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1收稿及录用情况 1.1坚持约稿为主的组稿方式 2009年1—12期,杂志共刊用文章145篇,其中约稿99篇,占68%;投稿46篇,占32%。2009年共收稿323篇,其中约稿143篇,已录用或拟录用113篇,录用率79%;投稿180篇,已录用或拟录用46篇,录用率26%。  相似文献   

为了了解高校学报现有的办刊模式,探寻高校学报开放办刊的可行性,对17家农业高校学报1991~2000年10年间刊用的外稿比率和基金论文比率进行了实证分析,结果表明:高校学报从1979年起就开始刊用外稿,从所调查的1991年起,17家农业高校学报每期无一例外地刊用了外稿,但高校学报间刊用外稿的比率和基金论文比率存在较大差异,变幅分别为6.8%~42.5%和7.5%~56.0%。1997年以前,非重点大学学报刊用外稿的比率高于重点大学学报的,1997年以后,重点大学学报刊用外稿比率却高于非重点大学学报的;无论是内稿还是外稿,非重点大学学报的基金论文比率均低于重点大学学报的;17家学报所刊用外稿的基金论文比率略低于内稿的,但外稿的增速却快于内稿的;在刊用的外稿中来自研究院所的比率与来自大专院校的相近,但其基金论文比率则高于大专院校的。由此可见,高校学报的办刊方式早已发生了改变,开放办刊已成共识,而且开放程度逐渐增大,在采用外稿时,做到了外稿质量与数量同步提高,外稿来源已从高校拓展到研究院所。  相似文献   

抽查全省县及县以上综合医院53所,结果发现:100%转诊者仅占13.7%,应转而未转者占70%;未转诊者其病人规则率≥者仅占15.2%,全部病人不规则治疗者占65.2%;病人全程管理率≥90%,仅占4.3%,未管理者占93.5%。结论:省卫生厅有关归口管理的文件要求尚未真正发挥作用。主要原因是缺乏有效和落实措施。建议:1、各级卫生主管部门加强管理,采取:①按照省厅规定条件对综合医院治疗结核病发放许可证;②定期检查监督;③把结防工作纳入综合医院综合目标考核和上等达标验收标准:④制定奖罚措施。2、结防机构要充分利用行政干预的优势加强监督检查。  相似文献   

职业性焦炉工肺癌36例临床分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
36例职业性焦炉工肺癌中,发病年龄最小52岁,最大74岁,平均63.4岁;发病工龄最早11年,最晚40年,平均25.5年;周边型肺癌占42%,中心型肺癌占58%;有病理诊断者22例,鳞癌占68%,腺癌占18%,小细胞未分化癌占5%,痰涂片查癌细胞阳性占9%,肺癌出现转移者8例。  相似文献   

本文在1997年4月通过对某幼儿园200名集体幼儿膳食及营养状况的调查结果表明:①蛋白质和热能人均日摄入量占平均供给量的118%和102%;维生素中除维生素B2占平均供给量的73%以外,其他均摄入较充足。矿物质中,钙占42%,锌占79%,铁占194%;蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物的热量构成比分别15.46%、24.16%、60.38%。②查体中体重达到及超过中位数的人数占体检总人数的47%;身高达到及超过中位数的人数占42.4%;身高、体重均达到及超过中位数的人数占体检总人数的38.4%;调查中未发现严重的营养缺乏症,无一人患贫血  相似文献   

宫外孕相关因素的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]调查宫外孕与相关因素的关系。[方法]询问病吏,病人出院后,调查病历,统计宫外孕所占比例及相关因素。[结果]宫外孕占同期住院总人数的22.0%,年龄在21至35岁占91.8%,无职业者占83.2%;有人流但未生育者占53.6%,未婚者占31.8%;无避孕者占73.2%;保守治疗成功者占22.5%,手术占70.7%;流产4人次以上占47.7%;上环13.2%;结扎占2.5%。[结论]无职业,年龄21至35岁、流产次数多和性自由,是宫外孕的高发人群。结扎后发生宫外孕也占一定比例。宫外孕大部份须手术治疗。  相似文献   

谭胖 《家庭医学》2004,(23):19-19
运动医学研究表明,女性积极进行户外有氧锻炼,与她们未进行锻炼前的性生活感觉作比较,其中40%的人更易发生性冲动;31%的人性生活的频率有所增加;25%的人更易达到性高潮。锻炼改善了性生活质量,在男女慢跑爱好者中,性生活质量改善的占66%;在健身操爱好者中占72%;在自行车爱好者中占67%;对中年人游泳爱好者的调查显示,年过40岁的男女性生活质量远远超过不爱锻炼的年轻人。是什么原因促使体育爱好者享有超人的性魅力呢?  相似文献   

[目的]了解太康县居民被犬、猫类动物致伤及处理情况。[方法]对2005年9月1日至2006年8月31日在太康县卫生防疫站狂犬病疫苗接种门诊就诊的被犬、猫类动物致伤人员进行详细的调查与登记。[结果]共调查1200例受伤者,第三季度受伤最多,417例,占34.8%;城区高于乡镇;16~50岁750例,占62、5%;农民较多,共640例,占53.3%;被犬致伤者1121例,占93.4%;受伤部位上下肢1148例,占95.6%;狂犬病疫苗全程免疫者1169例,占97.4%。全程免疫者未发生狂犬病。[结论]受伤后伤口处理和接受免疫预防率均较高,显示了目前居民对狂犬病的预防意识较强。  相似文献   

湖南省未控制区晚期血吸虫病抽样调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了掌握全省未控制区晚期血吸虫病发病情况及各亚型流行区的晚血分布,1995年9~11月对未控制43个村进行了抽样调查。结果:晚血患病率为0.27%,较1989年的0.48%有显著降低;男性患病率明显高于女性;50~岁组病例占总病例的57.14%;巨脾和腹水两型病人占97.48%;湖汊、洲滩、洲垸、垸内四亚型之间的晚血患病率无差异(P均>0.05);除湖汉亚型外,其余三亚型晚血患病率均已明显下降;湖汊、洲垸亚型中,男性患病率高于女性,洲滩、垸内亚型男女患病率无差别。推算全省未控制区尚有晚血病人9151人,95%的可信区间为0.246%~0.295%。  相似文献   

自制问卷调查表以无记名方式对84名参加“消毒员上岗证培训班”的消毒员进行调查。结果显示,高中及以下学历者占60.72%;未接受医学和机械维护知识培训率分别为60.71%、100.00%;职业安全知识76.19%源于护士长培训和工作经验积累,戴隔热手套者仅2.38%;掌握紧急处理知识者占38.10%;每日对灭菌器进行维护者占48.81%,安全阀检查者占7.14%。提示消毒员学历偏低,医学及机械维护知识匮乏,安全防护意识淡薄,应急处理技术亟待提高。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to advance our understanding of participation and its relation to occupation, by analysing the daily occupational experiences of six men and women living with chronic pain. Open-ended interviews are used in conjunction with a constant comparative method of analysis. The findings are thematically presented as: "taking initiative and making choices", doing something physical", "doing something social", and "doing something for others". Furthermore, a short vignette is presented in which the authors attempt to juxtapose theoretical constructs with individual experiences in order to illustrate another level of contextual richness of the data. Methodological implications are discussed in relation to the findings, analytic presentation, and previous research.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to advance our understanding of participation and its relation to occupation, by analysing the daily occupational experiences of six men and women living with chronic pain. Open-ended interviews are used in conjunction with a constant comparative method of analysis. The findings are thematically presented as: “taking initiative and making choices”, doing something physical”, “doing something social”, and “doing something for others”. Furthermore, a short vignette is presented in which the authors attempt to juxtapose theoretical constructs with individual experiences in order to illustrate another level of contextual richness of the data. Methodological implications are discussed in relation to the findings, analytic presentation, and previous research.  相似文献   

【目的】 结合科技期刊实例,探索媒体融合背景下主流短视频平台的特征,并从传播学视角提出可供科技期刊实践参考的短视频平台运营策略,为我国科技期刊更好地适应融媒体时代提供路径建议。【方法】 采用文献调研法、对比分析法、案例分析法等对当前科技期刊短视频相关的文献进行系统研究,并基于已有数据分析对比三大短视频平台的特点。【结果】 短视频基于特殊社会语境发展起来,科技期刊短视频内容需要进行议程设置,运营策略应结合受众的“使用与满足”特点,传递文化价值。抖音、B站、微信视频号在传播主体、传播内容、传播渠道、传播受众、传播效果5个方面具有共同点,也存在一定差异。【结论】 在短视频平台运营上,科技期刊应采取5个对策:传播主体专业化,即培养短视频思维;传播内容差异化,有针对性地选择平台;流量渠道纵深化,引导用户深度互动;受众分布立体化,圆心式发散议程;传播效果持久化,丰富期刊文化标签。  相似文献   

目前卫生行政部门对非法行医罚没物品的处置尚无明确规定。作者通过对罚没药品、医疗器械、工具、设备和其他物品的分类及其价值特性的分析,探讨了销毁、拍卖、特销专柜、捐赠和储备等五种具体处置方法。同时,建议卫生部门制定统一法规、引入第三方原则和采取政府公物仓等方式解决罚没物品处置问题。  相似文献   

Mass circulating magazines offer an opportunity to inform large segments of the population about preventive health behaviors relevant for cancer control. We collected information about the number and type of cancer articles from January 1987 through December 1994 in Jet, Ebony and Essence magazines. These magazines each have a principal readership of African-American women and a paid circulation of 1,000,000 or more annually. Cancer articles were counted if the content was gender neutral or specifically targeted for women. There were 84 articles on cancer including 6 on lung cancer and 3 on other tobacco-related cancers. Nine additional references to lung cancer were mentioned under the general cancer category, but lung cancer was not the primary focus of the articles. There were 24 articles on breast cancer and 9 on cervical cancer over the 8 year period. Most of the articles (>70%) were short fillers of less than one page in length. A prevention focus was included in 42.2%, 75.0%, and 71.0% of the cancer articles in Jet, Ebony, and Essence respectively. Of the 649 health articles, 116 were on cardiovascular disease. In contrast, there were 1,477 tobacco advertisements over the 8 years. The number of cancer articles was not significantly associated with the number of tobacco advertisements. Because tobacco-related cancers are entirely preventable and contribute to the significant cancer burden, the lack of coverage of tobacco-related cancers is a missed opportunity for health promotion among African-American females.and was on leave as a Fellow in the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Institute  相似文献   

充分认识新形势下保护知识产权的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强与科技有关的知识产权保护和管理,是新形势下科技计划管理的重要任务,针对基层单位知识产权保护现状,提出了一些具体做法。  相似文献   

Mediation analysis is a newer statistical tool that is becoming more prominent in nutrition research. Its use provides insight into the relationship among variables in a potential causal chain. For intervention studies, it can define the influence of different programmatic components and, in doing so, allows investigators to identify and refine a program's critical aspects. We present an overview of mediation analysis, compare mediators with other variables (confounders, moderators, and covariates), and illustrate how mediation analysis permits interpretation of the change process. A framework is outlined for the critical appraisal of articles purporting to use mediation analysis. The framework's utility is demonstrated by searching the nutrition literature and identifying articles citing mediation cross referenced with the terms “nutrition,” “diet,” “food,” and “obesity.” Seventy-two articles were identified that involved human subjects and behavior outcomes, and almost half mentioned mediation without tests to define its presence. Tabulation of the 40 articles appropriately assessing mediation demonstrates an increase in these techniques' appearance and the breadth of nutrition topics addressed. Mediation analysis is an important new statistical tool. Familiarity with its methodology and a framework for assessing articles will allow readers to critically appraise the literature and make informed independent evaluations of works using these techniques.  相似文献   

The Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) database provides many references for reviews, but many relevant articles are missed, especially when the topic is complex. Reported here is the detailed methodology of a PubMed search of MEDLINE augmented by a related articles link search. Of 1181 citations identified, through a PubMed search, 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. Fifty-one were identified through the related articles link; of which 43 were not detected by standard searches using medical subject heading terms. More than 50% were identified using the related articles link. Only 14% of relevant articles were identified using the standard PubMed MEDLINE search. The related articles link is not included in methodologic recommendations for systematic literature reviews but this experience suggests that it is a useful tool in PubMed for reviewing complex evidence. Related links searches are proposed in any systematic PubMed MEDLINE literature review in palliative medicine.  相似文献   

【目的】 实践探索在提高论文质量的同时增加发文量的策略,以此提升科技期刊影响力。【方法】 以《材料科学技术(英文版)》为例,采用文献研究、文献计量、对比分析、定量分析、定性分析、列举实证等方法分析讨论各项措施对论文提“质”增“量”条件下期刊影响力的提升效果。【结果】 《材料科学技术(英文版)》采取提“质”增“量”措施后,取得以下显著成效:论文从录用到在线发表周期缩短约20天;近5年内年发文量增加约312%,印刷成本降低约8.3%,成本结构得到优化;各项期刊评价指标得到提升,高被引论文数量增加。【结论】 论文提“质”增“量”的策略可以提升期刊影响力,有利于期刊良性发展,形成品牌效应。  相似文献   

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