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迄今<中国医学影像技术>创刊已有20年,这20年期间神经影像学迅速发展,取得了巨大成就.本文对<中国医学影像技术>创刊以来的神经影像学文章进行简要回顾性分析,并对其研究现状和未来发展进行展望.  相似文献   

编者按 <中国医学影像技术>杂志创刊于1985年,2005年是其创刊20周年,许多读者、作者以贺信、论文等多种方式向本刊祝贺.对此,编辑部全体同仁向他们表示衷心的感谢.在过去的20年间,<中国医学影像技术>在反映并促进我国医学影像技术成熟和发展的同时,自身也逐步走向成熟,其姊妹刊<中国介入影像与治疗学>于2004年9月诞生,更标志着诊、治兼备的现代医学影像学的形成.本刊将于本期开始开辟"创刊20周年纪念"专栏,并举办各种纪念及学术活动,庆祝我国医学影像学的这一大事.希望各位专家积极认真撰稿,对学科发展历程进行鸟瞰式回顾;同时欢迎撰文对本刊创刊以来所报道的文献进行回顾性分析,从不同角度展现本刊20年来对我国医学影像学发展做出的贡献.  相似文献   

<中国医学影像技术>自1985年创刊以来,到今天已出版了100期.不论是对杂志本身来说,还是对我国医学影像界而言,这都是一个非常值得纪念的日子.  相似文献   

近年来,现代科学技术,特别是分子生物学、基因工程和信息科学--计算机、微电子技术的迅猛发展,极大地促进了生命科学与医学的发展与融合.发展与繁荣中国的医学影像技术事业是<中国医学影像技术>杂志义不容辞的责任,在新的一年里,从编辑形式到论文内容,<中国医学影像技术>杂志都将给人以耳目一新的感受.它将充分调动医学、生物工程技术学的力量,理、工、医密切结合,致力创新,协调前进,再铸我国医学影像学事业的辉煌!  相似文献   

2010年中国医学影像技术国际论坛暨<中国医学影像技术>编委换届会于2010年9月24日至26日在北京华腾美居酒店召开.本次大会由中国科学院声学研究所、中华医学会放射学分会、中华医学会超声医学分会、中华医学会核医学分会主办,<中国介入影像与治疗学>期刊社、北京道雅智然公关顾问有限公司承办.  相似文献   

徐智章 《上海医学影像》2011,20(1):I0001-I0001
风雨曾经,坎坷几何,<上海医学影像>杂志从创刊迄今已跨越二十个春秋(一九九二年九月创刊).创刊伊始,杂志先以内刊试刊发行.1998年由中华人民共和国新闻出版总署批下刊号,遂于1999年改为正刊.  相似文献   

《中国医学影像技术》杂志是经国家科委 (现科技部 )批准的医学影像技术学术期刊 ,1985年创刊。该刊坚持严密的学术性与严谨的科学性。刊登内容 :放射影像学、超声影像学、介入影像学、影像技术学、核医学、介入、诊断药物学、超声工程学、医学影像教学等最新研究成就。信息量大、可读性强为本刊特色。该刊是医学影像科研及医务人员晋升中高级职称的重要依据 ,是医学影像界专家与基层医务工作者学习交流的园地 ,是各图书馆必备的影像技术资料。月刊 ,12 8页 ,大 16开本 ,铜版纸 ,图片彩色印刷。每册定价 14元 ,全年定价 168元 ,邮发代号 82 …  相似文献   

医学影像是21世纪医学发展最快的学科之一。放射、超声、核医学等各影像学科新技术的不断出现共同促进了临床医学的发展。“2020年中国医学影像新技术发展论坛暨《中国医学影像技术》杂志编委会”定于2020年7月3-5日在北京召开。本次会议由中国科学院声学研究所主办,首都医科大学宣武医院、中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院协办,《中国医学影像技术》期刊社承办。  相似文献   

我国心血管系统放射学的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心血管系统从普通放射诊断起步 ,先后开展了X线平片、心血管造影、DSA、CT(包括螺旋CT、多层螺旋CT、电子束CT)、磁共振等心血管影像学及介入性放射学技术 ,并取得了长足的进步。值此“中国医学影像技术杂志”出版发行 10 0期纪念活动之际 ,将我国心血管系统放射学 (不含磁共振 )的发展作一简要回顾与展望。1 普通X线(1)透视 :5 0年代至 70年代为普通透视 ,80年代至今为影像增强透视。由于该方法简便经济 ,可以即时从不同角度观察心肺病变的概况等 ,在早期透视作为心血管放射学的主要诊断手段之一 ,对心血管疾病的初步诊断起…  相似文献   

《中国临床医学影像杂志》编辑部与CMEF国药励展联合拟定于第69届CMEF期间(2012年4月),在深圳举办肿瘤影像诊断新进展影像学科融合高峰论坛。放射、超声与核医学三大学科的交叉融合是未来中国医学影像技术发展的关键,也顺应了整合大影像学的世界潮流。本届高峰论坛以学科融合与发展为宗旨,以打造医学影像学科高品质的学术交流平台为目的,并将三大学科共同关注的肿瘤影像  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a review for the radiology nurse on the essential elements of patient positioning for radiology procedures. Proper positioning is important for attaining a quality diagnostic image, and ensuring patient safety and comfort. Recent advances in technology often necessitate lengthier and more complex procedures. In general, patients presenting for radiology procedures are older, more obese, and suffering from more comorbidities compared with patients presenting 10 years ago. Awkward positioning on hard surface areas and lengthy procedures, combined with complex patients, increase the risk for negative respiratory events, cardiovascular compromise, increased intracranial pressure, and nerve and soft tissue injury. Injury and complications, especially in vulnerable populations, may be avoided through thoughtful consideration and adjustments while positioning patients.  相似文献   

Summary. US health care has seen several changes in the past 5 years, some instigated by government, others by the demands of society. The emphasis in all these changes is improvement in the efficiency of, and ease of access to, health care. This is well illustrated by the discipline of radiology where such improvements are being achieved by the incorporation of information technology into the discipline. The development of a filmless radiology department and the creation of a virtual radiology environment is described in this article, and the advantages resulting from these technological advances are discussed.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in females between the age of 15 and 54, and the second leading cause of death in women in the United States. Diagnosis begins with detection by breast examination (clinical breast examination or breast self-examination) or by radiologic studies, such as mammography. Many advances in the diagnosis of breast cancer have taken place in the past 20 years. This article reviews the history of radiologic advances in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Use of technological advancements in digital radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound in breast cancer diagnosis are presented. Advantages and disadvantages of these diagnostic interventions compared with older, traditional X-ray films are discussed. It is important for radiology nurses to be well informed about these varied diagnostic modalities, and appreciate the fact that advances in radiologic imaging technologies can yield improved outcomes for breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

Radiology goes filmless. What does this mean for primary care physicians?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Technical advances over the past few years have rapidly increased the possibilities for filmless radiology services provided by PACS. Such systems are also financially feasible for many healthcare practices, primarily because of the goals achieved through increased efficiency and improved patient care. In coming years, most medical facilities are likely to either convert or begin to convert to PACS as conventional film-based systems fade into the annals of medical history.  相似文献   

Emergency department (ED) patient care relies heavily on radiologic imaging. As advances in technologic innovation continue to present opportunities to streamline and simplify the delivery of care, emergency medicine (EM) practitioners face the challenge of transitioning from a system of primarily film-based radiography to one that utilizes digitized images. The move to digital radiology can result in enhanced quality of patient care, reduction of errors, and increased ED efficiency; however, making this transition will necessarily involve changes in EM practice. As the technology evolves, digital radiology will gradually become ingrained into everyday practice because of these and other notable benefits; however, EM practitioners will need to overcome several challenges to make the transition smoothly and consider the potential impacts that this change will have on ED workflow. The authors discuss the benefits, challenges, and other operational considerations involved with the ED implementation of digital radiology and close by presenting guiding principles for current and future users. Despite the unresolved issues, digital radiology will mature as a technology and improve EM practice, making it one of the great information technology advances in EM.  相似文献   

M L Montgomery  J P Sullivan 《Postgraduate medicine》2001,109(6):93-4, 97-9, 103-4
Many new, minimally invasive interventional radiology procedures are now viable alternatives to traditional invasive therapy. The radiology procedures can often be performed in the outpatient setting, and although expensive technology may be required, the overall cost to the patient may be lower in the long run. Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with stent grafts and radiofrequency tumor ablation are examples of rapidly expanding technologies in interventional radiology. Patient enthusiasm and interest are the primary forces driving these advances in management. Familiarity with these procedures is vital as medicine moves into the new millennium.  相似文献   

彭芸  胡迪 《磁共振成像》2013,4(3):178-184
从儿童及胎儿神经、儿童胸部、儿童心血管、儿童腹部、儿童骨骼肌肉、儿童剂量、儿童虐待、儿童介入治疗及其他、儿童影像学展望9个方面对北美放射学年会(RSNA)2012年会上发表的儿童影像学研究文章进行综述。  相似文献   

An understanding of fundamental principles of various modes of noninvasive cardiovascular monitoring is important in the investigation and management of acute cardiac illnesses found in the critically ill. The clinical application of electrocardiography, radiology, echocardiography, and nuclear medicine will be discussed as it applies to investigation and management of the cardiovascular system in these patients.  相似文献   

Many apparent healthy persons die from cardiovascular disease, despite major advances in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Traditional cardiovascular risk factors are able to predict cardiovascular events in the long run, but fail to assess current disease activity or nearby cardiovascular events. There is a clear relation between the occurrence of cardiovascular events and the presence of so-called vulnerable plaques. These vulnerable plaques are characterized by active inflammation, a thin cap and a large lipid pool. Spectroscopy is an optical imaging technique which depicts the interaction between light and tissues, and thereby shows the biochemical composition of tissues. In recent years, impressive advances have been made in spectroscopy technology and intravascular spectroscopy is able to assess the composition of plaques of interest and thereby to identify and actually quantify plaque vulnerability. This review summarizes the current evidence for spectroscopy as a measure of plaque vulnerability and discusses the potential role of intravascular spectroscopic imaging techniques.  相似文献   

The Art of Chaortic Leadership is from an article by Dee Houck that first appeared as “The Art of Chaortic Leadership” (Chapter 7) in On Mission and Leadership. Chaortic leadership is a term that highlights the link between chaos and order. It allows the class to understand the role and effect that chaos has in the field of health care and helps students to understand how you can bring about order in any chaotic situation. Chaortic leadership skills are something that every radiology nurse and nurse manager must have to understand and survive in the ever-changing chaotic world of radiology nursing. It helps you to understand the sources of chaos in radiology, your role in chaos, and steps you can take to manage chaos in your department. Even though there have been radiology nurses for over 20 years, the role of the radiology nurse is to provide stability and continuity (order) to patient care, but, in the radiology environment, we are a source of chaos unto ourselves. The presenter gave an overview of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, a 500-bed regional trauma center and a top hospital in the country according to US News and World Report. The presenter discussed chaortic leadership theory and practice that was first described by Dee Houck and showed how to apply the principles of chaortic leadership. Finally, the presenter discussed strategies for success as a radiology nurse when working in a small facility and for radiology nursing leaders whether they are supervisors of a small staff or managers of a large diagnostic and interventional department.  相似文献   

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