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Introduction: There is no standardized method for examination of facial muscles with ultrasound. The purpose of this study was to identify those facial muscles accessible for reliable identification and to provide reference data. Methods: In healthy subjects all facial muscles were screened for visibility, separation from adjacent muscles, and reliability of landmarks. Bilateral scans of reliable muscles were performed in 40 adult volunteers. Results: Six facial muscles were clearly demarcated with ultrasound. These were: frontalis, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, and mentalis muscles. Cross-sectional area and muscle thickness showed gender differences and were independently related to age for some muscles. A significant left–right side difference was only seen for the orbicularis oculi muscle in women. Conclusions: These data demonstrate the usefulness of ultrasonography to assess facial muscles and provide reference values that can be applied in the clinical setting. Muscle Nerve 47: 878–883, 2013  相似文献   

Introduction: Ultrasonography can detect structural muscle changes caused by neuromuscular disease, but it has not yet been applied to facial nerve diseases. Quantitative analysis would be the preferred method to determine whether ultrasound findings are within normal limits, but there are no normative data for mimic muscles. The purpose of this study was to provide gender‐specific normative ultrasonography data for muscle area, diameter, and contractility for mimic and masticatory muscles in adults. Methods: Bilateral scans of multiple mimic and masticatory muscles were performed at rest and during contraction in 140 volunteers, aged 21–93 years. Results: Almost all mimic muscles, but not the temporalis muscles, had symmetric size. The muscle sizes showed gender differences and a muscle‐specific correlation with body weight, but not with age. Conclusions: These data provide normative values that can be used in clinical practice. Muscle Nerve 50 : 348–357, 2014  相似文献   

Recently it has been proposed that corticobulbar innervation of the lower facial muscles is bilateral, that is from both right and left sides of the motor cortex. The objectives of this study were, i) to evaluate the corticonuclear descending fibers to the perioral muscles and, ii) to determine how central facial palsy (CFP) occurs and often recovers rapidly following a stroke. Eighteen healthy volunteers and 28 patients with a previous history of a stroke and CFP (mean ages: 51 and 61 years) were investigated by TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) with a figure of eight coil. Intracranial facial nerve and cortical motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the perioral muscles. The periorbital MEPs were also studied. The absence of MEPs in both perioral muscles with TMS of the affected hemisphere was the most obvious abnormality. Also, central conduction time was significantly prolonged in the remaining patients. The mean amplitude of the affected hemisphere MEPs was diminished. The amplitudes of the unaffected hemisphere MEPs recorded from the intact side were enhanced especially in the first week following the stroke. During TMS, only the blink reflexes were elicited from the periorbital muscles due to stimulus spreading to trigeminal afferent nerve fibers. It is concluded that perioral muscles are innervated by the corticobulbar tract bilaterally. CFP caused by a stroke is generally incomplete and mild because of the ipsilateral cortical and multiple innervations out of the infarction area, and recovers fast through cortical reorganisation.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Idiopathic facial palsy (IFP) accounts for over 60% of peripheral facial palsy (FP) cases. The cause of IFP remains to be determined. Possible etiologies are nerve swelling due to inflammation and/or viral infection. In this study, we applied an integrative mass spectrometry approach to identify possibly altered protein patterns in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of IFP patients.


We obtained CSF samples from 34 patients with FP. In four patients, varicella-zoster virus was the cause (VZV-FP). Among the 30 patients diagnosed with IFP, 17 had normal CSF parameters, five had slightly elevated CSF cell counts and normal or elevated CSF protein, and eight had normal CSF cell counts but elevated CSF protein. Five patients with primary headache served as controls. All samples were tested for viral pathogens by PCR and subjected to liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and bioinformatics analysis and multiplex cytokine/chemokine arrays.


All CSF samples, except those from VZV-FP patients, were negative for all tested pathogens. The protein composition of CSF samples from IFP patients with normal CSF was comparable to controls. IFP patients with elevated CSF protein showed dysregulated proteins involved in inflammatory pathways, findings which were similar to those in VZV-FP patients. Multiplex analysis revealed similarly elevated cytokine levels in the CSF of IFP patients with elevated CSF protein and VZV-FP.


Our study revealed a subgroup of IFP patients with elevated CSF protein that showed upregulated inflammatory pathways, suggesting an inflammatory/infectious cause. However, no evidence for an inflammatory cause was found in IFP patients with normal CSF.  相似文献   

Acute unilateral facial paralysis is usually a benign neurological condition that resolves in a few weeks. However, it can also be the source of a transient or long-lasting severe motor dysfunction, featuring disorders of automatic and voluntary movement. This review is organized according to the two most easily recognizable phases in the evolution of facial paralysis: (1). Just after presentation of facial palsy, patients may exhibit an increase in their spontaneous blinking rate as well as a sustained low-level contraction of the muscles of the nonparalyzed side, occasionally leading to blepharospasm-like muscle activity. This finding may be due to an increase in the excitability of facial motoneurons and brainstem interneurons mediating trigeminofacial reflexes. (2). If axonal damage has occurred, axonal regeneration beginning at approximately 3 months after the lesion leads inevitably to clinically evident or subclinical hyperactivity of the previously paralyzed hemifacial muscles. The full-blown postparalytic facial syndrome consists of synkinesis, myokymia, and unwanted hemifacial mass contractions accompanying normal facial movements. The syndrome has probably multiple pathophysiological mechanisms, including abnormal axonal branching after aberrant axonal regeneration and enhanced facial motoneuronal excitability. Although the syndrome is relieved with local injections of botulinum toxin, fear of such uncomfortable contractions may lead the patients to avoid certain facial movements, with the implications that this behavior might have on their emotional expressions.  相似文献   

Introduction: Reinnervation activity is triggered after complete unilateral peripheral facial palsy (PFP). Methods: In 27 patients with PFP we recorded electromyographic activity with a concentric needle electrode inserted 1 cm lateral to the oral commissure of the affected side. We applied electrical stimuli to the unaffected (contralateral) facial nerve from the tragus to the mid‐lower lip and measured the response latency variability and segmental conduction velocity. Results: Responses to electrical stimulation of the unaffected facial nerve were found in all patients. Mean conduction velocity was 49.6 ± 6.2 m/s between tragus and oral commissure, and 6.0 ± 1.9 m/s between oral commissure and mid‐lower lip. Latency variability was 0.27 ms to facial nerve stimulation and 0.08 ms to oral commissure stimulation. Conclusion: Short distance sprouting of axons that innervate muscle fibers, which originate from the unaffected facial nerve, results in propagation of impulses to muscle fibers in the midline. Muscle Nerve 2011  相似文献   

Recurrent facial nerve palsy (RFNP) in childhood is usually considered to be a benign disorder. We report a 13-year-old female affected with RFNP in the absence of other neurologic signs, in which elevated serum IgG and IgM anti-GQ1b antibodies were detected. To our knowledge, this is the first example in the literature of RFNP, associated with anti-GQ1b IgG antibodies. The possible role of anti-GQ1b antibodies in isolated cranial neuropathy is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Etiologic hypotheses in acute idiopathic peripheral facial palsy (AIPFP) mostly point to an immunologic dysfunction, probably virus-induced. Though various immunologic abnormalities are reported, the problem is still unsolved. We investigated intrathecal immunoglobulin synthesis in AIPFP as a clue for central nervous system (CNS) immunopathology. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We studied IgG index in 24 patients with AIPFP, 10 with other neurological diseases (OND) and 17 with multiple sclerosis (MS). CSF and serum IgG were measured by radial immunodiffusion technique. IgG index is calculated according to Tibbling's formula. RESULTS: IgG indexes were abnormal in 6 patients with AIPFP, 3 with OND and 10 with MS patients. There was no statistical difference between AIPFP and OND groups, while marked difference existed between AIPFP and MS groups. CONCLUSION: Though IgG indexes were high in 25% of AIPFP patients, statistical analyses did not show any significance of this finding. Lack of a positive result might reflect non-existence of an extensive immunologic pathology within CNS, excluding a very limited one.  相似文献   

We report our results from the application of evoked electromyography (EEMG) and facial nerve latency testing (FNLT) in 30 children aged 4–14 years with idiopathic facial palsy. Our aim was to define the value of these tests as prognostic tools in Bell's palsy. From the EEMG results we ascertained that, when the amplitude of the compound muscle action potential varied between 51% and 95% of the normal value, the neuronal damage is slight (neurapraxia). When the percentage value of muscle response decreases, the prognosis is worse. The results of the FNLT showed that, when the latency is within normal limits, the damage to the nerve is slight (neurapraxia). If the latency is prolonged, the prognosis is worse. Evaluation of our results and comparison with the index of facial nerve functional recovery showed that those two tests have a high percentage of correctness (100% for the EEMG and 96.7% for the FNLT) and a low percentage of error. We conclude that these tests are excellent for predicting the outcome of facial nerve palsy in childhood and we suggest that young patents undergo both so that the determination of the lesion may be as correct as possible.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the effectiveness of delayed surgery and follow-up observation in managing severe Bell's palsy after two months of onset. Methods: Forty-one Bell's palsy patients with severe facial paralysis were treated after two months of onset. Eighteen patients in group I underwent decompression operations between two and three months after onset, and eight patients in group II underwent surgery after three months of onset; 15 patients in group III were managed with follow-up observation. All patients were followed up at the end of 3rd, 6th and 12th months, and surgical outcomes were compared with follow-up observations using House–Brackmann score and Facial Clinimetric Evaluation (FaCE) scale. Results: Between groups I and III, the difference in the proportion of the patients with fair or poor recoveries was statistically significant (p < 0.05) at the three-month follow-up visit. There was no significant difference in the distribution of complete, fair or poor recoveries at the 12-month follow-up visits among the three groups (p < 0.05). The total FaCE score and five individual domains were significantly improved at the end of the follow-up period in groups I and III (p < 0.05). However, in group I, the lacrimal control scores were significantly decreased at the end of the follow-up period compared to scores before surgery (p < 0.05). After surgery, four patients had sensorineural hearing loss, three patients had tinnitus and no patients had vertigo. Conclusion: Patients with severe Bell's palsy after two months of onset would not benefit from delayed decompression surgery.  相似文献   

Electrodiagnostic (EDX) assessment is one of the most important aspects in the evaluation of the two most common disorders of the facial nerve: facial palsy and hemifacial spasm. Facial palsy is usually an acute disorder that resolves in a few weeks but, in a number of cases, leads to a postparalytic facial syndrome featuring muscle synkinesis, myokymia, and involuntary mass contractions of muscles on the affected side. Hemifacial spasm is usually a chronic disorder characterized by paroxysms of involuntary, clonic, and synchronous twitching of all facial muscles on the affected side. EDX studies provide information on lesion location and severity, pathophysiology underlying the two disorders, and differential diagnosis between syndromes presenting with abnormal facial muscle activity. This monograph is intended to describe the most relevant EDX findings in the two disorders and the most appropriate timing for the examinations in order to provide useful information for prognosis and therapeutic decision-making.  相似文献   

In the present study we evaluated the facial nerve latency test (FNLT) as a prognostic tool in cases of childhood Bell's palsy. Twenty-five children aged 4–14 years were studied. We divided our subjects into three groups according to duration of latency time (LT). Group A patients had an LT within the normal range, with average of 3.27 ms, group B a slightly prolonged LT averaging 5.7 ms, and group C a markedly prolonged LT averaging 10.5 ms. Analysis of the recovery index by group showed that group A patients experienced complete and quick recovery, while in group B 50% had complete but delayed recovery and 50% slightly impaired facial nerve function, and in group C 50% had slightly impaired function and 50% incomplete recovery. The more prolonged the LT, the worse the clinical results. The FNLT is thus a valuable prognostic tool in cases of Bell's palsy in childhood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : Commonly used classic hypoglossal (CN XII) to facial nerve (CN VII) anastomosis has the disadvantage of tongue hemiatrophy. Thus, various attempts have been made to modify this method to reduce the tongue damage. The aim of this report was to present the results of hemihypoglossal-facial nerve anastomosis (HHFA) technique in relation to facial muscles reanimation and hemitongue atrophy. MATERIAL AND METHODS : The first 7 consecutive patients who underwent CN VII anastomosis with half of the CNXII, for which the follow-up period exceeded 12 months, were analysed. During the procedure, CN VII was transected as proximally as possible after drilling the mastoid process. CN XII was separated longitudinally into two parts at a short distance to allow suture of the stumps without any tension. One half of CN XII was transected and sutured to the distal stump of CN VII. Recovery from facial palsy was quantified with the House-Brackmann grading system (HB). Tongue function was assessed according to the scale proposed by Martins. RESULTS : Features of initial reinnervation of facial muscles were visible after 6 months in all 7 patients. All patients achieved satisfactory outcome of CN VII regeneration (HB grade III) until the last control examination (12-27 months after surgery, mean 16). No or minimal tongue atrophy without deviation (grades I-II according to the Martins scale) was found in 4 patients. Mild hemiatrophy with tongue deviation < 30 degrees (grade III) was visible in 3 patients. CONCLUSIONS : In our experience, HHFA is effective treatment of facial palsy and gives a chance to reduce damage of the tongue.  相似文献   

Facial nerve palsy is the commonest cranial neuropathy affecting 40/100 000 people in the Western World but is idiopathic in 50–70% of cases. This report describes a case of recurrent facial nerve palsy in association with herpes simplex virus (HSV) reactivation. HSV may be a major cause of racial nerve palsy. Further research is required to clarify this issue in order that targeted treatment strategies can be developed for this common problem.  相似文献   

Introduction: Axonal excitability measures give insight into the biophysical properties of peripheral nerve axons. In this study we applied these techniques to the study of facial palsy. Methods: Thirty patients with established facial palsy due to unresolved Bell's palsy or herpes zoster (>6 months duration), tumor invasion of the facial nerve, or traumatic facial nerve injury were assessed using facial nerve excitability techniques. Results: Full recordings were obtained in 23 patients (15 unrecovered Bell's palsy or herpes zoster, 5 trauma, 3 tumor‐related). Compared with normal controls, the facial palsy group demonstrated changes in stimulus response properties, threshold electrotonus, refractoriness, superexcitability, and I/V slope. Depolarizing threshold electrotonus distinguished between viral and non‐viral etiologies on subgroup analysis. Discussion: In this cross‐sectional study, established facial palsy demonstrated findings similar to those seen in studies of regenerated axons. The improved understanding of underlying axonal characteristics offered by the technique may guide future treatment. Muscle Nerve 57 : 268–272, 2018  相似文献   

A functional disorder of facial muscle activity commonly occurs in patients after recovery from Bell's palsy with axonal degeneration. The postparalytic facial dysfunction is probably related to the aberrant growing of regenerating axons, although other theories such as ephaptic transmission, spontaneous generation of impulses, and enhancement of motoneuron excitability should also be considered. In this work, we have carried out a comparative electrophysiological study of both sides of the face in 23 patients who had recovered from a unilateral Bell's palsy with axonal degeneration. At rest, spontaneous firing of motor units was observed in muscles of the previously paralyzed side. Direct motor responses to facial nerve stimulation were smaller in the muscles of the previously paralyzed side, but reflex responses obtained in the same muscles by stimulation of either the facial or trigeminal nerve were larger when compared with those of the contralateral side. These data indicate that patients with "postparalytic facial dysfunction" may have an increased background muscle activity, as well as an enhanced recruitment of facial motoneurons to reflex activation in the side of the previous paralysis. These findings are compatible with an enhanced level of motoneuron excitability in the facial nucleus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess turns/amplitude analysis (TAA) as an objective alternative to conventional qualitative electromyography (EMG) for detection of myopathy in facial muscles. Normal values of TAA parameters were calculated in the frontalis and mentalis muscles of 26 control subjects. We estimated the slope of the regression line of mean amplitude/turn values (MA) plotted against the number of turns/second (NT) and the resulting clouds. The 95% confidence limits of the cloud data were drawn as an ellipse. The sensitivity of TAA was determined from a group of 35 myopathic patients and specificity from a second group of 25 control subjects. Significant differences for every TAA parameter were found between frontalis and mentalis. Cumulative sensitivity and specificity of TAA for frontalis and mentalis were 74.6%, 56.5%, and 73.3%, 70.8%, respectively. With at least two of the aforementioned criteria abnormal, the sensitivity and specificity for frontalis and mentalis were 61.3%, 82.6%, and 56.7%, 100.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

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