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We measured the levels of serum carotenoids (β–carotene), total tocopherol (vitamin E), ascorbic acid and malondialdehyde (MDA) in newly diagnosed cancer cases. Levels of the antioxidants and MDA in serum samples from 208 subjects with cancer affecting different sites (59 breast, 38 head and neck, 46 genitourinary, 12 lung, 20 gastrointestinal and 33 other sites) were compared with levels in 156 controls. Cases and controls were compared with respect to a number of potentially confounding factors: age, sex, smoking status, Quetelet index (kg/m 2), diet and alcohol intake. Mean (±SD) levels of β–carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C were significantly lower among the cases than the controls (49 35±36 55 μg/1, 0 60±014 mg/dl, 0 40±0 27 mg/dl and 75 31±28 59 mg/dl, 0 98±0 13 mg/dl, 0 88±0 47 mg/dl, respectively) ( P < 0 05). On the other hand, mean levels of MDA were significantly higher among the cases than the controls (6 79±1 22 nmol/ml and 3 52±0 97nmol/ml, respectively) ( P < 0 05). The results obtained suggest that measurement of serum antioxidants and MDA levels may provide further useful information when evaluating cancer patients. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Plasma concentrations of vitamins A and E are positively correlated with those of concurrent lipids and, on the other hand, lipid levels are influenced by apolipoprotein E polymorphism. Therefore, the effect of this polymorphism on both vitamins was analysed in an adult population. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects were recruited from a working population. Their anthropometric, lifestyle and dietary intake variables and menopausal status were recorded. Their apolipoprotein E phenotype and their plasma vitamins A and E (by high-performance liquid chromatography) and lipid (enzymatically) concentrations were determined after an overnight fast. The associations of the phenotype with vitamins and lipids were studied in men and women separately and controlling for significant covariates. RESULTS: The apolipoprotein E phenotype was associated with the concentrations of total, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in women, whereas no associations with lipids were found in men. Vitamin A and vitamin E levels were higher in men than in women, but only the difference in the former persisted after lipid adjustment. Apolipoprotein E2 slightly increased vitamin A levels in women, an effect which was still evident with lipid adjustment. Actually, both the apolipoprotein E phenotype and triglyceride were selected as significant predictors of this vitamin by multiple regression. This phenotype did not affect vitamin E levels in either sex. CONCLUSIONS: Lipids do not mediate the effect of gender on vitamin A levels. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism is an independent determinant of vitamin A levels in women. Pending confirmation by others, we propose that enhancement of this vitamin may contribute to the beneficial impact of the epsilon2 allele on human ageing and health. 相似文献
结论:帕金森病患者抗氧化的酶类及非酶类系统水平均低于正常,随病情进展而加重。早期干预治疗,有可能提高抗氧化水平。 相似文献
目的:探讨不同时期帕金森病患者与正常人体内氧化和抗氧化功能状态及硒、维生素E,C的抗氧化作用。方法:收集2003-03/2005-03大连市友谊医院神经内科门诊与病房帕金森病患者、可能帕金森病患者、健康体检者,共计90例。①帕金森病患者组30例,其中男18例,女12例;年龄43~80岁,平均(66±8.4)岁,病程1~20年。②很可能帕金森病患者30例,男16例,女14例;年龄37~73岁,平均(56±6.3)岁,病程1~12年。③对照组30例,为随机选择的与患者年龄、性别相配的健康人。所有参与者均自愿参加本实验。④受检者首次化验于服药前,清晨空腹时抽取静脉血2mL,采用亚铁嗪显色比色分析法测定血浆维生素C,E,邻苯三酚自氧化抑制法测定超氧化物歧化酶活性,硫代巴比妥酸反应产物比色分析法测定脂质过氧化水平,采用改良的Hafeman法测定谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性,2、3-三氨基萘荧光分光光度法测定硒含量。⑤首次检测后每位受试者服用维生素C,每天服用0.1g,维生素E,每天服用0.1g,古稀胶囊,3次/d,每次3粒,均服用3个月。3个月后,再次检测各组受检者血抗氧化指标。结果:参加实验90例研究对象,均进入结果分析。①服药前,帕金森病组血浆硒、维生素E、C水平,超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性明显低于对照组[(121.8±38.6),(145.6±51)μg/L;(21.2±9.5),(26.8±8.2)μmol/L;(45.2±13.0),(53.6±22.8)μmol/L;(281.7±185),(398.4±181.7)μkat/L;(913.5±216.7),(1020.2±188.4)μkat/L],脂质过氧化水平与对照组比较差异无显著性;可能帕金森病组谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性、硒水平低于对照组[(945.2±183.4)μkat/L,(130.4±42)μg/L],其余指标比较差异无显著性。②服药后,帕金森病组超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性、硒水平[(343.4±126.7)μkat/L,(953.5±133.4)μkat/L,(132.8±42)μg/L]高于服药前,维生素E、C、脂质过氧化水平无变化;可能帕金森病组硒、维生素E、C、超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性水平[(140.2±39)μg/L,(28.9±6.7)μmol/L,(54.3±6.6)μmol/L,(410.1±6.0)μkat/L,(993.5±201.7)μkat/L]高于服药前,脂质过氧化水平无显著变化。结论:帕金森病患者抗氧化的酶类及非酶类系统水平均低于正常,随病情进展而加重。早期干预治疗,有可能提高抗氧化水平。 相似文献
Background: Stress is known to affect synaptic plasticity, dendritic morphology and induces neurotoxic damage in humans, probably through generation of free radicals. Both ex vivo antioxidant vitamins and in vivo free radical scavenging enzymes exist. In the present study, restraint stress induced pro-oxidant status of rat brain was evaluated in terms of measurement of glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) and free radical scavenging enzymes activities. The efficacy of antioxidant vitamins A, E and C alone and in combination was also evaluated in modulating inherent antioxidant system in stressed rats. Methods: Rats were treated with vit A, E and C alone (15 mg/kg of body weight) and in combination vitamins (E and C) prior to and after 6 h of restraint stress exposure. Both nonstressed and stressed rats were handled simultaneously. Pro-oxidant status of brain tissue was evaluated by determining the levels of GSH, TBARS and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione- S-transferase (GST) and catalase (CAT). Results: Restraint stress induced a decrease in the level of GSH and the activities of SOD, GST and catalase, while the levels of TBARS were found elevated. Both pre-stress and post-stress vitamin treatments (either alone or combined) resulted in alteration of these parameters towards their controls values with a relative dominance by latter. Vitamin E was found most effective in restoring inherent antioxidant system, no additive effect was observed in combined vitamin treatment as expected. Conclusion: Immobilization of rats generated oxidative stress in rat brain, by decreasing the activities of SOD, GST, catalase and glutathione levels, while increasing the lipid peroxidation. Post stress vitamin E treatment was found most effective than vitamins A and C in enhancing the levels of glutathione and activities of SOD, GST and catalase and decreasing lipid peroxidation. Thus vitamin E can be given as a nutritional supplement for scavenging free radical generated in the brain tissues in order to reduce oxidative stress. 相似文献
目的:观察维生素C,维生素E和维生素C 维生素E联合后对胚胎中脑神经细胞生长发育的影响。方法:实验于2006-03/04在江苏大学医学院研究中心细胞培养室完成。采用16d大鼠胚胎中脑神经细胞体外培养方法,观察不同剂量的维生素C(5,10,25,50μmol/L),维生素E(10,25,50,100μmol/L)和维生素C、维生素E联合作用(维生素C25μmol/L 维生素E50μmol/L,维生素C50μmol/L 维生素E100μmol/L),培养10d后收集细胞,并利用图像分析细胞形态的变化、蛋白质、丙二醛含量及超氧化物歧化酶活性指标。结果:①维生素C、维生素E和维生素C 维生素E联合能促进体外培养中脑神经细胞突起生长,集落数增多。②与正常对照组比较,维生素C10,25μmol/L组、维生素E10,25,50μmol/L组、维生素C25μmol/L 维生素E50μmol/L组神经细胞总蛋白相对含量明显增加。③与正常对照组比较,维生素C10,25μmol/L组、维生素E25,50μmol/L组、维生素C25μmol/L 维生素E50μmol/L组神经细胞超氧化物酶活性增加,丙二醛含量降低。④维生素C50μmol/L组、维生素E100μmol/L组和维生素C50μmol/L 维生素E100μmol/L组超氧化物酶活性低于正常对照组,丙二醛含量高于正常对照组。结论:维生素C、维生素E和维生素C 维生素E联合剂量在一定范围内能够明显提高中脑神经细胞的抗氧化能力,同时能促进胚胎中脑神经细胞分化和增殖作用。 相似文献
BACKGROUND: As statin therapy has been reported to reduce antioxidants such as vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 and there are indications that this reduction may cause impairment of left ventricular function (LVF), we studied the influence of simvastatin on LVF and serum vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 levels in humans. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We assessed the effect of simvastatin on left ventricular function and coenzyme Q10 levels in 21 (11 male, 10 female) hypercholesterolaemic subjects (mean age = 56 years) with normal LVF, over a period of 6 months. Subjects were re-tested after a 1-month wash-out period (7 months). Echocardiography was performed on all subjects before commencement of simvastatin (20 mg day(-1)), and at 1, 3, 6 and 7 months after initiation of treatment. Fasting blood samples were also collected at these intervals to assess lipids, apoproteins, vitamin E and coenzyme Q10. RESULTS: Serum lipids showed the expected reductions. Plasma vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 levels were reduced by 17 +/- 4% (P < 0.01) and 12 +/- 4% (P < 0.03) at 6 months. However, the coenzyme Q10/LDL-cholesterol ratio and vitamin E/LDL-cholesterol ratio increased significantly. Left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) decreased transiently after 1 month, while no significant change was observed at 3 and 6 months. Other markers of left ventricular function did not change significantly at any time point. CONCLUSION: Despite reduced plasma vitamin E and coenzyme Q10, 20 mg of simvastatin therapy is associated with a significantly increased coenzyme Q10/LDL-cholesterol ratio and vitamin E/LDL-cholesterol ratio. Simvastatin treatment is not associated with impairment in left ventricular systolic or diastolic function in hypercholesterolaemic subjects after 6 months of treatment. 相似文献
目的:观察维生素C和维生素E联合应用对小鼠免疫功能及抗氧化功能的调节作用。方法:实验主要于2004-04/2005-10在承德医学院附属医院中心实验室完成,部分实验在日本千叶大学完成。选择雌性清洁级BALB/c小鼠60只,按随机数字表法分成6组,每组10只。分别为:①正常对照组:每天灌胃生理盐水0.3mL。②联合维生素组:每天灌胃0.3mL生理盐水内含维生素E0.3mg、维生素C1.5mg。③免疫抑制组:小鼠每5d腹腔注射环磷酰胺0.6mg(30mg/kg),共4次,制备免疫功能低下模型。④免疫抑制 维生素C组:每天灌胃0.3mL生理盐水内含维生素C1.5mg。⑤免疫抑制 维生素E组:每天灌胃0.3mL生理盐水内含维生素E0.3mg。⑥免疫抑制 联合维生素组:每天灌胃0.3mL生理盐水内含维生素E0.3mg、维生素C1.5mg。后4组小鼠均制备免疫功能低下模型,方法同免疫抑制组。连续给药20d后,麻醉小鼠断尾取血,处死后取其脾脏、肝脏及肌肉。通过测定小鼠刀豆蛋白A刺激淋巴细胞转化功能(计算刺激指数,刺激指数与淋巴细胞转化能力成正比)、脾细胞产生白细胞介素2的反应活性、天然杀伤细胞活性(酶标仪490nm处测定吸光度值(A),杀伤活性=(A实验组-A总自然释放)/(A正常对照组-A总自然释放)×100%)、血清及肝组织中脂质过氧化物含量、肝脏超氧化物超氧化物活性等指标,评估小鼠免疫功能和抗氧化功能的变化情况。结果:实验过程中免疫抑制组有1只小鼠在给药第17天死亡。①各组小鼠淋巴细胞刺激指数比较:免疫抑制组显著低于正常对照组(59.2%,100%,P<0.01),免疫抑制 联合维生素组显著高于免疫抑制组(105.2%,P<0.01)。②各组小鼠天然杀伤细胞活性比较:免疫抑制 联合维生素组小鼠的天然杀伤细胞活性显著高于免疫抑制组(P<0.01)。③各组小鼠白细胞介素2生成率比较:免疫抑制 维生素E组及免疫抑制 联合维生素组均显著高于免疫抑制组(P<0.01)。④各组小鼠血清及肝组织中脂质过氧化物含量、肝脏超氧化物歧化酶活性比较:免疫抑制组小鼠的血清、肝脏脂质过氧化物含量显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),而免疫抑制 联合维生素组显著低于免疫抑制组(P<0.01)。免疫抑制组小鼠的肝脏超氧化物歧化酶活性显著低于正常对照组(P<0.01),而免疫抑制 联合维生素组显著高于免疫抑制组(P<0.01)。结论:维生素C和维生素E联用可提高小鼠的免疫功能及抗氧化能力。 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Chronic exposure to cement dust has been reported to lead to several health problems. This study was designed to investigate the plasma oxidant and antioxidant status in cement plant workers and control subjects. METHODS: Twenty-eight volunteer male cement plant workers and 30 volunteer office male workers (control) aged 29-54 years participated. The concentration of plasma vitamin C (P-VC), plasma vitamin E (P-VE), plasma malondialdehyde (P-MDA), and the activity of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (E-SOD), plasma glutathione peroxidase (P-GSH-Px), and some serum biochemical parameters were measured in both groups. RESULTS: The levels of MDA (175%), ALT (61%), and AST (39%) were significantly increased, while total RBC count (12%), Hb (11%) vitamin E (51%), C (35%), SOD (44%), and GSH-Px (51%) activities were markedly decreased, and the levels of urea, protein, and albumin triglyceride and cholesterol were almost the same in cement plant workers versus the control subjects. CONCLUSION: Cement workers are exposed to more oxidative stress compared to control subjects. To overcome these oxidative stresses, supplementation of antioxidant vitamins, such as alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid, may be beneficial. In addition, proper precaution to protect workers could prevent serious health problems. 相似文献
Forty-eight rats were divided into four groups of 12. For 3 days, each group received the following vitamins in once-daily doses: group 1, vitamin E only; group 2, vitamin C only; group 3, vitamins E and C; and group 4, no treatment (control). The right tibia of each rat was fractured on day 4; the rats then received the same regimen three times a week (once-daily doses) until day 21. Fracture healing was evaluated radiologically by measuring the callus indices, and histologically by a 5-point grading scale. On days 14 and 21, the callus index values in group 2 were statistically higher than those in the other groups. Histological evaluation scores in group 2 were the highest overall, and group 3 scores were higher than those in groups 1 and 4. These findings indicate that vitamin C accelerates fracture healing, vitamin E does not exert a marked effect on this process, and vitamins E and C in combination do not have a synergistic impact on fracture healing. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the literature on supplemental vitamin C and vitamin E therapy in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). DATA SOURCES: Literature retrieval was accessed through MEDLINE (1966-March 2005) using the key words antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (1970-March 2005), Current Contents (1996-March 2005), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1994-March 2005), and Ebsco's Academic Search Elite (1975-March 2005) were searched with the same key words. STUDY SELECTION AND DATA EXTRACTION: Articles related to the objective that were identified through PubMed were included. DATA SYNTHESIS: Oral supplementation of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (D-alfa-tocopherol acetate) alone and in combination have been shown to decrease oxidative DNA damage in animal studies in vivo, in vitro, and in situ. Recent results of a prospective observational study (n = 4740) suggest that the combined use of vitamin E 400 IU daily and vitamin C 500 mg daily for at least 3 years was associated with the reduction of AD prevalence (OR 0.22; 95% CI 0.05 to 0.60) and incidence (HR 0.36; 95% CI 0.09 to 0.99). Contradicting this is a previous prospective observational study (n = 980) evaluating the relationship between 4 years of vitamin C and E intake and the incidence of AD, which detected no difference in the incidence of AD during the 4-year follow-up. Recent meta-analysis results suggest that doses of vitamin E > or =400 IU daily for more than one year are associated with increased all-cause mortality. Mega-trial results suggest that vitamin E doses > or =400 IU daily for 6.9 years in patients with preexisting vascular disease or diabetes mellitus increase the incidence of heart failure, with no other outcome benefits noted. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trials documenting benefits that outweigh recently documented morbidity and mortality risks, vitamin E supplements should not be recommended for primary or secondary prevention of AD. Although the risks of taking high doses of vitamin C are lower than those with vitamin E, the lack of consistent efficacy data for vitamin C in preventing or treating AD should discourage its routine use for this purpose. 相似文献
Introduction: Vitamins E and C are well known small molecules that have been used to maintain health for decades. Recent studies of the cellular and molecular pathways leading to immunomodulation by these molecules have been of interest, as have their anti-oxidant properties and signal transduction pathways for curing or improving infectious diseases and cancer. Areas covered: Herein, the authors provide a definition and the structural classification of vitamins E and C and how these molecules influence cellular function. The studies include in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo studies in animal models as well as clinical trials. The authors give particular focus to the scientifically factual and putative roles of these molecules in innate and adaptive immunomodulation and prevention or cure of diseases. Expert opinion: The antioxidant properties of vitamins E and C are well studied. However, whether there is a link between their antioxidant and immunomodulation properties is unclear. In addition, there is a strong, albeit putative, prevailing notion that vitamin C can prevent or cure infectious diseases or cancer. Presently, while there is proven evidence that vitamin E possesses immunomodulatory properties that may play a positive role in disease outcomes, this evidence is less available for vitamin C. 相似文献
目的观察完全胃肠外营养(TPN)添加维生素A、E、C对腹腔感染后抗氧化能力的影响。方法采用盲肠结扎加穿孔(CLP)模型,将SD大鼠随机分为对照组(CLP TPN)、治疗组(CLP TPN 维生素A、E、C)、延迟治疗组(CLP TPN 延迟应用维生素A、E、C),于术后当天以及第1、3、5天观察血浆及肝组织中维生素含量及丙二醛(MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的变化。结果 CLP对照组维生素A、E、 C及GSH明显低于正常对照,MDA显著高于正常对照;治疗组和延迟治疗组维生素A、E、C及GSH显著高于对照组,但延迟治疗组低于治疗组;治疗组和延迟治疗组MDA明显低于对照组,但延迟治疗组高于治疗组。结论 TPN添加维生素A、E、C能改善腹腔感染后机体的抗氧化能力,减轻脂质过氧化损伤。 相似文献