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目的调查目前贵州省老年前期与老年期(≥45岁)人群听力减退与耳疾的流行病学情况,为制定耳聋防治、康复计划提供科学依据。方法根据WHO方案,用容量比例概率抽样方法调查贵州省30个点的听力和耳疾情况,抽取年龄≥45岁的1554人进行统计分析。结果≥45岁人群听力减退率为49.3%(全国标准化率为47.5%,贵州标准化率为47.4%),其中轻度30.9%,中度13.0%,重度4.5%,极重度0.9%;听力残疾率为18.4%(全国标准化率为18.5%,贵州省标准化率为18.1%);性别、城乡及年龄组间听力减退差异有统计学意义。≥60岁(老年期)人群听力减退率为72.6%,听力残疾率为29.9%。听力减退的可能病因分别是:耳疾28.6%,传染病0.1%,遗传因素4.4%,非感染状况53.4%,病因不明24.3%(1人可有多种原因,故总数〉100%)。1554名受检者中32.0%(498人)需要一项或多项干预治疗,其中85人次(5.5%)需要药物治疗,407人次(26.2%)需要配戴助听器,29人次(1.9%)需要外科手术治疗,18人次(1.2%)需要其他治疗。结论随着社会经济进程的加快,老年前期与老年期的听力减退和听力残疾率也迅速增长,老年性聋所占比例较大,应认真做好老年保健,提高听力减退的防治和康复技术,提高中老年人的生活质量和健康水平。  相似文献   

日本学龄儿童变应性鼻炎流行病学调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

目的了解江苏省自然人群耳科疾病的流行情况,为制订防治策略提供科学依据。方法依照WHO方案,用按容量比例概率抽样(PPS)方法对江苏省40个调查点8412人进行耳科和听力调查。结果耳科疾病的患病率为26.3%(全国标准化患病率为22.6%),其中外耳病2.4%,中耳病3.5%,内耳病(伴感音神经性听力损失)22.0%。耳疾患病率随年龄增长而增高,男性高于女性,农村高于城镇,其差别均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。干预需求:调查人群中6.9%需要验配助听器,2.4%需要药物治疗,1.2%需要耳外科非急诊治疗,1.0%需要其他治疗。结论耳科疾病的高患病率会严重影响社会发展,应引起政府和全社会的更多关注。制订和执行科学的防治策略是十分重要和迫切的。防治中应更多关注农村、男性和老年人群。  相似文献   

老年人听力减退和耳疾流行病学调查研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的明确江苏省老年人听力减退和耳疾流行病学情况,为制订防治和康复计划提供科学依据。方法用容量比例概率抽样方法对江苏省40个调查点进行听力和耳疾调查(WHO方案),抽取年龄≥60岁的老年人共计1261人进行统计分析。结果听力减退患病率为58.1%(标准化患病率:全国59.5%,江苏省60.9%),其中轻度33.1%,中度17.8%,重度5.9%,极重度1.3%;听力残疾患病率为25.0%(标准化患病率:全国26.6%,江苏省28.1%)。年龄、性别、城乡之间的差异有统计学意义。耳疾的患病率为:外耳畸形0.2%,耵聍栓塞1.7%,外耳道炎0.1%,真菌感染0.5%,分泌性中耳炎1.2%,慢性化脓性中耳炎1.6%,鼓膜干性穿孔2.3%。引起听力减退的可能原因:耳疾2.9%,非感染状态92.6%,遗传因素0.3%,病因不明4,2%。干预需求:调查人群中31.1%需要配戴助听器,2.3%需要药物治疗,0.9%需要外科非急诊治疗,1.0%需要其他治疗。结论老年人听力减退和听力残疾患病率较1987年的调查明显升高,应引起政府和全社会的更多关注。制订和执行科学的防治和康复计划是完全必要和十分迫切的。  相似文献   

目的调查江苏省人群中眩晕的分布情况及相关因素,为制订防治策略提供科学依据。方法采用按容量比例概率抽样(PPS)方法,在江苏省常住人口中抽样,对其中≥10岁的6854人进行眩晕问卷调查、纯音测听和耳科检查。结果本研究实际接受调查6333人,应答率92.4%,男3035人(47.9%),女3298人(52.1%),年龄10~93岁。被调查人群中眩晕的总体患病率为4.1%(标化患病率:全国3.4%,江苏3.6%),眩晕患病率随年龄增加呈上升趋势(P=0.000)。女性眩晕患病率(5.3%)高于男性(2.8%)(P=0.000),城乡之间差异无显著性(农村4.3%。城镇3.8%.P=0.459)。听力减退、中耳炎病史、噪声暴露史是眩晕的危险因素,OR值分别为2.186、2.135、1.609。结论眩晕在江苏省人群中较为常见,其发生与多种因素有关,必须加强这些方面的防治研究。  相似文献   

贵州省0~14岁儿童听力障碍流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解贵州省0~14岁儿童耳疾和听力障碍现患率、病因和干预需求的情况.方法 根据WHO方案,用容量比例概率抽样(PPS)方法调查贵州省30个点人群的听力和耳疾情况,抽取其中0~14岁儿童2 068人的资料进行统计分析.结果 0~14岁儿童听力减退现患率为3.48%,听力残疾现患率为1.84%,明显高于国内其他省市水平;7~14岁组听力残疾现患率为2.66%,显著高于0~6岁组(0.51%);男性儿童听力减退现患率为4.22%,显著高于女性儿童(2.54%).听力减退的可能原因分别是:耳疾50.00%(其中急慢性中耳炎占37.40%)、非感染因素11.11%、遗传性聋20.83%、病因不明27.77%.3.58%的调查对象需要得到药物或外科手术治疗;2.32%患儿需要佩戴助听器.结论 贵州省0~14岁儿童听力残疾现患率高于国内其他省市水平,中耳炎是引起儿章听力障碍的主要病因,且儿童遗传性聋比例也较高.  相似文献   

目的 探讨助听器效果自我评估问卷在助听器效果评估中的作用.方法 对76例助听器使用者,使用助听器效果国际性调查问卷(the international outcome inventory for hearing aids,IOI-HA)通过面对面问答或电话随访的方式,进行助听器效果及满意度评估.结果 89.5%的使用者认为助听器对他们有帮助,可以解决目前的听力障碍问题;97.3%的使用者认为使用助听器后生活质量有提高.小于60岁的使用者得分高于大于等于60岁者,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);每天使用助听器时间大于8小时的使用者得分高于小于等于8小时者.差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);使用助听器时间大于6个月的使用者得分高于小于等于6个月者,差异有显著统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 助听器效果国际性调查问卷可以对助听器效果及满意度进行评估,由于它测试时间短,易操作,可作为配戴助听器后一个可靠的主观效果评估手段.  相似文献   

变应性鼻炎流行病学调查方法商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分别对不同的变应性鼻炎流行病学调查方法及其结果进行比较,准确评价变应性鼻炎患的病率与相关患病因素.方法 2007年4月~2010年5月,通过随机整群和分层抽样,对河北省沧州市农民、渤海湾黄骅市沿海渔民、承德市雾灵山区居民、天津市区市民5230人进行变应性鼻炎患病率及相关患病因素直接面访调查,并随机检测1524例受调查者血清sIgE.结果 临床确诊调查地区变应性鼻炎患病率为9.1%,而直接面访调查获得的有关症状发生率为16.7%,差异有统计学意义(P=52.21,P<0.01).接受血清学检验的调查病例中,11.5% (176/1524)有鼻变应性症状,但其血清sIgE检测结果阴性.结论 直接面访结合血清sIgE检测方法所得调查结果更接近实际水平.  相似文献   

目的探讨网络问卷在颞骨解剖培训质量控制中的作用以及其设计原则。方法针对颞骨解剖培训的不同环节,使用网络问卷平台"问卷网"合理设计不同目的、内容和形式的问卷。结果不同类型的网络问卷在解剖培训的不同环节对培训质量均能产生积极的作用,使培训过程更精准化和个性化。结论设计合理的网络问卷是提高颞骨解剖培训质量的有效工具,实现培训管理的便捷性和精准性,提高培训效果和满意度。  相似文献   

Genetic epidemiology focuses on the genetic determinants in the etiology of disease among populations and seeks to elucidate the role of genetic factors and their interaction with environmental factors in disease occurrence. In recent years, genetic epidemiological research has become more focused on complex diseases, and human genome analysis technology has made remarkable advances.Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) is a complex trait, which results from a multitude of confounding intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Although the number of genetic investigations of ARHI is increasing at a surprising rate, the etiology of ARHI is not firmly established.In this article, we review (1) the methodological strategies used to analyze genetic factors that contribute to human ARHI, (2) several representative investigations, and (3) specific genetic risk factors for human ARHI identified in previous work.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the use of a hearing aid at six months post-fitting and to evaluate the predictors of its ongoing use in Korean adults with unilateral hearing impairment (HI). Design: Retrospective study at a secondary referral hospital over a 15-year period. Study sample: This study analysed 119 adults with unilateral HI who had been recommended for hearing amplification (55 men and 64 women, mean age, 58.0 ± 11.7 years). Six months after the fitting, all of the participants were surveyed regarding subsequent decisions and actions about obtaining hearing aids. Results: General uptake rate for a hearing aid was 68.1% (58.0% of participants surveyed were successful users, and 10.1% were intermittent users). The most significant parameter associated with hearing-aid use was social and/or work activities (R2 = 0.457), and the significant predictors for successful hearing-aid use were social and/or work activities and method of signal processing (discriminatory power = 56.3%). Conclusions: Six months post-fitting, 68.1% of Korean adults with unilateral HI who had agreed to try a hearing aid continued to use it regularly. The predictors for hearing-aid use six months post-fitting included social and/or work activities and digital signal processing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Caregivers of children who are deaf/hard of hearing have been reported to have greater stress than caregivers of children with normal hearing. The time of diagnosis is a particularly stressful time and stress levels may change over time based on varying needs at different life events. Thus, we hypothesized that stress experienced by caregivers evolves over time and is impacted by the duration since the diagnosis of hearing loss. METHODS: The 68-item pediatric hearing impairment caregiver experience (PHICE) is a validated questionnaire used to measure stress. The PHICE was administered to 152 caregivers of children with permanent hearing loss. Domain scores were converted into z-scores for analysis of trends of stress over time. RESULTS: Parents of children whose hearing loss was identified more than 60 months ago reported higher stress levels regarding educational aspects of their child's needs as compared to parents of children with less than 24 months or 24-60 months duration since diagnosis. Parents of children diagnosed with hearing loss within the preceding 24 months reported higher stress levels in the area of healthcare than parents of children diagnosed greater than 24 months ago. CONCLUSIONS: Parental stressors change over time with respect to the time of diagnosis of hearing impairment. This phenomenon was observed irrespective of the age of diagnosis of hearing loss. As professionals serving families of children with hearing loss, we should be aware of changing stressors over time and identify the appropriate support services for families to meet those changing needs. By addressing those evolving stressors, the families' ability to support and improve the outcomes for their children who are deaf or hard of hearing may be enhanced.  相似文献   


Objective: To evaluate the validity of the National Acoustic Laboratories procedure for determining percentage loss of hearing as a measure of hearing disability. Design: The percentage hearing losses of war veterans who had hearing ranging from normal to profound deafness were determined and compared with their scores on two hearing questionnaires. Study sample: A self-report hearing questionnaire was completed by 282 war veterans and 154 of those veterans were given the hearing measurement scale in the form of a structured interview. Results: A percentage loss of hearing of 0 agreed well with the questionnaire scores representing the limit of normal hearing, and a percentage loss of hearing of 100 agreed well with the questionnaire scores representing total loss of hearing. Percentage loss of hearing accounted for 83% of the variance in scores on the hearing questionnaire and 81% of the variance in scores on the hearing measurement scale. Conclusion: The National Acoustic Laboratories procedure for determining percentage loss of hearing provides a valid measure of hearing disability.  相似文献   

The BOEL test was originally devised for the early discovery of communication disorders in infants. The sound stimuli employed for hearing testing have been calibrated and standardized and any deviation from normal hearing responses to these stimuli indicate a hearing impairment.

Since 1971 the BOEL screening program has been applied experimentally in a number of child health centers in Stockholm. Up to 1975, more than 30 000 infants have been examined and approximately 5% have not responded fully regarding visual or tactile attention, auditory, motor or mental functions or social contact. The results of the audiological follow-up are reported.

Application of the BOEL hearing subtest proved very effective. It is pointed out that the BOEL test covers not only hearing defects but also other communication malfunctions and as such it is a more useful technique than simple hearing screening methods.  相似文献   

目的 探索畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)检测、评估和诊断职业性听力损伤的可行性和临床应用价值。方法 选36例(72耳)噪声暴露青年工人作为实验组,11例(22耳)正常青年人作为对照组,进行纯音听阈和DPOAE幅值、值嗓比和引出率测试。结果 实验组纯音听阈测值在全部频率点均明显提高,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。实验组DPOAE幅值和值嗓比在全部频率点均明显下降,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。实验组DPOAE总引出率下降,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。f0为1.4、8kHz时,DPOAE频点引出率无明显下降(P〉0.05),而其他频点均明显下降,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论 用DPOAE测试法检测、评估和诊断职业性听力损伤是可行的,有临床应用价值。其最佳的测试指标为DPOAE幅值、信噪比和总引出率。  相似文献   

A community-based nationwide survey for hearing loss was conducted in Oman in 1996–97. Audiometric tests and ear examinations were conducted for 12 400 persons in phase I. For children aged less than 4 years, subjective screening tests were used. In phase II, otologists examined the hearing-impaired subjects to determine the cause. The prevalence of bilateral hearing impairment was 55/1000 (95% CI 51.08–59.47). Gender difference was not significant. The rates were 325/1000 and 17/1000, respectively, in the _60-year and _10-year age groups. Presbyacusis and middle ear diseases, respectively, were the causes of 33% and 20% of bilateral hearing impairment. In 30% of the bilateral hearing-impaired subjects, the cause could not be determined. The prevalence of bilateral disabling hearing loss was 21/1000 (95% CI 18.07–23.29). Noise-induced trauma was responsible for only 1.4% of cases of disabling hearing loss. Establishing primary ear care, introducing hearing screening for neonates and schoolchildren, promoting safe preventive practices for ear care, strengthening secondary-level ear care services and introducing comprehensive rehabilitative initiatives for the hearing-disabled are recommended to reduce the hearing loss rates.  相似文献   

The clinical course and prognosis in sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) may be even worse if vestibular system is also involved, especially due to near location of anatomical structures in the inner ear. The aim of the study was to determine prognostic value of some clinical, audiological and demographic factors associated with SNHL in predicting a possibility of vestibular impairment. The study was conducted on 124 consecutive patients (183 ears) diagnosed for sensorineural hearing loss during 1 year in our department. In all of them, audiological (pure-tone, speech and impedance audiometry, ABR) and ENG examinations (visual ocular–motor, positional, kinetic and caloric tests) were performed. The correlations between ENG outcome and the following variables associated with sensorineural hearing loss were investigated: audiological (degree and location of hearing loss, audiogram configuration), clinical (tinnitus, vertigo, dizziness) and demographic (age, sex) factors. Normal ENG was recorded in 26.6%, vestibular impairment of peripheral type in 38.7%, and central type in 34.7% of the patients. In a multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis, the degree of hearing loss was the main variable correlating with abnormal ENG result. Tinnitus and location of hearing loss were also found to be the two other variables which, to some minor extent, can influence the ENG outcome. Peripheral vestibular impairment was observed more frequently in patients with residual hearing/deafness. The degree of hearing loss, presence of tinnitus and location of hearing loss are factors predicting the possibility of abnormal ENG outcome in sensorineural hearing loss.  相似文献   

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