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DiMartino  M.  Slivjak  M.  Esser  K.  Wolff  C.  Smith  E.  Gagnon  R. 《Inflammation research》1993,39(1):C58-C60
Adjuvant arthritis (AA) was induced in male Lewis rats by a single FCA (M. but yricum) injection into the tail. At various time periods post FCA injection, AA and control rats were anesthetized and administeredE. coli endotoxin (30 mg/kg, i.v.). Plasma samples were obtained at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 min following endotoxin administration and assayed for TNFα levels by ELISA. Compared to control rats, AA rats exhibited enhanced EIPT levels (706% of control,p<0.05) which was associated with the onset of inflammatory lesions on days 12–14 post FCA, and remained significantly elevated (>300% of control,p<0.05) for at least 30 days post FCA. There were no significant correlations between EIPT levels and hindpaw volumes or body weights. The results of this study support previous observations that AA is associated with macrophage activation and suggest that EIPT levels in AA rats may be a useful parameter for the evaluation of novel antiarthritic agents.  相似文献   

Adjuvant arthritis (AA) was induced in male Lewis rats by a single FCA (M. but yricum) injection into the tail. At various time periods post FCA injection, AA and control rats were anesthetized and administeredE. coli endotoxin (30 mg/kg, i.v.). Plasma samples were obtained at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 min following endotoxin administration and assayed for TNF levels by ELISA. Compared to control rats, AA rats exhibited enhanced EIPT levels (706% of control,p<0.05) which=" was=" associated=" with=" the=" onset=" of=" inflammatory=" lesions=" on=" days=" 12–14=" post=" fca,=" and=" remained=" significantly=" elevated=" (=">300% of control,p<0.05) for=" at=" least=" 30=" days=" post=" fca.=" there=" were=" no=" significant=" correlations=" between=" eipt=" levels=" and=" hindpaw=" volumes=" or=" body=" weights.=" the=" results=" of=" this=" study=" support=" previous=" observations=" that=" aa=" is=" associated=" with=" macrophage=" activation=" and=" suggest=" that=" eipt=" levels=" in=" aa=" rats=" may=" be=" a=" useful=" parameter=" for=" the=" evaluation=" of=" novel=" antiarthritic=">  相似文献   

Oil-elicited rabbit macrophages stimulated by endotoxin were found to release increased amounts of interleukin 1 (IL-1) when incubated with silica. The assays used to determine the amount of IL-1 released were uptake of thymidine by mouse thymocytes, fever in rabbits, and neutrophilia in rats. All three assays showed that endotoxin-stimulated macrophages released five to 10 times more IL-1 when incubated with silica. Most of the IL-1 had a molecular weight (MW) of about 14,000 with a smaller amount at a MW of approximately 35,000. All of the neutrophilia-producing activity had an isoelectric point (pl) near 7. Thymocyte proliferation was promoted about equally by activities near pH 5 and 7. Fever was found not only at these two isoelectric points but also at a pl above 8 which had neither of the other two activities.  相似文献   

The influence of Melatonin (MLT) on the modulation of the immune system has been described. In previous studies an increment of cell proliferation and an increase or a decrease of cytokines have been reported. Other workers have found inhibitory effects or no effect in the immune functions. Because of this controversy, and for the purpose of studying the mechanism by which MLT performs its functions, we evaluated its effect on murine splenocytes's proliferation after a mitogenic stimulation, and quantified the levels of IL-2 and IL-1 beta in the absence or presence of Phitohemaglutinin (PHA) in supernatants of mice splenocytes cell culture treated or not with MLT. The lymphoproliferative response was assessed using tritiated thimidine in the splenocytes of mice treated with 500 micrograms of MLT/Kg b.w. and in cell cultures containing 5, 50 and 100 micrograms MLT/mL. The production of IL-2 and IL-1 beta was detected by the ELISA test. An increase in the proliferation (p < 0.01) of spleen cells treated with 50 and 100 micrograms MLT/mL an optimal dose of PHA, was detected. The in vivo or in vitro treatment with MLT increased the levels of IL-2 and IL-1 beta in the absence or the presence of PHA, maintaining the increase in the concentration of IL-1 beta up to the to ninth day of treatment. These results suggest that MLT acts directly on cell proliferation probably by binding to high affinity receptors located on spleen cells, that stimulates the production of IL-2 and IL-1 beta giving rise to an increment of cell immunity.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of action of several non-immunological histamine releasers has been investigated using pertussis toxin which interfers, via ADP-ribosylation, with some G-proteins. Pertussis toxin (100 ng/ml) inhibited histamine release induced by compound 48/80, substance P, mastoparan, peptide 401, bradykinin and spermine showing that a G-protein sensitive to pertussis toxin was involved in the non-immunological histamine release. All these compounds directly activate purified G-proteins. The sensitivity to pertussis toxin of this direct stimulatory effect was demonstrated for compound 48/80, mastoparan and substance P. Altogether these results suggest that a direct activation of G-protein might be the molecular mechanism of action of histamine secretagogues acting through a pertussis toxin sensitive G-protein and in this way mimic agonist-ligand receptor interaction.  相似文献   

The effects of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), a highly prevalent environmental carcinogen, on the ability of peritoneal exudate macrophages to produce the secretory immunomodulatory molecule interleukin-1 (IL-1) in vitro was examined. A dose-dependent increase in lipopolysaccharide stimulated IL-1 production concomitant with decreased cell viabilities was noted in macrophages cultured in the presence of BaP. Antibody responses which are suppressed in BaP dosed mice can be reconstituted in vitro by the addition of exogenous interleukin-1. These results indicate that one of the cellular targets of BaP induced immunosuppression may be cells of the macrophage-monocyte lineage. Furthermore, BaP induced suppression of antibody responsiveness may be a result of alterations in production of IL-1.  相似文献   

To test whether or not sialodacryoadenitis virus (SDAV) infection in rats affects pulmonary macrophage function, we intranasally inoculated pathogen-free F344 rats with SDAV and collected alveolar and interstitial macrophages 5 d later. We assessed Fc receptor-mediated attachment and phagocytosis by phase-contrast microscopic examination of monolayers of alveolar and interstitial macrophages incubated with zymosan, nonopsonized sheep erythrocytes, or erythrocytes opsonized with rabbit antisheep-erythrocyte IgG. Alveolar macrophages from virus-infected rats had significantly (P less than or equal to .05) lower indices of attachment and phagocytosis of opsonized erythrocytes than control macrophages, but there was no difference in attachment of zymosan particles. Interstitial macrophages were not affected. Alveolar macrophages from SDAV-infected rats produced significantly less interleukin-1 than those from control rats, as assessed by testing supernatants from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage cultures for induction of mouse thymocytes to take up tritiated thymidine. Effects of SDAV infection on lung macrophages could increase host susceptibility to other pathogens or complicate studies of respiratory tract immunity.  相似文献   

To determine the role of 5-LO regulation of IL-1 in synovial tissues, we examined the effects of 5-LO inhibitors compared with standard IL-1 synthesis inhibitors on IL-1 production by human synovial tissue explants from patients with inflammatory arthropathies. MK886, L-656,224, PF-5901, and tepoxalin all inhibited IL-1 production in concentrations up to 10 M, whereas other 5-LO inhibitors (ICI-211,965, zileuton), as well as IL-1 synthesis inhibitors (IX-207,887, tenidap), were inactive. LT products, thus regulate IL-1 production and inhibition thereof is one strategy for inhibiting this cytokine.  相似文献   

IL-1 production (secreted and cell-associated) was measured in monocyte cultures stimulated by a variety of agents in vitro. Monocytes either adherent to conventional plastic culture plates in serum-free conditions, or in suspension in culture medium containing serum were stimulated to produce IL-1 during culture. In non-adherent, serum-free conditions, monocytes produced very low or undetectable amounts of IL-1 during 20 h of culture. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced equivalent amounts of secreted and cell-associated IL-1, although at very low concentrations more cell-associated IL-1 was produced. IL-1 production in response to LPS could be augmented by crude lymphokine, IFN-gamma, or tumour necrosis factor (TNF) alpha. TNF-alpha preferentially augmented the production of cell-associated IL-1 in LPS-stimulated cultures. TNF-alpha induced a significant amount of IL-1 (mainly cell-associated) directly but could also induce IL-1 secretion when combined with IL-2 or IFN-gamma, or when in the presence of serum. IL-2 acted synergistically with low concentrations of IFN-gamma or IL-1 to induce significant levels of IL-1 production. IFN-alpha did not induce any IL-1 production, but was a potent inhibitor of IL-1 production induced by a variety of stimuli. These results suggest that IL-1 production may be enhanced or reduced by different cytokines at concentrations likely to be found in chronic inflammatory lesions.  相似文献   

We have used our newly described mouse tissue chamber model [1], to investigate the process of IL-1 production in more detail. The inflammatory reaction in the tissue surrounding the implanted chambers was investigated histologically and by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The inflammatory response included influx of leucocytes into the granuloma surrounding the tissue chamber, expression of IL-1 on macrophages present in the inflamed tissue and an increase in the mRNA coding for IL-1 and IL-6 proteins in the granuloma. The effects of three anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs, prednisolone, indomethacin and cyclosporin A, on IL-1 and PGE2 production in zymosan andBordetella-pertussis-vaccine (BPV)-challenged tissue chambers were also examined. Oral treatment with prednisolone and cyclosporin A of zymosan-challenged animals showed a dose-dependent reduction of IL-1 concentrations, but no effect of indomethacin. Both prednisolone and indomethacin dose-dependently reduced PGE2 concentrations to control levels, while cyclosporin A was effective only at the highest dose tested (100 mg/kg/day p.o.). In drug-treated BPV-challenged animals, prednisolone and cyclosporin A also showed a dose-dependent reduction of IL-1, while indomethacin was again ineffective. Prednisolone and indomethacin also dose-dependently reduced the PGE2 concentrations to control levels, whereas cyclosporin A was effective only at the highest dose tested (100 mg/kg/day p.o.).This model will be useful for investigating the mechanisms controlling the production of IL-1 from the mRNA level to the secretion of mature biologically active protein [1], and in the search for new drugs which could selectively interfere with this process.  相似文献   

The effects of the experimental immunomodulatory agent tilomisole (Wy-18,251; (3-(p-chlorophenyl) thiazolo [3,2-a]benzimidazole-2-acetic acid) on disease development and immune function in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis was assessed in comparison with indomethacin and levamisole. Daily p.o. administration of tilomisole (100-200 mg/kg/day) to M. butyricum-injected rats significantly reduced both edema and bone erosion in the uninjected paw. Moreover, tilomisole treatment restored to normal the diminished Con A-induced proliferative response and IL 2 synthesis observed in spleen cells from arthritic rats, but had no effect on macrophage IL 1 production. In contrast, levamisole treatment (25 mg/kg/day) of arthritic rats improved splenic immune function but did not influence paw edema or bone erosion. Conversely, indomethacin (1 mg/kg/day) significantly reduced paw edema and bone erosion but did not improve the deficient proliferative response or IL 2 synthesis by "arthritic" spleen cells. These results indicate that tilomisole possesses combined antiinflammatory and immunomodulatory activity in adjuvant-arthritic rats which is distinctly different from the effects of either indomethacin or levamisole. Moreover, these data suggest that tilomisole has potential disease-modifying activity in arthritis, which is currently being more closely examined in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Using a biological test, we measuredin vitro thymic epithelial cell IL-1 activity of 14 thymomas and 8 hyperplasia from myasthenic patients. Our results demonstrate that thymic epithelial cells from hyperplastic thymuses spontaneously produce high amounts of IL-1 compared to controls, while cells from thymomas produce very low amounts of IL-1. After LPS stimulation the difference between patients and controls is no longer significant. Immunohistochemistry studies demonstrate a limited number of IL-1-positive cells on sections from normal thymuses and a variable number of IL-1-positive cells on diseased thymuses, not clearly correlated to thein vitro production. In hyperplastic thymuses an association is found between the level of hyperplasia andin vitro IL-1 production, suggesting a role for IL-1 in the expansion of thymic lymphoid follicles. In thymoma, the low IL-1 production and the loss of corticomedullary organisation raise the possibility that some autoreactive clones could emerge from the lymphocyte pool, present in the abnormal tumoral microenvironment.  相似文献   

Honey bee venom (HBV) administration to adjuvant arthritic (AA) rats resulted in a significant suppression of arthritis and in suppression of the hepatic acute phase alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) gene induction at the early stages of disease development. AGP administration in AA rats resulted in acceleration of arthritis development and in increase of severity and duration of the disease. IL-1, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and glucocorticoids alone are not responsible for the HBV-mediated AGP gene down-regulation. These results indicate that AGP gene expression in AA and HBV-treated AA rats involves the interaction of several factors, and that AGP plays a role for AA development in rats.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) activity and the acute phase response, as measured by plasma CRP and iron, were used to determine if the standard disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), gold, chloroquine andd-penicillamine had a common profile of activity in the adjuvant arthritic (AA) rat. All drugs were tested at a dose which significantly reduced noninjected paw swelling in AA rats. Inhibition of paw edema ranged from 37% ford-penicillamine (100 mg/kg) to 69% for auranofin (10 mg/kg). Two week medication of AA rats with gold sodium thiomalate (GST, 10 mg/kg, i.m.) or auranofin (10 mg/kg, p.o.) resulted in a significant decrease in splenic IL-1 activity, as measured in the standard lymphocyte activating factor (LAF) assay. The acute phase response, often associated with elevated IL-1 activity, was also significantly reduced following treatment of AA rats with 10 mg/kg of GST or auranofin (oral gold). Inhibition of the acute phase response by gold was determined by a significant reduction of plasma CRP levels (56–71% reduction) and enhancement of plasma iron levels (27–52% enhancement).In contrast to the effect of GST and auranofin on IL-1, CRP and iron, treatment with chloroquine (20, 30 and 35 mg/kg) andd-penicillamine (55 and 100 mg/kg) failed to reduce the acute phase response (as measured by plasma CRP and iron) or alter LAF activity from AA rat spleen cell supernatants. Based on its ability to reduce LAF activity in spleen cell supernatants and reduce the acute phase response, it is possible that the activity of gold in the AA rat may in part be due to its ability to inhibit IL-1 productionin vivo. The inability of chloroquine andd-penicillamine to alter LAF activity and the acute phase response in AA rats does not preclude their possession of an immunoregulatory mechanism of action, but it does indicate that their mechanism of action in the AA rat probably differs from that of GST and auranofin.  相似文献   

Production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) by peritoneal macrophages from mice inoculated intravenously with Listeria monocytogenes was measured at increasing intervals of infection. IL-1 activity in the 24 h macrophage supernatants was determined by using the thymocyte PHA co-mitogenesis assay. IL-1 production increased as the infection progressed, reached a peak on the 9th or 10th day and then declined progressively to approach normal values by the 20th day. Our data on the kinetics of IL-1 levels during an acute infection with L.monocytogenes are discussed in relationship to the development of cell-mediated immunity and its regulation by macrophages.  相似文献   

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