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The perforant path constitutes the primary projection system relaying information from the neocortex to the hippocampal formation. Long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) in the perforant path projections to the dentate gyrus is well characterized. However, surprisingly few studies have addressed the mechanisms underlying LTP induction in the direct perforant path projections to the hippocampus. Here we investigate the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and opioid receptors in the induction of LTP in monosynaptic medial and lateral perforant path projections to the CA3 region in adult pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized rats. Similar to LTP observed at the medial perforant path-dentate gyrus synapse, medial perforant path-CA3 synapses display LTP that is blocked by both local and systemic administration of the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist (+/-)-3-(2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl) propyl-1-phosphonic acid [(+/-)-CPP]. By contrast, LTP induced at the lateral perforant path-CA3 synapses is not blocked by either local or systemic administration of this NMDA receptor antagonist. The induction of LTP at lateral perforant path-CA3 synapses, which is blocked by the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone, is also blocked by the selective mu opioid receptor antagonist Cys(2)-Tyr(3)-Orn(5)-Pen(7)-amide (CTOP), but not the selective delta opioid receptor antagonist naltrindole (NTI). CTOP was without effect on the induction of medial perforant path-CA3 LTP. The selective sensitivity of lateral perforant path-CA3 LTP to mu-opioid receptor antagonists corresponds with the distribution of mu-opioid receptors within the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of area CA3 where perforant path projections to CA3 terminate. These data indicate that both lateral and medial perforant path projections to the CA3 region display LTP, and that LTP induction in medial and lateral perforant path-CA3 synapses are differentially sensitive to NMDA receptor and mu-opioid receptor antagonists. This suggests a role for opioid, but not NMDA receptors in the induction of LTP at lateral perforant path projections to the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

Synaptic transmission was studied during the development of kindling in the pathway from entorhinal cortex (EC) to dentate gyrus (DG) of unrestrained unanesthetized rats using chronic neurophysiological techniques. Extracellular field potentials were recorded from the DG in response to activation of the perforant pathway with 0.1-ms constant current square-wave pulses. The evoked field potentials consisted of a population EPSP (a reflection of excitatory synaptic activation) and a population spike (a measure of synchronous postsynaptic discharge of granule cells). Synaptic efficacy was quantitated in this pathway by measurement of the population EPSP slope and population spike amplitude across a range of stimulus intensities from threshold to maximal evoked response. Input-output relationships for population EPSP and population spike were determined at regular intervals during the course of kindling, corresponding to the stages of evoked behavioral seizures. Increases in the population EPSP and population spike were observed after a single kindling stimulus that evoked afterdischarge (AD) when behavioral seizures were minimal. Evaluation of the input-output relationships for the group of kindled animals at the various stages of evoked behavioral seizure activity revealed that increases in the population EPSP continued to slowly evolve with repeated stimulations but that increases in the population spike were maximal after one or at most a few stimulations that evoked AD. The increases in both population EPSP and population spike persisted for the duration of the recording, i.e., through induction of generalized motor convulsions. To evaluate the translation of synaptic activation into cell discharge during kindling, we made use of the population spike/population EPSP ratio across a range of stimulus intensities. The spike/EPSP ratios revealed a dissociation of the population spike and population EPSP early in the course of kindling during class 1 seizures. Specifically, after induction of an AD, an extracellular population EPSP of a given size evoked a larger population spike than an EPSP of comparable size before the induction of an AD by kindling stimulation. The development of generalized motor convulsions (class 5 seizures) was associated with a reduction in the spike/EPSP ratio. The mechanism of this reduction in spike/EPSP ratio is uncertain, but since synaptic activation (as reflected by population EPSP) did not decline during class 5 seizures, the reduction in the spike/EPSP ratio could be consistent with increased inhibition after generalized motor convulsions, or could reflect a decrease in granule cell excitability.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The after-effects of repetitive stimulation of the perforant path fibres to the dentate area of the hippocampal formation have been examined with extracellular micro-electrodes in rabbits anaesthetized with urethane.2. In fifteen out of eighteen rabbits the population response recorded from granule cells in the dentate area to single perforant path volleys was potentiated for periods ranging from 30 min to 10 hr after one or more conditioning trains at 10-20/sec for 10-15 sec, or 100/sec for 3-4 sec.3. The population response was analysed in terms of three parameters: the amplitude of the population excitatory post-synaptic potential (e.p.s.p.), signalling the depolarization of the granule cells, and the amplitude and latency of the population spike, signalling the discharge of the granule cells.4. All three parameters were potentiated in 29% of the experiments; in other experiments in which long term changes occurred, potentiation was confined to one or two of the three parameters. A reduction in the latency of the population spike was the commonest sign of potentiation, occurring in 57% of all experiments. The amplitude of the population e.p.s.p. was increased in 43%, and of the population spike in 40%, of all experiments.5. During conditioning at 10-20/sec there was massive potentiation of the population spike (;frequency potentiation'). The spike was suppressed during stimulation at 100/sec. Both frequencies produced long-term potentiation.6. The results suggest that two independent mechanisms are responsible for long-lasting potentiation: (a) an increase in the efficiency of synaptic transmission at the perforant path synapses; (b) an increase in the excitability of the granule cell population.  相似文献   

1. Potential changes evoked by stimulation of the perforant path have been recorded in the dentate area of the hippocampal formation in chronically prepared unanaesthetized rabbits.2. Components attributed to excitatory synaptic current flow and to action potentials in the granule cell population were distinguishable, with characteristics largely the same as in anaesthetized rabbits.3. Stimulation at 15/sec for several seconds usually led to the granule cells being more effectively activated by the individual stimuli of the train (;frequency potentiation'). Single stimuli then commonly produced multiple discharges in the granule cell population.4. After single periods of stimulation at 15/sec for 15-20 sec there was on 26% of the occasions (41% of those on which there was good frequency potentiation) a long-lasting potentiation of the responses to subsequent stimuli, lasting from 1 hr to 3 days.5. After a further 20% of the periods of repetitive stimulation there was a shorter lasting potentiation, and after 8% there was a short lasting depression.6. The potentiation, when present, was characterized by some or all of the following changes: increases in the amplitudes of the synaptic wave and population spike, reduction in the latency of the population spike, and reductions in the variability of the characteristics of the population spike.7. During the long-lasting potentiation there was an increase in the excitability of the post-synaptic cells and, on some but not all occasions, an increase in the extracellular current flow produced directly by synaptic action.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the perforant path with impulse trains of 15 cps and 670 msec duration was used as a conditioned stimulus in a two-way shuttle box avoidance on rats. Field potentials in the dentate area evoked by test stimuli were measured after the training sessions until the 7th day. Foot-shock and unconditioned escape elicited only a transient slight depression of the population spike amplitude (P) and increased also slightly the slope function (SF) of the population EPSP of the evoked test potentials. The control stimulation of the perforant path without pairing with foot-shock as in conditioning did only slightly increase SF of test potentials, but produced a strong transient inhibition followed by a long lasting moderate depression of P. After conditioning, all animals exhibited the same initial inhibition of P as shown in control stimulation of the perforant path. However during the following 4 hours, good learners with a relearning index greater than 30% developed a significant potentiation of P lasting until the second training session 24 hours later, which resulted in a further enhancement. SF of the evoked test potentials increased in good learners with a similar time course after conditioning but without initial depression. After 7 days P showed still enhanced but non-significant values. Poor learners with a relearning index less than 10% did not develop a potentiation of P after conditioning and initial inhibition, but a long-term depression. Also SF of test potentials decreased in poor learners during 4 hours after conditioning and returned almost to baseline until the following day. After 7 days, P and SF did not differ from baseline. The analysis of the observed synaptic changes by E-S curves demonstrated the post-tetanic LTP seems to differ in some ways from post-conditioning LTP in good learners. The latter exhibits a clear tendency of a right shift contrary to the left shift commonly occurring after tetanization. Furthermore poor learners do not only fail to produce long-term potentiation, but fail to show a change in the opposite direction with a left shift of the E-S curves. The observed correlation of LTP in the conditioning pathway with the learning ability suggests an involvement of LTP at least in the acquisition and early retention of this learned behavior. The results do however not finally clarify the role of LTP in long-term retention.  相似文献   

The glutamate analogue 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB) has been shown to selectively reduce synaptic transmission along the lateral portion of the perforant path input to the dentate gyrus. APB is studied here with respect to effects on paired-pulse potentiation (PPP) along the perforant path. Application of APB causes a reduction in lateral perforant path responses, but also an increase in the %PPP of that response. The effect does not result simply from reducing response size, because the amount of potentiation of matched first responses increases, and also because APB reduces the potentiated response proportionately less than a comparable first response. A similar effect is seen by decreasing extracellular calcium. Reducing lateral perforant path responses with kynurenic acid, which apparently acts on postsynaptic sites, does not have a similar effect on PPP. These results may indicate a presynaptic action of APB, possibly mediated via an effect on presynaptic calcium availability.  相似文献   

The effect of 2-chloroadenosine (5 and 10 microM) on long-term potentiation of the perforant path has been investigated. Experiments were performed in vivo using a push-pull cannula implanted in the dentate gyrus. A high intensity, high frequency train applied to the perforant path during perfusion with the adenosine agonist 2-chloroadenosine, was markedly attenuated in its ability to produce long-term potentiation. Inhibitory effects on pre- and post-synaptic calcium calcium influx are discussed.  相似文献   

A C Dolphin 《Neuroscience》1983,10(2):377-383
The effect of the glutamate antagonist gamma-D-glutamylglycine on the induction of long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus has been investigated in vivo. gamma-D-glutamyglycine (10(-3) M) perfused through a push-pull cannula into the dentate gyrus, rapidly reduced perforant path evoked potentials. Application to the perforant path of a high-frequency train (250 Hz, 500 ms), which in control animals reliably produced long term potentiation, had no effect on the evoked potentials when applied during blockade by gamma-D-glutamylglycine. This result was obtained despite the inability of gamma-D-glutamylglycine completely to inhibit the evoked potentials. However, when standard medium was reintroduced, potentiation was revealed in animals that had received the high-frequency train, whereas in animals that had received no high-frequency train during gamma-D-glutamylglycine inhibition the potentials returned only to pre-drug levels. In additional experiments, in which the dentate gyrus was continuously perfused with [3H]glutamine, and the steady state outflow of [3H]glutamate was measured, it was observed that gamma-D-glutamylglycine (10(-3) M) increased the steady state release of [3H]glutamate into the perfusate. From this result it is likely that gamma-D-glutamylglycine does not have any presynaptic inhibitory activity at the perforant path-granule cell synapse. The results indicate that a high frequency train applied to the perforant path during a period of inhibition by gamma-D-glutamylglycine was able to induce long term potentiation, whose expression was, however, masked until the glutamate antagonist was removed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Glutamate pressure ejections in the vicinity of locus coeruleus (LC) neurons have been shown to produce both short and long-lasting potentiation of perforant path (PP) evoked population spike amplitude in the dentate gyrus (DG). These effects of LC-glutamate activation resemble those produced by direct application of NE in vitro or in vivo. The present study monitored the cellular response of LC neurons to local glutamate ejections concomitant with stimulation of the PP evoked potential. Double barrel micropipettes or 33 ga cannulaelectrode assemblies permitted LC unit recording and glutamate ejection at or near the same site in urethane anesthetized rats. Glutamate ejections produced a burst of LC activity lasting 250–400 ms and followed by a depression of unit activity lasting 4.6 min. The maximal spike potentiation produced by LC activation was 158%. The first spike to exceed the control range occurred 34 s after the LC burst. Comparable silent intervals in LC unit activity induced by systemic clonidine were not accompanied by population spike amplitude potentiation. The mean duration of potentiation was 4.4 min except in four cases where responses remained potentiated for the duration of the experiment. The duration of potentiation was not correlated with the termination of LC depression. LC units recovered to baseline rates following glutamate induced depression of activity. The occurrence of potentiation appeared to require that glutamate activation reach a critical number of LC neurons since small glutamate ejections could produce a local burst without eliciting potentiation. Long-lasting changes were also related to larger glutamate volumes (100 nl). EPSP slope increases were briefer and occurred less frequently than spike amplitude changes suggesting EPSP-spike dissociation. The delay between the burst of LC activity and amplitude increases in the DG supports a model of NE action in which there are both rapid and slowly developing effects of NE release in the DG. In summary, brief, but intense, activation of LC neurons produces a delayed potentiation of DG responses lasting minutes to hours following the LC burst.  相似文献   

High-frequency stimulation of lateral perforant path is accompanied by a heterosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) of medial perforant path synaptic responses in both the dentate gyrus and the CA3 region of the hippocampus. We reported previously that LTP induction at lateral perforant path-CA3 synapses is unaffected by NMDA antagonists. However, it is not known if heterosynaptic LTD that is observed in the CA3 region following lateral perforant path stimulation also is independent from NMDA receptors. We address this question in anesthetized adult rats using systemic administration of the competitive NMDA receptor antagonist CPP. Induction of lateral perforant path-CA3 LTP produced a sustained heterosynaptic depression of medial perforant path-CA3 responses. Systemic administration of CPP (10 mg/kg) was ineffective in blocking the induction of LTP at lateral perforant path-CA3 responses. However, heterosynaptic LTD of medial perforant path-CA3 responses was blocked completely by CPP. These data indicate that NMDA receptors are not required for the induction of lateral perforant path-CA3 LTP, but are involved in the induction of heterosynaptic LTD that accompanies lateral perforant path activity. The requirement for NMDA receptors for heterosynaptic LTD suggests one functional role of NMDA receptors at termination fields of the lateral perforant path.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of the commissural and perforant path systems was studied by recording extracellular field potentials and single unit activity in the dentate gyrus in urethane-anesthetized rats. Conditioning commissural volleys suppressed extracellular synaptic potentials, population spikes and single unit discharges evoked by perforant path stimulation. Commissural stimulation (single or repetitive) failed to induce a population spike, however strong the stimulation. About half of the cells fired monosynaptically to perforant path volleys and 20% to commissural volleys. Half of the commissurally driven units fired before or coincided with field potential onset. The antidromic mechanism of these short latency unitary spikes was shown by the collision test. Commisural activation reduced spontaneous cell firing without previous excitation in 25% of the neurons. Less than 6% of the cells responded to stimulation of both inputs, indicating little convergence between the two pathways. We contend that a simple form of recurrent inhibition fails to explain the above findings, and the possibility of feed-forward inhibition by commissural activation has been raised.  相似文献   

Long-term potentiation (LTP) of parallel fiber–Purkinje cell (PF–PC) synapses in the cerebellum has been suggested to underlie aspects of motor learning. Previous in vitro studies have primarily used low frequency PF stimulation conditioning paradigms to generate either presynaptic PF–PC LTP (4–8 Hz) or postsynaptic PF–PC LTP (1 Hz). Little is known about the conditions that evoke PF–PC LTP in vivo. High frequency stimulation in vivo increases PC responsiveness to peripheral stimuli; however, neither the site of action nor the signaling pathways involved have been examined. Using flavoprotein autofluorescence optical imaging in the FVB mouse in vivo, this report describes that a conditioning stimulation consisting of a high frequency burst of PF stimulation (100 Hz, 15 pulse trains every 3 s for 5 min) evokes a long-term increase in the response to PF stimulation. Following the conditioning stimulation, the response to PF stimulation increases over 20 min to ∼130% above baseline and this potentiation persists for at least 2 h. Field potential recordings of the responses to PF stimulation show that the postsynaptic component is potentiated but the presynaptic, parallel fiber volley is not. Paired-pulse facilitation does not change after the conditioning stimulation, suggesting the potentiation occurs postsynaptically. Blocking non-NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartic acid) ionotropic glutamate receptors with DNQX (6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium salt, 50 μM, bath application) during the conditioning stimulation has no effect on the long-term increase in fluorescence. However, blocking subtype I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGLuR1) with LY367385 (200 μM) during the conditioning stimulation abolishes the long-term increase in fluorescence. Blocking GABAergic neurotransmission is not required to evoke this long-term potentiation. Blocking GABAA receptors reduces but does not eliminate the long-term potentiation. Therefore, this study demonstrates that high frequency PF stimulation generates long-term potentiation of PF–PC synapses in vivo. This novel form of LTP is generated primarily postsynaptically and is mediated by mGluR1 receptors.  相似文献   

1. Action potentials were recorded from twenty-one afferent nerve fibres from receptors in the epipharynx in anaesthetized, paralysed cats. Sixteen of the fibres had no spontaneous discharge.2. Gentle mechanical stimulation of the epithelium of the epipharynx with a nylon fibre caused all twenty-one receptors to discharge with rapidly adapting bursts of impulses at a mean peak frequency of 197 impulses/sec.3. Stimulation with a stream of air through the epipharynx sufficient to distend the whole pharynx caused seven out of twelve receptors to discharge in rapidly adapting bursts. Stimulation with a jet of air directly on to the epithelium of the epipharynx caused seven out of nine receptors to discharge.4. Chemical stimulation of the epipharynx with ammonia vapour caused an increased discharge in only three out of twenty receptors, and intravenous histamine had no effect on the four units tested.5. It is concluded that the receptors mediate the ;aspiration reflex' elicited by mechanical stimulation of the epipharyngeal mucosa.  相似文献   

L.L. Voronin 《Neuroscience》1983,10(4):1051-1069
Long-term potentiation of field and single neuronal responses recorded in various hippocampal fields is described on the basis of author's and literary data. Most of intrahippocampal and extrinsic connections in both in vivo and in vitro hippocampal preparations show this phenomenon after one or several conditioning trains of comparatively short duration (20 s or less) at various frequencies (from 10 to 400 Hz). Properties of hippocampal potentiation are described. The properties include long term persistence (hours and days) of the potentiated response, its low frequency depression, self-restoration after the depression, specificity of the potentiation for the tetanized pathway, necessity of activation of a sufficient number of neuronal elements (‘cooperativity’) to produce the potentiation, possible involvement of ‘reinforcing’ brain structures during conditioning tetanization. These properties are distinct from those of ‘usual’ short-term post-tetanic potentiation and lead to the suggestion that the neuronal mechanisms underlying long-term potentiation are similar to those underlying memory and behavioralconditioned reflex. Neurophysiological mechanisms of long-term potentiation are discussed. The main mechanism consists in an increase in efficacy of excitatory synapses as shown by various methods including intracellular recording and quantal analysis. The latter favours presynaptic localization of the changes of synaptic efficacy showing increase in the number of transmitter quanta released per presynaptic impulse. However, changes in the number of subsynaptic receptors or localized changes in dendritic postsynaptic membrane are not excluded. Biochemical studies indicate the increase in transmitter release and calcium-dependent phosphorylation of pyruvate dehydrogenase after tetanization. Instances of persistent response facilitations at other levels of the vertebrate central nervous system (especially at neocortical level) are considered and compared with hippocampal long-term potentiation.

It is suggested that modifiable excitatory synapses necessary for learning have been identified in studies of long-term potentiation. These synapses are presumably modified as a result of close sequential activation of the following three structures: excitatory presynaptic fibers, the postsynaptic neuron and a ‘reinforcing’ brain system.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomical pathway from the prepyriform cortex to the hippocampus in the cat was traced autoradiographically by means of anterograde transport of [3H] leucine. A direct projection from the prepyriform cortex to the lateral entorhinal area was confirmed in the cat: the termination of these fibers was largely confined to the outer part of the molecular layer. From the lateral entorhinal area, the perforant path fibres terminate on the most distal parts of the dendrites of the hippocampal granule and pyramidal cells. However, differences between cat and rat were found with respect to the terminations in the CA1 area.  相似文献   

Circadian variations in the amplitude of field potentials elicited by stimulation of perforant path axons and recorded from the dentate gyrus were observed in rats with chronically implanted electrodes entrained to a 12:12 h (07.00 On, 19.00 Off) light-dark cycle. Population spike input-output curves, constructed daily at five 2 h intervals (14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.00), showed maximum spike amplitude at 16.00 during the light period and a decrease to minimum amplitude at 20.00 during the dark period of the cycle in each animal tested. Decreases in spike amplitude at 20.00 relative to 16.00 were also observed (1) in the laminar profile of the granule cell layer field potential; (2) on selected days when the light period was extended from 19.00 to 21.00; and (3) following bilateral adrenalectomy. In addition the circadian variation in population spike amplitude was shown not to be related to a change in behavioural state of the animal, and was not accompanied by significant variations in the dendritically located perforant path synaptic current.It is concluded that the observed changes in population spike amplitude reflect a true circadian entrainment of granule cell sensitivity to perforant path synaptic input which is not a function of the presence or absence of light, the level of behavioural arousal, or circulating levels of corticosterone. The results are discussed in relation to other reports in terms of firstly, the need for control over important physiological and behavioural parameters in assessing circadian variations in granule cell response to perforant path input and, secondly, possible mechanisms which might be responsible for such circadian variations.  相似文献   

Bath-applied monoamines-dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), and noradrenaline (NE)-strongly suppress the perforant path (PP) input to CA1 hippocampal region with very little effect on the Schaffer collaterals (SC) input. The effect of DA action on PP field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) has been characterized in detail, but relatively little is known about the NE and 5-HT effects. Here we show that the maximal inhibition of the PP fEPSP by NE is approximately 55%, whereas 5-HT inhibition is weaker ( approximately 35%). The half-maximal inhibitory concentration of both 5-HT and NE is approximately 1 muM. Neither NE nor 5-HT affected paired-pulse facilitation, suggesting that the effect is not presynaptic. This is in contrast to DA, which does have a presynaptic effect. The NE effect was blocked by alpha2 antagonists, whereas the alpha1 antagonist corynanthine and beta-antagonist propranolol were ineffective. The effect of 5-HT was mimicked by the agonist, 5-carboxamidotryptamine maleate (5-CT), and not affected by adrenergic and dopaminergic antagonists. To determine the 5-HT receptors involved, we tested a number of 5-HT antagonists, but none produced a complete suppression of the 5-HT effect. Of these, only the 5-HT7 and 5-HT2 antagonists produced weak but significant inhibition of 5-HT effect. We conclude that NE inhibits the PP fEPSP through postsynaptic action on alpha2-adrenoceptors and that 5-HT7, 5-HT2, and some other receptor may be involved in 5-HT action in PP.  相似文献   

Smith KL  Swann JW 《Neuroscience》1999,89(3):625-630
Various forms of synaptic long-term potentiation and depression have been studied in detail in hippocampus and neocortex. Each are produced by specific patterns of synaptic activation and rely on electrical stimulation of afferents for their induction. Few studies have explored the ability of activity produced by cortical networks themselves to generate similar long-term changes in synaptic efficacy. Experiments have shown that periods of synchronized network bursting in both slices and dissociated cultures of hippocampus can lead to persistent network discharges. Conversely, one study has reported that network discharging can disrupt the induction of long-term potentiation in hippocampus. Whether long-term depression can be induced by synchronous network discharging is unknown. In experiments reported here, we examined the long-term effects of synchronized activity within hippocampal CA3 networks on synaptic potentials produced by the converging perforant path. Prior to induction of network bursting, slices were incubated in a perfusate containing picrotoxin and elevated (4 mM) Ca2+ and Mg2+. To induce network discharges, the concentration of both divalent cations were reduced to normal levels (1.5 mM). Following 20 min of network bursting, perforant path synapses, that did not participate in network discharging, underwent a 30% non-decrementing long-term depression. At the same time, synchronized network discharges, that were absent prior to induction, persisted upon return to preinduction conditions. The antagonist of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, D(-)2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate, blocked both long-term depression of perforant path excitatory postsynaptic potentials and persistent network discharging. Results suggest that activity generated by hippocampal networks is able to produce long-term depression of non-coincidentally active synapses.  相似文献   

We have examined single cell activity and field potentials in the prelimbic area of the prefrontal cortex of the rat to electrical stimulation of the CA1/subicular region of the temporal hippocampus. Excitatory unit responses were found in 50 out of 120 neurons recorded in the prelimbic area. Paired-pulse facilitation was found for both single cell responses and field potentials. High-frequency, tetanic stimulation of the temporal hippocampus produced a significant and persistent potentiation of prelimbic field potentials. The evidence suggests that the direct pathway from the temporal hippocampus to the prelimbic area of the prefrontal cortex in the rat is excitatory and can undergo long-term potentiation (LTP).  相似文献   

d-Cycloserine (DCS), a partial agonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine recognition site on the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex, has been shown to facilitate the extinction and prevent the relapse of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) when administered before or after each extinction trail. However, some studies have suggested that DCS does not influence or even enhance relapse of seeking behavior on cocaine self-administration (SA) in rats or cocaine-dependent individuals undergoing clinical exposure treatment. Furthermore, there are no reports on the effects of DCS and the extinction of morphine-conditioned behaviors in mice. The present study investigated the effects of DCS on extinction by exposing mice to drug-paired cues and the subsequent reinstatement of morphine-primed CPP. Our results showed that DCS at doses of 7.5, 15, and 30 mg/kg did not induce conditioned appetitive or aversive effects and DCS combined with morphine conditioning failed to affect the acquisition of morphine-induced CPP. Moreover, pretreatment with DCS (7.5, 15, and 30 mg/kg, i.p.) prior to extinction training had no significant effects on the extinction and subsequent morphine-primed reinstatement of morphine-induced CPP. These results suggested that DCS may not be a powerful adjunct for cue exposure therapy of opioid addiction. In view of differing outcomes in both preclinical and clinical studies, the potential of DCS in exposure treatment of drug-seeking behaviors should be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

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