泼尼松与环磷酰胺治疗的疗效,并进行比较。结果:腹透组37例中,31例(83.8%)成功脱离了透析,6例(16.2%)无效,但可以减少每周透析次数;而血透组15例中仅4例(26.7%)脱离了透析,11例(73.3%)无效,其中1例可以减少每周透析次数,10例仍需继续作维持性血透。2组疗效有极显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论:LN尿毒症应尽可能选择腹透作辅助治疗。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if impaired gastric emptying of digestible solids can explain the disturbed eating behavior in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients, and if predialytic and dialytic (CAPD and hemodialysis) patients with impaired gastric emptying have a higher prevalence of electrogastrographic (EGG) abnormalities. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. After ingestion of a 99mTc-labeled test meal, anterior and posterior 1-minute scintigraphic acquisitions were collected every 5 minutes during the first 50 minutes and thereafter every 10 minutes until 2 hours had elapsed. Simultaneously, cutaneous EGG recorded gastric myoelectric activity. SETTING: The Division of Nephrology and the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the same academic teaching hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty outpatients participated in both the gastric emptying and the EGG studies. Dialysis patients should have been on dialysis for more than 3 months. For comparison, 160 healthy control subjects participated in the gastric emptying study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The following parameters were used to describe gastric emptying: lag phase 90%, half-emptying time (T50), gastric retention at 90 and 120 minutes (Ret 90/120) and gastric emptying rate (GER, %/min). Electrogastrographic measurements were expressed as percentages of normal slow waves [2.4-3.6 cycles/min (cpm)], bradygastria (1.5-2.4 cpm), and tachygastria (3.6-10 cpm). RESULTS: T50 was prolonged, Ret 90 and Ret 120 were higher, and GER was slower in male CAPD patients compared to male controls. No significant differences were found in postprandial EGG. CONCLUSION: Gastric emptying is impaired in male non-diabetic CAPD patients. However, abnormalities in postprandial EGG cannot explain this finding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is still not clear whether hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) are more common in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) than in hemodialysis (HD) patients. METHODS: To examine this subject, the indices of cardiac performance were compared between 50 HD and 34 CAPD patients. Patients were further divided into two subgroups [long-term (L) CAPD and L-HD] according to dialysis modality and duration of dialysis (more than 60 months' duration). RESULTS: The blood pressure and cardiothoracic index of CAPD patients did not differ from HD patients. On average, the left atrial index was 2 mm/m2 higher in HD patients than in CAPD patients. Left ventricular chamber sizes, wall thickness, and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) in patients on CAPD were similar to those of HD patients. Isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) of CAPD patients was insignificantly less than that of HD patients (101 +/- 22 and 115 +/- 27 msec respectively). There was no significant difference between the two subgroups (L-HD and L-CAPD) in blood pressure, left atrial diameter, left ventricular chamber size, wall thickness, LVMI, ejection fraction, or IVRT. CONCLUSION: If normovolemia and normotension are obtained by strict volume control without using antihypertensive drugs, the effects of the two modalities of chronic dialysis treatment (HD and CAPD) on cardiac structure and function are not different from each other.  相似文献   

Microcirculatory disorders (MD) and hemostasis (HS) were studied in patients with influenza and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). The patients also suffered from ischemic heart disease (IHD), essential hypertension (EH) and diabetes mellitus (DM). Among 241 patients 63.9% were middle-aged and old. 45 patients under 60 years of age without coexisting diseases served control. In acute influenza and ARVI the majority of the postcapillary veins and capillaries were affected with sludge syndrome, there were marked perivascular and vascular changes. Convalescence was accompanied with reduced permeability and intravascular aggregation of erythrocytes, microvessels improved tonicity. HS responded to the acute infections with depression of fibrinolysis, in convalescence platelet aggregation activated. IHD patients had disseminated intravascular red cell aggregation, slowing of the microflow, hypercoagulation. Patients with postmyocardial infarction cardiosclerosis (PIC) had more severe affection of microcirculation and hemostasis in convalescence. In hypertensive patients microcirculation and hemostasis were similar to those with IHD. In diabetics platelet aggregation improved but sludge phenomenon and slow blood flow persisted. Thus, ARVI for IHD, EH DM patients are a risk factor for the disease aggravation. In influenza and ARVI, IHD patients, especially with PIC and EH are contraindicated active physical exercise, intake of dysaggregant drugs is desirable. Diabetics should take drugs improving blood rheology early in acute period of ARVI.  相似文献   

Using "high performance" liquid chromatography, we studied non-protein-bound fractions and total concentrations of 18 solutes accumulating in sera from a group of 12 patients who were undergoing chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and in predialysis sera from a group of 15 hemodialysis (HD) patients. We monitored longitudinal changes in solute concentrations for two patients with respect to change of therapy between HD and CAPD. The concentrations of pseudouridine (P less than 0.001), uric acid (P less than 0.001), and an unknown fluorescent solute, "UKF3" (P less than 0.01), differed in sera of HD and CAPD patients. When standardized with respect to serum creatinine concentrations, the concentration of the transfer-RNA catabolite, pseudouridine, was significantly (P less than 0.0001) higher in sera of CAPD patients than in HD patients, suggesting an increase in turnover of transfer RNA. In stepwise linear discriminant analysis, the combination of pseudouridine and the probably biochemically related fluorescent unknown, UKF3, contributed most to the differentiation between sera from CAPD and HD patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Strontium is known to affect calcium metabolism both experimentally and in clinical studies on conditions other than end-stage renal failure (ESRF) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). OBJECTIVE: To investigate Sr metabolism in relation to that of Ca in ESRF patients undergoing CAPD, and the possible influence of the duration of treatment. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. SETTING: University medical center and Institute of Nuclear Physics. PATIENTS: Twenty-four patients on CAPD; 14 chronic renal failure (CRF) patients not on dialysis, and 52 healthy controls. MEASUREMENTS: Calcium and Sr content of serum, urine or dialysate effluent, and selected dietary products. RESULTS: Calcium and Sr are absorbed by the intestinal tract of healthy subjects with equal efficiency. Serum Ca levels were considerably lower in CRF patients than in healthy subjects and patients on CAPD (p < 0.001). Serum Sr was significantly higher in both CAPD and CRF patients than in healthy controls (p < 0.001). The Sr/Ca ratio in the sera of the healthy subjects was defined by the preferential excretion of Sr over Ca by the kidney. This preferential excretion was lost during renal failure. During treatment there was a tendency for the uptake of both Ca and Sr to increase. CONCLUSIONS: Strontium is accumulated in the body during renal failure and CAPD cannot restore normal levels. Considering the varying effects of different doses of Sr on bone metabolism experimentally, it would be interesting to determine by further studies the possible significance of the observed Sr accumulation for renal bone disease.  相似文献   

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