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隋向梅 《中国医学影像技术》2001,17(12):1232-1232
患者女 ,43岁。因 2月前偶然发现左颈前肿物 ,近来自觉左颈部有胀闷感来诊。专科检查 :颈软 ,气管居中 ,左颈前扪及一 4.0cm× 3.0cm肿物 ,质韧 ,边界清 ,可随吞咽动作上下移动 ,表面无明显血管杂音 ,无疼痛、发热 ,无心悸、胸闷及性格改变。彩超检查 :左侧甲状腺体积增大 ,中部示 2 .6cm× 1.8cm× 4.0cm低回声肿块 ,呈椭圆型 ,边界清 ,周边有声晕 (图 1) ,CDFI示肿块内血供极丰富 ,周边有血流包绕 ,脉冲Doppler为动脉血流频谱 ,Vmax 45 .3cm/s,Vmin 2 6 .0cm/s ,Vmean 35 .3cm/s,PI 0 .5 4,… 相似文献
印莉 《中华综合临床医学杂志(山东)》2006,8(2):119-120
目的探讨甲状髓样癌的临床病理、组化及免疫组化特点。方法对20例甲状腺髓样癌行常规检查、组化及免疫组化染色分析并文献复习。结果甲状腺髓样癌的癌组织主要以多角形及梭形细胞组成,可呈现多种组织学类型,其中巢状型12例(60%),束状/带状型4例(20%),其他类型4例(20%),免疫组化:降钙素、嗜铬素A均为(+),17例神经特异性烯醇化酶(+),18例癌胚抗原(+),组织化学:刚果红染色(+),结论甲状腺髓样癌的病理形态学特点、刚果红染色阳性及降钙素阳性是诊断的关键。 相似文献
超声对甲状腺髓样癌的诊断价值 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的评价超声对甲状腺髓样癌术前诊断的价值。方法回顾分析18例甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)患者的23个恶性结节的灰阶超声表现,包括结节的形态、回声水平、边界、内部回声和钙化类型及颈部淋巴结受累情况;比较术前超声检查与手术所见及病理学结果,同时结合甲状腺核素显像及相关实验室检查结果进行分析。结果在23个甲状腺MTC结节中,56.5%为单发,69.6%形态不规则,65.2%边界清晰,78.3%周边无声晕,91.3%为很低回声或低回声,78.3%内部回声不均,91.3%为实性或以实性成分为主,78.3%内部有微小或粗大钙化。病理证实为转移的颈部淋巴结中,80%为很低回声,80%内部可见钙化。结论MTC的灰阶超声表现既具有恶性甲状腺结节的一般特点,又有不同于乳头状癌的特殊表现,超声对术前定性诊断可提供一定的帮助。 相似文献
目的探讨高频彩超对甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)诊断的应用价值。方法回顾性研究分析11例MTC患者15个MTC结节的超声表现,并与手术所见及病理学结果对照,分析MTC的超声表现特点。结果 11例患者7例合并其他结节,15个病灶中8个病灶边界清晰,11个形态不规则,10个大于1cm,位于中上部11个,不均匀低回声11个,出现钙化灶13个,无包膜或晕圈9个。结论高频彩超是诊断MTC的首选影像学手段。 相似文献
目的 分析甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)的超声特征,为MTC的诊断和术前管理提供参考.方法 回顾性选取中国科学院大学附属肿瘤医院(浙江省肿瘤医院)2009年10月至2020年2月超声图文及临床病例资料完整的85例MTC患者,并选取同期的150例甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)患者作为对照组,所有患者于本院行手术治疗并经术后常规病理确诊... 相似文献
患儿男性,13岁,发现颈部包块20余天。查体:右颈隆起明显,触之质软,为囊性光滑的小包块,约4·5 cm×2·5 cm×2·5 cm大小,无触痛,随吞咽上下活动;右侧甲状腺中部可及一球状肿物,直径约1·5 cm,实性,无触痛,随吞咽活动。患儿身高属同龄儿正常低限。颈部B超示甲状腺双叶混合性团块,左叶大小正常,右叶体积增大。右叶内见不均匀回声,圆形、界清,核素检查示甲状腺体积偏小,右腺体轻度左移,整个吸收率偏低,放射性分布欠佳,未见明显结节,右颈部较大肿物未见明显药物吸收。术中见甲状腺右叶肿物位于峡部,直径约2 cm,圆形,囊性、质软;左叶肿物直径约… 相似文献
甲状腺髓样癌和甲状腺乳头状癌的超声特征比较 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
目的对比观察甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)和甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)的超声特征。方法分析27例MTC患者(共33个结节)和187例PTC患者(共200个结节)的声像图特征,包括结节位置、大小、回声水平、内部结构、边界、边缘、形态、纵横比(A/T)、有无钙化及血供情况。结果 MTC结节位于甲状腺中上极,相对较大,呈低回声,内部结构为实性,边界不清,边缘不光整,形态不规则,A/T1,伴钙化,血供丰富。MTC与PTC结节在位置、大小、边界、边缘、形态、A/T、钙化及血供之间的差异有统计学意义(P均0.05),回声水平和内部结构间的差异无统计学意义(P均0.05)。其中15例MTC患者血清降钙素水平有不同程度升高。结论 MTC具有甲状腺恶性结节的一般超声特征,超声可以帮助术前诊断,同时具有一些特异性特征,部分不典型结节容易误诊,需血清降钙素水平共同诊断。 相似文献
Vittoria Rufini Paola Castaldi Giorgio Treglia Germano Perotti Milton D Gross Adil Al-Nahhas Domenico Rubello 《Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy》2008,62(3):139-146
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is a rare neuroendocrine tumor originating in the parafollicular cells (C cells) of the thyroid and secretes both calcitonin and carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA). Genetic and biochemical testing allow early pre-clinical identification of familial forms. Sporadic MTC usually presents as a solitary thyroid nodule; the diagnosis can be made preoperatively by fine-needle aspiration or by calcitonin assay, though it is usually established at the time of surgery. In the diagnostic assessment of MTC, nuclear medicine imaging provides its contribution mainly in the post-operative work-up to detect residual/recurrent tumor. For such purpose a number of radiopharmaceuticals, which take advantage of the specific expression of receptors (the somatostatin analogue (111)In-octreotide), hormone transporters (radiolabelled MIBG) or molecular targets (radiolabelled anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies) by MTC lesions are available; these tracers may be used also for the palliative treatment of advanced MTC. Interesting perspectives for MTC imaging are offered by PET radiopharmaceuticals. 相似文献
This is the last of the three review articles dealing with thyroid cancer. Over 90% of thyroid cancer is of the differentiated type associated with a very good 10-year disease-free survival rate. In contrast, the rare forms of thyroid cancer which comprise medullary thyroid cancer arising from parafollicluar C cells, Hurthle cell carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, thyroid lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma are typically associated with a poorer survival rate. Management is based upon small retrospective cohort studies. 相似文献
[摘要] 目的:探讨甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)超声特征。方法:回顾性分析40个MTC超声表现,以60个甲状腺乳头状癌(PTC)及97个甲状腺良性结节为对照,分别比较MTC与PTC及甲状腺良性结节在病灶数量、直径、边界、形态、纵横比、囊性成分、实性部分回声、钙化、血供及颈部淋巴结等方面的差异性,归纳其声像图特征。结果:MTC体积较大,低回声(97.5%),实性(92.5%),A/T<1(97.5%),边界清晰(62.5%),形态规则(45%),可有钙化(32.5%为粗钙化、25%为微钙化),血供丰富(95%),淋巴结转移(65%)。7例MTC术前检测血清降钙素均显著升高。结论:MTC具有甲状腺恶性肿瘤的一般超声特征,但又与常见的PTC不同,具有其自身特点,不典型MTC易误诊为甲状腺良性结节,可结合血清降钙素检测及细胞学穿刺活检综合判断。 相似文献
目的分析甲状腺髓样癌高频超声图像特征,并比较最大径>1.0 cm及≤1.0 cm的超声图像特征的差异。 方法回顾性分析2016年1月至2019年12月在解放军总医院第一医学中心接受超声检查及手术切除的36例甲状腺髓样癌患者的临床资料、超声图像及病理结果。总结甲状腺髓样癌病灶的超声特征,并依病灶最大径分为>1.0 cm及≤1.0 cm两组,比较两组间超声图像表现的差异。 结果甲状腺髓样癌病灶共42个,最大径为(2.6±1.5)cm(0.4~5.4 cm)。甲状腺髓样癌主要分布于甲状腺中上极(32个,76.2%),所有病灶均为低回声,以实性为主(39个,92.8%),多数伴有钙化(25个,59.5%)。与≤1.0 cm的病灶相比,>1.0 cm的甲状腺髓样癌病灶血流信号多丰富(65.5% vs 7.7%,P=0.001),颈部淋巴结转移比例更高(79.3% vs 15.4%,P<0.001),病灶超声诊断准确性更高(93.1% vs 61.5%,P=0.037)。 结论甲状腺髓样癌病灶主要分布于甲状腺中上极,实性低回声为主,多数伴有钙化。不同大小甲状腺髓样癌超声特征不同,准确理解这些特征有助于甲状腺髓样癌的早期诊断和治疗。 相似文献
Molecular advances in medullary thyroid cancer diagnostics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hubner RA Houlston RS 《Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry》2006,370(1-2):2-8
Germline activating mutations in the RET proto-oncogene cause inherited medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) syndrome. Identification of a RET mutation in an individual with MEN2 allows pre-symptomatic genetic testing of other at-risk family members, and guides early intervention to prevent death and serious morbidity from MTC. Developments in the understanding of downstream RET receptor signalling pathways and how activating mutations disturb receptor function has led to insights into the possible molecular mechanisms underlying the different MEN2 phenotypes. Mutation analysis of RET in individuals with MEN2 has identified a number of different mutations, and correlation with cancer biology and clinical outcome has led to tailoring of management according to the mutation detected. 相似文献
Feng-Jiao Gan Tie Zhou Shun Wu Meng-Xi Xu Su-Hong Sun 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》2021,9(6):1343-1352
BACKGROUNDIn clinical work, 85%-90% of malignant thyroid diseases are papillary thyroid cancer (PTC); thus, clinicians neglect other types of thyroid cancer, such as medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC).CASE SUMMARYWe report a 53-year-old female patient with a preoperative calcitonin level of 345 pg/mL. There was no definitive diagnosis of MTC by preoperative fine-needle aspiration cytology or intraoperative frozen pathology, but the presence of PTC and MTC was confirmed by postoperative paraffin pathology. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy and bilateral central lymph node dissection. Close follow-up at 1.5 years after surgery revealed no signs of recurrence or metastasis.CONCLUSIONThe issue in clinical work-up regarding types of thyroid cancer provides a novel and challenging idea for the surgical treatment of MTC. In the absence of central lymph node metastasis, it is worth addressing whether patients with high calcitonin can undergo total thyroidectomy and bilateral central lymph node dissection without bilateral lateral neck lymph node dissection. 相似文献
Lin JD Chao TC Chen ST Weng HF Lin KD 《European journal of clinical investigation》2000,30(2):147-153
BACKGROUND: To investigate the clinical features of thyroid cancer in aging patients and to present the results of treatment. From this we can provide bases for earlier diagnoses and better treatment of thyroid malignancies in older patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study a retrospective analysis was performed with 204 thyroid cancer patients aged 60 years or older (132 women, with a mean age of 68.3 +/- 6.6 years; 72 men, with a mean age of 67.0 +/- 5.3 years). RESULTS: Of the 204 patients, 142 had well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas (96 papillary thyroid carcinomas, 43 follicular carcinomas, three Hürthle cell carcinomas) and three medullary carcinomas. Sixty-nine (33.8%) of the 204 patients died after treatment. Of these, three patients died of causes not related to thyroid cancer. For well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas, male gender, follicular carcinoma, and a larger tumour size indicated a poor prognosis. Of the 59 non-well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas, 39 were anaplastic thyroid carcinomas, nine metastatic cancers of the thyroid, seven lymphomas, and four squamous cell carcinomas. After treatment, 40 (67.8%) of the 59 patients died. In multivariant analysis of the differences in clinical parameters between aging and younger thyroid cancer patients, the current status, tumour size, follow-up period, sex, and stage at diagnosis were independent factors. From this data the delayed diagnosis of aging patients with thyroid cancer was of note when compared with younger patients. CONCLUSION: Thyroid cancer in older patients is not a benign clinical disorder. Early diagnosis and urgent aggressive treatment are recommended courses of action for this type of cancer, especially for non-well-differentiated thyroid cancers. 相似文献