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大鼠前庭核向迷走神经背侧复合体的间接投射   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究大鼠前庭核向迷走神经背侧复合体的间接投射,探索前庭信息向脑干呕吐区传递的神经通路。方法:向前庭神经下核和前庭神经内侧核注入顺行追踪剂菜豆凝集素(PHA-L),向迷走神经背侧复合体注入逆行追踪剂荧光金(FG),用免疫荧光组织化学方法显示PHA-L顺行标记纤维和终末,在荧光显微镜下观察顺行标记PHA-L的纤维和终末与FG逆行标记的细胞重叠区域。结果:在延髓外侧巨细胞旁核和腹外侧区有顺行纤维和终末与逆行标记细胞的重叠。结论:前庭核团可能经外侧巨细胞旁核和腹外侧区向迷走神经背侧复合体有间接投射,为进一步揭示前庭核团与呕吐相关的内脏反应区之间的功能关系提供了形态学基础。  相似文献   

目的 探讨大鼠胸腰段脊髓向下橄榄核的定位投射。方法 将菜豆白细胞凝集素 (PHA L)分别注入T5到L5的不同脊髓节段 ,顺行追踪脊髓到下橄榄核的投射。实验分为三个组 ,分别是T5 7、T8 10 、L2 5组。结果 T5 7组可以在MAO尾侧半近中间的位置观察到标记末梢 ,T8 10 组的标记末梢位于其稍外侧 ,L2 5组的标记末梢位于MAO尾侧半的末端 ;在DAO ,T5 7组的标记末梢出现在DAO的中间位置 ,T8 10 组的标记末梢位于其稍外侧 ,L2 5组的标记末梢出现在DAO的末端。结论 胸腰段脊髓到下橄榄核的投射存在着明确的定位投射关系 ,T5 L5段脊髓到MAO尾侧半和DAO的投射 ,表现出从胸段到腰段 ,标记末梢依次由内侧向外侧排列的规律。结合先前所做的胸腰段脊髓向小脑中央核的投射的研究 ,讨论了胸腰段脊髓、下橄榄核和小脑中央核之间的联系  相似文献   

李莉  高秀来 《解剖学研究》2003,25(1):10-12,T002
目的 研究大鼠前庭神经核群向脊髓的投射纤维特征。方法 在 7例SD大鼠采用结合生物素的葡聚糖胺(BDA)逆行法观察大鼠前庭核群向脊髓的投射。结果 除前庭神经上核 (SVN)外的其余各前庭核均有向大鼠腰髓的投射 ,单侧注射的实验动物中 ,前庭神经内侧核 (MVN)、外侧核 (LVN)和降核 (DVN)的标记神经元可见于双侧 ,其中MVN和LVN的标记神经元以注射同侧占优势 ,而DVN标记神经元两侧数量基本一致。结论 大鼠前庭脊髓尾侧束发出纤维投向脊髓腰段  相似文献   

用辣根过氧化物酶(horseradish peroxidase,HRP)逆行标记结合γ-氨基丁酸(γ-amino-butyric acid,GABA)的免疫组织化学双标技术观察大鼠的展神经核和前庭神经核内GABA阳性神经元的分布,以及其向动眼神经核的投射。结果表明:注射HRP于大鼠动眼神经核内直肌亚核后,在对侧展神经核区以及前庭神经核、脑桥旁正中网状结构中发现HRP单标记细胞;在前庭神经核内,可见HRP单标记、GABA阳性和HRP/GABA双标记三类神经元,其中HRP/GABA双标记细胞占HRP标记细胞总数的47.1%。结果表明GABA在前庭神经核向动眼神经核的抑制性投射中起一定作用,而在展神经核向动眼神经核投射的核间通路中,可能不是起主要作用的抑制性神经递质。  相似文献   

目的:观察发自前庭神经内侧核的纤维末梢与投射至纹状体的丘脑束旁核神经元的突触联系。方法:采用15只Wistar大鼠,应用顺行和逆行标记技术,免疫组织化学和免疫电镜方法。结果:将CTb单侧注入纹状体,同时将BDA注入同侧的前庭神经内侧核。在束旁核发现了CTb标记神经元和BDA标记轴突终末,BDA标记纤维和终末存在于外侧束旁核整个长度的背侧2/3区,而CTb标记神经元也存在于外侧束旁核背侧2/3区,2种标记相互重叠。电镜下可见标记终末与标记神经元形成非对称性的轴-体和轴-树突触。结论:由前庭神经内侧核发出的投射纤维在束旁核与投射至纹状体的束旁核神经元之间存在着非对称性的突触联系。  相似文献   

大鼠前庭核向脑干呕吐区的间接投射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前庭信息调节内脏活动的神经通路是产生运动病的结构基础,但至今尚未明了。本研究旨在探讨接受初级前庭传入信息的前庭核到脑干呕吐中枢的神经通路。向大鼠前庭内侧核和前庭下核内注入顺行追踪剂生物素化葡聚糖胺(BDA),向脑干呕吐区注入逆行追踪剂荧光金(FG),用荧光组织化学方法显示BDA顺行标记纤维和终末,在荧光显微镜下观察BDA顺行标记纤维和终末与荧光金逆行标记细胞的重叠区域。结果发现在延髓背侧巨细胞旁核(DPGi)、巨细胞网状核(Gi)和小细胞网状核(PCRt)有顺行标记纤维与逆行标记细胞的重叠。表明前庭核可能经DPGi、Gi和PCRt向呕吐区有间接投射,此结果为进一步揭示前庭信号引发恶心、呕吐的神经机制提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

将菜豆白细胞凝集素(PHA-L)分别注入下颈髓、胸髓、腰髓和骶髓等不同脊髓节段,顺行追踪脊髓向中央颈核和外侧颈核的投射。观察结果表明,脊髓不同节段注入PHA-L,在中央颈核和外侧颈核均可见到标记末梢;比较各节段脊髓的投射分布,未能发现明显的定位关系。一侧脊髓灰质注入,在两侧中央颈核均观察到标记末梢,但主要见于同侧;外侧颈核的标记末梢仅见于同侧。结果提示,各节段脊髓均发出纤维投射到同侧中央颈核和外侧颈核。  相似文献   

目的:应用菜豆白细胞凝集素(PHA-L)顺行追踪和荧光金(FG)逆行追踪技术研究前庭脊核和X细胞群向脑桥核的直接投射.方法:SD大鼠随机分为PHA-L注射组和FG注射组.将顺行神经追踪剂PHA-L电泳至前庭脊核和X细胞群,逆行神经追踪剂FG分别电泳至脑桥核的外侧亚核和内侧亚核,动物存活7 d,灌流固定后,脑干作冠状冷冻切片,然后进行免疫组织化学显色.结果:PHA-L注射于前庭脊核后,顺行标记纤维和终末主要分布在对侧脑桥核的外侧亚核、内侧亚核及脑桥网状被盖核;FG分别注射于脑桥核的外侧和内侧亚核后,逆行标记细胞仅分布在对侧前庭脊核和X细胞群.结论:前庭脊核和X细胞群向对侧脑桥核的外侧和内侧亚核有直接的纤维投射,该投射可能与前庭-眼反射的调节有关.  相似文献   

本研究应用荧光金(FG)逆行追踪结合神经降压素(NT)免疫荧光组织化学染色的双标记技术,观察了大鼠脊髓背角向丘脑(TH)和外侧臂旁核(LPb)的NT能投射。将FG注入一侧TH或LPb后,FG逆标神经元主要见于脊髓背角的I层;NT阳性神经元主要分布于脊髓背角的I层、II层外侧部及II层内侧部与III层交界处;脊髓背角I层内可观察到FG逆标记并呈NT阳性的双标记神经元。上述结果表明脊髓背角I层的NT阳性神经元向TH和LPb投射,提示脊髓背角I层内的NT阳性神经元可能向TH和LPb传递伤害性信息。  相似文献   

将菜豆白细胞凝集素(PHA-L)分别注入下颈髓,胸髓,腰髓和骶髓等不同脊髓节段,顺行追踪脊髓向中央颈核和外侧颈核的投射。观察结果表明,脊髓不同节段注入PHA-L,在中央颈核和外侧颈核均可见到标记末梢,比较各节段脊髓的投射分布,未能发现明显的定位关系。一侧脊髓灰质注入,在两侧中央颈核均观察到标记末梢,但主要见于同侧;外侧颈核的标记末梢仅见于同侧。结果提示,各节段脊髓均发出纤维投射到同侧中央颈核和外侧  相似文献   

Lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPB) is a critical region in the integration and transmission of peripheral nociceptive information. The parabrachio-amygdaloid (P-Amy) pathway and parabrachio-ventral tegmental area (P-VTA) pathway is thought to be significant in regulation of pain-related negative emotions. In present study, retrograde tract tracers Fluoro-gold (FG) and tetramethylrhodramine-dextran (TMR) were stereotaxically injected into the right central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA) and right VTA, respectively. Then, part of these rats were performed with the spare nerve injury (SNI) in the controlateral side of FG and TMR injection. Afterwards, double- or triple-immunofluorescent histochemistry was used to examine FG/TMR double- and FG/TMR/FOS or FG/TMR/CGRP triple-labeled neurons in the LPB. The results showed that all of FG, TMR single- and FG/TMR double-labeled neurons were distributed in the LPB bilaterally with an ipsilateral predominance. The proportion of FG/TMR double-labeled neurons to the total number of FG- and TMR-labeled neurons was 10.78% and 13.07%, respectively. Nearly all of the FG/TMR double-labeled neurons (92.67%) showed calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) immunopositive. On the other hand, in the SNI rats, about 89.49% and 77.87% of FG- and TMR-labeled neurons were FG/FOS- and TMR/FOS-positive neurons; about 93.33% of the FG/TMR double-labeled neurons were FOS-LI. Our results suggest that the part of CGRP immunopositive neurons in the LPB send projection fibers to both the CeA and VTA by the way of axon collaterals, which are activated by the nociceptive stimulation in the SNI condition, and may play an important role in the transmission of peripheral nociceptive information. Anat Rec, 302:1178–1186, 2019. © 2018 The Authors. The Anatomical Record published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Use of a segmental approach in the study of vestibular centers in the hindbrain improves morphological and functional understanding of this region controlled by Hox genes, among other molecular determinants. Here, we review accrued data about segmental organization of vestibular afferents and efferents. Inner ear-originated vestibular fibers enter the hindbrain, together with auditory ones, through the alar plate of rhombomere 4, then branch into descending and ascending branches to reach appropriate vestibular nuclei along the vestibular column. Classical vestibular nuclei (superior, lateral, medial, and inferior) originate in eight successive rhombomeric segments, which suggests internal subdivisions correlated with distinct connections and functions. The vestibular projection neurons identified for various targets aggregate in discrete groups, which correlate topographically either with rhombomeric units, or with internal subdivisions within them. Each vestibular projection system (e.g., vestibulo-spinal, vestibulo-ocular, vestibulocerebellar) has a characteristic ipsilateral/contralateral organization. Comparing them as a connective mosaic in different species shows that various aspects of this segmental connective organization are conserved throughout evolution in vertebrates. Furthermore, certain genes that control the development of the rhombomeric units in the hindbrain may determine, among other aspects, the specific properties of the different neuronal subpopulations related to their axonal navigation and synaptogenesis. Anat Rec, 302:472–484, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

大鼠脊髓压迫损伤后COX-2基因和蛋白的表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的观察大鼠脊髓压迫损伤后COX-2mRNA和蛋白在脊髓组织内表达的时间特征,以及COX-2的空间分布特点。方法以压迫装置致脊髓损伤后,在伤后不同时间点(30min、3h、6h、24h、72h、1w)分别应用RT-PCR、Western blotting、免疫组化技术检测COX-2mRNA和蛋白表达和分布。结果RT-PCR和Western blotting显示,COX-2mRNA和蛋白伤后30min表达开始增加,于伤后6h达到峰值,伤后1w表达接近基础水平。免疫组化提示,COX-2蛋白在假手术组表达仅见于脊髓血管内皮细胞,伤后COX-2蛋白表达见于损伤区附近脊髓灰质内的神经元和血管内皮细胞,损伤中心部位COX-2免疫阳性细胞少见。结论脊髓压迫损伤早期可快速诱导COX-2基因的表达上调和蛋白的合成,伤后COX-2蛋白分布发生变化,主要位于脊髓神经元和血管内皮细胞。  相似文献   

Changes in the baseline spike activity in the medial vestibular nucleus were studied after exposure to vibration for 5, 10, and 15 days. Studies addressed the distributions of neurons within this structure in terms of the regularity of their spike activity, the dynamics of neural flows, and the modalities of interspike histogram modalities. Mean values were calculated for the major statistical measures of baseline spike activity. Statistically significant changes in the major characteristics of neuron activity were seen in the medial vestibular nucleus at different periods of vibration exposure. Vibration was found to induce complex dynamic rearrangements in the baseline activity of neurons in this structure. The characteristics and functional significance of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Histochemical reactions for NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) were used to study the dynamics of NO synthesis activity in the cervical nuclei of the rat brain after i.v. administration of morphine hydrochloride. In normal conditions, NADPH-d activity was found in neurons in all the cervical nuclei. Acute and chronic administration of morphine at different doses (0.5 and 5 mg/kg) suppressed the NO-ergic activity of most cervical neurons. Decreases in the level of NADPH-d activity were different in different nuclei. NO-ergic changes were due to activation of opiate receptors, as they were dependent on the dose of morphine used, and treatment with the opiate antagonist naloxone restored the NO-ergic function of cervical neurons. Formation of tolerance to the analgesic effect of opiates was accompanied by significant but short-lived increases in NO synthesis activity. It is suggested that changes in the NO-ergic functions of cervical neurons may affect the balance of serotonin in the brain during opiate treatment.  相似文献   

Rat models are commonly used to investigate the pathophysiological pathways and treatment outcomes after spinal cord injury (SCI). The high incidence of fall‐induced SCI in older adults has created a need for aging models of SCI in rats to investigate potential age‐related differences in SCI severity and outcomes. The aims of this study were to determine the influences of age and vertebral level on the geometries of the cervical spinal cord and spinal column in a rat model. Three young (3 months) and three aged (12 months) Fischer 344 rats were imaged in a high field (7 T) small‐animal magnetic resonance imaging system. All spinal cord geometry variables (including depth, width, and axial cross‐sectional area) and one spinal canal variable (depth) were significantly larger in the aged specimens by an average of 8.1%. There were main effects of vertebral level on all spinal cord variables and four spinal canal variables with values generally larger at C4 as compared to C6 (average increases ranged from 5.7% to 12.9% in spinal cord measures and 5.4% to 6.8% in spinal canal measures). High inter‐rater reliability between two measurers was observed with a mean intraclass correlation of 0.921 and percent difference of 0.9% across all variables measured. This study clearly demonstrates that cervical spinal cord geometry changes between the ages of 3 and 12 months in Fischer 344 rats. This information can aid in the planning and interpretation of studies that use a rat model to investigate the influence of age on cervical SCI. Anat Rec, 297:1885–1895, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of 157 neural units in the magnocellular (mc) and parvocellular (pc) components of the medial geniculate nucleus (MG) and other nuclei of the posterior (PO) thalamic group were recorded and analyzed. Units were tested for a response to electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve, natural auditory and electrical cochlear nerve stimulation, and natural stimulation of joint, muscle, and cutaneous receptors of the limbs, trunk, and neck (somatic stimulation). Only 45% of the units responded to these stimuli. Twenty-four percent of the responsive units were multimodal, responding to more than one stimulus. All multimodal units were activated by auditory stimuli. More units responding to vestibular stimulation were found in mcMG than in pcMG or other components of the PO group. Potentials evoked by vestibular nerve stimulation were recorded in all 3 regions with latencies of 5–25 msec. No evidence was found for a thalamic relay from vestibular nerve to cortex in the area investigated, since the recorded latency for activity from vestibular nerve stimulation was longer than the latency of responses recorded in the cortex. This region of the thalamus appears to be important for reception of auditory information and integration with vestibular and somatic modalities.This investigation was supported in part by USPHS Grant NS 11307  相似文献   

巢蛋白在胚胎及新生大鼠脊髓的表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 检测不同发育时期巢蛋白 (nestin)在脊髓神经干细胞的表达水平 ,探讨脊髓神经干细胞的发育规律 ,为分离、富集和增殖均质的神经干细胞以及后期的研究工作如神经干细胞定向分化及移植治疗等研究提供实验依据。方法 将Wistar大鼠按胎龄及日龄分组 ,剥离脊髓 ,制成单细胞悬液 ,经间接荧光法标记nestin抗原 ,用流式细胞仪检测和分析。结果 从E13到P7整个发育过程中都有nestin抗原的表达 ,呈升高趋势 ,其中P1期表达水平最高。出生后表达下降 ,趋近于 90d(同型对照 )表达水平。结论 巢蛋白在脊髓的表达出现于胚胎早期 ,表达水平随胎龄轻微波动 ,呈升高趋势 ,P1达到高峰 ,出生后表达下降 ,趋于成鼠的微量表达  相似文献   

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