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用99mTc做标记药物进行临床检查的放射防护评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 为评价某医院核医学科应用^99mTc做标记药物进行临床检查时,对患者、给药人员及工作场所的影响程度,并对使用核素的安全性进行评价。方法 用经标定的BicRoN型微伦仪,TCS—163型γ测量仪进行测量分析。结果 该院临床核医学工作场所分为Ⅱ级,其防护设施符合Ⅱ级要求,其工作场所按控制区、监督区和非限制区“三区原则“分布,其环境γ污染水平及放射水平符合GBZ 120—2002《临床核医学放射卫生防护标准)。结论 应用^99mTc做标记药物进行临床ECT检查时,在正常工作状态下为安全性职业。  相似文献   

目的检测核医学科使用99Mo—99mTc发生器过程中,不同操作方法、不同操作环节放射工作人员接受的外照射水平、个人剂量水平、放射性工作场所及周围环境的放射性污染水平。方法用FD-3013数字r辐射仪监测工作场所外照射水平,用FJ-342低能辐射仪测量工作场所及环境中的表面污染水平,用FJ-377热释光个人剂量仪测量放射工作人员操作过程中接受的个人剂量照射。结果放射工作人员操作发生器过程中身体各部位受到不均匀的外照射,其中以手部受到的外照射最大。操作过程中以安装99Mo-99mTc发生器发生器、注射标记药物的操作环节受到的外照射水平最高。放射性工作场所及周围环境外照射水平、表面污染水平均符合GB4792-82《放射卫生防护基本标准》和GBZ120-2002《临床核医学卫生防护标准》规定,放射工作人员接受的个人剂量不超过ICRP规定的剂量限值。结论放射工作人员使用和操作99Mo-99mTc发生器,在正常工作状况下是安全的。防护时要优先考虑对受照射水平高的身体部位的防护,同时加强发生器操作过程中不同环节的防护措施。  相似文献   

在核医学诊断中 ,通常使用99mTc放射性同位素药物作为显像剂 ,将其注射到病人体内通过SPECT或γ相机扫描显像达到对人体的骨骼系统、消化系统、神经系统等的功能测试和疾病诊断。使用99mTc的放射性活度视患者的病灶不同而异 ,一般为10 7 10 8Bq量级。传统的使用方法为 :医院从放射性同位素药物生产单位购买99mTc母液和各种配套的药盒或医用化学试剂 ,再由核医学科内的放射性药房自行淋洗制备分装而成。由于该放射性药物系液态 ,操作人员在制备、分装和注射过程中往往触及到放射性物质本身 ,同时在分装或给药过程中 ,稍有疏忽便会撒漏放…  相似文献   

99m Tc-HL91肺癌乏氧显像的临床应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的探讨核素99mTc-HL91乏氧显像对肺癌诊断和治疗的临床价值.方法 72例原发性肺癌患者行SPECT 99m Tc-HL91显像,根据早期(1h)显像和延迟(3h)显像结果进行定性和半定量分析.并对其中接受化疗的65例患者按延迟显像T/N值分组进行疗效随访.结果 99mTc-HL91早期和延迟显像对肺癌诊断的灵敏度分别为86.1%(62/72)、98.6%(71/72).不同病理类型的肺癌半定量分析结果比较差异无显著性.65例化疗患者低摄取组疗效较高摄取组好,差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论 99mTc-HL91乏氧显像对原发性肺癌的诊断具有较高的灵敏度,并在预测治疗效果方面具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:探讨99mTc—MIBI甲状腺亲肿瘤显像对甲状腺结节良恶性诊断与鉴别诊断的价值。方法:选择42例甲状腺癌患者作为观察组,行99mTc—MIBI甲状腺亲肿瘤显像,同时选择101例甲状腺良性结节患者作为对照组,将显像结果与手术病理结果进行对照。结果:观察组阳性显像3l例,阴性显像11例;对照组阳性显像21例,阴性显像80例;99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像诊断甲状腺恶性肿瘤灵敏度为73.81%(31/42),特异度为79.21%(80/101),准确性为77.62%(111/143)。两组患者阳性率比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:99mTc—MIBI甲状腺亲肿瘤显像对甲状腺结节的诊断具一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨^99mTc-HL91乏氧显像、^99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像及CT检查诊断肺癌的价值。方法50例经病理确诊的肺肿瘤患者行^99mTc—HL91乏氧显像、^99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像及cT检查,比较分析诊断特性。结果3种方法诊断肺癌的灵敏度相互比较差异无统计学意义^99mTc—HL91乏氧显像的特异性明显高于^99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像和CT,准确率高于^99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像,与CT比较差异无显著性。3种方法联合诊断肺癌的灵敏度、特异性和准确率分别为96.9%、100%和98%。结论^99mTc—HL91乏氧显像诊断肺癌有较高的临床价值,联合^99mTc—MIBI亲肿瘤显像和CT检查可进一步提高诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

无创伤性评价存活心肌是现代心血管病学研究的热点之一。放射性核素检测存活心肌对冠心病心肌梗死尤其伴有左室功能不全和室壁运动低下的患者选择合适的血运重建术,对心功能的恢复及预后意义重大。本文就99mTc-MIBI和18F-FDG双核素心肌SPECT显像技术检测存活心肌的诊断价值作一  相似文献   

目的初步探索99mTc-明胶作为肾小球滤过性肾功能显像剂的可能性。方法运用99Mo-99mTc发生器制备99mTc-明胶,测定99mTc-明胶在心、肝、肺、脾、肾、胃等器官的放射性计数,计算每单位质量组织放射性摄取率。结果 99mTc-明胶有比较高的肾摄取率,同时有较长的滞留时间,在血液中的清除也很快。结论 99mTc-明胶有可能成为一种肾小球滤过型肾功能显像剂。  相似文献   

目的 加强对矿砂类放射性监测,防止放射性污染物流入我国,保护环境和人体健康。方法 对该批用集装箱装运的铅矿砂实施γ辐射监测,并进行放射性核素分析。结果 集装箱外γ辐射剂量当量率最高处达5.52μSv/h,超过本底值46倍,超过国家标准5.52倍;放射性核素137Cs的活度浓度146 kBq/kg。结论 货物中γ辐射剂量当量率严重超标,含有人工放射性核素137Cs。  相似文献   

M Telkes  L Csernay  G Holzinger  M Hódi 《Orvosi hetilap》1990,131(9):479-80, 483-4
Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most frequent parathyroid disease. Parathyroid adenomas account for the majority of primary hyperparathyroidism (81%) while carcinoma and diffuse hyperplasia occur less frequently (4% and 15%). Ten per cent of adenomas are located substernally. The difficulties of preoperative localization of parathyroid adenomas may lead to incomplete surgical removal. Therefore an accurate technique for preoperative localization of the parathyroid gland is of utmost importance. Various imaging methods are available (ultrasonography, computer tomography, angiography, etc.), each with their own limitations. Thus, a nuclear technique performed via 201Tl-99mTc dual isotope subtraction scintigraphy may well contribute to the safety of diagnostics. The authors present a case of parathyroid adenoma diagnosed by this method and confirmed histologically. The role of non-invasive techniques in preoperative localization of parathyroid adenomas protecting the patient from invasive procedures and repeated surgical explorations is highly emphasized.  相似文献   

Study of the sorption of 99mTc radiopharmaceutical compounds by soils has assessed the fate of these compounds in the event of a surface spill and examined the potential of these compounds as hydrologic tracers. Sorption from deionized water, filtered Missouri River water, and artificial seawater by five surface soils was investigated. For all water types, the Tc radiopharmaceutical compounds showed greater sorption than the uncomplexed pertechnetate. The most lipophilic complexes showed the highest sorption on soils.  相似文献   

A method is described to label with 99mTc the particulate matter in the smoke from commercially obtained cigarettes. A solution of technetium heptasulfide is applied to the paper wrapper of the tobacco rod and then dried. Smoke from a cigarette treated in this way contains measurable amounts of 99mTc in the particulate phase. In contrast, no measurable radioactivity is found in the non-particulate (gaseous) phase of smoke. This method yields a gamma-emitting cigarette smoke which will permit future observation of particulate intake, deposition and clearance in experimental animals and man.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the preparation of a standard source to satisfy the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirement for calibration of wipe-assay procedures used in nuclear medicine laboratories. An essential element of this standard was that a locally prepared calibration wipe could be used with thin-window Geiger-Muller detectors that detect 99mTc conversion electrons with high sensitivity. This proposed calibration wipe was evaluated with both a NaI(Tl) well counter and a thin-window Geiger-Muller pancake probe. Average detector sensitivities of 1,540 and 160 counts min-1 per 2000 disintegrations min-1, respectively, were found for 99mTc. An analysis of the errors for each step of the procedure showed most to be less than 3% (95% confidence level). The nuclear medicine dose calibrator, used to assay the activity from which the wipe was prepared, was estimated to contribute a 9% absolute calibration error. Use of the pancake probe contributed a 12% geometry-reproducibility error. The total error associated with the use of the calibration wipe standard to calibrate a typical 99mTc wipe-assay procedure, exclusive of the count-dependent error associated with the number of counts acquired, was found for the NaI(Tl) well counter to be given by a percentage of 2 SD = 10% and for the thin-window Geiger-Muller pancake probe, percentage 2 SD = 16%. Coating of the calibration wipe with an acrylic spray, to prevent it from contaminating instruments during use, was evaluated. This coating was effective while it reduced the detectability of the wipe activity by a negligible degree.  相似文献   

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