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P A Hoppe 《Transfusion》1992,32(3):199-201

BACKGROUND: Proinflammatory cytokines were measured in the supernatant portion of stored, bacterially contaminated, and/or white cell (WBC)- reduced units of red cells (RBCs). Previous studies from this laboratory and others have shown that cytokines are generated in platelet concentrates during storage. This earlier work has been expanded to the study of stored RBCs. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Units of AS-1 RBCs (n ? 10 non-WBC-reduced; n ? 10 WBC-reduced) were obtained from a regional blood center, and each was split on Day 3 of storage into three equal portions by sterile techniques. One portion was kept sterile (control), and the other two were inoculated with Yersinia enterocolitica and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, at 1 to 3 colony-forming units per mL. The RBCs were stored at 1 to 6 degrees C for 42 days. Sequential samples were taken during storage and assayed for interleukin 8 (IL-8), interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin 6, WBC count, and bacteria count. For the WBC-reduced group (n ? 10), WBC removal was done by filtration on Day 3 of storage, before bacterial inoculation. RESULTS: IL-8 was detected in the supernatant portion of all 42-day-old, non-WBC-reduced (mean WBCs ? 4760 ± 3870/μL) units of AS-1 RBCs at levels ranging from 63 to 1610 pg per mL. By contrast, at 2 to 3 days of storage, lower levels of IL-8 (range, 0-280 pg/mL) were detected in the same units. IL-8 levels increased progressively during storage in most (7/10) units. The highest mean levels of IL-8 were reached by outdate at Day 42. Y. enterocolitica-contaminated units had statistically higher levels of IL- 8, with a range of 170 to 2100 pg per mL, by 42 days of storage. S. aureus grew poorly in stored units of RBCs and failed to further stimulate cytokine production. No WBC-reduced unit (mean WBCs ? 0.5 ± 0.6/μL), even when contaminated with bacteria, had more than 260 pg per mL of IL-8. Although IL-1 beta was not detected in any unit of RBCs at 3 days of storage, it increased to low levels (5-13 pg/mL) in all units tested at 42 days. Interleukin 6 was not detected in any unit at any storage time. CONCLUSION: IL-8 and IL-1 beta accumulated in the supernatants of stored RBCs despite cold storage conditions. IL-8 reached levels > 1000 pg per mL in the supernatants of some RBC units. IL-1 beta increased to significant but low levels (< 13 pg/mL). WBC filtration early in storage prevented the accumulation of IL-8. The physiologic significance to transfusion recipients of IL-8 in RBC supernatants is currently unknown and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One in every 1000 units of platelets is bacterially contaminated, which puts patients at risk for transfusion-associated sepsis and death. However, there is currently no screening test in place to detect contaminated units. The use of commercially available multiple-reagent urine dipsticks for this purpose was evaluated. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Platelet concentrates were inoculated with either sterile saline or suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Serratia marcescens to a final concentration of 50 colony-forming units (CFU) per mL. The platelets were analyzed daily by the use of multiple- reagent strips, quantitative culture, and glucometry. RESULTS: B cereus grew rapidly, reaching 10(7) CFU per mL 1 day after inoculation, while S. epidermidis grew slowly, achieving similar concentration 4 to 6 days after inoculation. Two of 10 dipstick reagents, glucose and pH, proved useful in detecting bacteria. Both were lower in bacterially contaminated units than in controls. Glucose data obtained from automated analyzers validated the dipstick data. All organisms were detected at concentrations > or = 10(7) CFU per mL, and S. aureus and K. pneumoniae were detected in the range of 10(3) to 10(5) CFU per mL. CONCLUSION: The multiple-reagent test used had a sensitivity and specificity of 95 percent (> or = 10(7) CFU/mL) and 98 to 100 percent, respectively. These data indicate that urine dipsticks can be used to rapidly and inexpensively detect bacterial contamination in platelet concentrates, which potentially will reduce morbidity and mortality at minimal cost.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Platelet (PLT) bacterial contamination occurs in approximately 1 in 2000 PLT units. The College of American Pathologists recommends and AABB requires procedures to detect PLT bacterial contamination. Although two methods, BacT/ALERT (bioMerieux) and Pall BDS (Pall Corporation), have FDA approval for quality control testing, additional methods are in development. One such method was evaluated, the Scansystem (Hemosystem), which has been developed for use on leukoreduced PLT components between 30 and 72 hours after collection. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Leukoreduced, single-donor apheresis PLT units (LR-SDPs) were inoculated with 10 bacterial species (low and high inocula) associated with PLT contamination. Bacterial detection was compared with the Scansystem and BacT/ALERT. Testing was initiated (10 replicates performed) when LR-SDPs were experimentally inoculated with bacteria. The Scansystem was evaluated 30 hours later, the shortest manufacturer recommended time after PLT collection. RESULTS: All replicates were positive with the Scansystem at 30 hours and with the BacT/ALERT, at 9.3 to 24.0 hours after inoculation. The Scansystem detected bacteria in 83 of 200 replicates (42%) at the time of inoculation indicating a potential for earlier application. CONCLUSIONS: The Scansystem, used to test LR-SDPs 30 hours after bacterial inoculation, detected all 20 replicates with a sensitivity equal to the BacT/ALERT system. Based on use of Scansystem with LR-SDPs 30 hours after collection and the BacT/ALERT being inoculated 24 hours after collection and incubated for an additional 24 hours before being determined to be negative, the Scansystem will potentially provide results at an earlier time point (32 hr) than provided by the BacT/ALERT system (48 hr).  相似文献   

We report the case of a 6-year-old boy who began to have fever and hypotension during the administration of a platelet transfusion. Subsequent investigation revealed the etiology to be bacterial contamination of the platelet product. Seratia marcescens was cultured from both the patient's blood and the platelet product. When fever and/or cardiorespiratory problems develop during the administration of blood products, possible bacterial contamination of the product must be considered so that appropriate therapy can be instituted. We discuss the etiology, possible preventive strategies, and the treatment of this problem.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bacterial contamination or platelet (PLT) metabolism can change the pH of stored PLT concentrates (PCs). Measurement of pH for quality control is currently done on a limited basis. An easy noninvasive method was developed to obtain sequential pH measurements over time, without risking contamination and/or consuming PCs. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The objective was to measure pH profiles of bacterially contaminated PCs over 7 days of storage. Small‐volume PC storage bags with incorporated pH sensor were prepared and in vitro variables were tested using aliquots of PCs. The pH sensors were used to delineate trends associated with the deterioration of these PCs upon inoculation with 19 different bacterial strains and one yeast. RESULTS: Monitoring the pH trends in real time in a noninvasive fashion, most bacterial strains were detected within 24 to 72 hours after spiking into the bag. At the time of detection, bacterial concentrations had reached levels between 1 × 103 and 1 × 108 colony‐forming units/mL. Several strains had pH rebound after initial drop. Multiple noninvasive pH reads allowed bacterial detection whereas single pH reads could give false‐negative results. CONCLUSIONS: The noninvasive pH sensor facilitated the detection of most strains of bacterial contaminants within 3 days with no potential for sampling error.  相似文献   

Between April 1987 and May 1989, the Centers for Disease Control investigated seven cases of transfusion-associated Yersinia enterocolitica sepsis; four were caused by organisms of serotype O:3, and one each was caused by organisms of serotype O:1,2,3; O:5,27; and O:20. All seven recipients developed septic shock after receiving units of red cells (RBCs) contaminated with Y. enterocolitica; five recipients died. The cases occurred in seven states and were unrelated. There was no evidence for contamination of the RBC units during processing. Six of the seven donors had serologic evidence of recent Y. enterocolitica infection, and it is hypothesized that these donors had asymptomatic bacteremia when they donated the implicated blood. Four of the seven donors reported gastrointestinal illness in the 4 weeks before blood donation, and one donor became ill on the day he donated blood. Y. enterocolitica grows well at 4 degrees C and in the presence of dextrose and iron. If blood is contaminated at the time of collection, storage of the RBCs at 4 degrees C provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth and endotoxin production. These cases demonstrate the need for careful evaluation of patients with transfusion reactions for possible sepsis and suggest a need to screen prospective blood donors for mild gastrointestinal illness, including those illnesses not requiring physician evaluation or medication.  相似文献   

After two patients received bacterially contaminated platelet transfusions, a prospective surveillance program was instituted to perform Gram staining and microbiologic culturing of platelets at the time of transfusion. In 12 months, 3141 random-donor platelet pools (prepared from 14,481 units) and 2476 single-donor apheresis units were cultured. All single-donor apheresis units were sterile, but 6 (0.19%) of the random-donor pools were found to be bacterially contaminated, with 1 unit of 5 in the pool being the source in each case. Contaminants were Staphylococcus epidermidis (4 cases), Bacillus cereus (1), and Staphylococcus aureus (1) at counts of 0.5 × 10(2) to 10(11) colony-forming units per mL in platelet pools and 10(3) to 10(13) colony-forming units per mL in source units. The contamination rate for units transfused at < or = 4 days (1.8/10,000) was significantly lower than that at 5 days (11.9/10,000; p < 0.05), as was the magnitude of contamination (p < 0.05). Use of the pretransfusion Gram stain on 4- and 5-day-old platelet pools was 100 percent sensitive (4/4 true positives) and 99.93 percent specific (1 false positive) in detecting contaminated pools. These data define the extent and magnitude of platelet bacterial contamination and demonstrate the efficacy of the pretransfusion Gram stain on platelet units stored for 4 and 5 days in preventing the transfusion of heavily contaminated units. It is concluded that the risk of platelet contamination is related to the duration of component storage.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的探讨不同剂量γ射线辐照对红细胞血液制品中大肠杆菌的灭活作用,确定红细胞血液制品灭菌的最佳辐照剂量。方法制备含102-106不同数量级大肠杆菌的红细胞血液制品,应用强度为0、15、20、25、30和35Gy的γ射线进行照射,并于照射后0、7、14d检测血液中大肠杆菌的含量。结果红细胞血液制品经照射后大肠杆菌数量发生了不同程度的改变,当细菌量≤103cfu/ml时,25Gy的γ射线强度足以灭活样本内的所有细菌。结论25Gy的γ射线辐照剂量能有效灭活红细胞血液制品中的细菌,是一种安全有效的红细胞血液制品灭菌剂量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An elderly man with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia developed respiratory distress and died less than 48 hours after transfusion of a pool of eight whole blood–derived platelets (PLTs). Blood cultures from the recipient and cultures of remnants from the pooled PLT bag grew group C streptococci (GCS). An investigation was conducted to identify both the infection's source and the reasons for the false‐negative screening result. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Red blood cell (RBC) units (cocomponent from the eight donations) were traced, quarantined, and cultured. Specimens from the implicated donor were obtained. Isolates were identified and typed by 16S rRNA and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The blood center screening method was reviewed. RESULTS: β‐Hemolytic GCS, cultured from 1 of 8 RBC units, linked the fatal case to a single donor. The donor's throat swab collected 20 days after donation was positive for the presence of GCS, identified as Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. Isolates from the recipient, RBC unit, residual PLTs, and donor's throat swab were indistinguishable by PFGE. The donor denied any symptoms of infection before or after donation. PLT bacterial screening at the blood center was performed using a commercially available bacterial detection system (BacT/ALERT, bioMérieux) with a threshold of 15 colony‐forming units per bag. CONCLUSION: An asymptomatic donor was implicated as the source of GCS‐contaminated PLTs. Current screening methods for PLTs are not sufficient to detect all bacterial contamination. Pooled PLTs are a particular challenge because the small volume of individual units places limits on culturing strategies. Improved detection of bacterial contamination of PLTs is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Before 1987, fewer than 50 patients per year at the authors' laboratory had a positive antibody detection test due to antepartum Rhesus immunoprophylaxis. However, after 1987, a marked increase was observed in the number of patients who had received Rh immune globulin (RhIG) during pregnancy as part of routine antepartum Rh immunoprophylaxis. In anticipation that an increased use of RhIG during pregnancy would increase the number of patients in whom anti-D was detected by this laboratory, a protocol was developed to abbreviate the process required to identify anti-D. Although this protocol was adopted primarily to address an anticipated increase in antenatal RhIG usage in women, it was also applied to alloimmunized Rh-negative males. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: When an Rh-negative patient (male or female) had a reactive screening test for unexpected antibodies and met certain other criteria, the patient's serum was tested with a three-vial set of Rh-negative reagent red cells (Rh-negative screening RBCs), instead of with panels of typed RBCs (panel RBCs), for the identification of anti- D or the detection of non-D antibodies. If the serum under test did not agglutinate or hemolyze Rh-negative screening RBCs, anti-D was identified and no further testing was performed. If the serum agglutinated or hemolyzed Rh-negative screening RBCs, conventional testing with panel RBCs was done to determine the antibody specificity. RESULTS: Rh-negative patients (n = 1174) who had reactive screening tests for unexpected antibodies were tested with Rh-negative screening RBCs; 1079 were found to have anti-D as a single antibody. Seven of these patients subsequently developed a non-D alloantibody, after transfusion or pregnancy, and one patient had anti-C that escaped detection at the time of initial testing with Rh-negative RBCs (a false- negative result). Ninety-two patients had anti-D in combination with a non-D antibody, and three patients had a non-D antibody but not anti-D. Use of the anti-D identification protocol actually reduced the laboratory workload by 176 College of American Pathologists workload units per month, in spite of a marked increase in the number of patients in whom anti-D was detected. No hemolytic transfusion reaction was attributed to the abbreviation of anti-D identification. CONCLUSION: The identification of anti-D may be abbreviated without jeopardizing patient safety. Such a protocol can reduce laboratory workload and might be particularly appealing to health care facilities that perform antibody detection testing on large numbers of Rh-negative pregnant women, especially if antepartum RhIG is administered routinely.  相似文献   

Kozma N  Speletz H  Reiter U  Lanzer G  Wagner T 《Transfusion》2011,51(11):2384-2390
BACKGROUND: Radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology is emerging as one of the most pervasive computing technologies due to its broad applicability. Storage of red blood cells (RBCs) is a routine procedure worldwide. Depending on the additive solution, RBCs can be stored at 4 ± 2°C up to 49 days. To support the decision of discarding or further using a blood product, temperature measurement of each unit could be provided by RFID application. The safety evaluation of RFID devices was demonstrated in a regulatory agency required study. It has been concluded in limit tests that high frequency–based RFID technology performed safely for blood products; therefore, a longer exposure of radiofrequency (RF) energy on blood units was performed in this study to detect any biologic effects in RBC samples. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Buffy coat–depleted, in line–filtered RBCs were used as standard products in all tests. Various variables like pH, potassium, glucose, lactate, hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit, free Hb, and hemolysis rate were measured in a test group with RFID tags placed on their surface and continuously radiated with 13.56‐MHz RFID reader radiation for 42 days while stored at 4 ± 2°C and compared to a control group by two‐sample t test. RESULTS: In both groups glucose and pH levels decreased while lactate, free Hb, and potassium increased within the expected levels. The hemolysis rate showed increase after the 25th day but remained below the maximum acceptable threshold of 0.8%. CONCLUSION: It is feasible to implement RFID‐enabled processes, without detecting any known biologic effects of longer exposure of RF energy on the quality of RBCs.  相似文献   

Designer red cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Frozen red cells     
The popularity and the promise of frozen red cells during the 1970s were largely attributable to logistic problems associated with 21-day storage and to the fringe benefits of white cell and plasma depletion that minimized alloimmunization and febrile transfusions and, it was speculated, reduced the risk of HBV transmission. Filtration, particularly with the new generation of filters now appearing on the market, promises to achieve an equivalent reduction in white cells at a fraction of the cost and inconvenience. Donor testing for HBV and anti-HIV and, as would appear from recent data, the ALT assay as a surrogate test for non-A, non-B hepatitis, have reduced the incidence of transmission of these diseases below the level where either evaluating or utilizing red cell freezing would be practically or economically feasible. The use of frozen red cells following rejuvenation will certainly be replaced by effective resuspension solutions that will permit rejuvenation, washing, and additional weeks of refrigerated storage. Barring some wholly unexpected and improbable development bringing the cost and convenience of frozen red cells close to those of refrigerated cells, there is little reason to believe that frozen red cells will find applications in the civilian market, except for the storage of rare types and, possibly, the prevention of CMV transmission in the foreseeable future. The original goal of red cell freezing, to make long term storage possible, has been fully realized. The rest is history.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anemia is a serious problem in the fetus and preterm infant.To investigate the physiology and pathophysiology of anemia and to assess responses to blood transfusions and erythropoietin therapy, measurement of circulating red cell survival would be useful. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Because the standard 51Cr method exposes the patient or subject to radiation, a practical, accurate method for measuring red cell survival was developed on the basis of determining the number of biotin-labeled red cells that persist in the circulation by using fluorescein-labeled avidin and flow cytometry. In addition, disappearance of total biotin label was measured by using 125I-streptavidin. Results of each detection method were compared to red cell survival measured by the standard 51Cr method. RESULTS: Biotinylated cells persisted in circulation with life spans approaching normal. Despite near-normal persistence in circulation of the biotin-labeled cells, about one-half of the biotin label left the circulation over the first few weeks, causing early curvilinear disappearance.This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that about one-half of the biotin label leaves the red cells. However, about one-half of the biotin was permanently attached, which produced linear disappearance and approximately normal life span estimates for the linear survival curve appearing after the first few weeks. CONCLUSION: Red cell survival can be measured accurately in humans using enumeration of biotinylated red cells. The method is practical and does not expose the patient to radiation.  相似文献   

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