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本文分析目的是根据冠脉造影对比动态心电图ST-T改变估价其对冠心病的诊断价值。在36例冠脉造影病例中,23例临床诊断为冠心病,其造影阳性结果为16例(69.6%),其它高血压、病态窦房结综合征等13例的造影均阴性。本组23例冠心病患者9例(39.1%)有动态心电图ST-T改变,其表现为ST段水平型压低0.15—0.2mV或T波对称性减低≥0.2mV。其冠状动脉造影均显示为中-重度狭窄,而呈轻度狭窄者未见动态心电图改变。1例高血压患者的ST段水平型压低0.3mV,但冠状动脉造影阴性。因此动态心电图的ST-T改变是非特异  相似文献   

目的:通过动态心电图观察一过性ST段抬高对变异性心绞痛冠脉病变的诊断价值。方法;对28例动态心电图有一过性ST段抬高患者行冠状动脉造影检查。结果:28例变异性心绞通患者中,冠脉造影检查示冠状动脉伴有意义狭窄者共26例,其中狭窄>75%者达19例(占68%);>75%狭窄者:ST段抬高在>0.2 mV,≤0.2 mV者中分别占85%(17/20),25%(2/8),二者差异显著(P<0.05);在ST段抬高最长持续叶间<3分钟者,≥3分钟者中分别占36%(4/11),88%(15/17),二者差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:变异性心绞痛更易于在有病变的冠状动脉上发生,当冠脉痉挛发生时,ST抬高的时间、高度与冠脉狭窄的程度呈正相关。  相似文献   

探讨肥厚型心肌病 (HCM )伴胸痛的诊断与治疗。本组 18例HCM ,临床上均有典型心绞痛发作并伴心电图 (ECG)ST T缺血改变。行冠状动脉造影 (CAG)检查 ,造影示冠状动脉正常 11例 ,狭窄Ⅱ级 2例 ,Ⅲ级 5例。其中 1例回旋支 90 %狭窄 ,行经皮冠状动脉内成形术 (PTCA)成功 ,4例前降支心肌桥压迫冠状动脉 ,收缩期狭窄 >75% ,舒张期正常。外科行肌桥松解术或冠脉旁路移植术 ,术后病人心绞痛消失 ,ECG改善。随访 6个月至 3年效果良好。HCM伴胸痛 ,ECG显示明显缺血 ,药物治疗反应差者应行CAG检查 ,如有心肌桥压迫冠状动脉血管或粥样硬化狭窄者 ,应行介入治疗或外科手术治疗  相似文献   

目的探讨不稳定型心绞痛并发的室性心动过速(简称室速)特点以及经皮冠状动脉(简称冠脉)介入治疗对其的影响。方法对10例不稳定型心绞痛患者并发的室速,通过心电图观察室速发生前ST段的变化。行冠脉造影及介入治疗,了解室速特点与冠脉病变的关系。通过临床随访包括动态心电图观察室速发作情况。结果6例变异型心绞痛患者并发的室速在冠脉闭塞期出现,均为单一前降支病变;4例混合型心绞痛患者并发的室速,2例出现在ST段压低最深时,另2例则出现ST段逐渐变浅时,均为多支冠脉病变。10例均成功地接受了介入治疗。在10个月至4.1年的随访过程中,10例均未出现室速和临床再狭窄。结论不稳定型心绞痛并发的室速可能是缺血及再灌注损伤引起,ST段下移所致室速的患者冠脉病变可能更为复杂、严重。介入治疗可控制这类室速的发作。  相似文献   

本文3例患者冠状动脉(冠脉)回旋支为缺血相关血管,而心电图示胸前导联ST段压低,酷似冠脉前降支病变,现报道如下: 1 临床资料 病例1:患者男性,75岁,主因发作性胸痛16年,加重1天入院.患者16年前诊为"急性下壁、正后壁心肌梗死",予药物治疗,1997年行冠脉旁路移植术.入院前1天患者发作胸痛,症状发作时心电图示V1~6ST段广泛压低0.3~0.6 mV,缓解后ST段恢复至基线,因患者拒绝急诊介入治疗而行主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)治疗,期间仍有反复的心绞痛和心力衰竭(心衰)发作,行冠脉造影,结果示左主干70%狭窄,前降支近端100%闭塞,回旋支开口90%狭窄,第一钝缘支90%狭窄,右冠脉100%闭塞,左乳内动脉桥血管通畅,其余桥血管闭塞.  相似文献   

X综合征患者运动负荷时左室收缩和舒张功能的评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1967年,Likoff等将冠(状动)脉造影未见异常但有心绞痛发作且运动心电图示缺血性改变者,命名为X综合征。 54.8±7.5岁的16(男7、女9)例X综合征患者(X组),造影未见冠脉狭窄50%以上也无室壁活动异常,运动诱发心绞痛伴ST段下垂型或水平型压低0.2mV以上。53.1±7.0岁的9(男8、女1)例劳力型心绞痛患者(AP组)造影示单支狭窄75%以上。50.5±8.0岁的18(男9、女4)例正常对照者(NC  相似文献   

目的观察运动诱发心电图ST段抬高的无心肌梗死(MI)者6例,探讨其冠状动脉(冠脉)病变特点。方法对无MI而运动诱发心电图ST段抬高的患者进行静息心电图、运动试验及冠脉造影检查,运动试验采用Bruce方案。结果在3002例行运动试验检查者中,有6例未患MI而运动诱发心绞痛伴心电图ST段抬高,发生率为0.2%。相应导联ST段抬高0.1~0.6mV,停止运动后心绞痛症状消失,ST段恢复正常。6例中,1例冠状动脉正常;余5例冠脉均有严重狭窄(70%~95%),ST段抬高导联与缺血相关血管有良好的对应关系,近期内行冠脉介入治疗效果良好,术后症状消失。多次复查运动试验,结果均阴性。结论无MI者运动诱发心电图ST段抬高多提示心肌透壁缺血,冠脉病变重,应采取积极的治疗措施。  相似文献   

目的为了明确活动平板试验与冠状动脉狭窄程度以及形成侧支循环的关系。方法选择冠状动脉造影阳性且造影1周前后作活动平板试验者80例,冠状动脉造影以通用直径法确定冠状动脉抉窄程度并与活动平板试验中心电活动改变对比观察。结果平板运动中ST段下移出现越早,下移程度越大,持续时间越长,冠状动脉狭窄程度越重;相反ST段下移出现晚,下移程度小,提示冠状动脉病变程度轻。冠状动脉造影阳性而平板运动试验阴性者多,多为单支或轻度病变,或因侧支循环形成支数多。结论活动平板运动试验可估计冠状动脉狭窄程度,对门诊常规心电图正常但已有冠脉狭窄的患者可预防或减少院外猝死的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析左主干、前降支近端或三支病变冠心病心绞痛患者的心电图改变。方法13例冠脉造影诊断为左主干、前降支近端或三支病变的患者,对其静息时、心绞痛发作时心电图有无aVR、V1导联的ST段抬高及临床资料进行分析。结果胸痛发作时11例出现了aVR、V1导联典型改变,静息时2例aVR、V1导联改变。结论心电图aVR、V1导联ST段抬高,尤其STaVR〉STV1,V4~V6导联ST段下移,合并Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联或Ⅰ、Ⅱ导联ST段下移与冠脉左主干、前降支近端严重狭窄及三支病变有良好的相关性。  相似文献   

对象是心超声图诊断为肥厚型心肌病(HCM)患者24例,以及冠状动脉造影确定有重要狭窄的劳力型心绞痛(EA)患者63例。前者运动负荷出现ST下移14例,其中4例作了冠状动脉造影为无明显狭窄,另10例运动负荷心肌闪烁摄影阴性.根据Bruce方案行踏板运动负荷试验,以出现进行性加剧的心绞痛、下肢疲劳,呼吸困难等限制性症状作为运动终点。探讨V_5、aVF有无ST下移超过0.1mV及运动中和恢复期ST下移的变化。  相似文献   

目的观察变异型心绞痛患者12导联24h动态心电图ST段改变与冠状动脉造影提示冠状动脉狭窄的相关性。方法对25例动态心电图显示ST段抬高的变异型心绞痛患者进行冠状动脉造影检查,将两者结果进行对比分析。结果 25例动态心电图发现与症状相关的ST段抬高的患者中,17例患者68%冠状动脉造影证实存在>50%冠状动脉狭窄动态心电图判断的痉挛血管、LAD20例、LCX2例,RCA4例,其中1例LAD及RCA同时发生。其中动态心电图提示LAD痉挛的20例患者,8例未见冠状动脉存在>50%以上狭窄。对于7例双支或多支病变者,仅有1例动态心电图诊断与CAG结果完全符合。结论动态心电图ST段改变对变异性心绞痛诊断有重要价值,此类患者常合并有冠状动脉病变,以LAD最多见。  相似文献   

A patient presenting with unstable angina due to severe stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery encountered 6 episodes with ST segment depressions greater than or equal to 0.1 mV during frequency-modulated Holter monitoring. Four episodes were associated with anginal pain, 2 were asymptomatic. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was performed. During balloon inflations horizontal ST segment depressions occurred. After successful PTCA, the patient remained asymptomatic and no significant ST segment changes were detected by Holter monitoring. Thus, by frequency-modulated Holter monitoring before, during, and after PTCA, the ischaemic cause of episodes with ST segment depressions greater than or equal to 0.1 mV could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

冠心病患者心肌缺血与睡眠呼吸紊乱的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨因胸痛行冠状动脉造影的患者夜间心肌缺血的发生情况及其与睡眠呼吸紊乱的关系。方法 随机选择行冠状动脉造影的患者男性 82例 ,女性 14例 ,进行整夜睡眠监测及动态心电图 (Holter)检查 ,观察睡眠呼吸紊乱 (氧减饱和≥ 4 %及呼吸暂停或低通气 )、心率及 ST段下降情况。结果  37% (36 / 96 )的患者夜间发生 ST段下降 ,17% (16 / 96 )的患者至少有一次的 ST段下降出现在呼吸暂停或氧减饱和发生后 2 min之内。与呼吸事件有关联的 ST段下降的比率为 2 1% (41/ 195 ) ,并且此种 ST段下降在男性患者及较严重的呼吸紊乱患者中更为常见(P<0 .0 5 )。 73% (30 / 4 1)这样的 ST段下降之前都有一系列的呼吸事件 :反复的呼吸暂停和 /或氧减饱和。结论 有胸痛病史的患者更容易发生夜间心肌缺血。只有少数患者夜间心肌缺血的发生与睡眠呼吸紊乱之间有暂时性的关联 ,且更易发生在男性及较严重的睡眠呼吸紊乱患者之中  相似文献   

Myocardial infarctions may be associated with reduced but persistent blood flow to the infarct zone. We developed clinical criteria to select patients likely to have persistent perfusion to the infarct zone in the setting of acute myocardial infarction. Twenty-four consecutive patients with fluctuating pain and/or ST segment elevation who presented within 24 hours of the onset of infarction were studied with coronary angiography followed by direct percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. Sixty-seven percent of patients had residual flow to the infarct territory. Eighteen patients had repeat angiography on day 9.4 +/- 4.1, and all arteries were patent (21% +/- 12% stenosis). Ejection fraction had risen from 50.0% +/- 15% to 54.0% +/- 14% (p less than 0.05). At follow-up (9.1 +/- 4.6 months), one patient died of noncardiac causes, and five redeveloped angina and underwent repeat procedures. Patients with fluctuating symptoms and/or ST segments are likely to have residual flow to the infarct zone, and late angioplasty may improve ventricular function in this group.  相似文献   

A 12 lead electrocardiogram was recorded during treadmill exercise in 57 patients with variant angina in whom coronary angiography was performed. Thirty six patients performed exercise tests with and without calcium antagonists, and 21 performed them only with calcium antagonists. In 55 patients calcium antagonists had prevented spontaneous attacks of variant angina for more than two days before the test. The other two patients were given a single dose of diltiazem (90 mg) two hours before the test. Exercise testing without calcium antagonists induced ST segment elevation with chest pain in nine patients, ST segment depression in 10 (nine with chest pain), and no important shift of the ST segment in 17. Five patients had severe coronary stenosis (greater than or equal to 75%) and all of them showed positive response. Thirty one patients had no important coronary stenosis and 14 of them showed positive response. The sensitivity of the exercise test in detecting a coronary stenosis greater than or equal to 75% was 100% without calcium antagonists but the specificity was low (55%). When the exercise test was done in patients taking calcium antagonists, only two (specificity 96%) of 48 patients without severe coronary stenosis showed positive response (elevation of ST segment in one and depression in another) whereas all nine patients with severe coronary stenosis had a positive response (depression of ST segment in six and elevation in three (sensitivity 100%). It is concluded that exercise testing with calcium antagonists may be a useful method for detecting severe coronary stenosis in patients with variant angina.  相似文献   

A 12 lead electrocardiogram was recorded during treadmill exercise in 57 patients with variant angina in whom coronary angiography was performed. Thirty six patients performed exercise tests with and without calcium antagonists, and 21 performed them only with calcium antagonists. In 55 patients calcium antagonists had prevented spontaneous attacks of variant angina for more than two days before the test. The other two patients were given a single dose of diltiazem (90 mg) two hours before the test. Exercise testing without calcium antagonists induced ST segment elevation with chest pain in nine patients, ST segment depression in 10 (nine with chest pain), and no important shift of the ST segment in 17. Five patients had severe coronary stenosis (greater than or equal to 75%) and all of them showed positive response. Thirty one patients had no important coronary stenosis and 14 of them showed positive response. The sensitivity of the exercise test in detecting a coronary stenosis greater than or equal to 75% was 100% without calcium antagonists but the specificity was low (55%). When the exercise test was done in patients taking calcium antagonists, only two (specificity 96%) of 48 patients without severe coronary stenosis showed positive response (elevation of ST segment in one and depression in another) whereas all nine patients with severe coronary stenosis had a positive response (depression of ST segment in six and elevation in three (sensitivity 100%). It is concluded that exercise testing with calcium antagonists may be a useful method for detecting severe coronary stenosis in patients with variant angina.  相似文献   

The effects of coronary artery bypass graft operation were studied in 32 patients with daytime ambulatory ST segment changes and 14 patients with daytime and nocturnal angina and ST segment changes. Patients had ambulatory ST segment monitoring and exercise testing before and after operation and coronary arteriography was repeated in 34 patients after operation. Before operation, patients with daytime and nocturnal ischaemia tended to have more severe coronary artery disease, lower exercise tolerance, and more frequent ambulatory ST segment changes than those who had daytime ST segment changes only. After operation chest pain recurred in 22% of patients and ST segment depression during exercise testing or ambulatory ST segment monitoring recurred in 37% of the patients and was significantly more frequent in those with nocturnal ischaemia than in those with daytime ischaemia. Graft patency rates were similar in patients with and those without recurrence of ischaemia. After operation the frequency and magnitude of ST segment changes and exercise duration were improved in patients with preoperative daytime angina and also in those with daytime and nocturnal angina. The improvement was more pronounced in the latter groups. Thus, absence of postoperative angina is not a reliable indicator of the absence of reversible myocardial ischaemia. After revascularisation, patients with rest and nocturnal angina can expect relief from ischaemia, and if this recurs postoperatively, the threshold is improved and pain usually occurs only on exertion.  相似文献   

The effects of coronary artery bypass graft operation were studied in 32 patients with daytime ambulatory ST segment changes and 14 patients with daytime and nocturnal angina and ST segment changes. Patients had ambulatory ST segment monitoring and exercise testing before and after operation and coronary arteriography was repeated in 34 patients after operation. Before operation, patients with daytime and nocturnal ischaemia tended to have more severe coronary artery disease, lower exercise tolerance, and more frequent ambulatory ST segment changes than those who had daytime ST segment changes only. After operation chest pain recurred in 22% of patients and ST segment depression during exercise testing or ambulatory ST segment monitoring recurred in 37% of the patients and was significantly more frequent in those with nocturnal ischaemia than in those with daytime ischaemia. Graft patency rates were similar in patients with and those without recurrence of ischaemia. After operation the frequency and magnitude of ST segment changes and exercise duration were improved in patients with preoperative daytime angina and also in those with daytime and nocturnal angina. The improvement was more pronounced in the latter groups. Thus, absence of postoperative angina is not a reliable indicator of the absence of reversible myocardial ischaemia. After revascularisation, patients with rest and nocturnal angina can expect relief from ischaemia, and if this recurs postoperatively, the threshold is improved and pain usually occurs only on exertion.  相似文献   

A prospective study of 111 patients who underwent repeat coronary angiography and exercise thallium-201 scintigraphy 6 +/- 2 months after complete revascularization by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was performed to assess whether clinical, procedure-related and postangioplasty exercise variables yield independent information for the prediction of angiographic restenosis after angioplasty. Complete revascularization was defined as successful angioplasty of one or more vessels that resulted in no residual coronary lesion with greater than 50% diameter stenosis. Restenosis was defined as a residual stenosis at the time of repeat angiography of greater than 50% of luminal diameter. Restenosis occurred in 40% of the patients. The 111 patients were randomly subdivided into a learning group (n = 84) and a testing group (n = 27). A logistic discriminant analysis was performed in the learning group and the logistic model was used to estimate a logistic probability of restenosis. This probability of restenosis was validated in the testing group. In the learning group of 84 patients univariate analysis of 39 factors revealed 8 factors related to restenosis: recurrence of angina (p less than 0.0001), postangioplasty abnormal finding on exercise thallium-201 scintigram (p less than 0.0001), exercise thallium-201 scintigram score (p less than 0.0001), difference between exercise and rest ST segment depression (p less than 0.001), postangioplasty exercise ST segment depression (p less than 0.001), absolute postangioplasty stenosis diameter (p less than 0.003), postangioplasty exercise work load (p less than 0.03) and postangioplasty exercise heart rate (p less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two hundred patients (mean age 56 years, range 36 to 74) with unstable angina (chest pain at rest, associated with ST-T changes) underwent coronary angioplasty. In 65 patients with multivessel disease, only the "culprit" lesion was dilated. The initial success rate was 89.5% (179 of 200 patients). At least one major procedure-related complication occurred in 21 patients (10.5%): (death in 1, myocardial infarction in 16 and urgent surgery in 18). All patients were followed up for 2 years. Five patients died late; 8 had a late nonfatal myocardial infarction and 52 had recurrence of angina pectoris. The restenosis rate was 32% (51 of 158) in the patients with initial successful angioplasty who had repeat angiography. At the 2 year follow-up, after attempted coronary angioplasty in all 200 patients, the total incidence rate of death was 3% (one procedure related; five late deaths), of nonfatal myocardial infarction 12% (16 procedure related and 8 late after angioplasty), and 13% (26 patients) were still symptomatic although they had improved in functional class. Multivariate analysis showed that variables indicating an increased risk 1) for major procedure-related complications were: ST segment elevation, persistent negative T wave and stenosis greater than or equal to 65% (odds ratio 3.7, 3.7 and 3.3, respectively); 2) for angiographic restenosis were: presence of collateral vessels, ST segment depression, multivessel disease, left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis and history of recent onset of symptoms (odds ratio: 2.2, 2.0, 1.9, 1.9 and 0.54, respectively); and 3) for late coronary events (recurrence of angina, late myocardial infarction or late death) were: multivessel disease, total occluded vessel and ST segment elevation (odds ratio 3.7, 2.8 and 0.44, respectively). Thus, coronary angioplasty for unstable angina can be performed with a high initial success rate, but at an increased risk of major complications. The prognosis is favorable after initial successful coronary angioplasty.  相似文献   

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