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Little is known about the effects of the menstrual cycle on brain activity in primates. Here, we use 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography to monitor changes in resting brain glucose metabolism across the menstrual cycle in female rhesus monkeys. Results showed greater activity in right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, a region involved in processing negatively valenced emotional stimuli, in the follicular compared with luteal phase. Estradiol levels were negatively correlated with activity in cortical and brainstem regions involved in emotional processing, and positively correlated with activity in areas involved in cognitive control and emotion regulation. In summary, the data suggest that in primates, fluctuations of ovarian hormones across the menstrual cycle influence activity in brain areas involved in emotion and its regulation.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the activation of the nicotine receptor evokes central endogenous dopamine release. However, whether smoking affects striatal dopamine D(2)/D(3) availability over the long run has not been well established in vivo. Fifteen male smokers and their matching controls were recruited. Striatal dopamine D(2)/D(3) receptor availability was assessed by single photon emission computed tomography with [(123)]IBZM Iodo-benzaimide. There was no significant difference in striatal D(2)/D(3) receptor availability between smokers and controls.  相似文献   

Findings are inconsistent regarding whether women's cognitive performance fluctuates across phases of the menstrual cycle, but differences in methodology and the use of reported cycle phase rather than precise hormonal measures may underlie these disparities. Studies in monkeys may help resolve these discrepant findings, since hormonal status can be reliably determined. We tested four young (5-7 years old) female rhesus monkeys daily during one entire menstrual cycle on three cognitive tasks displayed on a computerized touch-screen system: a Matching to Sample task with a 30 s delay (MTS-30s), a Matching to Sample task without delay (MTS-no delay) and the spatial condition of the Delayed Recognition Span Test (spatial-DRST). Blood samples were collected at specific time intervals throughout the cycle and assayed for estradiol and progesterone in order to identify hormonal status. There was a nonsignificant trend for the MTS-30s scores to be better during the follicular and luteal phases, when estradiol levels were low, than during the peri-ovulatory phase, when estradiol levels were at their highest. MTS-no delay performance did not vary as a function of hormonal status. Spatial-DRST scores were significantly better during the follicular and luteal phases than during the peri-ovulatory phase of the cycle. These data in the female rhesus monkey support the hypothesis that spatial memory performance is sensitive to estradiol variations across the menstrual cycle, with better performance associated with low estradiol levels.  相似文献   

Caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive substance in the world, is used to promote wakefulness and enhance alertness. Like other wake-promoting drugs (stimulants and modafinil), caffeine enhances dopamine (DA) signaling in the brain, which it does predominantly by antagonizing adenosine A2A receptors (A2AR). However, it is unclear if caffeine, at the doses consumed by humans, increases DA release or whether it modulates the functions of postsynaptic DA receptors through its interaction with adenosine receptors, which modulate them. We used positron emission tomography and [11C]raclopride (DA D2/D3 receptor radioligand sensitive to endogenous DA) to assess if caffeine increased DA release in striatum in 20 healthy controls. Caffeine (300 mg p.o.) significantly increased the availability of D2/D3 receptors in putamen and ventral striatum, but not in caudate, when compared with placebo. In addition, caffeine-induced increases in D2/D3 receptor availability in the ventral striatum were associated with caffeine-induced increases in alertness. Our findings indicate that in the human brain, caffeine, at doses typically consumed, increases the availability of DA D2/D3 receptors, which indicates that caffeine does not increase DA in the striatum for this would have decreased D2/D3 receptor availability. Instead, we interpret our findings to reflect an increase in D2/D3 receptor levels in striatum with caffeine (or changes in affinity). The association between increases in D2/D3 receptor availability in ventral striatum and alertness suggests that caffeine might enhance arousal, in part, by upregulating D2/D3 receptors.  相似文献   

A higher prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's disease is observed in men, and beneficial motor effects of estrogens are observed in parkinsonian women. In rodents, an effect of estradiol on dopamine systems is documented, whereas much less is known in monkeys. Enkephalin was shown to exert a compensatory modulatory effect on the denervated dopamine nigrostriatal pathway in monkeys and in humans. Moreover in rodents, striatal preproenkephalin mRNA is increased by estrogen treatment. Hence, we investigated the responsiveness of striatal dopamine to estradiol in long‐term ovariectomized monkeys bearing a unilateral lesion with 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to mimic parkinsonian postmenopausal women. Seven ovariectomized female monkeys received a unilateral MPTP lesion; 4 years after ovariectomy, three received 1‐month treatment with 17β‐estradiol and the others received vehicle. The lesioned striata showed extensive denervation in all monkeys as measured with dopamine and metabolite concentrations assayed by high‐performance liquid chromatography and by autoradiography of the dopamine transporter. The lesioned and intact striata of estradiol‐treated monkeys had increased 3‐methoxytyramine, and lesioned putamen increased dopamine concentrations compared with vehicle‐treated monkeys. Estradiol treatment increased the dopamine transporter in subregions of the intact caudate and putamen compared with the intact striata of vehicle‐treated monkeys, but not in the lesioned striata. Preproenkephalin mRNA levels measured by in situ hybridization were increased in the lesioned striata of vehicle treated monkeys and were not further enhanced in estradiol‐treated monkeys. These results show that long after ovariectomy, modeling postmenopausal hormonal conditions, brain dopamine metabolism, and transporter are still responsive to estradiol. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) modulates the response of the amygdala. However, the relation between dopaminergic neurotransmission in striatal and extrastriatal brain regions and amygdala reactivity to affective stimuli has not yet been established. To address this issue, we measured DA D2/D3 receptor (DRD2/3) availability in twenty‐eight healthy men (nicotine‐dependent smokers and never‐smokers) using positron emission tomography with [18F]fallypride. In the same group of participants, amygdala response to unpleasant visual stimuli was determined using blood oxygen level‐dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging. The effects of DRD2/3 availability in emotion‐related brain regions and nicotine dependence on amygdala response to unpleasant stimuli were examined by multiple regression analysis. We observed enhanced prefrontal DRD2/3 availability in those individuals with higher amygdala response to unpleasant stimuli. As compared to never‐smokers, smokers showed an attenuated amygdala BOLD response to unpleasant stimuli. Thus, individuals with high prefrontal DRD2/3 availability may be more responsive toward aversive and stressful information. Through this mechanism, dopaminergic neurotransmission might influence vulnerability for affective and anxiety disorders. Neuronal reactivity to unpleasant stimuli seems to be reduced by smoking. This observation could explain increased smoking rates in individuals with mental disorders. Hum Brain Mapp, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Schizophrenia has a heritability of about 80%, but the detailed molecular genetic basis of the disorder has remained elusive. Relative hyperfunction of the subcortical dopamine system has been previously suggested to be one of the key pathophysiologic mechanisms in schizophrenic psychosis. OBJECTIVE: To examine the contributions of genetic vulnerability for schizophrenia to the dopamine system in the human brain. DESIGN: Population-based twin cohort study. SETTING: Finland. PARTICIPANTS: Six monozygotic and 5 dizygotic unaffected co-twins of patients with schizophrenia were ascertained, along with 4 monozygotic and 3 dizygotic healthy control twins with no family history of psychotic disorders. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Striatal dopamine D(2) receptor availability estimated with positron emission tomographic imaging and carbon 11 ((11)C)-labeled raclopride, and performance on neuropsychological tests sensitive to frontal lobe functioning and to schizophrenia vulnerability. RESULTS: Unaffected monozygotic co-twins had increased caudate D(2) density compared with unaffected dizygotic co-twins and healthy control twins. Higher D(2) receptor binding in caudate was associated with a poor performance on cognitive tasks related to schizophrenia vulnerability in the whole sample. CONCLUSIONS: The caudate dopamine D(2) receptor up-regulation is related to genetic risk for schizophrenia. Higher dopamine D(2) receptor density in caudate is also associated with poorer performance on cognitive tasks involving corticostriatal pathways. This finding suggests that caudate dopamine dysregulation is also a trait phenomenon related to psychosis vulnerability. This pattern of results provides a theoretical rationale for early pharmacologic intervention approaches using dopamine D(2) receptor blocking drugs.  相似文献   

We studied in healthy humans the contribution of cerebral dopamine D2/D3 receptors to individual differences in response characteristics to painful stimulation. Positron emission tomography was used to measure the dopamine D2/D3 binding potential (D2/D3 BP) with [(11)C]raclopride in the striatum (n = 8) and with [(11)C]FLB 457 in the extrastriatal regions (n = 11). Sensitivity to cutaneous heat pain was assessed by a traditional threshold method and by an analysis based on the signal detection theory which allows the separation of an individual subject's discriminative capacity from the response criterion, i.e. the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve provides a measure of the sensory discriminability (sensory factor) and the response criterion gives an estimate of the subject's response bias or attitude (nonsensory factor). The pain threshold and response criterion were inversely correlated with the D2/D3 BP in the right putamen, whereas the discriminative capacity was not significantly correlated with the D2/D3 BP in any brain region. The correlation of the D2/D3 BP in the putamen with the pain threshold and the subject's response criterion may rather be explained by a dopaminergic effect on nonsensory factors determining the subject's attitude towards pain than by a dopaminergic effect on the subject's discriminative capacity. Alternatively, striatal dopamine D2/D3 receptors could control a modulatory pathway producing a parallel shift in the stimulus-response function for sensory signals, mimicking a change in the subject's response criterion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reduced dopaminergic transmission has been implicated in the pathophysiology of major depression. The aim of the present study was to measure striatal D(2) receptor availability and amphetamine-induced dopamine release in nonpsychotic, unmedicated, unipolar patients during an episode of major depression. METHODS: The striatal equilibrium specific to nonspecific partition coefficient (V(3)") of the D(2) receptor antagonist [(123)I]IBZM was measured with single photon emission computerized tomography before and after amphetamine administration in 9 depressed subjects and 10 matched healthy control subjects. RESULTS: No significant differences were observed in preamphetamine D(2) receptor availability between depressed patients (0.73 +/- 0.08) and control subjects (0.78 +/- 0.10, p =.23). Amphetamine-induced reduction in [(123)I]IBZM V(3)" (DeltaV(3)") was similar in depressed patients (-9.8 +/- 5.5%) and control subjects (-7.8 +/- 2.5%, p =.32). Amphetamine induced a transient improvement in symptomatology in depressed patients, but this improvement did not correlate with [(123)I]IBZM DeltaV(3)". CONCLUSIONS: This study did not replicate previously reported alterations in striatal D(2) receptor density in depressed patients and suggests that stimulant-induced dopamine release is not altered in major depression.  相似文献   

Decreased dopaminergic function has been postulated to underlie cocaine addiction. To examine the possibility that dysfunction of brain regions subserved by the dopamine system could promote cocaine self-administration, positron emission tomography and a dual-tracer approach was used to examine dopamine D2 receptor availability and regional brain glucose metabolism in cocaine abusers. When compared to normal controls, cocaine abusers showed significant decreases in dopamine D2 receptor availability which persisted 3-4 months after detoxification. Decreases in dopamine D2 receptor availability were associated with decreased metabolism in several regions of the frontal of these brain areas which are involved in the channeling of drive and affect could lead to loss of control resulting in compulsive drug-taking behavior. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The C957T (rs6277) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the human dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene (DRD2) affects DRD2 mRNA stability and has been shown to predict striatal DRD2 availability (Bmax/KD) in vivo in man. Specifically, the C/C genotype is associated with low striatal DRD2 availability (C/C<C/T<T/T). It is not known, however, whether this pattern of genetic regulation of DRD2 expression also applies to low density DRD2 populations in extrastriatal regions. We analyzed extrastriatal DRD2 availability (indexed by binding potential, BPND) measured in 38 healthy male volunteers with 3D-PET and the high-affinity DRD2 radioligand [11C]FLB457. The subjects were genotyped for the C957T as well as for two other widely studied DRD2 SNPs, the TaqIA (rs1800497) and the −141C Ins/Del (rs1799732). Statistical analyses showed that the C957T C/C genotype was associated with high extrastriatal DRD2 BPND throughout the cortex and the thalamus (C/C>C/T>T/T). Also the TaqIA A1 allele carriers (p = 0.101) tended to have higher extrastriatal DRD2 BPND compared to non-carriers whereas the −141C Ins/Del genotype did not influence extrastriatal DRD2 BPND. Our findings indicate that the DRD2 SNPs regulate DRD2 availability in the human cortex and in the thalamus in vivo. However, the regulation pattern is different from that observed previously for striatal DRD2 availability in vivo, which may reflect distinct functional roles of dopamine and DRD2 in the cortex versus the striatum. The results provide useful information for the interpretation of genetic studies exploring the role of the DRD2 in normal physiology as well as in psychiatric and neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Using a prospective design over three complete menstrual cycles, 147 heterosexual and 89 lesbian women made daily recordings of their basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus status, menses, and completed a daily checklist of various sexual behaviors (including sexual self-stimulation and sexual activity with a partner). They also gave their age, height, weight, age at menarche, number of pregnancies, duration of sleep, tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol use, and whether they had a live-in sexual partner. Using BBT, cervical mucus status, and menses information, cycle days were grouped into five discrete phases: menses, follicular, ovulatory, early luteal, and premenstrual. Daily frequencies of sexual behavior with a partner and autosexual behavior were computed for each phase. Mixed ANOVAs on the resultant proportional data revealed similar patterns for autosexual behavior across the phases for both heterosexuals and lesbians who did not have a live-in partner, in which autosexual behavior was highest during the follicular and ovulatory phases. For those with live-in partners, autosexual behavior did not vary across the phases. Lesbians engaged in more autosexual behavior overall. Allosexual behavior peaked during the follicular phase for both heterosexuals and lesbians, and the phasic pattern was unrelated to live-in partner status. Additional analyses suggest that the observed patterns were unrelated to anticipated changes in sexual activity due to menses. Results are discussed in terms of social variables and hormonal fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Advanced human aging is associated with progressive declines of motor function and a risk factor for Parkinson's disease, which mainly involves central nigrostriatal dopaminergic system. The present study investigated age-related changes in motor behaviors and alterations of the number of nigrostriatal dopaminergic terminals in non-human primates. A total of 30 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) of age 3.5-15.5?years were studied. Motor behaviors including upper limb movement time and the amount of overall home cage activity were quantitatively assessed using a modified movement assessment panel and a newly developed webcam-based monitoring system. The function of the dopaminergic system was semi-quantitatively measured by (99m)Tc-TRODAT-1 uptake rates, a dopamine transporter (DAT) specific radiopharmaceutical with SPECT imaging. The results showed a significant decline in motor behaviors associated with aging which were significantly correlated with age-related decreases of (99m)Tc-TRODAT-1 uptake. A further partial correlation analysis independent of age indicated that age contributed to the relationship between striatal DAT levels and motor behaviors. Our results indicate that normal aging-related dopamine physiology influences certain aspects of motor behaviors and suggest that aging-associated dysfunction in the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system may be an important factor contributing to the decline of motor behaviors in aging cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

The C957T polymorphism of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) regulates DRD2 availability in striatum in vivo. Specifically, the T allele predicts high DRD2 availability in healthy volunteers (T/T>T/C>C/C). However, this finding was unexpected as in vitro the T allele is associated with a decrease in DRD2 mRNA stability and synthesis of the receptor through a putative alteration in the receptor mRNA folding. To elucidate further how changes in DRD2 density (Bmax) and affinity (KD) contribute to the differences in DRD2 availability between the C957T genotypes, we studied these parameters separately in a sample of 45 healthy volunteers. The subjects had two PET scans with [11C]raclopride (high and low specific radioactivity scans) for the estimation of Bmax and KD, and were genotyped for the C957T. Moreover, the role of the related and previously studied functional TaqIA polymorphism of ankyrin repeat and kinase domain containing 1 (ANKK1) gene was reassessed for comparative purposes. The results indicate that the C957T increased binding potential by decreasing DRD2 KD (C/C>C/T>T/T), while Bmax was not significantly altered. These preliminary findings indicate that the C957T genotype‐dependent changes in DRD2 availability are driven by alterations in receptor affinity and putatively in striatal dopamine levels. This mechanism seems to differ from that observed previously for the ANKK1 gene TaqIA polymorphism, where the minor allele (A1) affects DRD2 availability predominantly by changing Bmax. The hypothesis that the two SNPs may have independent effects on dopamine neurotransmission needs to be further tested. Synapse 63:907–912, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An array of evidence indicates that long-term exposure to cocaine alters several components of the brain dopamine system. Because the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) has been implicated in mediating the reinforcing effects of cocaine, changes in dopamine function can have profound effects on drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior. The present study examined the effects of the chronic self-administration of cocaine on the D1 family of dopamine receptors in the rhesus monkey. The brains of three rhesus monkeys that had intravenously self-administered an average of 1.35 mg/kg cocaine per day for 18–22 months were compared to the brains of three cocaine-naive controls. The in vitro quantitative autoradiographic technique was used to quantify binding densities of the D1 ligand [3H]SCH-23390 on cryostat-cut sections of fresh frozen tissue. In animals that self-administered cocaine, the density of D1 binding was significantly lower in the regions of the striatum at the level where the nucleus accumbens is most fully developed. The shell of the NAc showed the largest difference with significantly lower D1 binding also detected in adjacent regions of the caudate nucleus and the putamen. No differences were found in the rostral pole of the NAc or the dorsal striatum at that level. These findings suggest that chronic self-administration of cocaine can modulate the density of dopamine D1 receptors in specific portions of the primate striatum. Such changes might underlie some of the behavioral consequences, like drug dependence and craving, of long-term cocaine use. Synapse 28:1–9, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Basic research indicates a role for dopamine (DA) D1 antagonism in the treatment of schizophrenia. Clinical trials have not confirmed any role. Besides the defining second messenger (adenylyl cyclase [AC]), DA D1 receptors are linked to other effectors (e.g., phospholipase C [PLC]). Differing actions of DA D1 antagonists upon differing effectors could explain conflicting results between the lab/clinic. METHODS: In a monkey model in which behavioral effects of DA D1 antagonists/agonists have been well characterized we examined: 1) SKF 83959, biochemically, a DA D1 antagonist, behaviorally a DA D1 agonist, and 2) SKF 83822, biochemically, a DA D1 agonist, which, unlike all previously tested DA D1 agonists, does not also stimulate PLC. SKF 83959 and SKF 83822 were given alone and combined with DA D1 and D2 agonists, antagonists, and dextroamphetamine (AMP). RESULTS: SKF 83959 acted as a DA D1 agonist (induced oral dyskinesia given alone, counteracted DA D1 antagonist [NNC 756], induced dystonia, and did not inhibit AMP induced behaviors). SKF 83822, unlike previously studied DA D1 agonists, did not induce dyskinesia, but resulted in a state of extreme arousal and locomotor activation without stereotypy, effectively counteracted by NNC 756, but not by SKF 83959 nor raclopride (DA D2 antagonist).CONCLUSIONS: It is hypothesized that: 1) dyskinesia is linked to PLC stimulation; 2) DA D1 agonism can play a role in the induction of psychosis, via a mechanism linked neither to AC nor PLC, and 3) DA D1 antagonists differ in antipsychotic potential, possibly via this unidentified mechanism.  相似文献   

Behavioral effects of terguride, a partial dopamine D2 agonist, on 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)–lesioned parkinsonian cynomolgus monkeys were compared with those of the dopamine agonist apomorphine and the dopamine antagonist haloperidol. Terguride alone ameliorated the parkinsonism without inducing any sign of excitability, irritability, or aggressiveness (hyperactivity). Apomorphine alone also ameliorated the parkinsonism but induced marked hyperactivity. Haloperidol alone caused worsening of the parkinsonism, inducing transient eyelid closure. In combination with apomorphine, terguride suppressed the hyperactivity induced by apomorphine without reducing its antiparkinsonian effets. Pretreatment with haloperidol suppressed both the antiparkinsonian effects and the hyperactivity induced by apomorphine. Terguride thus exhibits both antiparkinsonian and antihyperactivity effects in a monkey model of Parkinson's disease, suggesting that terguride might be beneficial for treating motor dysfunction and dopaminergic psychosis in advanced Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Xu R  Parlow AF  Wang Y 《Brain research》2002,939(1-2):95-99
The dopamine D2 receptor (D2) is involved in the regulation of pituitary hormone secretion. Two isoforms of the D2 receptor, termed D2L and D2S, have been identified. We previously generated D2L knockout mice (D2L-/-), which still express D2S. The present study examined the role of D2S and D2L in spontaneous and drug-induced pituitary hormone secretion. We found that D2L-/- mice had normal serum levels of prolactin and growth hormone. In addition, the antipsychotic drugs haloperidol and clozapine induced a similar dose-dependent increase in serum prolactin in both D2L-/- and wild-type mice. These results suggest that D2S can substitute for the function of D2L in the regulation of pituitary hormone secretion, and that the function of D2S is not dependent on the formation of a receptor heterodimer with D2L.  相似文献   

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