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Summary Growing skull fractures are rare complications of head injury, occurring almost exclusively in infants and children under the age of three. A retrospective review at our Institute yielded 41 patients with this entity over a period of 20 years (1975–1995). The age at presentation ranged from less than 1 year to 62 years, with 33 (80.5%) patients being less than 5 years of age. The cause of injury was either a fall from a height (93%) or a road traffic accident. The most common location of a growing skull fracture was either parietal or frontoparietal (56%). One patient had a posterior fossa growing skull fracture. CT scan was performed in 19 patients which demonstrated an underlying porencephalic cyst, hydrocephalus or a cyst communicating with the ventricle.In 5 children, a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt alone was performed. Twenty four patients underwent a duro- and cranioplasty while a duroplasty alone was performed in 8 patients. The material used for cranioplasty included acrylic, wire mesh, steel plates or autologous bone. Three patients died, one due to an anaesthetic complication and two as a result of postoperative meningitis. Post-operative CSF leaks occurred in 3 patients, which were managed by a lumbar drain. Six patients had local wound infection.  相似文献   

Growing skull fractures (craniocerebral erosion)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The incidence of growing skull fractures ranges from less than 0.05% to 1.6%. We reviewed 22 growing skull fracture patients retrospectively. There were 15 boys and seven girls ranging in age from newborn to 6 years (mean: 12.4 months) at the time of injury. Falling was the most frequent cause of injury. In total, 17 patients presented with a scalp mass. The scalp was sunken over the bone defect in three patients. Other symptoms and signs were seizure in five patients, hemiparesis in four, recurrent meningitis in one, and pulsatile exophtalmus in one. The most common location was the parietal region. The extent of dural defect was always greater than that of bony defect, except in one case that had been previously shunted for hydrocephalus. In another patient with a growing fracture in the posterior cranial fossa, the dural edges could not be exposed, although a wide craniotomy was performed. Therefore, a cystoperitoneal shunt was inserted. Gliotic tissue was present in all the patients. Cyst or cystic lesions were observed in only nine patients, duraplasty was performed in 21, 16 were neurologically intact, and six had minor deficits. All patients under the age of 3 years with a diastatic skull fracture should be closely followed up. A sustaining diastatic fracture and brain herniation through the skull defect shown on CT or MRI imply a growing skull fracture. Received: 5 July 1999 / Accepted: 22 September 1999  相似文献   

Summary.  Background: Growing Skull Fractures (GSF) are rare complications of head trauma, primarily reported in infancy and early childhood. GSF are commonly located on calvaria, and rarely in other locations, including the skull base.  Method: In this study, we report two cases of GSF occurring in unusual locations. The first, a 8-month old girl, with a GSF of the suboccipital posterior fossa region, and the second, a 4-year old boy with a GSF of the right orbital roof. Both cases underwent operative treatment of the GSF, with microsurgical dissection and excision of the protruding gliotic brain tissue, watertight duraplasty and autologous bone cranial repair. The authors conducted a Medline search of the relevant English literature from 1966 to 2002.  Findings: From the search, three cases of suboccipital posterior fossa region GSF and twelve series of orbital GSF, describing a total of 22 cases, have been found.  Interpretation: A survey of the pathogenic mechanisms underling this entity in these locations is reported. A review of suboccipital posterior fossa and orbital roof GSF cases, of nosological, ophthalmological and neurological data, neuroradiological and operative findings, and results of different treatment strategies are described. Published online March 3, 2003  Correspondence: Antonino Germanò, M.D., Neurosurgical Clinic, Policlinico, University of Messina, Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina, Italy.  相似文献   

During a five-year-period (January 1990 to December 1994) a total of 67 patients were operated on for frontobasal skull fractures. The indication for surgical treatment was based on the evidence of fractures encroaching paranasal sinuses or the cribriform plate on high-resolution axial or coronal CT scans. The following clinical signs indicating frontobasal trauma were observed: 25 patients (37%) showed rhinoliquorrhea, 14 (21%) had racoon's eyes, and 2 (3%) had meningitis. Distinct dura laceration was observed intraoperatively in 64 of 67 patients (96%). In our experience, high resolution CT has proven to be a sensitive diagnostic tool for frontobasal skull fractures. With respect to the high coincidence of fractures and dura lacerations, the indication for surgical treatment based on CT findings seems to be justified.  相似文献   

In this report, the authors describe two cases of growing fracture of the orbital roof. The aim is to draw attention to this rare complication and discuss the role of three-dimensional computed tomography in radiological findings and surgical planning. Relevant literature is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Summary The use of skull radiography in the initial evaluation of minor head injured patients is controversial. In an attempt to evaluate its benefits, a retrospective study of 566 cases subjected to skull radiography following close minor head trauma (Glasgow Coma Scale 13–15), is presented.A skull fracture (linear vault, depressed or base of skull) was present in 64 (11%) cases. Only three (5%) who were found to have a skull fracture on skull radiography developed an intracranial injury which required surgery.Intracranial injuries developed in 19 (3%) cases and were followed by surgery in six (32%). All, except for one case, had a decreased level of consciousness and a Glasgow Coma Scale less than 15, few had focal neurological deficits. Management had not been altered by the results of skull radiography in any of the cases.We concluded that skull radiographs are unnecessary for the decision process in closed minor head injury because management decisions are based primarily on a careful neurological examination. When intracranial injuries are a concern, a CT scan should be obtained.  相似文献   

目的:总结颅骨修补手术治疗的经验体会,探讨如何进一步提高手术的成功率及防治并发症。方法:回顾性分析我科自2006年3月~2011年12月应用钛网修补颅骨缺损86例患者的临床资料。结果:79例术后12天内痊愈出院,7例出现并发症包括:皮下积液4例、钛网外露3例而延迟出院。随访3~24月,大多数病人术前缺损综合征基本消失,其中2例癫痫发作明显缓解,1例肢体瘫痪明显改善。但有1例患者术后出现癫痫发作,2例出现疼痛,3例对额部塑形不够满意。结论:手术者的思维与技巧是修补术成功的关键,通过术中的细心、耐心操作和术后的正确处理,可以减少并发症的发生,提高成功率。  相似文献   

Cranio-cerebral erosion is a well-known complication of calvarian fracture with underlying dural tear and cerebral injury in infancy and early childhood. The anatomy, pathogenesis and natural evolution of these lesions remain obscure. The common clinical symptoms are seizures, focal neurological deficits, impairment of consciousness and a soft subgaleal mass. Three patients of cranio-cerebral erosion who underwent delayed surgery in their adult lives are presented to illustrate the common and uncommon features, and their long-term outcome is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is based on a study of sixty cases of cranio-cerebral erosion treated in the Department of Neurosurgery. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi during the last 20 years. This constitutes the largest series, so far reported from anywhere. It has provided a unique opportunity to get a comprehensive picture of the clinical and radiological features of this lesion, as also their evolution. These have been correlated with the findings at surgery and histopathological observations. The study highlights the incidence, pattern and severity of the brain damage associated with this lesion. Evidence has been provided for the progressive nature of the brain damage, not adequately emphasized in the existing literature. Pathogenesis of this brain damage has been discussed. The role of surgery in the management of this lesion has been outlined. Emphasis on the osseous changes or the leptomeningeal cyst (not really a consistent or important feature) in most publications on this subject has tended to minimize the significance of the brain damage in this condition. The authors suggest that the latter is far more important and therefore, recommend the use of nomenclature which takes this into account.  相似文献   

Contemporary management of pelvic fractures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Pelvic fractures occur when there is high kinetic energy transfer to the patient such as would be expected in motor vehicle crashes, auto-pedestrian collisions, motorcycle crashes, falls, and crush injuries. High-force impact implies an increased risk for associated injuries to accompany the pelvic fracture, as well as significant mortality and morbidity risks. Choosing the optimum course of diagnosis and treatment for these patients can be challenging. The purpose of this review is to supply a contemporary view of the diagnosis and therapy of patients with this important group of injuries. METHODS: A comprehensive review of the medical literature, focusing on publications produced in the last 10 years, was undertaken. The principal sources were found in surgical, orthopedic, and radiographic journals. CONCLUSIONS: The central challenge for the clinician evaluating and managing a patient with a pelvic fracture is to determine the most immediate threat to life and control this threat. Treatment approaches will vary depending on whether the main threat arises from pelvic fracture hemorrhage, associated injuries, or both simultaneously. Functional outcomes in the long-term depend on the quality of the rigid fixation of the fracture, as well as associated pelvic neural and visceral injuries.  相似文献   

三维影像学检查在髋臼骨折诊断和治疗中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探讨三维影像学检查在髋臼骨折诊断和治疗中的应用及价值。方法自2002年6月~2004年10月对56例髋臼骨折患者进行螺旋CT扫描,通过三维表面遮盖法(SSD)及容积重建技术(VRT)观察骨折的类型及详细情况,其中15例进行了内固定术后髋臼复位情况的疗效观察。结果56例中SSD显示了53例骨折,3例未全部显示骨折线;SSD显示骨折的立体效果优于VRT,VRT在显示不明显骨折及细碎骨折块方面优于SSD,并且可以立体直观的显示术后髋臼的复位固定效果。结论三维CT成像技术对髋臼骨折的诊断、治疗方法及手术固定方案的选择均具有不可替代的重要价值,VRT对术后疗效的判断也具有一定价值。  相似文献   

髋臼骨折属于关节内骨折,其位置深在,周围有较多的软组织包绕,手术较为困难。2000年2月-2007年2月,笔者手术治疗髋臼骨折23例,疗效较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨手术治疗肩胛骨骨折的内固定方式及其疗效。方法手术治疗23例肩胛骨骨折患者,14例采用后方Judet入路,2例采用前后方联合入路,1例喙突骨折与2例盂部前方骨折采用前方入路,2例肩峰骨折采用骨折处直接切开,2例盂部后方骨折采用后方肩胛骨外缘直接切开。16例伴有肩胛骨多处骨折采用钢板螺钉固定,1例喙突骨折及2例关节盂骨折采用拉力螺钉固定,2例肩峰骨折分别采用克氏针和钢丝环扎,2例关节盂骨折采用可吸收螺钉固定。结果 21例获得随访,时间9~55个月。骨折均愈合。采用体格检查及肩关节Constant评分标准进行疗效评价:优11例,良7例,可2例,差1例。术后并发浅表感染1例,外展>90°时轻微疼痛2例,肩胛上神经卡压1例。结论对于达到手术指征的肩胛骨骨折,适合的手术入路及内固定可以达到满意治疗效果。  相似文献   

The atypical femoral fracture (AFF) has been attracting significant attention because of its increasing incidence; additionally, its treatment is challenging from biological and mechanical aspects. Although surgery is often required to manage complete AFFs, clear guidelines for the surgical treatment of AFFs are currently sparse. We reviewed and described the surgical treatment of AFFs and the surveillance of the contralateral femur. For complete AFFs, cephalomedullary intramedullary nailing spanning the entire length of the femur can be used. Various surgical techniques to overcome the femoral bowing common in AFFs include a lateral entry point, external rotation of the nail, and the use of a nail with a small radius of curvature, or a contralateral nail. In the case of a narrow medullary canal, severe femoral bowing, or pre-existing implants, plate fixation may be considered as an alternative. For incomplete AFFs, prophylactic fixation depends on several risk factors, such as a subtrochanteric location, presence of a radiolucent line, functional pain, and condition of the contralateral femur; the same surgical principles as those in complete AFFs can be applied. Finally, once AFF is diagnosed, clinicians should recognize the increased risk of contralateral AFFs, and close surveillance of the contralateral femur is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary  Growing skull fractures (GSF) are rare complications of head trauma. Cases after childhood are extremely rare and demonstrate complicated pathological conditions which necessitate extensive treatment. We report on two rare cases of intracranial cysts related to growing skull fractures which are secondary to trauma sustained during childhood, and have been discovered in adolescence.  相似文献   

Li F  Zhu S  Liu Y  Chen G  Chi L  Qu F 《Acta neurochirurgica》2007,149(1):31-39
Summary Background. Although intracranial epidermoid cysts generally appear as hypodense lesions on CT scans, occasionally, they may appear hyperdense, making diagnosis difficult. The aim was to study clinical features and possible pathogenesis of hyperdense intracranial epidermoid cysts (HIECs). Methods. Fifteen patients with HIECs were surgically treated in our department during a 21-year period (1985 up to 2005). We reviewed each patient’s clinical records, radiological findings, operative reports, and pathological examinations, along with a review of the literature. Findings. The incidence of HIECs in our series was approximately 3.02%, with female predominance. The average age was 32 years and the average duration of complaints was nine months. The most common location was the parasellar area (6 cases), followed by cerebellum (4 cases), clival region (3 cases), cerebello-pontine angle (1 case) and lateral ventricle (1 case). Gross-total excision of the tumor was achieved in ten patients (66.7%). Four (26.7%) patients underwent subtotal resection; and one (6.6%) patient underwent partial resection. Aseptic meningitis that occurred postoperatively in two cases was controlled by lumbar drainage. Conclusions. Recurrent leakage of the irritating cyst contents and subsequent chemical inflammatory response may be responsible for the high-density on CT scans and the cystic nature. A correct histological diagnosis is important because, in contrast to typical ECs and other lesions, HIECs are more prone to spread intra-operatively and result in severe aseptic meningitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Camel collision accidents are a common occurrence in Saudi Arabia, with a high rate of mortality and morbidity. Isolated injuries are rare because of the nature of impact sustained by the person. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 4-year-old child with an isolated depressed skull fracture resulting from a camel collision is described. The other occupants of the car were crushed to death. The child sustained only an impact to his head, causing a compound depressed skull fracture with localized cortical damage. CONCLUSIONS: Camel collision accidents are a common cause of mortality and morbidity in Saudi Arabia. Isolated skull injuries are rare and result from a localized impact. This is the first report of a compound depressed skull fracture from such an incident. The extent of the problem and efforts toward prevention are described.  相似文献   

手术治疗42例踝关节骨折   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2004年8月~2008年10月,我院手术治疗踝关节骨折42例,疗效满意。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组42例,男33例,女9例,年龄18~63岁。按Lauge-Han-sen分型方法:旋后内收型3例,旋后外旋型30例,旋前外展型1例,旋前外旋  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of conservative and surgical management options for traumatic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage complicating skull base fractures. The subjects were 81 patients who were treated between 1996 and 2003 for CSF leaks that had persisted for 24 h or longer after head injury. For each case the medical records were reviewed, and the data collected were as follows: demographic features, clinical and radiological findings, management options, complications and outcome scores. Analysis was done with patients grouped according to Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score at admission (8 vs >8), and findings for three treatment methods (conservative, CSF drainage, surgery) were evaluated. In 32 cases (39.5%), the CSF leakage resolved spontaneously, and the mean hospital stay for these patients was 14±11 days. Twenty-four patients (29.6%) were treated by CSF drainage, and seven of these individuals ultimately required surgery to close the leak. Hospital stay was 17±7 days. Twenty-five patients (30.9%) underwent surgery as the initial treatment step, and the mean hospital stay for these individuals was 15±9 days. The large majority (74.2%) of patients with admission GCS scores 8 had poor outcomes. Compared with this group, a greater proportion of the CSF leaks in the patients with admission GCS scores >8 resolved spontaneously. The factors that had a critical influence on outcome in this series were level of consciousness on admission and presence of additional intracranial pathology associated with CSF leakage within cases of traumatic CSF fistulae due to skull base fractures. Treatment decisions should be dictated by the severity of neurological decline during the emergency period and the presence/absence of associated intracranial lesions. The timing for surgery and CSF drainage procedures must be decided with great care and with a clear strategy. The authors offer a treatment algorithm.  相似文献   

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