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In this study, which supplements a recent article on the localization of statherin in human major salivary glands, we investigated the intracellular distribution of this peptide in minor salivary glands by immunogold cytochemistry at the electron microscopy level. In the lingual serous glands of von Ebner, gold particles were found in serous granules of all secreting cells, indicating that statherin is released through granule exocytosis. In buccal and labial glands, mostly composed of mucous tubuli, statherin reactivity was detected in the serous element, which represents only a small population of the glandular parenchyma. In these serous cells, however, statherin labeling was absent in secretory granules and restricted to small cytoplasmic vesicles near or partially fused with granules. Vesicle labeling could be related to the occurrence of an alternative secretory pathway for statherin in buccal and labial glands.  相似文献   

The hormone melatonin was initially believed to be synthesized exclusively by the pineal gland and the enterochromaffin cells, but nowadays its production and distribution were observed in several other tissues and organs. Among others, the ultrastructural localization of melatonin and its receptors has been reported in human salivary glands. In these glands, the fine localization of melatonin in intracellular organelles, above all in mitochondria, remains to be explored comprehensively. Bioptic samples of parotid and submandibular glands were treated to search for melatonin using the immunogold staining method by transmission electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis was applied to micrographs. The results indicated that, both in parotid and submandibular glands mitochondria, a certain melatonin positivity was present. Within glandular cells, melatonin was less retrieved in mitochondria than in secretory granules; however, its presence in this organelle was clearly evident. Inside striated duct cells, melatonin staining in mitochondria was more prominent than in glandular cells. Our data provide an ultrastructural report on the presence of melatonin in mitochondria of human major salivary glands and represent a fundamental prerequisite for a better understanding of the melatonin role in this organelle.  相似文献   

Acinar cells of human major salivary glands, fixed and processed for electron microscopy under identical conditions, exhibit secretory granules endowed with distinctive ultrastructural features.  相似文献   

Morphology of rat submandibular salivary glands was examined before and after 10 sessions of ultrasonic treatment focused onto the gonial angle of the mandibular bone. The employed ultrasound protocol induced adaptive reactions and induced no degenerative and inflammatory processes. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 144, No. 11, pp. 586–589, November, 2007  相似文献   

The formation of salivary glands entails the proliferation of epithelial cells from the stomatodeum into the underlying ectomesenchyme, culminating in a complex network of ducts and acinar bulbs. The extent to which mucins regulate this process is unknown, but they appear to mediate luminal space formation and maturation. Our aim was to examine mucin expression patterns during the morphogenesis of human salivary glands. Mucin expression - MUC1, 2, 3, 4, 5AC, 5B, 6, and 16 - was analyzed in specimens of developing human salivary glands, obtained from fetuses at 4-24 weeks' gestation, and fully developed salivary glands by immunohistochemistry. Expression patterns were analyzed qualitatively according to the development stage of the salivary glands. Mucins 1, 3, 4, 5B, and 16 were expressed during salivary gland development - being stronger in all ductal segments by the final phases of branching morphogenesis and in mature glands. Acinar cells were negative for most mucins, including MUC1 in mature salivary glands. Mucins 2, 5AC, and 6 were not expressed. Mucins MUC1, 3, 4, 5B, and 16 are expressed in developing human salivary glands and in mature glands, suggesting important roles in the maturation and maintenance of the ductal network.  相似文献   

Of 44 intraoral salivary gland tumours received by the Department of Pathology, Dental Faculty, University of Oslo over the last 20 years, 21 (approx. 48%) were classified as carcinomas. Of these, the adenocarcinomas constituted the largest group, but because some of them bore a certain likeness to adenoid cystic carcinomas and to mucoepidermoid tumours, we believe that transitions exist between these groups of neoplasms. The material is thought to reflect the daily practice of oral surgeons and general dental practitioners, and we think it important to emphasize that approximately every second tumour in this series was malignant.  相似文献   

The existence and distribution of melanocytes in the human minor salivary glands were investigated in a series of autopsy and biopsy materials. The cells with the following characteristics were regarded as melanocytes; spindle-shaped or dendritic cells with fine granular pigments: (i) stained brownish-black by hematoxylin-eosin stain, and black by Masson-Fontana's silver impregnation method; and (ii) disappeared after treatment with peroxide and potassium permanganate solution. In addition, the expression of antigen identified by anti-HMB-45 antibody in serial sections with melanocytes was examined. Melanocytes were found in eight (1.8%) of 445 cases, and there was no relationship between the existence of melanocytes and significant diseases of the subjects. Various numbers of melanocytes were distributed in fibrous tissue around the interlobular ducts, intralobular ducts and acini, but were not in direct contact with the epithelia. Neither melanocytes nor melanin granules were found in the salivary gland epithelia. HMB-45-positive cells without intracytoplasmic fine granules were found solitarily or in small groups in periductal and periacinar fibrous tissues with or without slight infiltration of small mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

The abundant glands situated in the lamina propria of the human anterior middle nasal turbinate were complex tubules that consist of serous, seromucous, and mucous cells, either singly or in combination. Serous granules were homogeneously dense, but could have a small lighter core. Seromucous granules had a dense rim and a large compartment of appreciably lighter density. Gradation between serous and seromucous granules made precise identification of these secretory cell types difficult. Mucous cells were of conventional morphology. The secretory tubules, which possessed a complement of myoepithelial cells, gradually transformed into ducts or the changeover was relatively sudden. The ductular portions of the tubules consisted either of tall prismatic cells or of shorter columnar cells, both of which lacked secretory granules, but had many mitochondria in their supranuclear cytoplasm. In many cases the ducts, for most of their length, consisted of secretory cells. These glands clearly participate in the elaboration of the glycoconjugate coat that serves to protect the nasal mucosa and keeps it from drying out.  相似文献   

The effect of ultrasound irradiation focused onto the gonial angle of the mandibular bone (5–10 sessions) on salivary function of the major salivary glands was examined on laboratory rats. Repeated sonication modified the character of salivary secretion cycle. In addition, it qualitatively changed ionic composition of the saliva. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 144, No. 12, pp. 621–623, December, 2007  相似文献   

Leptin, a 16-kDa hormone, plays an important role in the control of food intake and in energy homeostasis both in rodents and in man. Leptin is mainly produced and secreted by adipocytes, but other tissues and gastric glands have also recently been shown to produce it in a dual (endocrine and exocrine) mode. In addition, a leptin receptor has been detected in taste cells of mouse circumvallate papillae and in rat intestinal epithelium. These data prompted us to carry out a detailed study of human salivary glands as potential leptin-producing organs. Biopsies of salivary glands (submandibular and parotid) obtained from male and female patients during surgery for different clinical indications were subjected to immunohistochemical study for the presence of leptin, its functional receptor, insulin and glucagon. The presence and cellular distribution of glucocorticoid receptor in leptin-secreting cells were also investigated. Double immunohistochemical staining (silver-gold intensification and avidin-biotin-peroxidase) was used for the visualization of glucocorticoid receptor and leptin labelling, respectively. The results show that intralobular duct cells of submandibular and parotid glands are immunoreactive for leptin, leptin receptor and glucagon but not for insulin. Leptin was also detected in some microglobules in whole saliva obtained from four healthy volunteers. Co-localization for leptin, leptin receptor and glucocorticoid receptor in the same cell type suggested a functional relationship between glucocorticoid hormone and leptin secretion also at the level of the salivary glands.  相似文献   

The metabolic profile of major salivary glands was evaluated by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance isotopomer analysis (13C NMR‐IA) following the infusion of [U‐13C]glucose in order to define the true metabolic character of submandibular (SM) and parotid (PA) glands at rest and during salivary stimulation, and to determine the metabolic remodeling driven by diabetes. In healthy conditions, the SM gland is characterized at rest by a glycolytic metabolic profile and extensive pyruvate cycling. On the contrary, the PA gland, although also dominated by glycolysis, also possesses significant Krebs’ cycle activity and does not sustain extensive pyruvate cycling. Under stimulation, both glands increase their glycolytic and Krebs’ cycle fluxes, but the metabolic coupling between the two pathways is further compromised to account for the much increased biosynthetic anaplerotic fluxes. In diabetes, the responsiveness of the PA gland to a salivary stimulus is seriously hindered, mostly as a result of the incapacity to burst glycolytic activity and also an inability to improve the Krebs’ cycle flux to compensate. The Krebs’ cycle activity in the SM gland is also consistently compromised, but the glycolytic flux in this gland is more resilient. This diabetes‐induced metabolic remodeling in SM and PA salivary glands illustrates the metabolic need to sustain adequate saliva production, and identifies glycolytic and oxidative pathways as key players in the metabolic dynamism of salivary glands.  相似文献   

Piras M  Hand AR  Piludu M 《Acta histochemica》2011,113(8):844-847
In recent years, minor salivary glands, due to their involvement in the health and homeostasis of the oral cavity, have been the focus of several research investigations. Despite the fact that a considerable amount of data has been collected, many aspects of their functional features, including the secretory components they produce, remain to be ascertained. In this study we have analyzed the ultrastructural distribution of the MUC5B mucin in human palatal and buccal glands by means of post-embedding immunoelectron microscopy.Thin sections of normal human buccal and palatal glands obtained at surgery, were treated with polyclonal antibodies to human salivary MUC5B. Intense MUC5B reactivity was observed in the secretory granules of mucous cells of all glands examined. The present results provide new data regarding the secretory pattern of MUC5B in human buccal and palatal glands, indicating their significant contribution to the maintenance of the mucous biofilm that protects buccal and palatal mucosal areas.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-producing cells and epithelial expression of secretory component (SC), amylase, lysozyme (Ly) and lactoferrin (Lf) were studied by immunohistochemistry to obtain information about the development of mucosal immunity. Tissue specimens were obtained from 20 fetal and 40 postnatal parotid glands. (1) Fetal specimens. Occasional IgM- and IgA- but no IgD-, IgG- or IgE- producing cells were seen (ratios, IgM:IgA:IgD:IgG:IgE approximately 4:1:0:0:0). The IgAl subclass dominated (median 90%, range 50-95%) and these cells were mostly J-chain-positive (median 97%, range 94-98%). Only few IgA2-producing cells were seen (median 10%, range 5-50%) and they were also mostly J-chain-positive (median 99%, range 98-100%). Amylase, Ly and Lf were most prominent in early fetal life, while only small amounts of SC were present. (2) Postnatal specimens. Secretory component increased markedly along with a growing number of IgA- and IgD-producing cells (IgA:IgM:IgD:IgG:IgE approximately 4:2:1:1:0). The IgAl subclass remained predominant (median 65%, range 50-90%) although the proportion of IgA2-positive cells tended to be raised (median 35%, range 10-50%). Most IgAl (median 97%, range 67-100%) and IgA2 (median 94%, range 75-100%) cells were J-chain-positive. These features probably reflected local activation of the immune system in response to environmental factors. The amount of amylase, Ly and Lf decreased shortly after delivery, perhaps because the cellular stores were emptied by postnatal increase in secretory activity.  相似文献   

AIMS: Uncertainty about the factors influencing phenotypes in salivary canalicular adenoma prompted the present investigation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Specimens of canalicular adenoma from 15 patients were examined with the use of histology, histochemistry for protein, mucosubstances and pigments, nerve staining and immunocytochemistry for cytoskeleton components. The tumours consisted largely of simple cells lining tubules that were occasionally cystic or branching and budding, and were set in loose, vascular and often haemorrhagic stroma. Other phenotypes recognized were mucous cells, apocrine-like cells, pigmented cells, microliths and stromal macrophages, detected in 26.6%, 20%, 33.3%, 20% and 53. 3% of the patients, respectively. Simple cells showed moderate levels of -SH groups and strong immunoreactivity for 'simple' epithelial phenotype cytokeratin. The simple cells lining cystic tubules showed additional immunoreactivity for 'stratified' epithelial phenotype cytokeratin, possibly an adaptation to mechanical pressure. Lumina showed variable levels of neutral and carboxylated glycoproteins, and chondroitin sulphate. Stroma showed high levels of chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid. Mucous cells showed high levels of -SS- groups and nonsulphated glycoproteins. Apocrine-like cells contained lipofuscin. Pigmented cells contained haemosiderin, possibly a consequence of localized iron overload. Microliths contained mucosubstances. Macrophages often contained lipofuscin. No nerves were found in relation to the tumours. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that, contrary to popular belief, phenotypes in canalicular adenoma do not reflect histogenetic concepts but rather may derive from the interplay between an altered secretory product, consisting of glycosaminoglycan and an immature form of glycoprotein, the lack of neuro-effector relationships and the different microenvironments throughout the tumour.  相似文献   

The oral cavity is continuously bathed by saliva secreted by the major and minor salivary glands. Saliva is the first biological medium to confront external materials that are taken into the body as part of food or drink or inhaled volatile substances, and it contributes to the first line of oral defence. In humans, it has been shown that sputum and a variety of biological fluids contain Clara cell secretory proteins (CC10–CC26). Various studies of the respiratory apparatus have suggested their protective effect against inflammatory response and oxidative stress. Recently, CC10 deficiency has been related to the protein Annexin‐1 (ANXA1), which has immunomodulatory and anti‐inflammatory properties. Considering the defensive role of both Clara cell secretory proteins and ANXA1 in the respiratory apparatus, and the importance of salivary gland secretion in the first line of oral defence, we decided to evaluate the expression of CC10, CC26 and ANXA1 proteins in rat major salivary glands using immunohistochemistry. CC10 expression was found only in the ductal component of the sublingual gland. Parotid and submandibular glands consistently lacked CC10 immunoreactivity. In the parotid gland, both acinar and ductal cells were always CC26‐negative, whereas in the submandibular gland, immunostaining was localized in the ductal component and in the periodic acid Schiff (PAS)‐positive area. In the sublingual gland, ductal cells were always positive. Acinar cells were not immunostained at all. ANXA1 was expressed in ductal cells in all three major glands. In parotid and sublingual glands, acinar cells were negative. In submandibular glands, immunostaining was present in the mucous PAS‐positive portion, whereas serous acinar cells were consistently negative. The existence of some CC10‐CC26–ANXA1‐positive cells in rat salivary glandular tissue is an interesting preliminary finding which could support the hypothesis, suggested for airway tissue, that these proteins have a defensive and protective role. Protein expression heterogeneity in the different portions of the glands could be an important clue in further investigations of their role.  相似文献   

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