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OBJECTIVE: The present study addressed what kind of mental processes would be presented by the event-related desynchronization (ERD) relevant to the stimuli of an auditory oddball count task. METHODS: Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from nine healthy subjects while target tones (2000 Hz, P = 0.2) and non-target tones (1000 Hz, P = 0.8) were presented randomly with constant stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 3.3 s. To improve time resolution of ERD analysis, obtained EEG epochs were digitally convoluted by Gabor wavelet and averaged respectively. RESULTS: For target stimulus, prominent ERD was observed in left parieto-occipital areas (peak latency: 400-600 ms), but there were no significant ERD for non-target stimulus. CONCLUSION: Our result suggests that magnitude of ERD would reflect amount of mental effort which was associated with intentional and voluntary processes rather than automatically sensory process.  相似文献   

Abnormal hemodynamics in schizophrenia during an auditory oddball task.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by diffuse brain abnormalities that affect many facets of cognitive function. One replicated finding in schizophrenia is abnormalities in the neural systems associated with processing salient stimuli in the context of oddball tasks. This deficit in the processing of salience stimuli might be related to abnormalities in orienting, attention, and memory processes. METHODS: Behavioral responses and functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected while 18 patients with schizophrenia and 18 matched healthy control subjects performed a three-stimulus auditory oddball task. RESULTS: Target detection by healthy participants was associated with significant activation in all 38 regions of interest embracing distributed cortical and subcortical systems. Similar reproducibility was observed in healthy participants for processing novel stimuli. Schizophrenia patients, relative to control subjects, showed diffuse cortical and subcortical hypofunctioning during target detection and novelty processing, including bilateral frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices and amygdala, thalamus, and cerebellum. CONCLUSIONS: These data replicate and extend imaging studies of target detection in schizophrenia and present new insights regarding novelty processing in the disorder. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia is characterized by a widespread pathologic process affecting many cerebral areas, including cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar circuits.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that the component frequencies of the electroencephalogram (EEG) are dynamically adjusted to provide particular brain states at stimulus occurrence, and that these facilitate cortical processing of the stimulus. We examined relationships between stimulus intensity, the phase of narrow-band EEG activity at stimulus onset, and the resultant event-related potentials (ERPs) in a passive auditory oddball task, using a novel conceptualization of orthogonal phase effects (cortical negativity vs. positivity, negative driving vs. positive driving, waxing vs. waning). EEG responses to the standard stimuli (50 vs. 80 dB, varied between subjects) were analysed. Prestimulus narrow-band EEG activity (in 1-Hz bands from 1 to 13 Hz) at Cz was assessed for each trial by digital filtering. For each frequency, the cycle at stimulus onset was used to sort trials into four phases, for which ERPs were derived from both the filtered and unfiltered EEG activity at Fz, Cz and Pz. Preferred brain states at various frequencies were indicated by 16-34% differential occurrence within the orthogonal phase dimensions explored. The preferred states were associated with smaller N1, N2 and N3, larger P2 and P3, shorter N1, P2, N2 and P3 latencies, and some intensity effects. These effects reflected the operation of three separate phase-influenced mechanisms, involving anticipatory potentials and prestimulus/poststimulus amplitudes in various EEG frequencies. Results indicate that, even in paradigms with a slightly varying interstimulus interval, brain dynamics provide preferred brain states at the moment of stimulus presentation, which differentially affect the EEG correlates of stimulus processing.  相似文献   

Cortical reactions to rare task-related stimuli have been studied with electrophysiological methods in the assessment of the P300 component as well as in functional imaging studies with regard to oddball tasks. While functional magnetic resonance imaging studies using auditory stimuli have to deal with interference between auditory stimuli and scanner noise, the aim of our study was to assess auditory target processing with the sparse imaging method. Single volumes of echo-planar imaging were acquired 4 s following the onset of the stimuli of interest. In keeping with previous studies, target stimuli activated the insula, superior temporal gyrus, cingulate gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, parietal cortex and the cerebellum. Our results encourage the application of the sparse imaging method in experiments on cognitive processing elicited by auditory stimulation in a silent environment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine relationships between the phase of narrow-band electroencephalographic (EEG) activity at stimulus onset and the resultant event-related potentials (ERPs) in active vs. passive auditory oddball tasks, using a novel conceptualisation of orthogonal phase effects. METHODS: This study focused on the operation of three recently-reported phase-influenced mechanisms, and ERP responses to the standard stimuli were analysed. Prestimulus narrow-band EEG activity (in 1 Hz bands from 1 to 13 Hz) at Cz was assessed for each trial using digital filtering. For each frequency, the cycle at stimulus onset was used to sort trials into four phases, for which ERPs were derived from both the filtered and unfiltered EEG activity at Fz, Cz and Pz. RESULTS: Preferred brain states at various frequencies were indicated by approximately 20% differential occurrence within the orthogonal phase dimensions explored. CONCLUSIONS: The preferred states were associated with more efficient processing of the stimulus, as reflected in differences in latency and/or amplitude of various ERP components, and provided evidence for the operation of the three separate phase-influenced mechanisms. SIGNIFICANCE: Both the occurrence of preferred brain states, and the mechanisms linking them to ERP outcomes focused on here, appeared relatively invariant across tasks, suggesting that they largely reflect reflexive brain processes.  相似文献   

We used magnetoencephalography in combination with magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the effects of aging on the temporal dynamics of activity localized to several brain regions during an auditory oddball task. The most interesting effects were noted in the superior temporal gyrus as follows: (1) responses were generally stronger to rare than to frequent tones throughout the entire 600-ms time interval, and (2) increases in the amplitude of the 40-ms peak and the latency of the maximum late response were evident in the elderly. Although superior temporal gyrus activity has traditionally been associated with early sensory processing, these results suggest that superior temporal gyrus activity is also important for later decision-related processing.  相似文献   

Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and synchronization (ERS) of the lower (8–10 Hz) and upper (10–12 Hz) alpha bands of background EEG were studied in 10 subjects during an auditory memory scanning paradigm. Each experimental trial started with the presentation of a visual warning signal, after which an auditory 4-vowel memory set was presented for memorization. Thereafter the probe, a fifth vowel, was presented and identified by the subject as belonging or not belonging to the memorized set. In 50% of the cases, the probe was among the previously presented memory set. The presentation of the memory set elicited a significant ERS in the both alpha frequency bands. In contrast, the presentation of the probe elicited a significant bilateral ERD in both alpha frequency bands studied. The results suggest that the ERD phenomenon is closely associated with higher cortical processes such as memory functions rather than with auditory stimulus processing per se. Event-related desynchronization provides a potentially valuable tool for studying cortical activity during cognitive processing in the auditory stimulus modality.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia patients have difficulty distinguishing relevant from irrelevant auditory information. Auditory oddball paradigms are commonly used to investigate the processing of stimulus relevance. The present study used dense-array EEG and distributed source reconstructions to examine schizophrenia-normal differences in the processing of targets and standards as a function of the temporal sequence of stimuli. Brain responses were evaluated separately for early and late standards (standards 1-3 and 4-6 following a target, respectively) and early and late targets (those following 2-3 standards and 4-6 standards, respectively). The latencies of peaks (N1, P2, P3) in the event-related potential (ERP) waveforms did not differ between schizophrenia and normal subjects. However, schizophrenia-normal differences in neural activity, derived from minimum norm estimation, occurred at specific times during stimulus processing as a function of stimulus sequence. Schizophrenia patients displayed smaller activity than normals in early ERPs (left hemispheric N1, right frontal P2) to late targets, and they produced P3-like responses to late standards. Furthermore, during the P2/N2 time interval, opposite patterns of brain activity were elicited in schizophrenia and normal subjects in response to standards, indicating different neural responses to the same stimulus events. These results suggest attention allocation to task-irrelevant stimuli in schizophrenia, consequent upon insufficient representation of stimulus significance and context. Thus, schizophrenia compromises the ability to properly use context to solve even simple cognitive problems.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a diffuse brain disease that affects many facets of cognitive function. One of the most replicated findings in the neurobiology of schizophrenia is that the event-related potentials to auditory oddball stimuli are abnormal, effects believed to be related to abnormalities in attentional and memory processes. Although event-related potentials provide excellent resolution regarding the time course of information processing, such studies are poor at characterizing the spatial location of these abnormalities. To address this issue, we used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging techniques to elucidate the neural areas underlying target detection in schizophrenia. Consistent with recent event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging results, target processing by control participants was associated with bilateral activation in the anterior superior temporal gyri, inferior and superior parietal lobules, and activation in anterior and posterior cingulate, thalamus, and right lateral frontal cortex. For the schizophrenic patients, selective deficits were observed in both the extent and strength of activation associated with target processing in the right lateral frontal cortex, thalamus, bilateral anterior superior temporal gyrus, anterior and posterior cingulate, and right inferior and superior parietal lobules. These findings are consistent with the evidence for abnormal processing of oddball stimuli suggested by event-related potential studies in schizophrenic patients, but provide much more detailed evidence regarding the anatomical sites implicated. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that schizophrenia is characterized by a widespread pathological process affecting many cerebral areas, including association cortex and thalamus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Neural complexity (C(N)) was introduced by Tononi et al. in an information-theoretic framework to capture the balance between functional specialisation and integration in the brain. We hypothesised that C(N) should vary during cognitive processing, specifically during an oddball task. METHODS: In 11 normal human subjects, we recorded from groups of EEG electrodes in the frontal (F), central-parietal (CP) and occipito-temporal (OT) regions during a visual oddball reward conditioning task and calculated C(N) in each region. Three types of visual stimulus (abstract shapes, called neutral, reward and penalty) were presented randomly in three blocks of trials. During the first block, subjects did not know the significance of the stimulus shapes. For the subsequent (conditioning) blocks, subjects were informed that whenever they saw reward or penalty patterns, they would win or lose money, respectively. RESULTS: In regions CP and OT, C(N) was significantly larger in reward and penalty trials than in neutral during all blocks. During a trial, significant changes in C(N) occurred around the ERP peaks N1 and P300 and the effects of reward conditioning on C(N) could be distinguished from penalty. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the above hypothesis, indicating that C(N) correlates with both the sensory and cognitive components of stimulus processing. SIGNIFICANCE: This study extends the scope of C(N) in the analysis of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Instantaneous EEG coherence analysis during the Stroop task.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: In the present study the Stroop effect is analyzed by means of EEG coherence analysis in addition to traditional analysis of behavioral data (reaction time) and ERP analysis. Data from 10 normal subjects are examined. METHODS: In particular, a special dynamic approach for a continuous coherence estimation is applied to investigate the procedural evolution of functional cortical relationships during the Stroop task. RESULTS: The frequency band of 13-20 Hz is found to be sensitive to the discrimination between the congruent and the incongruent task conditions on the basis of instantaneous coherence analysis. The magnitude of coherence values within the time interval of late potentials and the maximal coherence values are used to assess the strength of interaction between distinct areas of the cortex. Higher coherences are observed within the left frontal and left parietal areas, as well as between them for the incongruent situation in comparison with the congruent situation. Furthermore, the time-points of maximal coherence allows a procedural discrimination between both situations. The peak synchrony described by the time-points of maximal coherence correlates strongly with the reaction times mainly within the frontal area and between fronto-parietal areas in the incongruent case, whereas this correlation is restricted to the right hemisphere in the congruent case.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Following external stimulation, electroencephalographic (EEG) responses from different frequency bands occur simultaneously, but little is known about whether and how concurrent multi-frequency responses depend on each other during stimulus information processing. The present study assessed the effects of task stimulus relevance on locally co-existent time-frequency components of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). METHODS: The wavelet entropy (WE) of ERPs was used as an analytical tool because low entropy values correspond to a narrow-band (mono-frequency) activity characterizing highly ordered (regularized) bioelectric states. The minimum of WE in the ERPs (WEmin) was identified to reflect a transient dominance of one particular frequency ERP component over other frequency components. In an auditory oddball condition, effects of stimulus relevance were analyzed for the timing, rate of decrease, and frequency determinants of WEmin in 10 subjects. RESULTS: Major results demonstrate that a highly ordered EEG microstate emerged in response to both target and non-target stimuli, as evidenced by the substantial decrement of ERP entropy. This microstate (1) was short lasting as indexed by the transitory entropy decrease, (2) had a functionally specific time-localization as reflected by stimulus and electrode effects on WEmin latency, and (3) for both stimulus types was determined by a pronounced dominance of locally synchronized theta (4-8 Hz) oscillations. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal a new neuroelectric correlate of stimulus processing and suggest that a theta-dominated microstate in the ERP may reflect a basic processing stage of stimulus evaluation, during which interfering activations from other frequency networks are minimized. SIGNIFICANCE: In the framework of event-related brain dynamics, this study provides evidence that during stimulus processing, there is an interaction of locally co-existent multiple frequency ERP components. It is characterized by a transitory dominance of synchronized theta oscillations over other frequency ERP components emerging irrespective of stimulus task relevance and frequency ERP content, which may reflect basic processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Up to one-third of patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) demonstrate persistent cognitive deficits in the ‘executive’ function domain. Mild TBI patients have shown prefrontal cortex activity deficits during the performance of executive tasks requiring active information maintenance and manipulation. However, it is unclear whether these deficits are related to the executive processes themselves, or to the degree of mental effort. To determine whether prefrontal deficits also would be found during less effortful forms of executive ability, fMRI images were obtained on 31 mild TBI patients and 31 control participants during three-stimulus auditory oddball task performance. Although patients and controls had similar topographical patterns of brain activity, region-of-interest analysis revealed significantly decreased activity in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex for mild TBI patients during target stimulus detection. Between-group analyses found evidence for potential compensatory brain activity during target detection and default-mode network dysfunction only during the detection of novel stimuli.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 19 closed head injury (CHI) patients, at least 6 months after injury, and an equal number of control subjects, during a task requiring the covert counting of rare auditory "target" stimuli against a background of frequent "non-targets". In both groups, ERPs to targets contained enhanced frontal N2 and parietal P3 components. N2 was larger in amplitude in the CHI patients than in the controls, and its peak latency was delayed. P3 amplitude was smaller in the patients, but its latency was not significantly different from that of the control group. The delay in N2 latency is interpreted as evidence of an increase in the time needed to achieve stimulus categorisation in CHI patients. The larger N2s in this group are thought to reflect the additional cognitive effort required after CHI to cope with the task. The negative findings with respect to P3 latency suggest that this may be a less sensitive measure of information-processing efficiency in this task than the latency of N2.  相似文献   

We studied the change in EEG alpha-band average coherence between auditory hallucination (AH) and non-auditory hallucination (non-AH) states in seven auditory hallucinating schizophrenia patients. Four cortical regions were considered based on the existing dominant models for auditory hallucinations, the inner speech model and the central auditory processing deficit (CAPD) model. Coherences between electrodes located over Broca's area (BA 44/45) and Wernicke's area (BA 22/42) and between electrodes located over left-right temporal cortices were examined. There was no significant change observed in the coherence between Broca's and Wernicke's areas, but a significant increase was observed in coherence between the left and right superior temporal cortices during AHs compared with non-AHs, suggesting increased bilateral coherence between auditory cortical areas. Since coherence is a pairwise measure of functional correlation between regions, our findings suggest abnormally increased synchrony between the left and right auditory cortices during AHs in schizophrenia. Further, a significant increase in relative power was observed in the left, but not in the right auditory cortex during AHs. Thus our findings support the CAPD model and are consistent with that which postulate reduced prosodic processing during AHs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the characteristics of evoked and induced gamma band oscillatory responses occurring during P300 development in an auditory oddball paradigm. METHODS: A time-frequency analysis method was applied to an auditory oddball paradigm in 7 healthy subjects. This method combines a multiresolution wavelet algorithm for signal extraction and the Gabor transform to represent the temporal evolution of the selected frequency components. Phase-locked or evoked activity and also non-phase-locked activity were computed for both standard and target stimuli. RESULTS: The gamma band frequency components differed between target and non-target stimuli processing. The study showed an early and mainly phase-locked oscillatory response appearing around 26--28 ms after both standard and target stimuli onset. This response showed a spectral peak around 44 Hz for both stimuli. A late oscillatory activity peaking at 37 Hz with a latency around 360 ms was observed appearing only for target stimuli. The latency of this late oscillatory activity had a high correlation (P=0.002) to the latency of the P300 wave. CONCLUSIONS: EEG signal analysis with wavelet transform allows the identification of an early oscillatory cortical response in the gamma frequency range, as well as a late P300-related response.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2009,120(3):497-504
ObjectiveTo investigate the neural sources and associated changes in oscillatory activity involved in auditory attention and memory updating processing using spatially filtered magnetoencephalography.MethodsWe recorded magnetic responses during an auditory oddball task in 12 normal subjects. Synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM)-permutation analysis was used to visualize the multiple brain regions associated with event-related magnetic fields (ERFs), and event-related oscillations during target detection processing.ResultsSAM-permutation results showed the topographical distribution of N1m over the bilateral primary auditory cortex. Post-stimulus delta (1.5–4 Hz) activity sources, likely related to the P300 slow-waveform, were distributed over the right frontocentral and parietal regions. Source locations of theta (4–8 Hz) and alpha (8–13 Hz) event-related synchronization (ERS) were identified over the dorsolateral and medial prefrontal cortex. We visualized bilateral central-Rolandic suppresions for mu (8–15 Hz), beta (15–30 Hz), and low-gamma (30–60 Hz) activities, more dominant in the hemisphere contralateral to the moving hand (button-pressing in response to target stimuli).ConclusionsPrefrontal theta and alpha ERS, and frontocentral-parietal delta ERS are functionally engaged in auditory attention and memory updating process.SignificanceSpatially filtered MEG is valuable for detection and source localization of task-related changes in the ongoing oscillatory activity during oddball tasks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Does functional coupling of centro-parietal EEG rhythms selectively increase during the anticipation of sensorimotor events composed by somatosensory stimulation and visuomotor task? METHODS: EEG data were recorded in (1) 'simultaneous' condition in which the subjects waited for somatosensory stimulation at left hand concomitant with a Go (or NoGo) visual stimulus triggering (50%) right hand movements and in (2) 'sequential' condition where the somatosensory stimulation was followed (+1.5 s) by a visuomotor Go/NoGo task. Centro-parietal functional coupling was modeled by spectral coherence. Spectral coherence was computed from Laplacian-transformed EEG data at delta-theta (2-7 Hz), alpha (8-14 Hz), beta 1 (15-21 Hz), beta 2 (22-33 Hz), and gamma (34-45 Hz) rhythms. RESULTS: Before 'simultaneous' sensorimotor events, centro-parietal coherence regions increased in both hemispheres and at all rhythms. In the 'sequential' condition, right centro-parietal coherence increased before somatosensory event (left hand), whereas left centro-parietal coherence increased before subsequent Go/NoGo event (right hand). CONCLUSIONS: Anticipation of somatosensory and visuomotor events enhances contralateral centro-parietal coupling of slow and fast EEG rhythms. SIGNIFICANCE: Predictable somatosensory and visuomotor events are anticipated not only by synchronization of cortical pyramidal neurons generating EEG power in parietal and primary sensorimotor cortical areas (Babiloni C, Brancucci A, Capotosto P, Arendt-Nielsen L, Chen ACN, Rossini PM. Expectancy of pain is influenced by motor preparation: a high-resolution EEG study of cortical alpha rhythms. Behav. Neurosci. 2005a;119(2):503-511; Babiloni C, Brancucci A, Pizzella V, Romani G.L, Tecchio F, Torquati K, Zappasodi F, Arendt-Nielsen L, Chen ACN, Rossini PM. Contingent negative variation in the parasylvian cortex increases during expectancy of painful sensorimotor events: a magnetoencephalographic study. Behav. Neurosci. 2005b;119(2):491-502) but also by functional coordination of these areas.  相似文献   

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