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Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) encodes five genes that do not have herpes simplex virus homologs. One of these genes, VZV open reading frame 1 (ORF1), encodes a membrane protein with a hydrophobic domain at its C-terminus that is predicted to be the transmembrane domain. However, the detailed characterization of ORF1 protein in infected cells has not been reported. Here, we produced mono-specific antibodies against ORF1 protein and characterized the gene products in infected cells. Western blot analyses showed the ORF1 polypeptides had apparent molecular masses of approximately 14-17 kDa. Furthermore, ORF1 was found to be a phosphoprotein by immunoprecipitation assay. In immunofluorescence assays, the VZV ORF1 protein was detected at both the plasma membrane and trans-Golgi network in both VZV-infected and ORF1-transfected cells. Moreover, ORF1 proteins associated with each other to form homodimer, and were incorporated into viral particles. The C-terminal hydrophobic domain was required for the association of ORF1 with the membrane structures, indicating that ORF1 protein is anchored to the membrane thorough its C-terminus, which is a transmembrane domain. Because ORF1 possesses a C-terminal transmembrane domain without an N-terminal signal sequence for its translocation to the ER lumen, ORF1 can be classified as a tail-anchored membrane protein. These results show that the N terminus of ORF1 protein faces the cytoplasm in infected cells and the tegument region in mature virions.  相似文献   

Antigenic variation among murine coronaviruses is associated primarily with the surface peplomer protein E2 (180,000 Da). E2 is responsible for attachment of the virus to the host cell, MHV-induced cell fusion, and eliciting neutralizing antibody. We report here the molecular mimicry between E2 and Fc gamma receptor (Fc gamma R). Molecular mimicry between E2 and Fc gamma R may allow the escape of virus-infected cells from destruction by immunological mechanisms. Rabbit IgG, monoclonal rat IgG1 and IgG2b, monoclonal mouse IgG2a and IgG2b, and the rat anti-mouse Fc gamma R monoclonal antibody 2.4G2 immunoprecipitated from MHV-JHM-infected cells a polypeptide with a molecular mass identical to that immunoprecipitated by anti-E2 antibodies. F(ab')2 fragments of rabbit IgG did not immunoprecipitate any proteins from MHV-infected cells. All of these antibodies did not immunoprecipitate any proteins from uninfected cells. The anti-mouse Fc gamma R monoclonal antibody 2.4G2 immunoprecipitated from MHV-JHM-, MHV-3-, or MHV-A59-infected L-2 cells and 17CL-1 cells, or MHV-JHM-infected cultures of neonatal BALB/c brain cells, a protein with a molecular weight identical to that of MHV-JHM E2. The anti-Fc gamma R monoclonal antibody did not immunoprecipitate any proteins from uninfected cells. Furthermore, the 2.4G2 monoclonal antibody (mab), unrelated rat and mouse monoclonal antibodies, and a goat antiserum against E2, but not normal goat serum, immunoprecipitated a 75,000- to 77,000-Da molecule from uninfected WEHI-3 cells, a Fc gamma R bearing cell line. Several lines of evidence demonstrated that the protein immunoprecipitated by the anti-Fc gamma R mab from MHV-JHM-infected cells is the E2 glycoprotein: (1) Partial proteolytic maps obtained by Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease treatment of the 180,000-Da proteins immunoprecipitated by the anti Fc gamma R mab and the anti-E2 mab were identical. (2) Sequential immunoprecipitation experiments from MHV-JHM-infected cells revealed that the same polypeptide chain was recognized by the anti-E2 mab and by the anti-Fc gamma R mab 2.4G2, (3) Actinomycin D did not influence the induction and expression of the 180,000-Da polypeptide chain that was immunoprecipitated by the anti-Fc gamma R mab, demonstrating that this protein is of viral origin.  相似文献   

The influenza B virus BM2 protein contains 109 amino acid residues and it is translated from a bicistronic mRNA in an open reading frame that is +2 nucleotides with respect to the matrix (M1) protein. The amino acid sequence of BM2 contains a hydrophobic region (residues 7-25) that could act as a transmembrane (TM) anchor. Analysis of properties of the BM2 protein, including detergent solubility, insolubility in alkali pH 11, flotation in membrane fractions, and epitope-tagging immunocytochemistry, indicates BM2 protein is the fourth integral membrane protein encoded by influenza B virus in addition to hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), and the NB glycoprotein. Biochemical analysis indicates that the BM2 protein adopts an N(out)C(in) orientation in membranes and fluorescence microscopy indicates BM2 is expressed at the cell surface. As the BM2 protein possesses only a single hydrophobic domain and lacks a cleavable signal sequence, it is another example of a Type III integral membrane protein, in addition to M(2), NB, and CM2 proteins of influenza A, B, and C viruses, respectively. Chemical cross-linking studies indicate that the BM2 protein is oligomeric, most likely a tetramer. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the TM domain of the BM2 protein with the sequence of the TM domain of the proton-selective ion channel M(2) protein of influenza A virus is intriguing as M(2) protein residues critical for ion selectivity/activation and channel gating (H(37) and W(41), respectively) are found at the same relative position and spacing in the BM2 protein (H(19) and W(23)).  相似文献   

The characterization of subviral particles derived from influenza virus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J J Skehel 《Virology》1971,44(2):409-417

The envelope proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the likely targets of neutralizing antibodies and their molecular and functional characterization is relevant for vaccine development. We previously showed that surface-expressed E2 is a better immunogen than intracellular E2 and, therefore, we were interested in exploring more efficient ways to present E2 protein on the cell surface. We found that E2 targeted to the cell surface by replacement of its transmembrane domain did not bring E1 to the surface although E1 could be expressed independently on the cell surface if its transmembrane domain was similarly replaced. FACS analysis suggested that E2 expressed on the cell surface acquired its native conformation more efficiently when truncated at aa 661 than when truncated at aa 715. The shorter form of truncated E2 better retained the ability to bind the second extracellular loop (EC2) of CD81, the putative HCV receptor. Interestingly, deletion of the hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) did not perceptibly alter E2 structure; cell-surface forms of E2 lacking the HVR1 remained reactive with conformation-sensitive MAbs and were able to bind recombinant EC2 of CD81.  相似文献   

Subviral particles of hepatitis B virus have been used to present foreign epitopes. We attempted to present the hydrophilic domains of E2 envelope protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) as a fusion protein with hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg). The five hydrophilic domains of HCV E2 antigen were inserted into HBsAg such that the inserted hydrophilic domains were presented on the outer surface of HBV subviral particles. In addition, a fusion encoding the hypervariable region (HVR) of E2 antigen was also made. Cell lysate and culture medium were analyzed for the synthesis and secretion of the fusion proteins by immunoprecipitation with polyclonal anti-HBsAg antibody using recombinant vaccinia virus system. The results showed that the fusion proteins containing these six E2 domains were made in the cell, but only two out of six fusion proteins were secreted into culture medium. Further, cesium chloride density gradient analysis and electron microscopy revealed that these fusions were secreted into culture media as particles. It will be of interest to test immunogenicity of the HBsAg fusion particles containing the HCV E2 domains in animal model. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Receptors for polymerized human serum albumin ( pHSA ) were studied by solid-phase radioimmunoassay on different hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) particles subpopulations prepared both from hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) and from anti-HBe-positive sera. HBsAg particles in HBeAg-positive serum showed higher expression of the receptor compared with HBsAg particles from anti-HBe-positive serum. Analysis of different morphological forms of virus particles was performed after separation by density-gradient ultracentrifugation. Maximum receptor expression was detected in HBV particles containing fractions while the 22-nm HBsAg particles had significantly lower receptor activity. These observations support the hypothesis of a pathogenetic role of the pHSA receptor in mediating virus access to hepatocytes. Indeed, the higher pHSA binding activity on HBV particles could allow selective attachment of the infectious virion to liver cells that bear similar albumin receptors on their surface.  相似文献   

The human X-linked recessive disorder of copper metabolism, Menkes disease, is caused by a defect in the MNK ( ATP7A ) gene which encodes a transmembrane copper-transporting P-type ATPase (MNK). MNK is an important component of the mammalian copper transport pathway, and previous studies in cultured cells have localized MNK to the final compartment of the Golgi apparatus, the trans -Golgi network (TGN). At this location, MNK is predicted to supply copper to copper-dependent enzymes as they migrate through the secretory pathway. However, under conditions of elevated extracellular copper, the MNK protein undergoes a rapid relocalization to the plasma membrane where it functions in the efflux of copper from cells. In this study, three di-leucine motifs and a cluster of four acidic amino acids within the C-terminal region of MNK were investigated as candidate signals necessary for steady-state TGN localization. In vitro mutagenesis of the human MNK cDNA and immunofluorescence detection of mutant forms of MNK expressed in cultured cells demonstrated that the di-leucine, L1487L1488, was essential for localization of MNK within the TGN, but not for copper efflux. We suggest that this di-leucine motif is a putative endocytic targeting motif necessary for the retrieval of MNK from the plasma membrane to the TGN. Our data, along with the recent demonstration that the third transmembrane region of MNK functions as a TGN targeting signal, suggests that MNK localization to the TGN may be a two-step process involving TGN retention via the transmembrane region, and recycling to this compartment from the plasma membrane via the L1487L1488 motif.   相似文献   

The question was asked whether a predicted envelope protein, considered to be processed from the polyprotein precursor encoded by the putative E2/NS1 region of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome, may be observed in HCV-infected humans. Two polyclonal antibodies against recombinant E2/NS1 proteins were prepared and their reactivity tested against liver extracts from HCV-infected patients by immunoblotting analysis. A band corresponding to a size of 44 kDa was detected in liver extracts from patients who were positive for the HCV-specific antibody anti-C100-3 but not in liver extracts from patients who did not have anti-C100-3 antibody. Additionally, no band was detected using preimmune sera or antisera which had been preabsorbed with recombinant E2/NS1 proteins. Deglycosylation studies demonstrated that the 44 kDa protein was a glycosylated form of a 38 kDa protein which corresponds to the predicted molecular weight of the putative E2/NS1 protein. These results suggest that the 44 kDa protein is a product of the E2/NS1 region. Frequent observation of the 44 kDa band in cases of chronic active hepatitis C suggests a correlation between the expression of this protein and the progression of hepatitis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is known that hepatitis C virus (HCV) particles are spherical, 55-65 nm particles with fine surface projections of about 6 nm in length and with a 30-35 nm inner core. We have reported that free HCV particles labeled with gold particles specific to the HCV E1 glycoprotein are located in 1.14-1.16 g/ml fractions from plasma samples with high HCV RNA titers after sucrose density gradient centrifugation. However, the morphology of the HCV E2 glycoprotein on the virion has not yet been elucidated. To visualize HCV E2 localization on the virion, we used the same plasma samples where HCV particles were clearly shown. An indirect immunogold electron microscopic study was carried out using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-HCV E2 antibodies. HCV-like particles specifically reacted with the anti-HCV E2 antibodies. Moreover, to evaluate the localization of the HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins on the virion surface, an immunogold electron microscopic study using double labeling with anti-HCV E1 antibodies and anti-HCV E2 antibodies was also performed. These particles also specifically reacted with both anti-E1 and E2 antibodies. This is the first report showing the presence of both HCV E1 and E2 glycoproteins on HCV virion surface in human plasma samples.  相似文献   

Mannheimia haemolytica is the etiological agent of pneumonic pasteurellosis of cattle and sheep; two different OmpA subclasses, OmpA1 and OmpA2, are associated with bovine and ovine isolates, respectively. These proteins differ at the distal ends of four external loops, are involved in adherence, and are likely to play important roles in host adaptation. M. haemolytica is surrounded by a polysaccharide capsule, and the degree of OmpA surface exposure is unknown. To investigate surface exposure and immune specificity of OmpA among bovine and ovine M. haemolytica isolates, recombinant proteins representing the transmembrane domain of OmpA from a bovine serotype A1 isolate (rOmpA1) and an ovine serotype A2 isolate (rOmpA2) were overexpressed, purified, and used to generate anti-rOmpA1 and anti-rOmpA2 antibodies, respectively. Immunogold electron microscopy and immunofluorescence techniques demonstrated that OmpA1 and OmpA2 are surface exposed, and are not masked by the polysaccharide capsule, in a selection of M. haemolytica isolates of various serotypes and grown under different growth conditions. To explore epitope specificity, anti-rOmpA1 and anti-rOmpA2 antibodies were cross-absorbed with the heterologous isolate to remove cross-reacting antibodies. These cross-absorbed antibodies were highly specific and recognized only the OmpA protein of the homologous isolate in Western blot assays. A wider examination of the binding specificities of these antibodies for M. haemolytica isolates representing different OmpA subclasses revealed that cross-absorbed anti-rOmpA1 antibodies recognized OmpA1-type proteins but not OmpA2-type proteins; conversely, cross-absorbed anti-rOmpA2 antibodies recognized OmpA2-type proteins but not OmpA1-type proteins. Our results demonstrate that OmpA1 and OmpA2 are surface exposed and could potentially bind to different receptors in cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

Lo S  Lin HH 《Virus research》2001,75(2):107-112
To determine whether the hepatitis C virus (HCV) E2 PePHD sequence (aa 659-670; PKR-eIF2alpha phosphorylation homology domain) is the determinant for the response of interferon treatment, we have analyzed PePHD sequences in HCV-infected patients who had received interferon-alfa treatment. The PePHD sequence from all (6/6) of the patients, who are non- or partial responders to the interferon treatment, is the wild-type sequence (RSELSPLLL-TT, consensus sequence of HCV-1a and HCV-1b). However, there are sequence variations from more than half (5/9) of the patients, who are complete responders to the treatment. We have also analyzed the NS5A ISDR sequence (aa 2209-2248, interferon sensitivity-determining region) variation in HCV-1b-infected patients. No such correlation has been observed. Thus, our data suggest that HCV E2 should play a more important role than NS5A in determining the interferon responses.  相似文献   

Olga Boyd 《Virology》2010,399(2):201-211
An IPTG-inducible mutant in the E6R gene of vaccinia virus was used to study the role of the E6 virion core protein in viral replication. In the absence of the inducer, the mutant exhibited a normal pattern DNA replication, concatemer resolution and late gene expression, but it showed an inhibition of virion structural protein processing it failed to produce infectious particles. Electron microscopic analysis showed that in the absence of IPTG viral morphogenesis was arrested before IV formation: crescents, aberrant or empty IV-like structures, and large aggregated virosomes were observed throughout the cytoplasm. The addition of IPTG to release a 12-h block showed that virus infectious particles could be formed in the absence of de novo DNA synthesis. Our observations show that in the absence of E6 the association of viroplasm with viral membrane crescents is impaired.  相似文献   

The frequent coexpression of the EBV-encoded latent membrane proteins LMP1 and LMP2A/B in virus-associated tumors suggests that these two proteins may cooperate in the transformation process. While LMP2A is unable to directly activate the NF-kappaB and AP-1 pathways, we found that coexpression of LMP2A with LMP1 resulted in a significant enhancement of LMP1-mediated activation of these pathways. This enhancement was found to be critically dependent on the tyrosine residues present within the ITAM motif (Y74/Y85) and, to a lesser extent, the tyrosine at position 112 (Y112). Subsequent analysis revealed that LMP2A is able to stabilize and modulate the turnover of LMP1 by extending its half-life. This ability does not require a direct physical interaction between the two proteins but rather, results from an indirect effect of LMP2A on the turnover of the LMP1 protein. This study highlights an important role for LMP2A as a modulator of LMP1 activity in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a very important public health concern in many developing countries where epidemics of hepatitis E are common. Sporadic cases of clinical hepatitis E not only occur in these countries but also occur uncommonly in patients with no known epidemiological exposure to HEV in industrialized countries. The source of infection in industrialized countries is unknown but it has been suggested that animals might serve as a reservoir for HEV in both settings. We recently identified and characterized an HEV strain (swine HEV) that infects large numbers of pigs in the United States. To assess the potential of pigs to serve as a global reservoir of HEV, we measured the prevalence of HEV antibodies in pigs in two countries where hepatitis E is endemic and two countries where it is not. Swine herds in all four countries contained many pigs that were seropositive for IgG anti-HEV, although the percentage of seropositive pigs varied greatly from herd to herd. A very limited number of pig handlers in the two endemic countries were also tested and most of them were found to be seropositive for HEV. The results from this study suggest that hepatitis E is enzootic in pigs regardless of whether HEV is endemic in the respective human population. J. Med. Virol. 59:297-302, 1999. Published 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In earlier studies, hepatitis E virus (HEV) particles were detected in the stools of patients with enterically transmitted non-A, non-B (ENANB) hepatitis, and HEV was etiologically associated with this disease. Such particles have not been observed in the liver, however. We describe the pathological findings in the liver of a young pregnant woman from Nepal who died as a result of fulminant NANB hepatitis. IgM antibody to HEV was detected in the patient's serum by immune electron microscopy, suggesting that she was acutely infected with that virus. On light microscopic examination of the liver we observed cholestatic hepatitis with proliferation of bile ductules and pseudoglandular arrangement of hepatocytes around distended bile canaliculi. Three types of virus-like particles were detected by electron microscopy. The most frequently observed particles were in cells lining small bile ductules; they measured 32-37 nm and were enclosed by a membrane. Particles of a second type were seen in clusters in the sinusoidal cells; they were uniform in size, without a membrane, and measured about 32 nm in diameter. Particles of a third type (65 nm) were found in epithelial cells of the small bile ductules. Among the particles we detected, the 32 nm particles most closely resembled those of HEV.  相似文献   

The gene coding for merozoite surface protein 7 has been identified and sequenced in three lines of Plasmodium falciparum. The gene encodes a 351 amino acid polypeptide that is the precursor of a 22-kDa protein (MSP7(22)) on the merozoite surface and non-covalently associated with merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) complex shed from the surface at erythrocyte invasion. A second 19-kDa component of the complex (MSP7(19)) was shown to be derived from MSP7(22) and the complete primary structure of this polypeptide was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The protein sequence contains several predicted helical and two beta elements, but has no similarity with sequences outside the Plasmodium databases. Four sites of sequence variation were identified in MSP7, all within the MSP7(22) region. The MSP7 gene is expressed in mature schizonts, at the same time as other merozoite surface protein genes. It is proposed that MSP7(22) is the result of cleavage by a protease that may also cleave MSP1 and MSP6. A related gene was identified and cloned from the rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium yoelii YM; at the amino acid level this sequence was 23% identical and 50% similar to that of P. falciparum MSP7.  相似文献   

Accumulation of E2F-p107 and E2F-pRB DNA binding complexes occurred after herpes simplex virus infection of U2-OS cells. Accumulation of E2F-p107 also occurred by 4 h p.i. in C33 cells. This corresponded to a time when host DNA synthesis was reduced by 50%, and lagged by >/=1 h, the onset of viral DNA synthesis. To determine the basis for increased nuclear E2F complexes, we investigated the effects of virus infection on the intracellular distribution of the E2F-dependent DNA binding complexes and their protein constituents. Western blot analyses of whole cell extracts revealed that amounts of E2F4, E2F1, DP1, and p107 remained unchanged after infection of C33 cells. Analysis of cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions, however, revealed that cytoplasmic E2F4 decreased and nuclear E2F4 increased. This correlated with a loss of cytoplasmic E2F DNA-binding activity and a corresponding increase in nuclear DNA-binding activity. Concomitant with its redistribution, the apparent molecular weight of total and p107-associated E2F4 increased, at least partially as a result of protein phosphorylation. Increased nuclear E2F-pRB in U2-OS cells was accompanied by the conversion of pRB from a hyper- to a hypophosphorylated state. Infection of U2-OS cells with viral mutants indicated that viral protein IE ICP4 was necessary for the decrease in cytoplasmic E2F-p107, and that viral protein DE ICP8 was required for nuclear accumulation of p107-E2F. In contrast, ICP8 was not required for accumulation of E2F-pRB. These results indicate that the increase in E2F-p107 may be explained by the redistribution and modification of E2F4 and the increase in E2F-pRB by modification of pRB.  相似文献   

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