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受病变累及的运动中枢fMR表现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察正常及受病变累及的运动中枢的脑功能核磁共振成像(fMR)表现.方法通过双手对指运动使运动中枢功能活跃,然后对14例正常志愿者和36例运动中枢受累的病人进行运动功能区血氧水平依赖法(BOLD)fMR成像.结果通过双手对指运动使运动中枢功能活跃,正常志愿者和病人脑内产生了相应的功能信号,表现为功能区信号增高.在正常志愿者中,双侧半球运动功能区的位置基本对称,但大部分志愿者左侧半球功能信号稍强于对侧半球.在累及运动中枢病变的病人中,病变侧功能信号全部位于病变外或病变边缘,病变内未见功能信号.病侧功能区主要表现为功能信号降低、移位.结论BOLD法fMR可以很好的显示正常和病变的运动中枢,是评价运动中枢的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨急性缺血性卒中患者运动皮质激活模式和功能重组改变。方法采用f MRI观察22例急性缺血性卒中患者进行对指运动任务时的运动皮质激活模式和功能重组改变,采用美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)评价神经功能、Fugl-Meyer上肢评价量表(FMA-UE)评价上肢运动功能,神经电生理学监测静息运动阈值。采用Spearman秩相关分析探讨兴趣区激活强度与神经功能、运动功能和神经电生理学的相关性,动态因果模型分析对指运动时双侧大脑半球间和大脑半球内有效连接。结果急性缺血性卒中患者患侧对指运动主要表现为患侧初级运动皮质、运动前区皮质和双侧辅助运动区激活,同时伴健侧运动前区皮质、后顶叶皮质和双侧小脑半球少量激活;健侧对指运动主要表现为健侧初级运动皮质、运动前区皮质和辅助运动区激活,同时伴患侧辅助运动区、顶下小叶少量激活。患侧初级运动皮质激活强度值与神经功能(NIHSS评分)呈负相关(r_s=-0.452,P=0.035)、与上肢运动功能(FMA-UE评分)呈正相关(r_s=0.543,P=0.009),患侧感觉运动皮质激活强度值与患侧静息运动阈值呈正相关(r_s=0.718,P=0.001)。在动态因果模型所示优势模型中,双侧初级运动皮质间存在双向负性有效连接;健侧辅助运动区对健侧初级运动皮质存在负性有效连接,对患侧初级运动皮质存在正性有效连接;患侧辅助运动区对健侧辅助运动区存在正性有效连接。健侧初级运动皮质对患侧初级运动皮质的有效连接强度值与上肢运动功能(FMA-UE评分)呈负相关(r_s=-0.461,P=0.047),健侧辅助运动区对健侧初级运动皮质的有效连接强度值与上肢运动功能(FMA-UE评分)呈正相关(r_s=0.533,P=0.041)。结论f MRI结合神经功能和运动功能评价及神经电生理学监测可以有效观察急性缺血性卒中患者运动皮质激活模式和功能重组改变,为理解脑卒中运动障碍和功能重组以及进行康复治疗提供指导。  相似文献   

目的对脑肿瘤患者运动区脑功能进行术前评价及白质纤维束追踪,以指导临床手术。方法采用手指运动任务设计成像方法,在Siemens Verio 3.0T磁共振成像仪下对40例运动区脑肿瘤患者行数据采集。运用随机附带软件进行图像后处理分析,并对瘤体的实性成分、瘤周水肿区域的FA值、ADC值进行测量及统计分析。结果高、低级别胶质瘤的瘤体实性部分ADC、FA值及瘤周水肿的ADC均有统计学意义(实性部分ADC:1.19±0.14vs 1.38±0.13,t=1.59,P0.05;FA:0.26±0.03vs0.21±0.02,t=2.02,P0.05;瘤周水肿带ADC:1.36±0.20vs1.56±0.15,t=1.76,P0.05)。而瘤周水肿带FA值无统计学意义(0.03±0.02 vs 0.04±0.03,t=2.56,P0.05)。运动区fMRI显示,患侧对指运动显示半球初级运动皮质(M1)脑功能破坏、减弱、移位24例,辅助运动区(SMA)激活伴移位8例,肿瘤侧的次级运动脑区如运动前区(PMC)及顶上小叶(PSL)出现激活5例,3例脑功能无明显改变。DTI像表现为完全的各向同性扩散,方向编码彩色图(DEC)彩色方向图上不能证实纤维14例。FA明显降低,在彩色方向图上有异常的色彩8例,其余则表现为白质纤维束位置及方向异常,但FA正常或略微降低。以上表现可单独存在,但多数系同时并存。结论 ADC和FA可以对肿瘤的良恶性进行术前评估,fMRI、DEC和DTT可以立体形象地显示肿瘤对脑功能区及白质纤维束的影响,有助于活体、无创地从功能和结构两个方面显示脑肿瘤区的改变,实现最大程度地切除肿瘤和保护脑重要功能区。  相似文献   

目的 探讨弥散张量成像在定位初级运动功能区的价值.方法 20例脑深部肿瘤患者,分别进行常规MRI、fMRI及DTI检查,获取fMRI脑激活图、DTI图、3D解剖图.DTI通过三维重建皮质脊髓束定位初级运动功能区.fMRI采用手握拳激发模式,获取激活信号定位初级运动功能区.比较两种技术的吻合度,以评价DTI三维重建皮质脊髓束定位的初级运动功能区的准确性.结果 20例患者fMRI获得的激活信号主要位于对侧中央沟处,围绕着"Ω"形柄状结构分布,中央前回位于激活信号前方.所有患者均成功地完成DTI皮质脊髓束的三维重建,重建的皮质脊髓束也定位于激活信号前的脑回,两者均较好显示初级运动功能区且具有较好的一致性.结论 DTI可较好地定位初级运动功能区,这对于有肢体瘫痪患者及不能合作的儿童的初级运动功能区的定位有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨术前采用功能磁共振(fMRI)定位在累及皮质运动功能区的动静脉畸形病人治疗中的作用。方法对19例动静脉畸形累及皮质运动区的病人,采用fMRI观察对指运动时受累皮质运动区的激活情况,分析病灶与激活区的关系。结果本组病例在fMRI检查中均能显示运动区的激活情况。18例表现为激活区与病灶分界清晰,1例表现为两者分界欠清。结论术前fMRI检查可良好显示动静脉畸形与其所在的皮质功能区的关系,对于手术切除具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振(MRI)弥散张量成像(DTI)对脑皮质运动区肿瘤患者偏瘫肢体术后运动功能的评估价值. 方法 南京军区福州总医院神经外科自2009年3月至2011年1月共收治脑皮质运动区肿瘤患者20例,手术前后均行DTI检查并应用Brunnstrom评分法评价偏瘫肢体 的运动功能,根据DTI结果将皮质脊髓束(CST)的受损级别分为4级:1级(CST完整);2级(CST完整,但轻度受压推移);3级(CST部分中断);4级(CST大部分至完全中断),比较患者手术前后CST受损级别和偏瘫肢体的运动功能,分析二者的相关性. 结果 患者患侧肿瘤实质的FA值(0.387±0.012)小于对侧正常脑组织的FA值(0.498±0.015),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);患者手术前后CST受损级别、偏瘫肢体运动功能的比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);患者术前、术后6个月CST的受损级别与偏瘫肢体的运动功能均呈负相关(r=-0.901,P=0.000; r=-0.912,P=0.000). 结论 DT1能够显示脑皮质运动区肿瘤患者CST的损伤程度,反映患者术后偏瘫肢体的运动功能.  相似文献   

目的 探讨以皮质电刺激为基础的语言功能区皮质的定位方法.方法 总结11例癫(癎)灶邻近语言区病人的治疗经验.将格栅状皮质电极覆盖于脑皮质表面,其中Broca区6例,Wernicke区5例;应用皮质电刺激定位出语言功能区8例,阴性3例;功能磁共振显示语言功能区移位2例.在癫(癎)灶切除过程中,采用局麻2例,术中拔除喉罩2例,常规气管插管全麻7例;术中注意保留具有语言功能的皮质.结果 术后出现-过性语言不流利2例,余9例无明显语言功能障碍.术后随访1年以上,Engel Ⅰ级8例,Ⅲ级2例,Ⅳ级1例.结论 采用埋植式颅内电极进行语言皮质功能绘图方法,可较精确地定位癫(癎)病人的语言功能区.  相似文献   

目的:利用血氧水平依赖性磁共振功能成像(BOLD-fMRI)技术研究急性期脑梗死患者短期康复治疗前后的手运动中枢激活体积、强度的变化特征,从而探讨脑梗死患者急性期手运动功能康复的机制。方法:选择首次、单发脑梗死急性期患者16例,其中康复治疗组8例和常规治疗组8例,分别于治疗前及治疗第14天进行fMRI检查,并采用Fugl-Meyer运动功能评分(FM评分)进行患手运动功能评定,记录治疗前后常规治疗组和康复治疗组中枢激活的体积、强度;同时选择10名健康志愿者进行单次fMRI检查,确定相同运动任务刺激后脑功能区位置和兴奋体积、强度等方面的变化规律。结果:16例脑梗死患者治疗后对侧SMC(sensorimotor cortex,SMC)激活体积、强度及FM评分大于治疗前(P<0.05),康复治疗组治疗前后患手运动激活对侧SMC体积、强度、FM评分较常规治疗组明显改变(P<0.05)。结论:脑梗死急性期进行早期康复治疗可以引起患侧SMC区相应的变化,加速患肢功能的恢复。  相似文献   

脑功能区胶质瘤的手术策略   总被引:43,自引:9,他引:43  
目的探讨唤醒麻醉状态下切除脑功能区胶质瘤的手术方法及意义。方法13例脑功能区胶质瘤经神经导航病灶定位术中唤醒麻醉,皮层诱发电位及皮层电刺激定位脑功能区,在清醒状态下切除脑功能区病变。结果全部病例均在术中获得安全可靠的麻醉唤醒,清醒状态下脑功能区的定位和最大限度地肿瘤切除,其中6例获得皮层体感诱发电位检测确定中央沟;9例经皮质刺激术明确运动区;4例通过皮质刺激术基本确定语言运动中枢。肿瘤全切11例,次全切除2例。术后出现暂时性神经功能障碍或功能障碍加重有11例,神经功能完全恢复正常10例。1例术中出现癫痫发作,1例在唤醒过程中出现一过性脑肿胀;全部患者术后无痛苦回忆。结论对脑功能区胶质瘤运用唤醒麻醉,神经导航病灶定位,皮层电刺激和皮层诱发电位定位脑功能区技术能较为可靠地明确脑功能区与肿瘤切除范围的关系,在清醒状态下切除肿瘤实时监测脑功能状态,能够最大限度地切除脑功能区病变和最大程度地保护脑功能。  相似文献   

目的:应用弥散张量成像(DTI)研究脑梗死后皮质脊髓束Wallerian变性与神经运动功能缺损的相关性。方法:对11例单侧大脑中动脉供血区脑梗死的患儿进行了DTI研究。通过放置兴趣区(ROI)的方式获得定量部分各向异性(FA)和平均弥散量(MD)。ROI放置的部位包括:脑梗死区、脑梗死同侧内囊后支前部和大脑脚,以及上述部位对侧相应区域。根据手的运动情况将运动功能缺损分为轻、中和重3级。应用Mann-Whitney U检验确定差异有无显著性;应用Spearman相关检验确定皮质脊髓束DTI改变与神经运动功能缺损之间的相关性。结果:脑梗死同侧皮质脊髓束FA较对侧明显下降(P<0.05),但MD改变与对侧无明显差异(P>0.05)。FA下降与神经运动功能缺损之间存在明显相关性(r=-0.638,P=0.035)。结论:应用FA值的变化,DTI可以检测并定量分析儿童脑梗死后皮质脊髓束Wallerian变性,并可作为预测脑梗死后运动功能缺损的工具。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation pattern of a motor task in patients with acute subcortical lesions to examine the relationship between activation pattern and recovery of motor impairment. METHODS: Five patients (one with subcortical infarction and four with thalamic hemorrhage) were examined using fMRI 1 month after the insult. Impairment was assessed by the Medical Research Council motor strength classification (MRC). One patient with severe motor deficits was also studied at 4 months when her motor deficits improved up to MRC grade 4. RESULTS: Three patients with relatively mild deficits (MRC grade 3 or 4) at their onsets, improved fully up to grade 5 within 1 month. FMRI performed at 1 month showed activation in the contralateral primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA), but no significant activation was seen on the ipsilateral unaffected side. Two patients with severe motor impairment (MRC grade 1) improved up to 3 and 4 of MRC at 1 month or later. They showed activation of the ipsilateral premotor area as well as contralateral primary motor cortex and SMA. One of them, whose severe motor deficit improved at 4 month, also showed activation of the ipsilateral postcentral gyrus and the activated area expanded longitudinally corresponding with her functional recovery. DISCUSSION: Our study demonstrates that the fMRI pattern varies according to functional recovery, suggesting the importance of the ipsilateral premotor area and postcentral gyrus especially for those patients with severe motor impairment initially.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(8):849-852

Objectives: We investigated the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation pattern of a motor task in patients with acute subcortical lesions to examine the relationship between activation pattern and recovery of motor impairment.

Methods: Five patients (one with subcortical infarction and four with thalamic hemorrhage) were examined using fMRI 1 month after the insult. Impairment was assessed by the Medical Research Council motor strength classification (MRC). One patient with severe motor deficits was also studied at 4 months when her motor deficits improved up to MRC grade 4.

Results: Three patients with relatively mild deficits (MRC grade 3 or 4) at their onsets, improved fully up to grade 5 within 1 month. FMRI performed at 1 month showed activation in the contralateral primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area (SMA), but no significant activation was seen on the ipsilateral unaffected side. Two patients with severe motor impairment (MRC grade 1) improved up to 3 and 4 of MRC at 1 month or later. They showed activation of the ipsilateral premotor area as well as contralateral primary motor cortex and SMA. One of them, whose severe motor deficit improved at 4 month, also showed activation of the ipsilateral postcentral gyrus and the activated area expanded longitudinally corresponding with her functional recovery.

Discussion: Our study demonstrates that the fMRI pattern varies according to functional recovery, suggesting the importance of the ipsilateral premotor area and postcentral gyrus especially for those patients with severe motor impairment initially.  相似文献   

A pilot study of somatotopic mapping after cortical infarct   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Animal studies have described remodeling of sensory and motor representational maps after cortical infarct. These changes may contribute to return of function after stroke. METHODS: Functional MRI was used to compare sensory and motor maps obtained in 35 normal control subjects with results from 2 patients with good recovery 6 months after a cortical stroke. RESULTS: During finger tapping in controls, precentral gyrus activation exceeded or matched postcentral gyrus activation in 40 of 42 cases. Patient 1 had a small infarct limited to precentral gyrus. Finger tapping activated only postcentral gyrus, a pattern not seen in any control subject. During tactile stimulation of a finger or hand in controls, postcentral gyrus activation exceeded or matched precentral gyrus activation in 11 of 14 cases. Patient 2 had a small infarct limited to postcentral gyrus and superior parietal lobule. Tactile stimulation of the finger activated only precentral gyrus, a pattern not seen in any control. In both patients, activation during pectoralis contraction was medial to the site activated during finger tapping. CONCLUSIONS: Results during finger tapping (patient 1) and finger stimulation (patient 2) may reflect amplification of a preserved component of normal sensorimotor function, a shift in the cortical site of finger representation, or both. Cortical map reorganization along the infarct rim may be an important contributor to recovery of motor and sensory function after stroke. Functional MRI is useful for assessing motor and sensory representational maps.  相似文献   

The cortical representation of the trunk zone in the human first somatosensory area was studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to establish whether the cutaneous regions close to the midline are represented in this area of both hemispheres. Cortical activation foci evoked by unilateral tactile stimulation of ventral trunk regions were detected in the postcentral gyrus of the contralateral hemisphere slightly medial to or just behind the omega-shaped region of the central sulcus and in the anterior bank of the postcentral sulcus. These regions probably correspond to the trunk ventral midline representation zones of areas 3a-3b and 1-2, respectively. Stimulation of cutaneous regions adjacent to the midline evoked activation foci also in the ipsilateral postcentral gyrus in regions symmetrical to those activated in the contralateral hemisphere. These data demonstrate that in humans, as in nonhuman primates, the cutaneous regions adjacent to the trunk midline are represented bilaterally in the first somatic sensory cortex. Whether the ipsilateral activation depends on callosal or extracallosal inputs remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Somatosensory discrimination training may modulate cognitive processes, such as movement planning and monitoring, which can be useful during active movements. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of somatosensory discrimination training on brain functional activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during motor and sensory tasks in healthy subjects. Thirty-nine healthy young subjects were randomized into two groups: the experimental group underwent somatosensory discrimination training consisting of shape, surface and two-point distance discrimination; and the control group performed a simple object manipulation. At baseline and after 2 weeks of training, subjects underwent sensorimotor evaluations and fMRI tasks consisting of right-hand tactile stimulation, manipulation of a simple object, and complex right-hand motor sequence execution. Right-hand dexterity improved in both groups, but only the experimental group showed improvements in all manual dexterity tests. After training, the experimental group showed: decreased activation of the ipsilateral sensorimotor areas during the tactile stimulation task; increased activation of the contralateral postcentral gyrus and thalamus bilaterally during the manipulation task; and a reduced recruitment of the ipsilateral pre/postcentral gyri and an increased activation of the basal ganglia and cerebellum contralaterally during the complex right-hand motor task. In healthy subjects, sensory discrimination training was associated with lateralization of brain activity in sensorimotor areas during sensory and motor tasks. Further studies are needed to investigate the usefulness of this training in motor rehabilitation of patients with focal lesions in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

We describe a novel spatial filtering approach to the localization of cortical activity accompanying voluntary movements. The synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM) minimum-variance beamformer algorithm was used to compute spatial filters three-dimensionally over the entire brain from single trial neuromagnetic recordings of subjects performing self-paced index finger movements. Images of instantaneous source power ("event-related SAM") computed at selected latencies revealed activation of multiple cortical motor areas prior to and following left and right index finger movements in individual subjects, even in the presence of low-frequency noise (e.g., eye movements). A slow premovement motor field (MF) reaching maximal amplitude approximately 50 ms prior to movement onset was localized to the hand area of contralateral precentral gyrus, followed by activity in the contralateral postcentral gyrus at 40 ms, corresponding to the first movement-evoked field (MEFI). A novel finding was a second activation of the precentral gyrus at a latency of approximately 150 ms, corresponding to the second movement-evoked field (MEFII). Group averaging of spatially normalized images indicated additional premovement activity in the ipsilateral precentral gyrus and the left inferior parietal cortex for both left and right finger movements. Weaker activations were also observed in bilateral premotor areas and the supplementary motor area. These results show that event-related beamforming provides a robust method for studying complex patterns of time-locked cortical activity accompanying voluntary movements, and offers a new approach for the localization of multiple cortical sources derived from neuromagnetic recordings in single subject and group data.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the cerebral activation pattern during writing of patients with writing tremor with healthy controls using functional MRI METHODS: Three patients with writing tremor and 10 healthy controls were examined using a 1.5 Tesla scanner. All subjects performed a paradigm of alternating 30 second periods of rest or writing. For functional imaging 60 EPI multislice data sets were acquired. All images were analyzed using SPM96 software. Data were analyzed for the group of patients with writing tremor and compared with those of the control group. RESULTS: Both patients with writing tremor and controls showed a significant activation of the contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex, SMA, and area 44. By contrast, motor cortex activation in writing tremor also included the contralateral premotor area (area 6) and ipsilateral prefrontal area (inferior frontal gyrus; areas 10, 44, and 47). Only patients with writing tremor showed a bilateral activation of the parietal lobule (area 40) with a more pronounced activation on the contralateral side. Furthermore, there was a bilateral activation of the cerebellum with a more pronounced area of activation on the ipsilateral side. CONCLUSIONS: Brain areas activated in writing tremor included activation patterns otherwise typical for both essential tremor and writer's cramp. Therefore a distinct category for writing tremor integrating hallmarks of essential tremor and writer's cramp is proposed.  相似文献   

Human activities often involve hand‐motor responses following external auditory–verbal commands. It has been believed that hand movements are predominantly driven by the contralateral primary sensorimotor cortex, whereas auditory–verbal information is processed in both superior temporal gyri. It remains unknown whether cortical activation in the superior temporal gyrus during an auditory–motor task is affected by laterality of hand‐motor responses. Here, event‐related γ‐oscillations were intracranially recorded as quantitative measures of cortical activation; we determined how cortical structures were activated by auditory‐cued movement using each hand in 15 patients with focal epilepsy. Auditory–verbal stimuli elicited augmentation of γ‐oscillations in a posterior portion of the superior temporal gyrus, whereas hand‐motor responses elicited γ‐augmentation in the pre‐ and postcentral gyri. The magnitudes of such γ‐augmentation in the superior temporal, precentral, and postcentral gyri were significantly larger when the hand contralateral to the recorded hemisphere was required to be used for motor responses, compared with when the ipsilateral hand was. The superior temporal gyrus in each hemisphere might play a greater pivotal role when the contralateral hand needs to be used for motor responses, compared with when the ipsilateral hand does. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the cortical reorganization associated with congenital brain lesion such as intracerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). Dipole source localization of somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) was performed in five patients with AVM encompassing sensorimotor cortex. Dipole tracing method combined with the scalp-skull-brain head model (Homma et al., 1994) was used to locate dipole source of an early cortical component of SEP elicited by median nerve electrical stimulation. The location of dipole source of SEP, which could be considered as the hand area of primary somatosensory area, was shown in the realistic section of the head and could be easily superimposed on the magnetic resonance imaging. SEP was recorded three times in each patients and the results were reproducible. In 2 patients whose postcentral gyrus was not involved in AVM, the dipole source of SEP was localized in the intact postcentral gyrus. The locations of dipole sources of SEP in the both hemisphere were symmetrical. In 3 patients whose postcentral gyrus was encompassed by AVM, the dipole source of SEP was localized in the surrounding intact gyrus which was distant from the usual region of postcentral gyrus. Somatotopy was different from the normal pattern. The hand area was located more medially than usual observed in normal postcentral gyrus. Despite the paucity of the number of patients and data obtained by dipole source localization, our findings support the existence of reorganization in the cerebral cortex with congenital lesion such as AVM. These findings of aberrant mapping of cortical function may be explained by the plasticity of brain function. The developing brain can inherit function that would normally have been performed by the region of brain involved in the lesion. We demonstrated that dipole tracing of SEP was a noninvasive method used to localize areas of eloquent cortex in patients harboring AVM. This method is of value in treatment planning.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国人汉-英-法多语者的脑功能区定位,应用唤醒手术及直接皮层电刺激技术,探讨多语者脑功能区肿瘤的手术方法.方法 对一例浙江籍汉语普通话-英语-法语多语者,同时也是左额叶低级别胶质瘤患者进行手术,术前完成汉、英、法语言试验任务,经功能磁共振定位汉语、英语、法语皮质区;术中采用超声探测肿瘤,全麻唤醒下应用皮层直接电刺激技术确定多语言的功能区,依据功能区边界切除肿瘤.评价术前、术后语言功能.结果 通过fMRI检出汉、英、法3种语言激活区,且3种语言区基本重合,位于左额中、上回的后部及颞上回.切除肿瘤过程中,应用皮层直接电刺激技术发现了汉、英、法3种语言的功能区,其中英、法语言区基本重合,但与汉语语言区并不完全重合,颞上回后部存在特异性的语言区.肿瘤次全切除,术后出现短暂运动性失语,3种语言均受损,但于半年内恢复,其中汉语的恢复较快,英语、法语恢复慢.术后1年随访,患者恢复正常生活和工作,3种语青功能均恢复至术前水平,未发现语言转换障碍,术前癫痫症状消失.结论 采用多语方式进行扫描定位和术中清醒状态下多语监测使得多语脑功能区病变患者的手术治疗成为可能.  相似文献   

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