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Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to examine a collection of 41 mainly Australian isolates of Dermatophilus congolensis that had been cultured from sheep, cattle, horses, a goat, a marsupial and Chelonids. Allelic variation was examined at 16 enzyme loci. The isolates were divided into eight distinct electrophoretic types (ETs) with a mean genetic diversity per locus of 0.41. The three isolates from Chelonids represented a distinct clone in ET 1 which was separated from the remaining cluster of isolates of D. congolensis by a genetic distance of 0.852. These findings supported a previous proposal that the isolates from Chelonids represent a new species of Dermatophilus. The other 38 D. congolensis isolates were separated into two divisions (I and II) by a genetic distance of 0.560. The divisions were both subdivided into groups that either only contained alpha-hemolytic or beta-hemolytic isolates, but all isolates in each ET had only one hemolytic pattern. Isolates originating from the same animal species, or from the same geographic location, were not all closely related genetically. The allocation of isolates into ETs correlated well with their distribution into DNA restriction endonuclease analysis patterns previously established for the collection. Although relatively few distinct strains of D. congolensis were identified amongst the collection, significant genetic diversity existed within this population.  相似文献   

A previous population genetics study of Opisthorchis viverrini from a locality in an endemic area in Thailand found little genetic variation over time and second intermediate fish host species. Since a similar comparative analysis is not available for Lao PDR, we conducted a study of O. viverrini from different endemic foci in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR, based on spatial, temporal and fish host species. A total of 620 adult O. viverrini originating from the Nam Ngum River wetland were analysed at five previously defined polymorphic enzyme loci. Of these worms, 252 were from six different localities (spatial samples), 162 worms from different years (temporal samples) and 206 worms from four different cyprinid fish species. Significant heterozygote deficiency was found in most O. viverrini populations with levels of genetic differentiation ranging between F ST 0.0000 and 0.0197 suggesting that gene flow occurred at a variable rate. The role of temporal factors and fish host species had little influence on the level of genetic differentiation. As for O. viverrini from Thailand, these findings indicate that self-fertilization and/or a clonal distribution of O. viverrini occurs in Lao PDR. Unlike the results for O. viverrini from Thailand, spatial population substructuring may be the underlying population processes for O. viverrini in Lao PDR. These findings indicate that geographical variation may contribute to the transmission dynamics of the parasite with implications for parasite control. However, other host factors, such as snail intermediate hosts and mammal reservoir hosts, as well as human beings, may also play significant roles.  相似文献   

A collection of 54 isolates of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae of serotypes 3 and 14 and serogroups 6, 9, 19, and 23 was investigated. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis suggested that two clones were represented in the collection, one of serotype 14 isolates, most of which were resistant to erythromycin, and one of serotype 9V isolates, in which resistance to penicillin (MIC, 1 microgram/ml), cefotaxime, and co-trimoxazole was common. Among other isolates there were only a limited correlation between genetic relatedness measured by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and expression of the same capsule type. However, isolates with highly related pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns always shared the same serotype and highly related allele profiles. Calculation of the index of association suggests a freely recombining population structure with epidemic spread of successful clones.  相似文献   

Genotypic diversity in a collection of 98 isolates of Candida albicans was assessed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Four of the 10 enzyme loci studied were polymorphic. The electrophoretic patterns observed were compatible with those expected for a diploid organism. The 98 isolates were assigned to 14 electrophoretic types, each of which was represented by from 1 to 21 isolates. Samples from various clinical sites of seven bone marrow transplant patients treated in the same unit within a 13-month period were obtained repeatedly. Three patients were found to be colonized with more than one strain. In one patient, flucytosine-resistant strains were isolated after systemic antifungal treatment was started. These isolates had electrophoretic types different from those of the strains that colonized the patient before treatment. There was no evidence that cross-infection between these patients occurred in the hospital. The population structure of C. albicans is discussed in regard to the multilocus genotype data.  相似文献   

Fifty Borellia burgdorferi strains isolated from humans and ticks in Europe and the United States were analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Eleven genetic loci were characterized on the basis of the electrophoretic mobilities of their products. Ten loci were polymorphic. The average number of alleles per locus was 5.9, with a mean genetic diversity of 0.673 among electrophoretic types (ETs). The strains were grouped into 35 ETs constituting three main divisions (I, II, and III) separated at a genetic distance greater than 0.75. Divisions I, II, and III contained 13, 6, and 16 ETs, respectively. These findings, together with previous data from DNA hybridization and restriction enzyme analysis of rRNA genes, suggest that divisions I, II, and III may represent three distinct genomic species. All three divisions contained human clinical ETs. However, in division I, which includes the ET of the type strain of B. burgdorferi, the human pathogenic ETs constituted a single clone. The ETs of division I were from west-central Europe and the United States, whereas divisions II and III contained ETs from west-central and northern Europe but not from the United States. Finally, our data show that the genetic structure of B. burgdorferi populations is clonal.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) were compared in this study of 65 Enterococcus faecalis isolates recovered over a 20-year period from diverse geographic sources. Clonal relationships recognized by PFGE were also recognized by MLEE; however, MLEE recognized as greater number of isolates as belonging to clonal groups than did PFGE. Both techniques were reproducible and discriminatory, but MLEE more readily recognized relationships among large numbers of isolates. MLEE confirmed the previously reported clonal spread of beta-lactamase-producing E. faecalis to six hospitals in five states. MLEE provided a useful population framework of the E. faecalis isolates in this sample, while PFGE was able to differentiate among isolates within some MLEE clonal groups.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among 250 isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae from lungs of pigs with pleuropneumonia and from tonsils of apparently healthy pigs at slaughter was estimated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. The Danish strains were derived from both specific-pathogen-free and conventional herds. Sixty-six percent of the isolates belonged to three electrophoretic types (ETs) of a total of 37 ETs detected. While five biotype 2 isolates constituted a separate ET closely related to biotype 1 isolates, the type strain of the species (Shope 4074) belonged to its own ET, with a genetic distance of 0.30 from its nearest neighbor. Isolates of serotypes traditionally considered to have less pathogenic potential (serotypes 6, 10, and 12) from herds with acute outbreaks of pleuropneumonia belonged to the same ETs as isolates from apparently healthy pigs, suggesting that factors such as cross immunity and management may lead to divergent clinical results. Isolates from four herds harboring more than one serotype showed distinct profiles between the serotypes, indicating no or only limited chromosomal recombination among clones. Isolates from tonsils belonged to the same ET as isolates from lungs. The same ET was isolated from widely different parts of the world. Evidence from this study indicates that multilocus enzyme electrophoresis may be a valuable tool for the epidemiological analysis of A. pleuropneumoniae.  相似文献   

Isolates of Mycobacterium avium serotypes 4 and 8 originating from patients with AIDS in New York City, Los Angeles, or San Francisco were further characterized by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Reference strains used to produce typing antisera were also examined. Thirty-one electrophoretic types (ETs) were found among 58 isolates of serotype 4, while 10 ETs were identified among 21 isolates of serotype 8. One major ET was found within each serotype, and these two ETs were closely related, separated by a genetic distance of only 0.05. Six ETs were found in more than one city. In four cases, isolates of serotypes 4 and 8 shared the same ET. Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis in combination with serotyping should be helpful in locating the specific infection sources of these commonly isolated opportunistic pathogens.  相似文献   

Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and ribotyping were used to characterize 83 strains of Pseudomonas cepacia, mostly isolated from cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, although a number of isolates from non-CF nosocomial infections and reference environmental strains were represented. Twenty enzyme electrophoretic types (ETs) were determined; of these, one clone (ET12) was associated with six of nine ribotypes (RTs) said to be geographically representative of the United Kingdom and all of the Ontario (Canada) isolates from CF patients. This clone was not associated with nosocomial infections or environmental strains and was never found in CF isolates from British Columbia or Nova Scotia, Canada, or a center in the eastern United States. Individual isolate EcoRI RT signatures did not cluster geographically as did the ET signatures by clonal analysis. Frequently RTs occurred in more than a single ET. Known point source focal nosocomial outbreaks were typified by single ETs and stable RTs. Dendrographic analysis of the strains grouped those strains from CF patients, nosocomial outbreaks, and environmental sources into separate ET families, and diversity analysis indicated that, with the exception of ET17, CF isolates clustered in unique and closely related ETs different from those from nosocomial and environmental sources. This study has also shown the potential of multilocus enzyme electrophoresis to monitor the intercontinental spread of P. cepacia strains in CF patients, and this may have a significant impact on plans for CF patient summer camps and design of infection control practices. Whether the intercontinental ET12 clone, which predominates in the United Kingdom and the province of Ontario, linked by summer camp acquisition, has increased virulence for CF patients remains to be established.  相似文献   

The present study revealed the indirect effect of a turmeric (TUR) diet on the histopathological changes and proliferating cell nuclear antigen staining in Syrian hamsters with partial obstruction by liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini) infection and inflammation by N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) administration. The result of the analysis of histopathological changes shows that a TUR diet has an anti-inflammatory property in the case of a single condition of NDMA administration or O. viverrini infection, as has been reported previously. Unfortunately, an adverse indirect effect of TUR was observed in the combination of infection with O. viverrini and administration of NDMA, with a 30–50% increase in new bile duct formation, correlated with an increase in proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Our present result suggests that the properties of curcumin are anti-inflammation and antioxidant including enhancing biliary contraction and bile flow. Thus, a combination of factors (treated with O. viverrini, NDMA, and TUR diet) result in an increasing bile duct proliferation which may cause from biliary homeostasis.  相似文献   

Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis analysis was used to evaluate the Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), M. paratuberculosis, and nine other mycobacterial species. The average number of alleles per locus was 2.8 for the 35 MAC and 2 M. paratuberculosis strains which represented 24 electrophoretic types (ETs) and two distinct groups. The M. avium group was resolved into 17 ETs and contained the M. paratuberculosis ET. The M. intracellulare group consisted of six ETs. There was complete agreement between Gen-Probe identification and group placement by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. The mean genetic diversity per locus for the 24 MAC ETs was 0.38. This procedure subdivided some serovars and, if implemented, should prove to be a powerful epidemiologic tool for the MAC. Eleven additional ETs were formed after the data for the other mycobacterial species were pooled with those for the MAC.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among strains of Moraxella nonliquefaciens, M. lacunata, and M. bovis were studied by using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and DNA-DNA hybridization. The 74 isolates analyzed for electrophoretic variation at 12 enzyme loci were assigned to 59 multilocus genotypes. The multilocus genotypes were grouped in four major clusters, one representing strains of M. nonliquefaciens, two representing strains of M. lacunata, and one comprising strains of M. bovis and the single strain of M. equi analyzed. DNA-DNA hybridization with total genomic probes also revealed four major distinctive entities that corresponded to those identified by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. The two distinct clusters recognized among the M. lacunata strains apparently corresponded to the species previously designated M. lacunata and M. liquefaciens. Distinction of the four entities was improved by hybridization with polymerase chain reaction products of nonconserved parts of pilin genes as DNA probes. With these polymerase chain reaction probes, new isolates of M. nonliquefaciens, M. lacunata, M. liquefaciens, and M. bovis can be identified easily by hybridization.  相似文献   

Nineteen extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBla)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from Rouen Hospital were investigated for their implication in nosocomial outbreaks: in addition to antibiotic susceptibility testing, the ESBlas were characterized by isoelectric focusing, and the genetic relationships between the strains were analyzed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis using a combined polyacrylamide electrophoresis-electrophoretic transfer technique. Four isoelectric focusing beta-lactamase patterns and 11 enzyme electrophoretic types (ETs) among the strains tested were described. Three strains isolated in the same neurological unit over a 7-day period exhibited an SHV 3 beta-lactamase (pI 7.0) and were assigned to a common ET. Three of five strains isolated from patients in a rehabilitation center over a 6-week period harbored an SHV 4 beta-lactamase (pI 7.8) and exhibited the same ET. These results differentiate nosocomial transmission from sporadic cases and provide evidence that multilocus enzyme electrophoresis is a potential tool for studying genetic relationships between strains harboring a common ESBla.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analyzed genetic variation in Cryptosporidium species from humans (n = 62) with clinical cryptosporidiosis in South Australia. Sequence variation was assessed in regions within the small subunit of nuclear rRNA (p-SSU), the 70-kDa heat shock protein (p-hsp70), and the 60-kDa glycoprotein (p-gp60) genes by employing single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Based on the analyses of p-SSU and p-hsp70, Cryptosporidium hominis (n = 38) and Cryptosporidium parvum (n = 24) were identified. The analysis of p-gp60 revealed eight distinct subgenotypes, classified as C. hominis IaA17R1 (n = 3), IbA9G3R2 (n = 14), IbA10G2R2 (n = 20), and IfA12G1R1 (n = 1), as well as C. parvum IIaA18G3R1 (n = 15), IIaA20G3R1 (n = 6), IIaA22G4R1 (n = 2), and IIcA5G3R2 (n = 1). Subgenotypes IaA17R1 and IIaA22G4R1 are new. Of the six other subgenotypes, IbA10G2R2, IIaA18G3R1, IIaA20G3R1, and IIcA5G3R2 were reported previously from the state of Victoria. This is the fourth record in Australia of C. parvum subgenotype IIaA18G3R1 from humans, which, to date, has been isolated only from cattle in other countries. This subgenotype might be a significant contributor to sporadic human cryptosporidiosis and may indicate a greater zoonotic contribution to the infection of humans in the area of study. Comparative analyses revealed, for the first time, the differences in the genetic makeup of Cryptosporidium populations between two relatively close, major metropolitan cities.  相似文献   

The reactions of serogroup A strains of Neisseria meningitidis with one monoclonal antibody specific for serotype 21 and three different monoclonal antibodies specific for serotype 4 were compared with those of serogroup B strains previously assigned to serotype 4. Antibody binding was studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dot blotting, and immunoblotting. Characterization of the isolates by the electrophoretic mobilities of 14 metabolic enzymes showed 50 multilocus enzyme genotypes. All except two genotypes fell into three distinct clusters: I, IIa and IIb. The enzyme genotypes of serogroup B strains were mainly in cluster I, and 88% of the serogroup A strains had genotypes in clusters IIa and IIb. Serogroup B strains generally reacted with all three serotype 4 monoclonal antibodies in ELISA and dot blotting but with only two in immunoblots. Serogroup A strains showed two different reactions in the blotting methods: either binding of the serotype 21 antibody only or binding of this and two of the three serotype 4 monoclonal antibodies. Strains of the first pattern were in clusters I and IIa, whereas all but two strains in cluster IIb were of the second pattern. In ELISA, an additional reaction of two of the serotype 4 monoclonal antibodies with serogroup A isolates was observed. The different binding of these two monoclonal antibodies in ELISA and the blotting methods appeared to result from heat inactivation of the meningococcal cells and use of detergent-containing reagents in ELISA. The results show that the serotype of serogroup A strains is distinct from serotype 4 of serogroup B strains.  相似文献   

The infraspecific variability of the species Leishmania infantum is studied by using genetic markers generated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). We have applied this technique, using 18 primers of arbitrary sequence, to 33 strains of the parasite belonging to 18 zymodemes isolated in different clinical forms and hosts. Other strains belonging to the species L. donovani, L. major, L. tropica and L. mexicana were used as a reference. The RAPD technique produced very different genetic profiles between L. infantum and L. major, L. tropica and L. mexicana with all primers used, whereas 11 of the 18 primers distinguished L. infantum strains from the species L. donovani. All primers except 1 (TAF 300), generated polymorphism in the L. infantum strains. The dendrograms constructed with the isoenzyme data and with RAPD are congruent in relation to the separation of the different species but show little agreement within the L. infantum species, reflecting the genetic heterogeneity of the strains belonging to one zymodeme. A geographical structuralisation is observed with two diverging groups that evolve independently whereas there is no relation between the genotype of the parasite and the host or between the former and the clinical form of the disease.  相似文献   

The genetic affiliation of a large number of isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex from environmental sources in Brazil has been investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). The strains of C. neoformans isolated from a single tree, as well as from neighbouring trees, showed high similarity values (> 95%) of their AFLP patterns, thus suggesting considerable genetic homogeneity. The majority of isolates of C. neoformans belonged to AFLP genotype 1, and had serotype A and mating type alpha (= C. neoformans var. grubii). Three isolates belonged to AFLP genotype 2, with serotype D and mating type alpha (= C. neoformans var. neoformans). One isolate, obtained from a building in Rio de Janeiro inhabited by pigeons, belonged to the AD hybrid AFLP genotype 3. All isolates from trees of C. neoformans var. gattii (= C. gattii) belonged to AFLP genotype 6, and their banding patterns showed relatively low genetic homogeneity with a similarity value of about 76%. Isolates of this genotype occupy an environmental niche in the Americas, and they may cause disease in non-AIDS and AIDS patients as well.  相似文献   

Avian haemophili demonstrating in vitro satellitic growth, also referred to as the V-factor or NAD requirement, have mainly been classified with Avibacterium paragallinarum (Haemophilus paragallinarum), Avibacterium avium (Pasteurella avium), Avibacterium volantium (Pasteurella volantium) and Avibacterium sp. A (Pasteurella species A). The aim of the present study was to assess the taxonomic position of 18 V-factor-requiring isolates of unclassified Haemophilus-like organisms isolated from galliforme, anseriforme, columbiforme and gruiforme birds as well as kestrels and psittacine birds including budgerigars by conventional phenotypic tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All isolates shared phenotypical characteristics which allowed classification with Pasteurellaceae. Haemolysis of bovine red blood cells was negative. Haemin (X-factor) was not required for growth. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analysis including bootstrap analysis showed that six isolates were related to the avian 16S rRNA group and were classified as Avibacterium according to 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Surprisingly, the other 12 isolates were unrelated to Avibacterium. Two isolates were unrelated to any of the known 16S rRNA groups of Pasteurellaceae. Two isolates were related to Volucribacter of the avian 16S rRNA group. Seven isolates belonged to the Testudinis 16S rRNA group and out of these, two isolates were closely related to taxa 14 and 32 of Bisgaard, whereas four other isolates were found to form a genus-like group distantly related to taxon 40 and one isolate remained distantly related to other members of the Testudinis group. One isolate was closely related to taxon 26 (a member of Actinobacillus sensu stricto). The study documented major genetic diversity among V-factor-requiring avian isolates beyond the traditional interpretation that they only belong to Avibacterium, underlining the limited value of satellitic growth for identification of avian members of Pasteurellaceae. Our study also emphasized that these organisms will never be isolated without the use of special media satisfying the V-factor requirement.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), and Southern blot hybridization with moderately repetitive DNA probes have emerged as effective fingerprinting methods for the infectious fungus Candida albicans. The three methods have been compared for their capacities to identify identical or highly related isolates, to cluster weakly related isolates, to discriminate between unrelated isolates, and to assess microevolution within a strain. By computing similarity coefficients between 29 isolates from three cities within the continental United States, strong concordance of the results is demonstrated for RAPD analysis, MLEE, and Southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive probe Ca3, and weaker concordance of the results is demonstrated for these three fingerprinting methods and Southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive probe CARE2. All methods were also demonstrated to be able to resolve microevolution within a strain, with the Ca3 probe exhibiting the greatest resolving power. The strong correlations demonstrated between polymorphic markers assessed by the four independent fingerprinting methods and the nonrandom association between loci demonstrated by RAPD analysis and MLEE provide evidence for strong linkage disequilibrium and a clonal population structure for C. albicans. In addition, a synapomorphic allele, Pep-3A, was found to be present in all members of one of the three clusters discriminated by RAPD analysis, MLEE, and Ca3 fingerprinting, supporting the concordance of the clustering capacities of the three methods, the robustness of the clusters, and the clonal nature of the clusters.  相似文献   

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