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医院是人才知识密集型组织,构建学习型医院是实现医院可持续健康快速发展的重要途径,是适应深化医疗体制改革趋势、贯彻落实科学发展观、坚持以人为本办院理念的重要举措,学习型医院的建设与员工满意度的提高密切相关。笔者以广西医科大学第一附属医院为例,重点阐述该院在构建学习型医院过程中的一些探索和创新,总结该院在这方面工作的有益经验:开展规范化的新职工岗前培训,稳步推进住院医师规范化培训,鼓励和支持员工出国研修,统筹安排进修学习与工作,鼓励与支持读博、读硕,加强对医院骨干培训。  相似文献   

构建学习型军队医院的策略   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
作介绍了该院制定合理的共同愿景,激发医院员工的学习愿望;建设学习型的领导班子,带动员工自觉学习;强化学习过程管理,不断提高学习效果;处理“学”与“用”的关系,保证学习型组织管理模式长久运行等一系列构建学习型医院的基本做法,为探索医院管理新模式提供了参考。  相似文献   

建设学习型医院是提高医院技术水平、提升核心竞争力、构建现代化医院的迫切需要.其实质就是学习和工作相结合,通过学习来实现工作创新,把被动接受知识变为主动提高内在素质,把学习转化为创造性工作.医院全员培训架起了学习与医院工作的桥梁,实现了学习与提高医疗服务水平相结合、学习与医院工作特性相结合、学习与当前工作任务相结合[1].秦皇岛市第一医院为了建设学习型医院,从多角度、多层次进行了多形式、多类别的培训尝试,本文就此进行探讨.  相似文献   

学习型医院的建设是医院顺应医改要求、保持医院发展活力和促进医院持续发展的必然选择.要充分认识学习型医院建设的重要性,明确学习体系和宗旨,创新学习方式,重视学习效果,营造主动学习、终身学习的良好内部环境.通过学习全面提升管理理念及服务能力,促进医院的持续发展.  相似文献   

学习型医院建设是顺应新医改中“以人为本”的有关要求的举措,具有重大而深远的意义.学习型医院建设与医疗服务水平的提升、患者就医感受的改善、医务人员满意度的提高、医院的健康可持续发展等方面密切相关.该文以安徽省某三级甲等医院学习型医院建设实践为例,分析了学习型医院建设的意义和举措,探索如何将学习型医院建设落到实处.  相似文献   

医院是一个知识密集型组织,需要技术与服务并重,医务人员要适应当今医疗科技发展和人们对健康及医疗权利维护的时代需求,就必须不断学习。文章从构建学习型医院的必要性和意义进行分析,并提出了构建学习型医院的策略,供医院管理者决策参考。  相似文献   

医院创建学习型组织的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
现代医院的竞争是医院学习力的竞争,也是持续创新力的竞争。要赢得竞争,医院必须创建学习型组织。学习型组织理论是当今世界前沿的管理理论之一,本文根据企业创建学习型组织的探索,针对医院特点,对医院创建学习型组织的内涵及实施机制进行思考。  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展,知识更新的速度越来越快,卫生技术人员只有不断学习、更新知识,才能跟上医学技术的发展,创建学习型组织就成为新时期促进医院发展的必然选择。作者就创建学习型医院的概念和必要性进行探讨,从团队学习、继续医学教育、学习型文化、学习制度及经济支撑的角度论述了如何构建学习型医院。  相似文献   

以团队培训为起点创建学习型医院   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了团队学习理论在创建学习型医院实践中的指导意义.通过建立扁平化的团队学习组织结构,把握医院与员工发展产生内在需求的培训时机,选择有利于构建团队共同愿景的培iJlI内容,采取有效互动的培训方法 ,进行分目标、分层次、分批、分重点的团队培训,极大地发挥了团队学习的功效,为医院带来了观念、行为、文化和业绩等诸多变化,有效促进了学习型医院建设.  相似文献   

创建学习型医院途径的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1构建学习型组织是医院发展的前提 1.1营造学习氛围 医院是人才、知识密集的群体,建立学习型组织较一般企业来说相对容易,关键是要有一个目标的牵引。医院成长为学习型组织的一个重要的起点,就是要在医院现有的学习的基础上更加强烈地去营造一种更为浓厚的学习氛围,使得在这种氛围中工作的人员能充分感受到学习的压力和动力,真正使大家从初始的被动和模式化的学习到主动的有针对性的提高和思考。  相似文献   

王秀金 《现代医院》2010,10(11):108-109
知识是一个组织不断发展创新的动力和源泉。在医院中建立学习型组织,是当代医疗卫生改革、医疗技术提高和医院可持续发展的需要。创建学习型医院,鼓励员工不断学习,最大限度地发挥潜能,更新知识结构,并对知识进行互动管理,实现知识共享,可促进医院的健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

创建学习型医院提高核心竞争力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习型组织理论是当今世界最前沿的管理理论之一,近年来国内对学习型组织的研究不断活跃。本文阐述了学习型组织的研究现状、国内学习型医院的研究情况、学习型医院的定义、创建学习型医院的必要性、创建学习型医院的途径,并对研究学习型医院提出了思考。  相似文献   

Development and implementation of guidelines constitutes the basis of quality management systems for any organization. The authors have studied the internal documentation produced by professionals on 88 functional units of a university hospital. Reveals the existence of many documents concerning quality of care with an average of 102 available procedures or protocols per unit. However, this documentation is badly organized, making it difficult to consult and to put into practice. The results of this study were provided to other professionals at our hospital in order to make them aware of the necessity of rigorous document management. We have also written and sent recommendations for drawing up procedures and implementing an efficient documentary management system. This effort complements development of the hospital quality assurance plan.  相似文献   

Gives an explanation of the salient factors which affected the design of a training intervention aimed at clinicians in West Birmingham Health Authority. Discusses the theoretical considerations relevant to learning in an organization, using a case study to illustrate.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Its objectives were to identify the ways of learning in the practice of the attending nurse in the hospital organization. The theoretical support was based on the light of Sh?n, Perrenoud, and Benner. This is a case study with a qualitative approach, developed with a semi-structured interview and a focal group. The content analysis was done. The results suggest that in the hospital we find two learning modalities: learning that uses transformation elements and the one that uses the reproduction. We notice that nurses alternate these models taking as a starting point the following variables: how long they have been working in this field, the work atmosphere and the personal identity.  相似文献   

Organizational learning is the process of increasing effective organizational activities through knowledge and understanding. Innovation is the creation of any product, service or process, which is new to a business unit. Significant amount of research on organizational learning place a central meaning on the fact that there is a positive relationship between organizational learning and innovation. Both organizational learning and innovation are essential for organizations to prepare for change. The aim of this study is to determine to what extent the identified learning organization dimensions are associated with innovation. The study used a quantitative non‐experimental design employing statistical analysis via multiple regression and correlation methods to identify the relationships between the variables examined. Because the research was conducted in a non‐experimental way, learning organization dimensions are referred to as predictor variables, and innovation is referred to as the criterion variable. Watkins and Marsick's Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire was used in the study. Questionnaires were distributed to 498 hospital managers and, 243 valid responses were used in this study. Therefore, 243 hospital managers working at 250 Ministry of Health (public) hospitals across Turkey participated in the study. Results demonstrate that there are significant and positive correlations between learning organization dimensions and innovation. Intercorrelations between learning organization dimensions and correlations between learning organization dimensions and innovation were average and high, respectively. Results further indicate that the dimensions of the learning organizations explained 66.5% of the variance for the innovation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A symposium on Learning in Primary Care was held in Cape Town, South Africa, as a pre-conference workshop to the 9th International Ottawa Conference on Medical Education. The aim of this report is to inform medical educationalists of important issues in learning in primary care and to stimulate further debate. Four international speakers gave presentations on their experiences in teaching and learning in primary care. Objective positive outcome measures include acquiring clinical skills equally well in general practice as in hospital, and improved history taking, physical examination and communication skills learning. Students regard the course as an essential requirement for learning and are appreciative of the wider aspect to learning provided by the community, giving a more holistic view of health. A SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of teaching and learning in primary care identified that learning in primary care is of a generalist nature and reality based, but is hampered by a lack of resources. The increased professionalization of teaching in primary care results in better training, cost containment, and improved quality of health care at community level. It is important to focus on turning threats into opportunities. Academic credibility needs to be established by conducting research on learning in primary care and developing the conceptual basis of primary care.  相似文献   

First, presents a new model for developing a learning organization which is well within the grasp of today's organizations, since many of these already have the main components which provide the platform for this. Second, provides four measures of how an experiential workshop used to develop learning organization components may be evaluated. Despite huge international popularity for experiential workshops, effectiveness measurements are rarely used. Third, presents a case study of how to begin developing a learning organization through developing middle management in a metropolitan ambulance service.  相似文献   

本文阐述了学习型组织理论与学习型医院的概念,研究实践了CHKD在提高医院医学论文撰写、科研创新与课题立项、医学理论与实践结合和降低学习费用与成本中的作用。建立学习型医院,是提高军队中小医院核心竞争力,更快更好的建设与发展医院的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

通过对某三甲医院实施平衡记分卡的行动研究,发现实施平衡记分卡可以帮助医院把战略转化为行动,帮助医院与科室搭建沟通平台艘医院、科室工作目标性导向增强,建立统一的绩效评估体系,促进合作、学习与成长问题的解决,促进医院发展战略目标与科室发展计划的统一性,改善医院绩效。  相似文献   

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